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Jusoor is a US non-profit organization, helps Syrian youth realize their potential through programs in education, career development, and entrepreneurship.

- Wo we are?

Jusoor is an NGO of Syrian expatriates supporting the country’s development and helping Syrian youth realize their potential through programs in the fields of education, career development, and global community engagement. As a community of Syrians living around the world working ...

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- Wo we are?

Jusoor is an NGO of Syrian expatriates supporting the country’s development and helping Syrian youth realize their potential through programs in the fields of education, career development, and global community engagement. As a community of Syrians living around the world working together to launch programs that benefit the Syrian community inside and outside Syria. We are committed to supporting the country’s development and drawing on the vast talents and experience of our global members to overcome the challenges the country faces.

- Our mission/vision

Jusoor believes that youth in Syria should have access to profoundly better opportunities. In particular, we hope for a nation that embraces democracy, respects human rights and rule of law and encourages free speech and the exchange of ideas. We hope for a country that offers its people high standards of living underpinned by a strong education system. And we hope for a country that promotes opportunity, in which every young woman and man grows up with hope and dreams for the future and finds opportunities within the country’s borders.

- Our goals

• Supporting Syrian children to continue their education outside of Syria 

• Helping Syrian students looking to complete their studies abroad attain academic scholarships at top universities across the US, Canada, Europe and the Middle East 

• Providing Study Abroad Mentorship to offer advice for students requiring help in their university application process 

• Helping Syrians work towards developing their careers with workshops on CV writing, Job interviews, and improving their career portfolios 

• Enabling young Syrian entrepreneurs to enhance their leadership skills and secure their start-up funding via mentorship, incubators, and competitions 

• Connecting the global Syrian community towards the achievement of the goals set above

Jusoor is a non-political organization with strictly no ties to any political entity. Jusoor’s programs do not differentiate according to political views, ethnicity, religion or gender.

- Where do we work?

We are registered in USA, Canada, and the UK. Additionally, we run three schools in Lebanon.

- Who are we looking for?

We are looking for volunteers from diverse backgrounds to come and facilitate learning experiences for refugee children at our centers in Lebanon. Volunteers are required to apply with a project or activity in mind. These projects might include a final outcome like an art show, science exhibit, or theater play, they might involve training the students in an area like yoga, or sport. 

Anyone can volunteer as long as they are older than 18 years old. We have had volunteers come from all around the world with different backgrounds and ages. What they all had in common was their passion, dedication and drive to make the children of Syria smile. We welcome applicants who have teaching backgrounds, but are happy to work with any volunteer interested in helping.

Contact Person

Mohamed Haj Ali