a partire da 2.352€

Brillante 4.7rating (26)

Teaching and Trekking on top of the World

4 - 4 settimane  ·  Età 18 - 50+

rating  Brillante 4.7  · 
  Verificato da Volunteer World
  Tasso di risposta molto alto

Punti Salienti

  • Trek oppurtunity in the base camp of world Higest Mountain
  • Stay with a Neplese Local family of indeginious type
  • Teach in Gov school targeted for privilege children's of Mountain terrain
  • Combinations of social work, home stay and adventure Everest Trek
  • a Best package to know Mountain and highlander culture plus daily life

Particolarmente adatto per

Età 18+

Sul programma

A comprehensive Package to experience Nepal that involves supporting local community and trekking Himalayas highest Mount Everest Base camp at one go.

Volunteering two weeks in the gateway of Everest in a mountain city called Salleri will help volunteers to know the Nepalese society in depth, you will spend your time for the children's who are from the marginal families and relay on community and gov schools for their education. one can have a ...

Sul programma

Volunteering two weeks in the gateway of Everest in a mountain city called Salleri will help volunteers to know the Nepalese society in depth, you will spend your time for the children's who are from the marginal families and relay on community and gov schools for their education. one can have a beautiful cultural experience of staying in homes of locals and enjoy their day-to-day local organic dish. at the same time, you will have a great opportunity to involve yourself with hiking's around the village and hills helping to reach the Everest base camp after your successful two weeks volunteering.
 for sure you will be physically acclimatizing and mentally ready to face the base camp treks. culturally you will be aware about the sherpas and their beautiful Khumbu life. just after finishing the two weeks volunteering in a village from the same place, you will begin your walk with a local guide who will take you to famous Lukla , Namce bazar and eventually Kalapather and Everest base camp, this experience will give you much more idea about the area then just regular trekkers who just land at Lukla airport and stay in tourist lodges and walk in the famous EBC trail

Giornata tipica

After your arrival in Nepal capital Kathmandu you will have two nights stay in Kathmandu where you will have a detail briefing about the programme , some walking tours around the town famous sights and landmarks you will drive to Solukhumbu district capital town Salleri at the elevation of Elevation ...

Giornata tipica

After your arrival in Nepal capital Kathmandu you will have two nights stay in Kathmandu where you will have a detail briefing about the programme , some walking tours around the town famous sights and landmarks you will drive to Solukhumbu district capital town Salleri at the elevation of Elevation · 2362m / 7749feet. the total 265km from Kathmandu to Salleri by public transport will be take 10-12 hours around. 

After your arrival in Salleri you will be welcomed by the local family and taken to their home which will be your home for the two weeks stay

While in Volunteering in Salleri , volunteer is usually requested to Get up in morning around 7 am and join the hot Tea pancake and egg for Breakfast and go to project at 9- 10 am.  the total working hour will be 5-6 hours and after completing the work, volunteers will have a free evening while the Lunch and dinner of Nepalese standard will be served in the afternoon and evening mostly Dal Bhat ( Rice and vegetables ).  

While in Trekking in Everest base camp Volunteers usually wake up at 6 in the morning and after breakfast start to hit the road at 7 am and reach the camp around 2-3 PM and take your room in tea house one can enjoy the Lunch on  the way or after reaching the tea house evening you will have dinner and sleep. Books are best to make the best of your time since you will have alot of free time during the walk because camps are 10-15 km in general.

Day to day roughly plan

Day 1: Arrive in Kathmandu,
Day 2  Orientation and walking tour of shyambunath 
Day 3:  Drive 10-12 hours to Salleri village by local jeep
Day 4 : Welcome tea at 7 am, day visit to school and get familarize with school family Lunch at 9 am , snakcks at 2PM and dinner at 7 PM
Day 5:  start teaching in village school 
Day 6-15  Teaching in school  in village of salleri
Day 15- Day 17 : Trek to Phakding 
Day 17- 29 continue to Everest Base Camp Trek  in Khumbu region
Day 18- Trek to Namche [3450m]
Day 19 -Rest day in Namche
Day 20 - Trek to Tengboche [3867m]
Day 21  -Trek to Pheriche [4252m]
Day 22 - At Pheriche
Day 23 -Trek to Lobuche [4930m]
Day 24 - Trek to Gorak Shep [5184m]
Day 25 - Trek to Everest Base Camp [5357m]
Day 26 -Trek to Pangboche [3985m]
Day 27 -Trek to Namche [3450m]
Day 28- Trek to Lukla [2800m]
Day 29 -Flight to Kathmandu
Day 30 - kathmandu rest or an extra day insace of weather or any delays 

Every day while in teaching in village and trekking in everest volunteer are provided three times foods a day and available accomodations in village and trekking area in lodges

Attività del tempo libero

Volunteers can hike to  the near by mountains in their free time and do some agricultural works , support the holistic community works and share their expertise .

Attività del tempo libero

Volunteers can hike to  the near by mountains in their free time and do some agricultural works , support the holistic community works and share their expertise .



Età minima: 18 anni

Per partecipare al programma è necessario avere almeno 18 anni alla data di inizio del programma. Potrebbero esserci delle esenzioni se si è in grado di fornire il permesso del proprio tutore legale o se si è accompagnati dai propri genitori.

Competenze linguistiche

È necessario parlare di Inglese (livello base)

Requisiti di formazione

English language a livello High school

Controllo dei precedenti penali


Restrizioni sulla nazionalità

Nessuna restrizione. Gli aiuti da tutto il mondo sono benvenuti.

Altre competenze

Good fitness for hiking in the Himalayas.

Impegno di tempo

Il vostro aiuto sarà richiesto lunedì, martedì, mercoledì, giovedì, venerdì e domenica

Servizi inclusi

Servizi inclusi

Servizi per Good Karma Foundation Nepal

Arrival in Kathmandu and transfer to home stay

walking tour and orientation of kathmandu valley

stay in Kathmandu with full board

Public transfer to  Salleri from Kathmandu

One way flight ticket from  Lukla to kathmandu while retuning back to Kathmandu 

Three times food  during volunteering and treking for all 4 weeks (Breakfast  Lunch and Dinner)provided

Permits for trekking and local governemnts, applicable national parks fees 

Guide cum porter for single pax 

One Guide and one Porter based on two pax.

Prelievo dall'aeroporto a Tribhuvan International Airport

In Nepal capital , Tribhuwan airport we will pick up you with your name plate .


While volunteering accommodations are in local homes and while in trekking, they will be in available tea houses during the trekking. everywhere private rooms and beds are provided. 

Cibo e Bevande

from  Arrival to Nepal and departure entire months you will be provided three times food daily, in home stay while volunteering foods are prepared by local Neplese family in Salleri and while in trekking you will have foods from Tea houses which can be choose from the Menus.

Accesso a Internet

Accesso limitato al sito del progetto

Cosa NON è incluso?

Cosa NON è incluso?

Biglietti aerei

L'aeroporto più vicino è Tribhuvan International Airport (KTM) a Kathmandu. Vi aiutiamo a trovare voli economici per Nepal. TROVARE VOLI ECONOMICI

Assicurazione di viaggio

Andare all'estero è un'avventura ed è sempre meglio essere preparati. Malattia o infortunio improvviso, annullamento o furto: un'assicurazione di viaggio per Nepal offre sicurezza ed è un vantaggio da avere. OTTENERE UN PREZZO


Se avete intenzione di fare volontariato a Nepal dovete chiedere un parere medico prima di iniziare il vostro viaggio sociale. Controllare le vaccinazioni richieste per Nepal. CHECKER PER I VACCINI

Dettagli all'arrivo

One can come any time of the year, this programme  is available any time of the year, dec and Jan are cold in the mountains so please be prepare that you are aware about it before you sign the programme.

In Kathmandu we will reach you in airport and make a safe transfer to our home stay in Kathmandu located near the Shyambunath temple. our staffs will give you a detail orientation of the programs and show you the sights, and help you to merge in the Nepalese culture. 

in airport will show your name card to locate.
gen feb mar apr mag giu lug ago set ott nov dic

Tariffe del programma

4 settimane 2.352€
Tariffe medie 588€/settimana

Tariffe del programma

588€ tariffe settimanali 4 - 4 settimane Età 18 - 50+

Modalità di pagamento

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



4 - 4 settimane


Il deposito serve semplicemente a prenotare il vostro posto di volontario. I pagamenti sono gestiti da PayPal, il nostro fornitore globale di fiducia. Se non avete un conto PayPal, potete pagare anche con carta di credito.

Pagamento Finale

Il pagamento finale sarà concordato con Good Karma Foundation Nepal durante il processo di candidatura. Le soluzioni più comuni sono il bonifico bancario o il pagamento in contanti presso la sede del progetto.

Incontra il tuo ospite

Good Karma Foundation Nepal

Brillante 4.7 rating (26 recensioni)

Non-profit - fondata nel 2014

Verificato da Volunteer World

  Tasso di risposta molto alto

Ospitato da


Lingue parlate: Inglese

Sul progetto

Good karma foundation was founded after the Nepal Earthquake of April 2015, the biggest disaster of our history. The Foundation helps to rebuild and empower locals.

Incontra il tuo ospite

The Good karma foundation was founded after the Nepal Earthquake of April 2015, the biggest disaster of our history. The Foundation helped in the huge rebuilding and reconstruction work, which captivated our volunteers from worldwide destinations. This year has been one of the most trying in Nepalese history. Our plan is to go ahead with as much work as we can fund to make Nepal a better place to live in guided by our best idea as, our altruistic philosophy, our resources and technology.

There are many national and international, non-governmental organizations in Nepal and Good Karma is trying to be an effective one. Good Karma wants to bring practical results from its work and if you are interested in these practical results you can be part of our foundation. The Good Karma Foundation will basically work with help of volunteers worldwide who want to rebuild and help Nepal.

Most of the Institutions are currently focusing on areas like Kathmandu, Pokhara and Chitwan but our goal is to cover outlaying areas of Nepal, possibly in all 75 districts of our country. The nice part of our projects is we want to touch all the district of country, not only focusing on the easy areas.

Our focus will be on issues of Health and Education which can help Nepal to make a better place for tomorrow. We also organize training and social awareness in the areas respectively. Most of the population of the country live in the urban and mountain area and lack basic medical care.

If you are interested, please send us your full information and in which district you would like to volunteer. We can also help you to choose the area of volunteering. Even if you are in short time we can recommend closer areas from the urban center. if you are intending to do long term volunteering, we recommend to focusing on marginal areas of the country. 

Vision of the Organization

A rural Nepal with better living conditions.

Mission of the Organization

Effective use of volunteer with expertise in health and education to improve the social conditions in rural Nepal.

26 recensioni · rating4.7

Gionatha Cravero rating5

2024 at Teaching and Trekking on top of the World

Multiple experiences in one. The opportunity to stay with locals both in KTM and in the mountain village gives a full immersion into the Nepali culture. The ebc trek is an intense experience by itself done with an amazing guide. ..
Lærke Eriksen rating5

2024 at Mountain Village Teacher

I volunteered with good karma foundation for one month this winter. This has been one of the best experiences of my life. They welcomed me with open arms, and I felt safe for the entirety of my stay. I stayed at a pleasant homestay, with amazing staff, and good food😍 Thank you so much. I will ...
One of the best things I've ever done. Nabraj organized everything perfectly. Khasur was a beautiful village with a lot of things to do nearby. The kids at the school are very nice and wants to ...
Ismaele Bonomi rating5

2024 at Nunnery and Monastery Supporter

Let's start with WOW! As soon as you pass through the monastery doors you enter another world, passing from the chaos of Kathmandu to a surreal dimension where spirituality and Tibetan culture are so dense as to be almost palpable. The nuns are all really nice, always ready to answer any question ...
Michael michael.holzner@yahoo.de rating4.4

2024 at Nunnery and Monastery Supporter

The volunteering at a monastery in Kathmandu was a beautiful and enriching experience.The children are lovely, in my case it were 15 monks and we were 2 volunteers, so made 2 groups each day. There is all freedom in teaching as there is no syllabus, workbooks or whatsoever, so you are on your own. ..
Lea rating4.8

2024 at Mountain Village Teacher

I had the most amazing time in Nepal! I lived in a mountain village for 4 weeks and taught English in the school nearby. I really can’t stress enough how much this time means to me, I learnt so many things about life and myself and I’m just so happy I did this. The people in Nepal are so ...


Asia > Asia del Sud > Nepal > Lamjung

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