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Journalism & Multimedia Internship
- Design & deliver a unique internship based on your career aspirations and local needs, supported by an experienced international team
- Make a meaningful difference to low-income populations who lack the education, support and resources to make the changes themselves
- Advance your career, develop your skills and improve your resume through a hands-on project, with 1:1 mentoring from a professional in the field
- Immerse yourself in another culture and experience a different way of life through family homestays, cultural activities and life in a small rural community
- Set off on adventures and make one in a lifetime memories with other interns/volunteers - climb mountains, hike through in the jungle and explore indigenous communities
- Design & deliver a unique internship based on your career aspirations and local needs, supported by an experienced international team
- Make a meaningful difference to low-income populations who lack the education, support and resources to make the changes themselves
- Advance your career, develop your skills and improve your resume through a hands-on project, with 1:1 mentoring from a professional in the field
Särskilt lämplig för
Om programmet
A hands-on, personalised internship to help tell the story of low-income indigenous communities so they may preserve their cultural heritage
El Terreno is nestled on a hillside in Bolívar province, just outside the charming colonial town of Guaranda in central Ecuador. Surrounded by traditional farmland and indigenous communities, it offers stunning views of the majestic Chimborazo Volcano, the closest point on Earth to the ...
Typisk dag
- 8am: Warm up & check-in with other interns & volunteers
- 8.30am: Project activities with support from a professional mentor
- 12.30pm: Cooked lunch with other interns & volunteers
- 2pm: Programmed afternoon activities, independent working or head for a ...
With your time off, you can take a walk around any of the beautiful local trails around the communities, down to the river or jump in a taxi to savour the spectacular could-covered sunset. There are regular buses into town if you would like to go shopping, try the local food or ...
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El Terreno
Byrå - grundades 2021
Verifierad av Volunteer World
Värd är
Om projektet
34 fältrapporter · 4.9
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