
  Verificeret af Volunteer World






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We rehabilitate and reintroduce wild animals, who were victims of illegal trafficking, back into their natural habitats, and take care of those who can't be reintroduced
In 1993, Angelika Raimann and Remigio Canelos, a Swiss-Quichua couple, with their friend Christine von Steiger, wanted to protect the fauna of the Amazon, so they created amaZOOnico, a center that would receive, rehabilitate, and reintroduce wild animals that had been confiscated from illegal ...

Review Description

In 1993, Angelika Raimann and Remigio Canelos, a Swiss-Quichua couple, with their friend Christine von Steiger, wanted to protect the fauna of the Amazon, so they created amaZOOnico, a center that would receive, rehabilitate, and reintroduce wild animals that had been confiscated from illegal trade.

Today, amaZOOnico has become one of the best animal rescue centers in Ecuador. One of amaZOOnico's strengths is that our team is made of a mix of the traditional knowledge and wisdom of local people and a vast array of perspectives and experiences brought by people coming from all around the world.

Within 5 hectares, we rehabilitate animals in order to reintroduce them in their natural habitats, we care for more than 400 animals that can't be released back into the wild and we carry out environmental activities with visitors. Those who can be released to their natural habitats, are rehabilitated and them released back into the Amazon.

Contact Person

Sandra Almeyda

Spoken languages: Spansk, Engelsk
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Amazoonico feltrapporter

I cant recommend this experience enough. It is a unique and amazing mix of hard work, building relationships with beautiful but damaged animals and meeting great new people and spending free time together. You should treat it like a job because your fellow volunteers and the animals are depending on ...
Rodrigue DE ALMEIDA rating5,0

2023 at Wildlife Rehabilitation - a Jungle Adventure

My time in AmaZOOnico was a beautiful experience. The place is beautiful and the people is amazing ! Taking care of the animals and giving educational tours for tourists was a meaningful ...
Jannik Himmelsbach rating5,0

2023 at School Teacher in the Jungle

I was participating the program as an assistant teacher (mainly English and mathematics) and had an amazing time. I think I found myself learning more from them than I was able to teach them. The children are just pure love and accept you with lots of love and energy. The local teaching staff and ...
A very unique experience living in the Amazon for 1 month. The accommodation is basic, but after not very long you realise you don’t miss much from the modern world, all you need is good company and you can survive anywhere. I had the best time being with the animals everyday and met awesome ...
As a 66 year old young voluntair I can let you know that my two months stay in Amazoonico in the rainforest was a powerful mix with young volonteers from all over the world . We as Europeans can still learn a lot from the way of life and philosophy of Amazoonico and the Kichwa people who lives ...
Maya Andrea Lægreid rating4,8

2023 at Wildlife Rehabilitation - a Jungle Adventure

I had an amazing time at Amazoonico. You get to work very closely and learn a lot about the native animals of the Amazonian rainforest. I myself got the incredible experience of helping to take care of an orphaned spider monkey. I also made great friends and we made experiences for life together. ..

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  • Quality Education
  • Life On Land