IPBio - Reserva Jutuarana

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IPBio – Biodiversity Research Institute develops and supports projects in environmental education and research on biodiversity and ecology.

IPBio´s long term goal is to create a national network of 5 research centers in every major biome of Brazil. IPBio already has a total of 3 reserves in the Atlantic Forest, Amazon and Cerrado but hopes to purchase and set up research centers in the Pantanal and Caatinga soon. The creation of this ...

Review Description

IPBio´s long term goal is to create a national network of 5 research centers in every major biome of Brazil. IPBio already has a total of 3 reserves in the Atlantic Forest, Amazon and Cerrado but hopes to purchase and set up research centers in the Pantanal and Caatinga soon. The creation of this national reserve and research center network can provide useful opportunities for research, conservation projects and economic development in the area of sustainable tourism.

The Betary Reserve was the first IPBio research center created in Iporanga (São Paulo) in 2004. This reserve was accredited as an “advanced outpost” of the Atlantic Forest Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO in 2009. The primary focus of research is bioluminescence fungi and insects and amphibians but there are various other projects that occur. We have had scientific publication in the worlds most renowned and prestigious journal such as Science and Nature – Scientific Reports. Moreover, we have a release center called FreeWildlifeBrazil Celine which has worked primarily with birds captured from the illegal trade of wildlife but has also helped release howler monkeys, anteaters and oncillas.

We are now in the process of constructing two new centers. However, our research and education programs in these new biomes have already begun. 

Contact Person

Imran Viroomal

Spoken languages: Engelsk
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IPBio - Reserva Jutuarana feltrapporter

Martha Diaz rating5,0

2024 at Amazon Research Assistant

I had the opportunity to gain firsthand knowledge regarding the research and conservation methods for different aspects of nature. The work was harder some days than others, but super rewarding. The staff was very kind, knowledgeable, and welcoming. We had the opportunity to interact with the local ...
Helena Stevens rating5,0

2024 at Amazon Research Assistant

My time spent working with IPBio was assuredly one of the best things I have been involved in to-date! Firstly, it is to be noted that the Amazon branch of the organisation is very new comparatively to the Atlantic Forest, meaning that the facilities are different but this is by no means a ...
Tatiana rating5,0

2024 at Amazon Research Assistant

I enjoyed my 4+ weeks of volunteering with IPBio, many thanks to great level of coordination and organization: all activities are well planned, with guidelines for each, coordinators are helpful to clarify everything and support in any issues! I liked the comfortable living conditions too. The ...
Molly rating4,8

2024 at Amazon Research Assistant

The IPBio program is an amazing, once in a life time experience! Being able to be apart of important research whilst making life long friends. I would definitely recommend doing this program if you get the chance. Be prepared for physical work, but also a lot of fun along the way! This program is ...
Chloe rating4,8

2024 at Amazon Research Assistant

Joining the IPbio Amazon program was an amazing experience, the volunteer program is full of discovery, you really join a scientific program who matters even if you don’t have a lot of knowledge. The volunteer house is perfect and you have time to discover the amazing town of alter do chao during ...
Benaiah rating4,8

2024 at Amazon Research Assistant

I am an undergraduate biology student. During my 7 weeks at IPBio, I witnessed a lot of biodiversity in the Amazon forest. The programme itself is well organised and executed, with the volunteer coordinators Imran and Marleen being very responsive, supportive, and instructive. The only drawback was ...

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UN Sustainable Development Goals

  • Decent Work And Economic Growth
  • Life On Land