desde 1.221€

Fantástico 4.5rating (42)

Medical Care Assistance

4 - 14 semanas  ·  Edad 18 - 50+

rating  Fantástico 4.5  · 
  Verificado por Volunteer World
  Ratio de respuesta muy alto

Especialmente adecuado para

Edad 18+
Solteros y solteras

Sobre el programa

Help out in a district or main hospital in this fascinating historic island of Zanzibar.

About the Program

The Zanzibar Medical Project presents the opportunity to volunteer and assist in one of the hospitals in Stone Town, Zanzibar. This tropical island off the coast of Tanzania lives by the seasons, and has a laidback atmosphere you will definitely enjoy.

Like many African countries ...

Sobre el programa

About the Program

The Zanzibar Medical Project presents the opportunity to volunteer and assist in one of the hospitals in Stone Town, Zanzibar. This tropical island off the coast of Tanzania lives by the seasons, and has a laidback atmosphere you will definitely enjoy.

Like many African countries Tanzania and Zanzibar struggle with its healthcare system in many ways. Even though Zanzibar is semi-autonomous it struggles with the same challenges as the mainland of Tanzania. Due to an insufficient government system, corruption by government officials, inadequate facilities and lacking resources healthcare is challenging for most of Zanzibar’s people. Medication can be hard to come by and basic services can require long waiting days to be helped.

Zanzibar, being an island with a 95% Muslim population, faces challenges regarding early arranged marriages and therefore teen pregnancies, a taboo about HIV/AIDS and women’s health. Healthcare on Zanzibar is also challenging, as equipment and facilities available are mostly old and outdated and/or not adequate for the needs of the hospitals and its patients.

Your role as a volunteer will be primarily to assist the medical staff on duty. This can differ depending on what level of expertise you have, and for students, will be different then for qualified nurses or doctors. 

Due to the nature of the work, volunteers need to know that they will be working under supervision, until you have proven your capabilities to the supervisor who is responsible for your actions at all times. Make an effort to earn their trust, this will make your volunteering experience so much better. 

Accept a challenge; that is why you are coming. Volunteers in the past have delivered babies, taken blood, changed dressings, assisted with minor surgery and other activities that you would possibly not be involved in if you stayed back home. It can be challenging, so volunteers with a healthy dose of independence and flexibility will enjoy this experience of learning how healthcare works in Tanzania.  

The hospitals struggle with challenges such as outdated equipment, shortages of medication, insufficient or undertrained staff, and a growing number of patients. Extra help and assistance from volunteer medical students or qualified medical staff is very welcome and improves the services being offered.

The mission of the hospitals is to provide the best free medical care possible within the extremely challenging circumstances they have to work with.

The need for volunteers at the hospitals is huge. Next to assistance with the actual work, there is an on-going need for financial support to improve the situation of the hospitals.

The Khaya Medical Project on Zanzibar offers volunteers the possibility to assist in the Government Hospitals as well as in the smaller privately-run clinics which offer health care to small communities. 

It is important to note that qualified medical professionals will only be allowed to practice medicine if certified by the Zanzibar Medical Council.

Khaya has partnered up with a number of smaller private clinics to allow specialists and doctors to offer their skills. These clinics are often small and offer general practitioners, dentistry, and a pharmacy all in one place. Here you can volunteer for up to 1 year once you are certified by the Zanzibar Medial Council. This requires a few forms to be completed with some additional documentation and a fee of 250 USD. The process takes about 2 weeks, so be sure to apply well in advance. 

Your Role

Your role as a volunteer will be to support the hospitals and work with the local staff in the different departments. You can assist with HIV/AIDS testing for pregnant women, vaccinations for children, general care at the different wards and much more.

Guidance and Supervision

Your stay on Zanzibar will be supervised by our local coordinator. He will look after you from the start and support any help needed to make this a successful and rewarding period of volunteering. 

You will get general guidance from our volunteer coordinators during your stay on Zanzibar, and more specific daily guidance during working hours from supervisors which are hospital staff. Your Khaya coordinator will pick you up, take you to your accommodation and offer a first introduction to Zanzibar. They will also take you to the project on your first day and look after you during your voluntary period. The coordinators will help you with all your questions and will provide support when needed. Your part to keep communication with them on-going and to express your needs or questions is very important. Within the hospitals, you will be supervised by professionals with extensive experience, who will try to offer the best guidance of huge work pressure and caseloads. In the beginning you will only be observing until you have earned the trust of the supervisor and they are comfortable to allow you to work independently. Working with local staff can be challenging, creating language barriers and different expectations from both parties. It is important to communicate openly, earn trust and have patience and respect towards the local circumstances. 

Extra Costs for Medical Volunteering

Due to the challenging financial situation of the hospitals on Zanzibar, the local government has implemented a compulsory donation of 100 USD per week. This allows them enough finances to supervise volunteers’ activities and coordinate your work. This compulsory donation is not included in the fees and needs to be donated in cash to the hospital upon your arrival on Zanzibar.


Any possible gifts and donations provided by volunteers and their network of people are extremely appreciated. Just keep in mind that medical supplies or equipment should be: 

  • Useful 
  • Safe to use and of good quality 
  • Most current model if possible 
  • Economically in terms of running costs 
  • Should have at least one-year shelf life 

Please feel free to ask your booking agent for a full list of medical supply needs. 

You most likely won’t be alone when volunteering in Zanzibar and meet both local as international volunteers. We get volunteers from all over the world, from the USA, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, the UK and many other countries. At this project you will most probably have other volunteers around from all over the world. Our accommodation offers possibilities to host 16 volunteers at any given time.

Safety in Zanzibar 

  • Ensure that your clothing is modest when you are not on the beach. Women should not show too much of their legs and chest, and topless sunbathing is really discouraged. 
  • If you are diving or snorkelling, you may be tempted to collect some pretty shells from Zanzibar's many coral reefs. Please do not, as this kills • entire reefs, the devastating effects of which can be seen in the well-trodden areas of the East African coast. Although there are shell sellers, you are asked not to buy shells from them, as it simply encourages this harmful industry. 
  • Zanzibar is an amazingly photogenic place but if you want to take photographs of people, please ask for their permission first out of respect for them. 
  • If you are not Muslim do not enter any of Zanzibar's mosques. 
  • Keep in mind that your safety comes with your own behaviour and looking after your personal items. Lock your room, if possible, give • valuables to the coordinators to keep for you and be aware of your surroundings. 
  • Zanzibar is alluring to many different tourists and many women from the west will find their African lovers here. Be aware of the smooth-talking beach boys that you will encounter and can organize everything for ‘free’ for you or very cheap, there usually is a price to pay somewhere down the line. 
WHERE DOES MY MONEY GO? At Khaya we believe in transparency and openness about where your money goes. Your fees go to a variety of costs both short term & long term, to cover staff costs, a great volunteer house, transport but also includes a direct donation to the project. We believe that the projects we work with need more than just your hands; they need money to keep their doors open, pay for rent and electricity and so much more. We firmly believe that donating money, which is part of your fee, helps where the biggest needs are. These donations fund all expenses of this program and assist us to do what we do. 
Also remember that your Volunteering Permit will cost you an additional 200 USD, this is arranged and paid after your arrival with our coordinators. Your fees will not only be helpful for the support of the projects but will provide local staff a much needed income. Our way of working is to provide local employment, as your coordinators provided with a full-time job because of our volunteer projects. 


If you decide to volunteer during this time you need to be aware of the following:
What is Ramadan all about? 
Ramadan is regarded as the holiest month of the year for Muslims as it was the month in which the Quran was revealed to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) on the night of Laylat Al Qadr, one of the last ten nights of Ramadan. The annual observance of Ramadan is considered one of the 'Five Pillars of Islam'. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Hijri (Islamic) calendar. 

How long does it last? 
Ramadan lasts for one complete moon cycle, which is usually 29 or 30 days. The moon sighting determines the duration. Nowadays, astronomical calculations have started taking precedence over the age-old tradition of moon sighting by the naked eye to determine the dates.

How do we know exactly when it starts? 
A moon-sighting committee in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, will make an official announcement. 

How do you greet each other? 
Greet people by saying “Ramadan Kareem”. This roughly translates into “Happy Ramadan”. 

How do Muslims observe Ramadan? 
Adult Muslims are required to fast from dawn to dusk every day throughout Ramadan. Those who are ill, elderly, diabetic, pregnant, menstruating, or breast-feeding are not required to fast. Those who travel or are unwell during the period of Ramadan may fast on different days at a later point. Children are not required to fast unless they have reached puberty, although many still do out of choice. 
In addition to abstaining from eating, drinking, and smoking, Muslims also refrain from sexual relations as well as sinful speech and behaviour. During Ramadan, Muslims pray every night for 30 days, reciting different chapters each day until the Quran is completed by Eid Al Fitr. This is called the Taraweeh prayer, which is recited after Isha prayers mid-evening 

When do Muslims break their fast? 
Fast may be broken at sunset before Maghrib prayers after ‘Azaan’ (call for prayers). This occurs just after sunset. Dates are traditionally the first food to be eaten each evening. The fast-breaking meal is called Iftar. 

Do non-Muslims have to fast? 
No. While Muslims don’t expect non-Muslims to fast as well, it remains important to show respect and follow basic etiquette in daily behaviour.

Basic Ramadan etiquette: 
1. Do not eat, drink, or smoke in public during the fasting hours. This includes chewing gum. 
2. Do not dance or play music in public. You may listen to music quietly with headphones. 
3. Do not wear inappropriate clothing in public. Dress respectfully. Men should avoid wearing sleeveless tops, while women should cover their shoulders and knees. 
4. Do not swear. 
5. Accept gifts, from a simple date to something more exotic, try to politely accept it. Further, if invited, it would always be an honour to join someone at Iftar. 

Please note, it is mandatory that you acquire a police clearance certificate for you to be able to volunteer at our medical project in Zanzibar.

Día típico

Volunteers will work from Mondays to Fridays for 6 - 8 hours (

from 8h00-15h00) a day including the following tasks.

  • Nurse assistance
  • Handing out medication
  • Dress changing
  • Taking blood samples
  • Taking care of minor surgeries
  • Working in maternity or physiotherapy department
  • Assisting with births
  • First aid

Día típico

Volunteers will work from Mondays to Fridays for 6 - 8 hours (

from 8h00-15h00) a day including the following tasks.

  • Nurse assistance
  • Handing out medication
  • Dress changing
  • Taking blood samples
  • Taking care of minor surgeries
  • Working in maternity or physiotherapy department
  • Assisting with births
  • First aid
Depending on your level of expertise, a personalized program will be made with the hospital volunteer supervisor.

As no day will be the same, expect the unexpected. You will assist with variety of medical services where needed the most. Your personal input and experience will create a situation where you can find those activities suiting you best, and where your support makes the biggest impact. 

Very important is that you keep communicating in a respectful way, things will not always be what you expected or what you are qualified to do; discuss this with your supervisor and look at ways to make changes if you like, without demanding this; you are here to help. 

Weekends off are to explore the island or to assist the mobile clinic of course. 

Actividades de tiempo libre

A lot of different activities can be found in the neighborhood of Zanzibar. Go sailing, scuba diving or choose one of the other activities on the water! Taste the traditional spices and food on a Zanzibar cook and spices tour where you make your own traditional meal and eat it yourself! Furthermore, ...

Actividades de tiempo libre

A lot of different activities can be found in the neighborhood of Zanzibar. Go sailing, scuba diving or choose one of the other activities on the water! Taste the traditional spices and food on a Zanzibar cook and spices tour where you make your own traditional meal and eat it yourself! Furthermore, you can go hiking, cycling, there is a yoga center where you can practice your flexibility or do a culture tour and find out the real Zanzibar.



Edad mínima: 18 años

Para participar en el programa debes tener al menos 18 años en la fecha de inicio del programa. Puede haber excepciones si muestras el permiso de tu(s) tutor(es) legal(es) o si vas acompañado de tus padres.

Conocimientos lingüísticos

Tienes que hablar (nivel básico) Inglés

Requisitos educativos

Medical a nivel de University

Verificación de antecedentes penales


Documentos necesarios

Police Clearance Certificate and Resume

Restricciones de nacionalidad

Sin restricciones. Las manos amigas de todo el mundo son bienvenidas.

Otras habilidades

It is important that volunteers of this project understand the importance of the following: • • Be flexible and expect the unexpected! • • Be patient to create a good working schedule with the hospital, this can take some time. • • To show respect towards the people and culture of the local community. You might not agree with certain ways of conduct during your term here, but don’t forget you are a guest here. • • To follow rules regarding clothing and appearance.

Tiempo dedicado

Necesitaremos tu ayuda los Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves y Viernes de 09:00 - 16:00

Servicios incluidos

Servicios incluidos

Servicios de Go With Khaya

  • Pick up from Stone Town airport or harbor
  • First day introduction at the project and surroundings
  • Accommodation
  • All meals (3 meals a day)
  • Guidance and supervision during your stay
  • Excluded: 

    • Tourist visa (50 USD upon arrival)
    • Volunteer visa (200 USD after arrival)
    • Weekly mandatory donation to the hospital (100 USD a week)

Recogida en el aeropuerto Zanzibar International Airport

You will be collected from the airport or the harbor of Stone Town.

As Zanzibar is semi-autonomous and part of Tanzania you can fly straight to Zanzibar (over Nairobi, Kilimanjaro, or other international airports) or fly to Dar es Salaam. If you fly to Dar es Salaam you need to take a cab to the ferry to Zanzibar, where you can buy a ticket for the relaxing 40-minute boat ride to the island. It is very important that we know of your travel arrangements so we can be ready for you to arrive. 

Arriving at the project: Upon arrival at either the airport or ferry terminus, you will be welcomed by the Khaya coordinator who will show you around and take you to your accommodation. After freshening up and getting to know the staff, you will be given an introduction and go through some rules and regulations. Your coordinator will give you a short lesson in Swahili to help you get the basics and show you how to use the daladalas (local taxis). Together with one of the coordinators you will be given a free Stone Town tour in the first week to explore the narrow alleys of this beautiful and atmospheric town. 


Volunteers will stay in shared accommodation in the area of Chukwani, which is 10-15 minutes away from the centre of Stone Town, the main city on Zanzibar.

The house is fully furnished up to Zanzibari standards, and provides you with a comfortable home for the duration of your stay on Zanzibar. You will stay together with other international volunteers creating lots of opportunities to enjoy the island together.

This is a typical Zanzibar family home. Also on the property is a local bar (tavern) which allows for a nice cold drink with some locals after a long day of volunteering. During the busier months in June & July our volunteers are also hosted at a larger volunteer’s house which can accommodate up to 18 volunteers. The volunteer house has 3 large bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and large kitchen, as well as dining room and lounge area. The house has a garden with a secure wall and gate to make sure you are as safe as possible. Bedding is provided in the form of sheets but bring a towel for personal use. Mosquito nets are not provided so you can bring one if you choose to. If you don’t have enough space in your suitcase: it is cheap to buy things locally. The accommodation can be basic, standards are very different on Zanzibar then back home most probably, and showers do not have hot water, but the weather is hot enough to shower cold! Within easy reach you will find the main road with food stalls to buy fresh juices, Mandazi (local doughnuts) and any other basic needs. Within 20 minutes’ walk you can find 2 popular bars with fast internet and supermarket with some imported (and expensive) goodies to treat yourself every now and then. 

Comida y bebida

3 Basic Meals per day are provided by either your host family or by the cook at the volunteer house. These will be local food, and should you want to supplement with your own luxury items you are welcome to do so at your own cost. Meals are based on local ingredients and will include meat, chicken, seafood, and vegetarian dishes, as well as the favourite ‘chips’ (fries) and pancakes. Breakfast will generally consist of tea and coffee, toast, jam and peanut butter with some fruit while lunches and dinners are cooked meals which you can eat after work and at your own preferred time. Safe boiled drinking water is supplied in the house. If you would like bottled mineral water, you can buy this at TsH 800 per 1.5 liter = 0.35 USD. (Please note that exchange rates can change on a daily base.) 

Acceso a Internet

Acceso limitado al lugar del proyecto

¿Qué NO está incluido?

¿Qué NO está incluido?

Boletos de avión

El aeropuerto más cercano es Zanzibar International Airport (ZNZ) en Zanzibar. Te ayudamos a encontrar vuelos baratos a Tanzania. ENCONTRAR VUELOS BARATOS

Seguro de viaje

Ir al extranjero es una aventura y siempre es mejor estar preparado. Enfermedad o lesión repentina, cancelación o robo: un seguro de viaje para Tanzania proporciona seguridad y es una ventaja tenerlo. OBTENER UN PRESUPUESTO


Si tiene intención de realizar un voluntariado en Tanzania, debe solicitar asesoramiento médico antes de iniciar su viaje social. Comprueba las vacunas que necesitas para Tanzania. COMPROBADOR DE VACUNAS

Detalles a la llegada

STARTING DATES Volunteers have the option to start or finish with their project at any given time. Minimum duration of the project is 2 weeks and longer. 

Enero Feb. Marzo Abr. Mayo Jun Jul Agosto Set. Oct. Nov. Dic.

Cuotas del programa

4 semanas (estancia min.) 1.221€
12 semanas 3.501€
14 semanas (estancia max.) 4.071€
Cuota promedio 297€/semana

Cuotas del programa

297€ cuotas semanales 4 - 14 semanas Edad 18 - 50+

Métodos de pago

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



4 - 14 semanas


El depósito es simplemente para reservar tu vacante de voluntario. Los pagos se gestionan a través de PayPal, nuestro proveedor global de confianza. Si no tienes una cuenta PayPal, también puedes pagar con tarjeta de crédito.

Pago final

El pago final se acordará con Go With Khaya durante el proceso de solicitud. Las soluciones habituales son la transferencia bancaria o el pago en efectivo en el lugar del proyecto.

Conoce a tu anfitrión(a)

Go With Khaya

Fantástico 4.5 rating (42 reseñas)

Agencia - fundada en 2005

Verificado por Volunteer World

  Ratio de respuesta muy alto

Coordinado por


Idiomas hablados: Inglés

sobre la organización

Go With Khaya provides responsible and affordable volunteer projects. Take a gap year, work with communities and children, teach sport or work with wildlife.

Conoce a tu anfitrión(a)

“Khaya” means village or dwelling in several African languages – but it also has a deeper meaning, that of ‘belonging’. In Xhosa it also means home or homestead and in Swahili it means boma, which is an enclosed secure area for cattle. At Khaya Volunteer Projects, we make our volunteers feel that they belong. If you choose Khaya to organize your volunteering experience, you will feel secure and well-informed. You will also feel that you belong to the project you decide to work with, as Khaya fits the right people to the right projects.


Khaya Volunteer Projects was established in 2005. We offered international students the opportunity to come to South Africa and experience working with local companies and organisations as interns. Our goal was to offer an incomparable experience of the diverse culture and socio-political landscape of this amazing country, and our hope was to inspire people to offer their time and effort in return.

We soon found that many volunteering projects needed more hands and financial support than interns could provide, so in 2009 we started to offer volunteering opportunities to people of all ages and walks of life, such as gap year students, travellers, and conscientious older people with time to spare – whoever you are, you will find the right project for you and fit right in. Things took off from there and we didn’t look back - in 2011, Khaya expanded to Tanzania (Arusha and Zanzibar) and Zimbabwe. Today we have offices in South Africa, Zanzibar,Tanzania and Malawi.

Our Mission

Our mission is simple but resonant: we provide volunteering opportunities for international travellers that are both unique and as affordable as possible with high standards of service and facilities. Needless to say, we also prioritise our selected volunteer projects’ needs in ways that benefit both project and you, the volunteer.

At Khaya Volunteer Projects, our greatest desire is to show people the true Africa, with its dynamic cultures and its incredible raw beauty. To live and work locally in South Africa, Tanzania, Malawi, Zanzibar or Zimbabwe means immersing yourself in these countries and experiencing your travels in an entirely unique way you will never forget.

Our offer

Khaya Volunteer Projects will introduce you to affordable volunteer projects which have been personally chosen by or established by us. You can choose from a number of viable, sustainable, rewarding ventures: working with children, healthcare, sports development, education, conservation, animals – whatever you can think of, that project wants and needs your time and energy!

We have developed an extremely hands-on and personal approach to your experience. You will have a project facilitator working closely with you throughout your volunteering program to make sure your questions are answered and your concerns addressed. No question, suggestion or complaint is too silly, small or simple! This is just one of the many reasons Khaya has volunteers coming back to us year after year.

Dynamite comes in small packages! One of our points of pride is that our volunteering projects are selected and developed for quality over quantity. This means you won’t have to stand in a queue to touch an elephant or to take part in an activity – this isn’t Disneyworld!  Many other volunteer projects have 30 or 40 volunteers involved, which we feel dilutes your experience and denies the volunteer project your focus and enthusiasm. Some of our volunteer projects are rather new and in the process of improving, so we at Khaya make it our priority to uplift and support where we can and grow these projects to new heights – and for this, we want our volunteers to be as involved as possible and not just people who paid a fee to be ‘faces in the crowd’!

Why Khaya?


We focus on keeping our volunteer projects’ prices transparent and as low as possible while still offering the highest level of service. We encourage…no, we CHALLENGE you, our prospective volunteers, to compare our prices with other organisations. We offer incomparably affordable experiences for the level of service you will be receiving. We make sure to eliminate hidden costs and ‘fine print’ as far as possible in our volunteer project pricing. All your meals, transport and 24/7 supervision and guidance is included in our offering (this MAY differ per project, so please double-check with us).

Where does your money go?

We donate a good portion of your volunteering fee directly to the projects we work with (this can differ per project, you can check with us). This means that not only are you helping and supporting the projects with your time and energy, but you are also financially contributing to them! Khaya ensures that the costs involved in our projects are as transparent and uncomplicated as possible so that you know exactly where your hard-earned money is going to. Please contact us if you have ANY queries whatsoever regarding your fee, and what kind of mileage you are getting for your buck!

Locally based

Khaya has one fantastic advantage over other volunteer groups – we’re based right here in Africa, and are therefore directly involved with the volunteer projects on an ongoing, hands-on basis. We make every effort to visit all our projects regularly to ensure that everything is running smoothly, and to ensure that both projects AND volunteers receive all the necessary support and guidance. Our direct partnership with our projects allows us to see immediately how you, the volunteer, fit into the bigger picture, and at the same time we can help with the day-to-day details of your stay.

Very important to us: Khaya strives to create employment in Africa by employing local people at several of our projects and giving them much-needed income opportunities.

Going the extra mile

Khaya believes in going the extra mile. Whether you have questions specifically about the volunteer project you have embarked on, or just a general travel question (er no, lions and elephants don’t usually run rampant in city streets here! :). Ask away with impunity, nothing is too big or small for us to find the answer.

Khaya also conducts ongoing coaching and training of our local partners and coordinators. We train the staff of several projects on how to deal with volunteers, how to utilize them, and the best possible way to assist them. In doing so, we offer support for volunteers and at the same time foster an environment of empowerment for the full-time project workers.

Keeping it real

The pictures that you see on our website are authentic – they were taken by volunteers and Khaya staff. We want you to see exactly what you get if you sign up for a volunteering project with us. We are NOT involved in this industry merely to make a buck – we have a passion to make change happen, and to create a win-win situation for all involved. Also, we really want you to send us YOUR pictures and words, your vision of your experience, for our own knowledge and for potential future volunteers.

Pre-departure and feedback

Before you depart your home country, Khaya will supply you with a pre-departure guide with information about the project you choose. We will supply everything you need to know about visa requirements, and a list of what you need to bring with you; the climate; what to expect culturally and environmentally; and much, much more information!

We always aim to improve our services wherever possible, so once you have completed your time as a volunteer; we will ask you for feedback on your experience with us. Your feedback is of utmost importance to us to keep improving and growing our partnerships to new heights.

All volunteers will receive a Certificate of Participation after completion of their project.

42 reseñas · rating4.5

Claudia Fiedler rating3

2024 at Education on Zanzibar

School: Overall the teaching experience is an experience that changed my view on the world. However, if you are visiting from europe you need to be aware, that things in africa work differently than at home. To me, the project seemed quite unorganised. The communication with the school was ...
David Mason-Williams rating4.4

2023 at Siyafunda Wild Experience

Volunteering with Siyafunda was one of the best decisions of my life! Everyone involved in the project is passionate and knowledgable about their work, which I find inspirational. I learnt so much during my six weeks with Siyafunda, and I cannot wait to one day return and learn more! Anyone who is ...
Zeyneb Kasmi rating3.2

2022 at Education on Zanzibar

I spent in total 5 weeks in Zanzibar. The island became a second home. I taught mostly in a secondary school. It was a wonderful experience! However, I was living 25 min away from Stone Town / and the school. I did not like taking the bus/dali dali every single day. They only drive to up to a ...
Aniek Fassotte rating4.4

2022 at Penguin Rescue and Rehabilitation Assistant

Het originele plan was om zes weken bij dit project te gaan werken. Uiteindelijk is dit me zo goed bevallen dat ik mijn verblijf heb verlengd met twee extra weken. Het was mooi om zulke ervaring op te kunnen doen. Maar eerlijk is eerlijk, met de 'bazen' bij dit project moet je wel om kunnen gaan. ..
Lison Mc Nicoll rating4.6

2022 at Vervet Monkey Rescue

I stayed 2 weeks in Bambelela in June-July 2022. It was amazing! People there are so nice and we have plenty of monkey time. The tasks to do are easy but so helpful for them! An experience of a life! I’ll always remember my beautiful monkeys there! ...
corinne loze rating5

2022 at Vervet Monkey Rescue

it was an amazing experience with a lot af support and involing of volonteers. The program is very serious and it was just so adorable to take care of pink faces ...


África > África Oriental > Tanzania > Stone Town

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  Ratio de respuesta muy alto

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