Volunteer Benposta Venezuela

  Verificado por Volunteer World






Years in business

Benposta enables kids to live in a family-like environment where they are educated in various aspects of life (social, school, artistic etc.).

Benposta would like to improve the quality of life of these children and give them a realistic chance to help their families by being properly educated. Where they live either there is no school or the school is not working, often their parents either cannot or do not want to educate their children. ..

Descrição da revisão

Benposta would like to improve the quality of life of these children and give them a realistic chance to help their families by being properly educated. Where they live either there is no school or the school is not working, often their parents either cannot or do not want to educate their children. The idea is a model-like society independent from race, sex, faith, social and national background.

Pessoa de contacto

Peter Rupprecht