ab 672€

Brilliant 4.7rating (26)

Village Kindergarten and Primary School Supporter

4 - 16 Wochen  ·  Alter 18 - 50+

rating  Brilliant 4.7  · 
  von Volunteer World verifiziert
  Sehr hohe Antwortrate


  • Teaching in a marginal children's basic school
  • Home stay with Gurung Peoples home
  • Hike, explore, Meditation , and more
  • Support organic agricultural productions
  • Be like locals while staying in Nepal village

Besonders geeignet für

Alter 18+

Über das Programm

Teach in a Village Kindergarten school Experience the Home stay Hiking and meditation in Himalayas Live a life like locals Support the community agriculture work

About the Program 

Our Volunteer Programme is about Teaching in a village school in mountain region of Nepal in Annapurna region . you will be teaching students up to grade Nursery to 3  aged between 4 years to 10 .   the program is important due to some factors like you are spending your ...

Über das Programm

About the Program 

Our Volunteer Programme is about Teaching in a village school in mountain region of Nepal in Annapurna region . you will be teaching students up to grade Nursery to 3  aged between 4 years to 10 .   the program is important due to some factors like you are spending your time with children in country side which are more isolated and  marginalized rather then in  city areas .  Volunteers are spending their time with government schools and not the private schools . also you could learn  more about the Nepal life style and spend a quality time in a village that is close with one of the 8000 meter beautiful mountain Mt Manaslu  visible from each house of the village, Naagdi Chuli and Himal chuli the major mountains of the Gurkha massif in mansiri himal of himalayas. 

contributing to education sector is a high respect in Nepal and the teacher are called Gurus  meaning  light in dark .  The village is a home to a Gurung Peoples which are often respected for their hospitality and bravery and most of them end their carrier in British army and Indian army .  as a volunteer you can teach basic English that starts with ABCD and some maths, dance, playing games etc.

 Most of the Nepal is mountainous country  and no schools are supported by government with enough teachers and your presence will be highly valued in the village as a volunteer in this school. in return you will get an experience that will long last in your life.  

Volunteers are greeted in Kathmandu airport and transferred to home stay  for two- three nights stay in Kathmandu. The second  day will be an orientation day to know about the country . at same time you can explore the famous Shyambunath temple and also Kathmandu durbar suqare if you are fan of history and mystery of this part of the world .After the stay in Kathmandu, volunteers will travel to mountain village named Bhalamchaur  in Annapurna The Journey will be 7 hours in a bus. 

The volunteers will stay with local host families as a family member. They will teach students what they are really good at.  the teaching can be  2-4 hours each day except Saturdays and public holidays. First few days the local teachers will help volunteers (co-teaching) and they will be given full responsibility to handle the class.

The  Main objective of the programme is to give a good care to the early age students from Nursery to grade 3 which are taken as a early schools in Nepal . volunteer roles is to help these  little students with teaching basic things and playing more , chanting rhymes,  creating fun , dancing etc . most of the rural areas kindergarten teachers are not well trained and volunteer having that expertise in this area can also instruct teachers in need about the method they have or share the knowledge they are trained for and some time be both for students and teacher in need .

volunteer will work with the children's from age 4- 10 which starts from nursery  to grade 3 

volunteers can come with some basic things like paper, pencils, colors if they want to make the teaching more creative , different paintings and games are also appreciated .  the schools except from volunteer to work as a good friend and also volunteers will get an opportunity to work with mountain children's and also learn the different learning system where as students get a good teacher in their early age which can make them more  eager to  learn.


The volunteers will stay with local host families as a family member. They will teach students what they are really good at.  teaching  3-4 hours each day except Saturdays and public holidays are expected. First few days the local teachers will help volunteers (co-teaching) and they will be given ...


The volunteers will stay with local host families as a family member. They will teach students what they are really good at.  teaching  3-4 hours each day except Saturdays and public holidays are expected. First few days the local teachers will help volunteers (co-teaching) and they will be given full responsibility to handle the class. 

Volunteer wake up with the fresh mountain view  of Mt manaslu , Naagdi Chuli and Himal chuli .
Around 9 am volunteer is provided morning meal before going to school. Volunteer starts the teaching after seeing the routine of the school for the day. 
There will be a  short break in mid day where volunteer is provided some snacks. 
evening after volunteer will get back to home stay he or she will have good time to explore the surrounding villages or write diary or read books, enjoy the evening games with children's  and help the villagers for their daily works etc
Dinner is expected to be between 7-8 pm and then will be bed time .

Roughly the schedule of the volunteer:

 7AM:  Bed Tea
 8AM: Yoga and morning walk
9AM : Lunch
10 AM : beginning of the school hour and teaching
1PM : School break and snacks
2-3 PM :More teaching
4PM: school finish
7 PM: dinner in home stay
8PM: cultural dances some times 
9PM off to bed 


Since the village is next to a forest and great mountain views one can do  day or multiday hike some time . Ghale Gaun a model tourism village is just two hours walk from the village where volunteers can go and enjoy the  near by tourist destination , also if  volunteers like to swim they can go ...


Since the village is next to a forest and great mountain views one can do  day or multiday hike some time . Ghale Gaun a model tourism village is just two hours walk from the village where volunteers can go and enjoy the  near by tourist destination , also if  volunteers like to swim they can go to khudi khola 45 minutes down hill and enjoy the swimming and even fishing. 



Mindestalter: 18 Jahre

Um an diesem Programm teilzunehmen, musst du zu Programmbeginn mindestens 18 Jahre alt sein. Es kann Ausnahmen geben, wenn du die Erlaubnis deines/r Erziehungsberechtigten vorlegen kannst oder wenn du von deinen Eltern begleitet wirst


Du brauchst folgende Sprachkenntnisse: Englisch (Grundkenntnisse)


auf High School Niveau

Polizeiliches Führungszeugnis



Es gibt keine Beschränkungen. Helfende Hände aus aller Welt sind willkommen.

Andere Fähigkeiten

easy goings with children's and having different technique to make the children's more playful and happy.


Deine Hilfe wird an folgenden Tagen benötigt: Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag und Sonntag von 10:00 - 15:00



Dienstleistungen von Good Karma Foundation Nepal

Our Servises to Volunteers are as follows:
  • Responce to Email & providing the enough information while booking
  • Pre- departure Information: Information on booking flight ticket, getting visa, Airport procedure, what to bring etc.
  • Land Transportation: Airport Pickup, airport transfer,  public transportation to project site 
  • Program Induction: Basic Nepali language Course, Cultural class and program orientation etc.
  • Accommodation: Few Night accommodation during program induction period and after program in Kathmandu and in volunteering place
  • Accommodation and meals: Accommodation and meals from your day of arrival to departure
  • 24 hours availability of Good karma Foundation Nepal staff for emergency support
  • Contribution to projects and host family
  • Support for ongoing community development projects
  • Assistance to extent your visa
  • Nepali Sim Card 
  • All administration cost
  • Helping with Tour Trek if you want
  • arrangement of Connecting faster Ambulance services or Helicopter Rescue in case of Sick ( to be paid by volunteer themselves later)

Abholung vom Flughafen Tribhuvan International Airport

As per the arrival of volunteers , airport pick up will be arranged . 

On your arrival day our Team of Good Karma foundation  will stay in Tribhutwan intl airport Kathmandu with your name plate and transfer to our home stay in kathmandu. before your arrival also we will share you arrival info and procedures in whatsapp in need .


The village is also a tourism village and offer the clean home stays for sleeping and have clean bathrooms 


Typical Nepalis foods will be provided during the stay  like Dal bhat (rice and lentils), curry, pickle etc. Meat is provided occasionally. Eggs are parts of breakfast. It is no problem if you are vegetarian or allergic to certain food as villagers have many items of freshly cooked food each day to choose from.


Gute Verbindung vor Ort

Was ist NICHT inklusive?

Was ist NICHT inklusive?


Der nächstgelegene Flughafen ist Tribhuvan International Airport (KTM) in Kathmandu. Wir helfen dir günstige Flüge nach Nepal zu finden. FINDE GÜNSTIGE FLÜGE


Ins Ausland zu gehen ist ein Abenteuer, auf das man sich stets gut vorbereiten sollte. Plötzliche Krankheit oder Verletzung, Stornierung oder Diebstahl - eine Reiseversicherung für Nepal bietet die nötige Sicherheit. ANGEBOT EINHOLEN


Bevor du deine Freiwilligenarbeit in Nepal antrittst, solltest du dich noch einmal von deinem Arzt beraten lassen und deine erforderlichen Impfungen für Nepal überprüfen. IMPFSCHUTZ ÜBERPRÜFEN

Informationen zur Anreise

You can start the program at any time of the year.
Jan Feb Mär Apr Mai Jun Jul Aug Sep Okt Nov Dez


4 Wochen (Mindestaufenthalt) 672€
5 Wochen 840€
6 Wochen 959€
7 Wochen 1.176€
9 Wochen 1.296€
11 Wochen 1.584€
16 Wochen (Maximaler Aufenthalt) 2.304€
Durchschnittliche Gebühren 156€/Woche


156€ / Woche 4 - 16 Wochen Alter 18 - 50+


Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



4 - 16 Wochen


Mit der Anzahlung reservierst du deinen Platz beim Freiwilligenprogramm. Zahlungen werden von PayPal abgewickelt, unserem vertrauenswürdigen globalen Zahlungsanbieter. Falls du keinen PayPal Account hast, kannst du die Anzahlung auch mit einer Kreditkarte bezahlen.

Ausstehende Zahlung

Deine Restzahlung vereinbarst du mit Good Karma Foundation Nepal während des Bewerbungsprozesses. Normalerweise handelt es sich um eine Banküberweisung oder eine Barzahlung am Projektstandort.

Lerne deine Organisation kennen

Good Karma Foundation Nepal

Brilliant 4.7 rating (26 Bewertungen)

Non-profit - gegründet 2014

von Volunteer World verifiziert

  Sehr hohe Antwortrate

Veranstaltet von


Gesprochene Sprachen: Englisch

Über die Organisation

Good karma foundation was founded after the Nepal Earthquake of April 2015, the biggest disaster of our history. The Foundation helps to rebuild and empower locals.

Lerne deine Organisation kennen

The Good karma foundation was founded after the Nepal Earthquake of April 2015, the biggest disaster of our history. The Foundation helped in the huge rebuilding and reconstruction work, which captivated our volunteers from worldwide destinations. This year has been one of the most trying in Nepalese history. Our plan is to go ahead with as much work as we can fund to make Nepal a better place to live in guided by our best idea as, our altruistic philosophy, our resources and technology.

There are many national and international, non-governmental organizations in Nepal and Good Karma is trying to be an effective one. Good Karma wants to bring practical results from its work and if you are interested in these practical results you can be part of our foundation. The Good Karma Foundation will basically work with help of volunteers worldwide who want to rebuild and help Nepal.

Most of the Institutions are currently focusing on areas like Kathmandu, Pokhara and Chitwan but our goal is to cover outlaying areas of Nepal, possibly in all 75 districts of our country. The nice part of our projects is we want to touch all the district of country, not only focusing on the easy areas.

Our focus will be on issues of Health and Education which can help Nepal to make a better place for tomorrow. We also organize training and social awareness in the areas respectively. Most of the population of the country live in the urban and mountain area and lack basic medical care.

If you are interested, please send us your full information and in which district you would like to volunteer. We can also help you to choose the area of volunteering. Even if you are in short time we can recommend closer areas from the urban center. if you are intending to do long term volunteering, we recommend to focusing on marginal areas of the country. 

Vision of the Organization

A rural Nepal with better living conditions.

Mission of the Organization

Effective use of volunteer with expertise in health and education to improve the social conditions in rural Nepal.

26 Bewertungen · rating4.7

Bhalam Chaur is a beautiful mountain village and I was made to feel a part of its community straight away. Waking up in those mountains is something I will remember for the rest of my life! Luku whose home I stayed in was my lovely Nepali 'Ama' who looked after and fed me so well. I felt at home and ...
Bhalam Chaur is a magical village where eagles fly a few metres overhead and people are kind beyond measure. The most incredible thing is definitely the sense of community that unites the people who live here. Nature is also amazing, a wild jungle to explore and a breathtaking view of the highest ...
Lærke Eriksen rating5

2024 at Mountain Village Teacher

I volunteered with good karma foundation for one month this winter. This has been one of the best experiences of my life. They welcomed me with open arms, and I felt safe for the entirety of my stay. I stayed at a pleasant homestay, with amazing staff, and good food😍 Thank you so much. I will ...
Ismaele Bonomi rating5

2024 at Nunnery and Monastery Supporter

Let's start with WOW! As soon as you pass through the monastery doors you enter another world, passing from the chaos of Kathmandu to a surreal dimension where spirituality and Tibetan culture are so dense as to be almost palpable. The nuns are all really nice, always ready to answer any question ...
Gionatha Cravero rating5

2024 at Teaching and Trekking on top of the World

Multiple experiences in one. The opportunity to stay with locals both in KTM and in the mountain village gives a full immersion into the Nepali culture. The ebc trek is an intense experience by itself done with an amazing guide. ..
One of the best things I've ever done. Nabraj organized everything perfectly. Khasur was a beautiful village with a lot of things to do nearby. The kids at the school are very nice and wants to ...


Asien > Südasien > Nepal > Lamjung

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