Africa Tropical Research

  Verificado por Volunteer World






Years in business

Our social project focuses on marine conservation and research, aiming to safeguard the delicate ecosystems of our oceans through scientific exploration.
Who we are?

We are a field station committed to advancing scientific understanding and conservation efforts in the heart of Africa's tropical biodiversity. Our team of passionate researchers and naturalists collaborates on innovative projects, harnessing the rich ecological diversity of São Tomé to ...

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Who we are?

We are a field station committed to advancing scientific understanding and conservation efforts in the heart of Africa's tropical biodiversity. Our team of passionate researchers and naturalists collaborates on innovative projects, harnessing the rich ecological diversity of São Tomé to address pressing issues in tropical ecosystems, fostering sustainable practices and promoting community involvement in our shared mission to preserve the unique natural heritage of the region. 

Where we work?

São Tomé and Príncipe, an archipelago off the coast of Central Africa, is a tropical paradise renowned for its lush landscapes, pristine beaches, and vibrant culture. While the country is generally considered safe for travelers, it's advisable to exercise standard precautions, such as being mindful of personal belongings and avoiding isolated areas after dark. As with any travel destination, it is recommended to stay informed about local conditions and follow any travel advisories issued by relevant authorities. Regarding health requirements, visitors are typically advised to be up-to-date on routine vaccinations, including measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, and tetanus. Volunteers should consult with a healthcare professional or travel clinic for personalized advice based on their specific health situation and travel plans..

Our mission/vision

Our mission is to be a pioneering force in tropical ecological research, conservation, and sustainable development. We envision a future where the unique biodiversity of São Tomé and Príncipe is not only comprehensively understood but also actively protected and celebrated. Through collaborative scientific endeavors, community engagement, and educational outreach, we aim to contribute to global knowledge about tropical ecosystems while empowering local communities to be stewards of their natural heritage. Our vision extends beyond research; we strive to catalyze positive environmental and socio-economic impacts, creating a harmonious balance between human activities and the preservation of the archipelago's extraordinary ecosystems. Together, we aspire to forge a model for responsible and impactful research that safeguards the natural wonders of São Tomé and Príncipe for generations to come.

As a research field station in São Tomé and Príncipe, our goals are multifaceted and reflective of our commitment to advancing knowledge, fostering conservation, and promoting sustainable development. Our primary objectives include:

Biodiversity Conservation: Work towards the preservation of São Tomé and Príncipe's rich biodiversity by conducting comprehensive ecological research, identifying key species, and implementing conservation strategies to mitigate threats.

Community Engagement: Foster meaningful partnerships with local communities, ensuring that our research contributes to the well-being of residents. Through education and collaborative initiatives, empower communities to actively participate in conservation efforts and sustainable practices.

Scientific Excellence: Conduct cutting-edge scientific research that enhances our understanding of tropical ecosystems, biodiversity dynamics, and the impacts of climate change. Publish findings in reputable journals to contribute valuable insights to the global scientific community.

Capacity Building: Invest in training and capacity-building programs for local researchers, students, and conservationists, cultivating a skilled workforce that can independently contribute to the sustainable management of São Tomé and Príncipe's natural resources.

Education and Outreach: Engage in educational programs aimed at raising awareness about the importance of biodiversity and environmental conservation. Provide resources for schools, host workshops, and develop outreach initiatives to instill a sense of environmental stewardship in the community.

Policy Advocacy: Collaborate with governmental and non-governmental organizations to influence policies that support conservation and sustainable development. Advocate for the protection of critical habitats and the establishment of protected areas.

Monitoring and Evaluation: Implement robust monitoring systems to assess the effectiveness of conservation efforts, adapt strategies based on scientific findings, and ensure continuous improvement in our approach to preserving São Tomé and Príncipe's natural heritage.

By actively pursuing these goals, we aim to contribute to the long-term ecological resilience and cultural vibrancy of São Tomé and Príncipe, setting a positive example for tropical research and conservation worldwide.

Who are we looking for?

We are seeking dedicated volunteers who harbor a passion for marine conservation and aspire to forge a meaningful career in this field. If you are driven by a desire to contribute to the preservation of marine ecosystems, enhance biodiversity, and make a lasting impact on the environment, then we invite you to join our team. As a volunteer, you will have the opportunity to work alongside experienced researchers, participate in hands-on conservation initiatives, and immerse yourself in the unparalleled marine biodiversity of São Tomé and Príncipe. Whether you are a student, recent graduate, or early-career professional, this is a unique chance to gain invaluable practical experience, expand your knowledge, and actively contribute to the global effort in safeguarding our oceans. Come be a part of our mission and contribute to the future of marine conservation.

Why choose us?

Choosing us means becoming an integral part of a pioneering initiative as the only research field station in São Tomé and Príncipe. Our unique position allows volunteers unparalleled access to pristine marine environments and the opportunity to contribute to groundbreaking research in an ecosystem teeming with biodiversity. As the sole research station, we offer an immersive experience, providing hands-on involvement in projects that directly impact conservation efforts and sustainable development in this tropical paradise. By choosing us, volunteers gain a front-row seat to the challenges and triumphs of marine conservation in São Tomé and Príncipe, positioning themselves at the forefront of global efforts to understand and protect these critical ecosystems. Join us for an unparalleled adventure, where your dedication can shape the future of marine conservation in this extraordinary island nation.

Pessoa de contacto

Laura Bori

  taxa de resposta excelente

Africa Tropical Research revisões

Salomé Moubarak rating5,0

2024 at Marine Research & Conservation Assistant

Very positive It was short but worth it. Thanks to the staff that helped me to learn more about the fauna and flora of this amazing country. J'ai vraiment apprécié l'expérience ...
Artesia Harrison rating5,0

2024 at Marine Research & Conservation Assistant

The volunteer experience within the media realm of ATR Initiative was informative, inspirational, and captivating. The Marine Research & Conservation Program was an extremely interesting subject to learn about and the presentation of it was excellently done. ..
Volunteering as a website content editor for the marine conservation program has been a uniquely enriching experience. As someone passionate about both conservation and digital communication, this role allowed me to merge my skills with a cause close to my heart. Collaborating with the dedicated ...
Lau Rodríguez rating5,0

2024 at Marine Research & Conservation Assistant

I am really happy with the program. It has been great to be able to contribute to such an important cause. I loved every minute of it! A great option for those who want to help in a conservation ...
Had the most awesome time collaborating with ATR and learned a lot about São Tomé and Príncipe. I helped with their media platforms and content creation. It was a very nice experience overall ...
Volunteering with Africa Tropical Research was great, I got to help develop their website, explaining the different projects that are carried out at the Field Station. Everything was very well organized too. Love ...