Socio Economic Resource Group

  Vérifié par Volunteer World






ans d'activité

Powering economically disadvantaged youthful communities by growing viable opportunities that generates sustainable earnings.

Who we are

Socio Economic Resource Group is a movement of passionate, committed everyday youth.

What we do

We use our voices and actions to influence socio economic justice that will bring an end to poverty amongst socially disintegrated and economically disadvantaged residents within undeserved ...


Who we are

Socio Economic Resource Group is a movement of passionate, committed everyday youth.

What we do

We use our voices and actions to influence socio economic justice that will bring an end to poverty amongst socially disintegrated and economically disadvantaged residents within undeserved rural communities.

Where we work?

Currently our focus area of jurisdiction covers mainly the rural communities of the North West Region of Cameroon. The population of the region is young, with over 62% of its residents being less than 20 years old weighing the dependency rate in the region sky  high, particularly in the rural areas. This  region has unique attractions, including the second highest mountain in West Africa. It is home to many rare birds such as the distinctive red crested Bannerman's turaco, which is unique to this region. 

There are also many crater lakes such as Lake Oku, Lake Awing, and Lake Nyos. The largest remaining mountain forest in the Northwest Region is the Kilum-Ijim Forest. Menchum Falls, and Abbi Falls in the Mbengwi Division, are also located here. This region is a safe and peaceful environment for visitors.  The region has a couple of principal public hospitals such as The Bamenda Regional Hospital, The Shisong hospital as well as other private and mission hospitals that helps to resolve its health needs. It is found in the western highlands of Cameroon. It is bordered to the southwest by the Southwest Region, to the south by the West Region, to the east by the Adamawa Region, and to the north by the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Our mission/vision

We envision a society's development at which not only were basic social progress guaranteed but the great majority of the disadvantaged residents of rural communities would have the employment by which to meet their own needs by their own efforts, hence, bringing about decreasing economic exclusion and decreasing social disintegration of the community which are threats to human security

Our goals

We aim at realizing our goals through strategic activities that promotes sustainable projects for human development and environmental protection. These sustainable changes involves serious participation from youths and other community residents with the guidance and reasonable assistance of SEREG and its volunteers

Who are we looking for

We are looking for Volunteers with an interest to work in organic farming projects.

Why choose us

By choosing us, you will help support farming activities targeting disadvantaged residents and small holder farmers in rural communities with inadequate access to knowledge and technology, more quietly, putting solutions where need is greatest.


Marklevis Ngwani

Langues parlées: Anglais