Sea turtle and wildlife conservation trip Santa Maria Tonameca, Mexico Tartarukus
15 days for experience Mexican life as a local travelling along Oaxaca coast & protecting turtles, marine fauna, deers, jungle wildlife, educating children, and more!
Shark Internship La Paz, Mexico Shark Research Mexico
Our shark internship program offers a unique experience and platform for volunteers to gain hands on field experience working with sharks.
Dog Rescue Center Supporter Puerto Escondido, Mexico WORLD CHANGERS MEXICO
World Changers focuses on providing wellness to vulnerable communities from Puerto Escondido, Mexico
Horseback riding and ecotourism assistant Santa Maria Tonameca, Mexico Tartarukus
Be part of a traditional coastal community surrounded by horses living in freedom. Support with respectful environmental activities and connect with horses and nature.
Conservation and Protection of Sea Turtles Oaxaca, Mexico Adventure Volunteer
The aim is to raise awareness among the population near the beaches about the conservation and protection of endangered species.
Dog Shelter Supporter Puerto Escondido, Mexico Perros en Puerto
With currently over 100 dogs PEP needs a lot of help with the daily work, such as feeding and walking, maintaining the shelters and finding new loving homes for our dogs.
Turtle Conservation Supporter San Pedro Huamelula, Mexico Tartarukus
Support the community to strengthen ecotourism from protecting turtles, to empowering children to protecting nature living in front of the Pacific Ocean!
Whale Monitoring Supporter Puerto Ángel, Mexico Tartarukus
Learn about whale populations crossing Oaxaca coast, collaborating with biologists and locals. Dolphins, turtles and snorkeling above corals, will be part of your life!

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