Marine Research and Whale Shark Conservation Tofo, Mozambique All Out Africa
Work in the field to help Whale Shark conservation!
Short-Term Dolphin Care Assistant Maputo, Mozambique Dolphin Encountours Research Center
Experience Mozambique in 30 Days. Volunteers can expect to have regular in-water encounters with wild dolphins while collecting and entering baseline data.
Marine Conservation and Coral Planting Assistant Nacala, Mozambique Mulala Marine Sanctuary
The program is an amazing Marine Conservation Project not only aimed at the ocean but also at uplifting fishing communities dependant on the ocean for their livelihood.
Long-term DolphinCare Assistant 90N Maputo, Mozambique Dolphin Encountours Research Center
Volunteer stays offers a unique opportunity for one to gain hands on experience that focuses on marine mammals that focuses on dolphins.

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