Kipepeo Community Empowerment

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Kipepeo Community Empowerment Project, is a community based organization that empower needy community groups through livelihood development projects

Kipepeo Community Empowerment is a community base organization that was started in October 2009 to empower needy communities achieve quality livelihood and be self-sustainable. With a goal of improving the quality of life of these people. Our vision is to better their future and make them ...

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Kipepeo Community Empowerment is a community base organization that was started in October 2009 to empower needy communities achieve quality livelihood and be self-sustainable. With a goal of improving the quality of life of these people. Our vision is to better their future and make them sustainable. Our mission is to create a total change in their lives and enable them meet their needs. And our values are to put them at the center of what we do, transparency and accountability.

Kipepeo Community Empowerment (KCEP) is a Non- profit community based organization founded by young people, that empowers needy community groups though various integrated activities to enable them achieve quality livelihood and be self sustainable.We are registered with the the Kenyan government under the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social development. All of our staffs are volunteers who have dedicated their time to offer knowledge and skills to empower the less fortunate in the community.

Kipepeo Community Empowerment is also designed to respond to Emuhaya youths needs and assets; the KCEP Project aims to empower young people to make sound career and life decisions as they transit from high school to the next phase of their lives. Te project is also building the capacity of local institutions and networks to sustain the much-needed services that KCEP will provide. Specifically, the KCEP Project intends to offers youth a series of  interconnected interventions to:  facilitate appropriate career choices, provide employment and income generating opportunities, bridge technical and university education opportunities and provide fun and safe spaces.

Contact Person

Julius Kuya