a partire da 960€

Perfetto 4.6rating (35)

Buddhism Immersion Experience

1 - 24 settimane  ·  Età 18 - 50+

rating  Perfetto 4.6  · 
  Verificato da Volunteer World
  Tasso di risposta moderato

Punti Salienti

  • Create cultural exchange opportunities through our efforts with the locals.
  • Give you some practical experience in light construction and renovation work.
  • Support the local Thai community by improving their living standards with our construction and renovation efforts.

Particolarmente adatto per

Età 18+

Sul programma

Experience the transformative traditions of Thai Buddhism through ancient rituals, meditation, chanting, immersing yourself in the rich spirituality and personal growth.

In this program, you will have the remarkable chance to engage in the ancient ritual of offering alms to the Monks, which takes place in the morning. This practice holds great significance in Thai culture and Buddhism, symbolizing generosity, respect, and support for the Monastic community. By ...

Sul programma

In this program, you will have the remarkable chance to engage in the ancient ritual of offering alms to the Monks, which takes place in the morning. This practice holds great significance in Thai culture and Buddhism, symbolizing generosity, respect, and support for the Monastic community. By participating in this ritual, you will not only observe but actively contribute to a time-honored tradition that has been passed down for centuries.

Additionally, in the evening, you will have the opportunity to partake in uplifting meditation and chanting sessions. Meditation is a fundamental practice in Buddhism, offering a pathway to inner peace, mindfulness, and self-discovery. Guided by revered spiritual leaders, you will learn techniques to calm the mind, cultivate awareness, and deepen your connection to the present moment.

In the Thai Buddhism program, you will embark on a cultural immersion journey that delves into the rich traditions and religious practices of Thailand. By actively engaging in various activities, you will gain a profound understanding of Buddhism, have the chance to assist monks in their daily routines, and deepen your own spiritual journey through meditation practices.

During your time in the program, you will visit a temple where knowledgeable monks will share their wisdom and teachings in English. Your assigned coordinator will be available to help overcome any language barriers and provide support throughout your experience.

The program caters to individuals of all levels of experience, whether you are new to Buddhism or have prior knowledge. The daily routine at the temple begins early in the morning with chanting and a meditation session. Following this, you will witness the tradition of alms-giving, where the monks receive offerings from the local community. Afterward, a communal breakfast will be enjoyed at the temple.

Giornata tipica

Participants will receive an introduction to Buddhism and Thai meditation techniques, followed by guided meditation sessions. You will learn various methods to cultivate mindfulness, such as breath-focused meditation, and explore different postures including sitting, walking, and lying down. This ...

Giornata tipica

Participants will receive an introduction to Buddhism and Thai meditation techniques, followed by guided meditation sessions. You will learn various methods to cultivate mindfulness, such as breath-focused meditation, and explore different postures including sitting, walking, and lying down. This exploration will help you find the posture that best suits your practice.

Lunch is served at around 11:00, as Buddhist monks typically have their main meal during this time and refrain from eating after midday. Participants can choose whether or not to have dinner. In the afternoon, there will be additional meditation practice for 1-2 hours, followed by free time to continue personal meditation or assist with temple chores.

In the evening, there will be chanting and meditation sessions with the monks, creating a serene and contemplative atmosphere. After the practice, you will have the opportunity to engage in discussions and ask questions directly to the monks, deepening your understanding of Buddhism.

Attività del tempo libero

Chiang Mai, a charming city in northern Thailand, is renowned for its rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and diverse range of activities. Here are some activities you can enjoy in Chiang Mai:

  • Explore ancient temples: Chiang Mai is home to numerous breathtaking temples, each with its own ...

Attività del tempo libero

Chiang Mai, a charming city in northern Thailand, is renowned for its rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and diverse range of activities. Here are some activities you can enjoy in Chiang Mai:

  • Explore ancient temples: Chiang Mai is home to numerous breathtaking temples, each with its own unique architectural style and history. Visit the iconic Wat Phra That Doi Suthep, situated on a mountain offering panoramic views of the city, or explore the intricate artwork and peaceful atmosphere of Wat Chedi Luang and Wat Phra Singh.
  • Vibrant night markets: Immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere of Chiang Mai's night markets. The most famous is the Sunday Walking Street Market, where you can browse through a vast array of local handicrafts, artwork, clothing, and try delicious street food. The Saturday Night Market on Wualai Road is another must-visit for its vibrant stalls and cultural performances.
  • Traditional Thai cooking classes: Learn the art of Thai cuisine by joining a cooking class. Discover the secrets of Thai flavors and techniques as you prepare and savor classic dishes like Pad Thai, Green Curry, and Tom Yum soup. Many classes also include a visit to local markets to select fresh ingredients.
  • Spa and wellness treatments: Indulge in relaxation and rejuvenation with traditional Thai massages and spa treatments. Chiang Mai is renowned for its wellness offerings, including herbal steam baths, hot stone therapy, and herbal compress massages. Treat yourself to a blissful pampering session in one of the city's renowned spas.
  • Trekking in the mountains: Venture into the picturesque mountains surrounding Chiang Mai and embark on a trekking adventure. Hike through lush jungles, encounter local hill tribes, and discover hidden waterfalls. You can choose from a variety of trekking options, ranging from half-day excursions to multi-day treks with overnight stays in remote villages.
  • Cultural experiences: Immerse yourself in Thai culture by attending traditional festivals and engaging with local communities. Chiang Mai hosts the Yi Peng Lantern Festival and the Songkran Water Festival, where you can witness vibrant parades, traditional dances, and participate in joyful water fights. You can also visit local hill tribes to learn about their unique traditions and way of life.

    Chiang Mai offers an incredible blend of historical sites, natural beauty, cultural experiences, and warm hospitality. Whether you're seeking adventure, relaxation, or a deeper understanding of Thai culture, this vibrant city has something for everyone to enjoy.



Età minima: 18 anni

Per partecipare al programma è necessario avere almeno 18 anni alla data di inizio del programma. Potrebbero esserci delle esenzioni se si è in grado di fornire il permesso del proprio tutore legale o se si è accompagnati dai propri genitori.

Competenze linguistiche

È necessario parlare di Inglese (livello base) o Inglese (livello intermedio)

Controllo dei precedenti penali


Documenti necessari

Police check (or equivalent) showing that you have no previous criminal convictions

Restrizioni sulla nazionalità

Nessuna restrizione. Gli aiuti da tutto il mondo sono benvenuti.

Altre competenze

Be keen and enthusiastic to learn about Buddhism

Impegno di tempo

Il vostro aiuto sarà richiesto lunedì, martedì, mercoledì, giovedì e venerdì

Servizi inclusi

Servizi inclusi

Servizi per Global Nomadic

Project Fee includes: 

  • accommodation
  • airport pickup
  • orientation
  • in-country support
  • project activities
  • 3 meals per day (2 meals on weekends)
Private rooms are available for an additional €100 per week.

Prelievo dall'aeroporto a Chiang Mai International Airport

You will be met at the airport by a project representative and brought to the project HQ upon arrival.


During your stay in Chiang Mai, you will be provided with comfortable accommodation that offers standard facilities to ensure a pleasant stay. Accommodations at the temple will be simple, with basic amenities provided such as a mattress, pillow, and blanket.
The accommodation includes amenities such as WiFi, allowing you to stay connected, hot showers for your comfort, and fans to keep you cool in the tropical climate of Chiang Mai.

Cibo e Bevande

  • 3 meals per day 
  • 2 meals on weekends

Accesso a Internet

Buon accesso al sito del progetto

Cosa NON è incluso?

Cosa NON è incluso?

Biglietti aerei

L'aeroporto più vicino è Chiang Mai International Airport (CNX) a Chiang Mai. Vi aiutiamo a trovare voli economici per Thailandia. TROVARE VOLI ECONOMICI

Assicurazione di viaggio

Andare all'estero è un'avventura ed è sempre meglio essere preparati. Malattia o infortunio improvviso, annullamento o furto: un'assicurazione di viaggio per Thailandia offre sicurezza ed è un vantaggio da avere. OTTENERE UN PREZZO


Se avete intenzione di fare volontariato a Thailandia dovete chiedere un parere medico prima di iniziare il vostro viaggio sociale. Controllare le vaccinazioni richieste per Thailandia. CHECKER PER I VACCINI

Dettagli all'arrivo

You will be met at the airport by a project representative and brought to the project HQ upon arrival.
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Tariffe del programma

1 settimana (soggiorno min.) 960€
3 settimane 1.440€
4 settimane 1.920€
5 settimane 2.399€
7 settimane 3.359€
9 settimane 4.319€
24 settimane (soggiorno max.) 11.517€
Tariffe medie 719€/settimana

Tariffe del programma

719€ tariffe settimanali 1 - 24 settimane Età 18 - 50+

Modalità di pagamento

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



1 - 24 settimane


Il deposito serve semplicemente a prenotare il vostro posto di volontario. I pagamenti sono gestiti da PayPal, il nostro fornitore globale di fiducia. Se non avete un conto PayPal, potete pagare anche con carta di credito.

Pagamento Finale

Il pagamento finale sarà concordato con Global Nomadic durante il processo di candidatura. Le soluzioni più comuni sono il bonifico bancario o il pagamento in contanti presso la sede del progetto.

Incontra il tuo ospite

Global Nomadic

Perfetto 4.6 rating (35 recensioni)

Agenzia - fondata nel 2009

Verificato da Volunteer World

  Tasso di risposta moderato

Ospitato da


Sul progetto

We believe real change can happen when people find life-enhancing opportunities.

Incontra il tuo ospite

Who we are

Global Nomadic empowers positive change by connecting people with projects

Global Nomadic was founded in 2008 with one clear goal – to empower change by connecting people. We believe real change can only come about when people are able to find the right opportunities with the right organisations. Over the past years, we have grown to offer high-quality international internships in a wide range of professional fields, but our aim is still the same; connecting people with projects.

We provide aspiring young professionals with exactly what is needed to set them apart in the very competitive world we live in. We exist to help you further your career through educational international work experience placements, but also to help NGOs around the world carry out their community-building work, by connecting them with you. By working with local NGOs, charities, and communities you will gain excellent experience and valuable skills, aiding you to further your ambitions – whilst making a difference where it’s needed most.

This world is not a perfect place – and we don’t claim to be able to fix it. But what we can do is provide a bridge between you and the people who can. Our mission is to work towards a better and more stable world by connecting people with projects. We believe we work better together than apart. We believe travel and exposure to other cultures, beliefs and ways of life are the best ways to achieve this. We believe you can travel the world and travel your career.

What we do

We provide access to vetted, worthwhile international internships in a wide range of professional fields.

We work in a range of different fields from veterinary medicine and environmental conservation to journalism, public health, business development and education – matching you with reputable, worthwhile organisations around the world. Unlike many other volunteer organisations, we have personally visited and vetted our project partners, to ensure you a safe and worthwhile international experience.

We also choose to only work with partners whose projects contribute to their local community in a sustainable manner. We do not support, nor advocate orphanage tourism or irresponsible wildlife conservation projects. Our aim is to help our project partners focus on their core work by offering an easy way to find committed interns and volunteers to support their daily activities.

Our volunteers

Global Nomadic is a trusted community meeting space connecting people with NGO projects around the world.

We also offer helping you to source and organise the best flights, insurance, visas and all the many other things you will need before you reach your project destinations, including country guides, packing lists and much more! We want to make sure that you have the volunteering time of your life.

Global Nomadic personally visits all volunteer sites to ensure a quality experience for volunteers. You will receive support before, during and after your placement.

35 recensioni · rating4.6

Enya Niedermeier rating4.8

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The Green Lion staff are some of the nicest people I have ever met. The other volunteers were so nice too and it was very easy to find likeminded people to hang out with. The program itself was amazing and also educational. Doing sport with the children was so fulfilling and everyone was polite and ...
Dominic Aeschlimann rating4.8

2024 at Construction & Renovation of Community Facilities

I have been two weeks in the project to help in diffrent stuff like painting and prepairing bricks. I enjoyed it a lot and the locals were so happy when they saw it. The stuff is lovley and the other voulenteers too. i would do it immediately ...
Solange Lodomez rating4.2

2023 at Lemur Conservation Experience

I fell in love with these wonderful little animals 🥰 I didn't know that I was going to work at LemuriaLand and it has been a great surprise. The staff there is wonderful. Work begins at 7am, not 8am. Volunteer center is located in the town of Hell-Ville, unfortunately. Staff at the center ...
Beatriz Nicolau rating5

2023 at Whale & Dolphin Conservation in Italy

I had the privilege of participating in this program which I can only describe as the best experience of my life. Angelo, the driving force behind this initiative, is an incredible individual dedicated to making the world a better place. My week on board was nothing short of amazing, offering me a ...
Hannah Lühr rating4.4

2023 at Teaching Placement in Local Schools

I did the Programme for 4 weeks, starting with the introduction week. The introduction week, was an absolute blast, exploring different aspects and sights of Balinese culture. After that, the teaching Programme started, which was at least as good. The kids were very welcoming and even though ...
Joyce Anderson rating4.8

2019 at Working at a Local Food Shop

My experience in the food shop is one that I will remember. It was arguably the most tiring thing I’ve ever done. Even if the job was just for half a day, I found it very tiring and labor intensive. I was assigned to food prep and cleaning. It was a tiring job. Despite this, I found myself ...


Asia > Asia sud-orientale > Tailandia > Chiang Mai

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