The Sharon Children Home is under the aegis of Sharon Welfare Society a registered non profit in Andhra Pradesh. The Children Home takes care of 60 destitute and needy kids who are taken care providing education .food and shelter.We are located in Mangalagiri, Guntur District of Andhra Pradesh ,South India.
Sharon Welfare Society works in array of areas, support to the needy ,vocational training ,education etc.but its primary focus is the care and protection of orphan children.The organization works hard to provide a loving home and family for every child in its care working hard to promote family relationships and impart a spirit of responsibility in every member of the organization.
1.To always remember that every child's life is priceless and to put the needs of the children above our own.
2.To work in partnership with other organizations and empowering local citizens to make a real difference in the community.
3.To show the world that every child regardless of their needs, deserves to experience love and to be treated with dignity and care.
We are looking for young and enthusiastic volunteers who can spend their time with kids and motivate ,inspire and guide them.
We chose volunteer world as our platform as its a responsible and perfect platform for the volunteers and organizations as well.