Iguana Station - FIB

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Years in business

The conservation work carried out at the Utila Iguana Conservation Project aims to ensure the survival of the endangered swamper iguana, which is endemic to Utila.

Since 1994, the Frankfurt Zoological Society and the Senckenberg Nature Research Society have worked jointly to preserve the Utila Spiny-Tailed Iguana (Ctenosaura bakeri), which lives only on the island of Utila. Several other organizations, including Honduran NGOs, joined their efforts and in 1997 ...

Descrizione della recensione

Since 1994, the Frankfurt Zoological Society and the Senckenberg Nature Research Society have worked jointly to preserve the Utila Spiny-Tailed Iguana (Ctenosaura bakeri), which lives only on the island of Utila. Several other organizations, including Honduran NGOs, joined their efforts and in 1997 the Iguana Research and Breeding Station (IRBS) was founded. Since 1994 more than 500 volunteers have assisted with work at the station.

Preserving the Utila Iguana and its critical mangrove habitat is not our only goal. We are also working towards:
Sustainable development of Utila (a popular destination for divers) to protect the island's natural resources.
Enhancing awareness among the people living and working in Utila, including working with schools and educating children and young people on the island about their environment.

We aim to buy all our materials from local businesses and hire local labour as far as possible in order to support the Utilan economy. Our volunteers are also encouraged to make their purchases in local shops.
The Utila Iguana has become emblematic for the conservation of the important mangrove habitat, the ecological significance and endangered status

Persona di contatto

Diego Lanza