False Labels Global Inc.

  Verificado por Volunteer World






Years in business

Empowering Cameroon's rural women and girls on menstrual hygiene management and sexual & reproductive health


Founded in 2012 in New York by Marie-Claire Nabila Kuja, False Label Global Inc. evolved and became its own incorporated 501 (c) 3 in 2013. Towards the end of 2013, the organization reorganized as an outcome-based program to improve the academic performance and self-esteem of disadvantage ...

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Founded in 2012 in New York by Marie-Claire Nabila Kuja, False Label Global Inc. evolved and became its own incorporated 501 (c) 3 in 2013. Towards the end of 2013, the organization reorganized as an outcome-based program to improve the academic performance and self-esteem of disadvantage and vulnerable school girls of menstruating ages and women in Cameroon. False Label Global Inc. saw that donating sanitary pads to girls from impoverished homes who cannot afford money to by pads was an effective "hook" that will help students to value education, empower and inspire them to stay in school. 

The impact will be tremendous if students were immersed in the culture of learning about their bodily functions such as menstruation, how to best manage it and also how to end the stigma and taboo attached to menstruation. Since 2013 False Label Global Inc. has impacted the lives of more than 1000 vulnerable girls in secondary schools and orphanages in Cameroon and more than 3000 more in the southern African country of Zimbabwe. Its rigorous menstrual hygiene management program have prepared, inspired and empowered girls to achieve their dreams. We have a great team of dedicated staff in Cameroon and also work closely with volunteers from Mandela Voluntary Foundation Cameroon.


False label Global Inc.’s mission is to provide a platform where vulnerable girls and women in Cameroon can be inspired and equipped through self-esteem building workshops and empowerment conferences. False Label Global Inc. also seeks to be involved in tackling some of world’s pressing problems by using business solutions rather than the charity and donation-only approach. False Labels Global Inc. strives to contribute actively to the elimination of poverty and hunger among the downtrodden groups in developing countries by promoting and supporting community based integrated programs and project activities in education, income generation and livelihood enhancement, and health, including the local manufacture of low cost eco-friendly sanitary napkins. 

False Labels Global Inc. believes that girls can rise to their maximum potentials and excel in all spheres of life endeavors if their rights, empowerment and education are fully supported and promoted. We recently started a program to involve teenage mothers, women and girls with disabilities, women and girls from indigenous communities and women in prison. False Label Global Inc. envisions girls and women in Africa in general and Cameroon in particular, empowered and retained in schools and training centers to acquire quality education with the SUPPORT of all sectors of their communities. Quality education in a violent free, supportive and conducive environment in the home, school and community builds their career aspirations leading them to work in the fullness of their potentials as exemplary women professionals and leaders.

 Where we work?

Our organization work in rural villages in the North West region of Cameroon whose main city is called Bamenda. Cameroon is peaceful with very warm and welcoming people except for political upheavals which comes up sometimes due to the marginalization of English speaking Cameroonians. However, this has not affected our work in any way as we non-political and non-governmental and most serve rural communities. Cameroon do have mosquitoes which causes malaria if bitten.However, we prevent this by taking malaria preventive medications which can be prescribed by a primary care provider and taken two weeks prior to travelling to Cameroon. The government also provide treated mosquito nets. There are also sprays and repellants which are helpful in preventing mosquito bites. None of our volunteers have been sick while in Cameroon so this is not any cause for concern.

Our specific objectives and goals are to:

  • Identify girls and women who are at risk of having their self-esteem and education tampered with due to the lack of sanitary napkins and support them.
  • Advance girls and women access to education, thereby encouraging them to learn and progress individually and collectively.
  • Combat poverty and hunger by providing food, entrepreneurial and economic empowerment lessons.
  • Organize empowerment conferences which brings people from all walks of life to learn how they can be the change they want to see in the world.
  • Organize recognition ceremonies which celebrates local hero impact positive change in the lives of people in their communities.

Pessoa de contacto

Marie-Claire Kuja