à partir de 849€

Génial 4.7rating (26)

Learn Spanish & Support the Locals

2 - 2 semaines  ·  Âge 18 - 50+

rating  Génial 4.7  · 
  Vérifié par Volunteer World
  Taux de réponse très élevé


  • Location - we are based in the heart of atmospheric Old Havana within walking distance of cools bars, cafes, music and nightlife... and museums and historical sights
  • Cultural immersion - Spanish lessons combined with meaningful volunteering to connect, understand and enjoy this amazing country
  • Cubans - our all Cuban crew are super friendly and fun and will immediately make you feel at home and comfortable
  • Mix of nationalities - we have clients of all ages and backgrounds most of whom are solo travellers so you will have a ready group of friends to enjoy/share your experience with
  • Program support - we host 25+ clients monthly and have 5 years of experience running these programs. We have partners around the country for those wishing to explore Vinales, Trinidad or further

Particulièrement approprié pour

Âge 18+
Seul voyageur

À propos du programme

What’s happening in Cuba right now? Volunteer placements and activities to connect with Cuban people, understand their culture and history and turbo charge your Spanish.

A two-week cultural immersion program based in the heart of Old Habana to help you enjoy and understand what’s happening in Cuba right now! Our volunteer placements will help you connect with Cuban people, understand their culture and history, and turbo charge your Spanish language tuition.

This ...

À propos du programme

A two-week cultural immersion program based in the heart of Old Habana to help you enjoy and understand what’s happening in Cuba right now! Our volunteer placements will help you connect with Cuban people, understand their culture and history, and turbo charge your Spanish language tuition.

This two week program can be combined with other programs to make longer duration and more varied experience.

Airport transfers arranged on request. Our programs comply with travel restrictions for US citizens - see SUPPORT THE CUBAN PEOPLE.


Our volunteering begins with a group ‘orientation’ walk around Habana Vieja & Centro, during which we visit our projects; to discuss the issues and bring everyone comfortably up to speed and feeling welcome. Work begins the next day and depending where our need is greatest will include a combination of the following projects;

1) Suspiro & Arco Iris Community Centre’s
We work with two children’s community centers supporting activities for local kids aged 5-15 years. The kids include those from
broken and troubled families and our focus – in addition to creating a fun filled environment – is to give its members better preparation for adulthood and parenthood. A variety of classes are given but focus always remains on social skills and confidence building. Activities include acting, dancing and singing classes and we often make presentations with our volunteers.

Our work as volunteers includes assisting with needed renovation and maintenance work to the facilities, assisting teachers in preparation and planning of activities, assisting teachers carry-out activities and classes with the kids, hosting and planning our own activities for the kids and donating needed resources.

2) Sports Complejo
The sports complejo has been the main sports facility for all the schools in Habana Vieja for generations. It is very established but
lacks basic facilities. Sports supported at this location include; baseball, volleyball, athletics, olympic wrestling, basketball and judo.
We support sports in Cuba whenever possible, the benefits sports bring to society are well known to Cubans and we follow their lead. Our work as volunteers includes, renovation and maintenance of facilities, donating equipment, assisting in sports training and hosting sports events and matches.

3) ‘El Gimnasio’ Boxing Gym
Following the work accomplished at the legendary ‘Rafael Trejo Gimnasio’ – including rewiring, painting and a huge amount of
donativo – we are now working with another, younger, boxing gym that needs our help.

The facilities are quite poor and in a desperate situation; equipment is almost nonexistent. The coaches are passionate and therefore have a large following of kids, with ages ranging from 5-21 years old. Our work as volunteers includes renovation and maintenance of facilities, donating equipment, assisting in sports training and hosting events.

4) Paseo Del Prado
Weekends are generally free but we also include activities to help you interact and enjoy your surroundings. On Saturdays, weather permitting, we take a trip to the beaches that lie 30 mins by ‘collectivo’ taxi or bus, immediately east of the city, known as Playas del Este.

Sunday afternoon from 12-3pm we take a short walk to the famous Paseo del Prado, where a collective of local artists gives free ‘arts and crafts’ classes to local kids. We bring supplies to donate as well as helping out, depending what’s going on. It’s all very casual and a great way to enjoy and learn about the diversity of local art, as well as mingling with the locals and helping out the kids.

Journée typique


Monday to Friday’s intensive Spanish lessons take place shortly after breakfast. Your teacher is licensed and on day one you receive a short test to establish your level and objectives. Lessons take the format of 3 x 45 minute lessons each morning, with 15 minute breaks to refresh, ...

Journée typique


Monday to Friday’s intensive Spanish lessons take place shortly after breakfast. Your teacher is licensed and on day one you receive a short test to establish your level and objectives. Lessons take the format of 3 x 45 minute lessons each morning, with 15 minute breaks to refresh, making approximately 3 hours of Spanish lessons each day – 15 hours per week. Lessons are held from 09:00 sharp, Monday to Friday.


As well as volunteering (see description of volunteering activities above) we also take guided cultural tours/activities to discover Cuba... hop onto a Wah-Wah (fume belching local bendy bus) or Colectivo (classic car/communal taxi) and take to the streets to discover the real Habana. Understand how Habaneros live; the practical day to day issues Cubans face living in this complicated country at this exciting time and help us take away some answers to our own ‘first world’ problems!

We take you on an adventure to help you understand and enjoy the history of Cuba and Habana. Understand the source of her amazing wealth, the rich cultural mix, marvel at the faded patina of Habana’s famous gorgeous neo classical architecture, the rumble of classic American cars, curious soviet era high rise buildings, ubiquitous live music on every street, dance, exotic religions etc etc the list is endless.
You will quickly feel at home, gain the knowledge and confidence to enjoy the city during your own time, with new found traveller and Cuban friends. You have been immersed into the Cuban culture - enjoy!

Activités de loisirs

Habana is one big arts school with art, music and dance in abundance so there are MANY fun and interesting diversions during your free time. Our Program Managers are quite knowledgeable so should be able to help if you have any special interests... not much than goes on is publicised on the interest ...

Activités de loisirs

Habana is one big arts school with art, music and dance in abundance so there are MANY fun and interesting diversions during your free time. Our Program Managers are quite knowledgeable so should be able to help if you have any special interests... not much than goes on is publicised on the interest so its a case of word of mouth! If you wish to extend your time in Cuba we have a network of partners around the country and will be happy to help you with onward travel plans and recommendations.



Âge minimum: 18 ans

Pour participer à ce programme tu dois avoir au moins 18 ans quand le programme commence. Il peut y avoir des exceptions si tu peux montrer la permission de ton tuteur légal ou si tu es accompagné(e) par l'un de tes parents.

Compétences linguistiques

Tu dois parler Anglais (niveau de base)

Restrictions de Nationalité

Aucune restriction. De l'aide venant de tous les coins du monde est bienvenu.

Autres Compétences

1) Open mind 2) Spirit of adventure!

Engagement horaire

Nous avons besoin de ton aide pour lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi et dimanche de 09:00 - 16:00

Services inclus

Services inclus

Services de Corazon Cuba

Price includes accommodation (14 nights), breakfast and lunch throughout, 'welcome camino' on arrival, Spanish language tuition (Monday to Friday, three classes each day => 30 classes total), fun & meaningful volunteer placements featuring interactions with local Cubans and other activities including weekend trips to the beach and other excursions.


Accommodation is in our licensed Casa Particulare, sharing a dorm room with other student clients or upon payment $10 per night single room supplement you have your own private room and en suite bathroom (couples, friends and families booking together are automatically upgraded to a private room with no supplement payable).

Aliments & Boissons

Breakfast & lunch provided throughout.

Food preferences catered for!

Accès à Internet

Accès limité sur le site du projet

NE SONT inclus dans le prix:

NE SONT inclus dans le prix:

Transfert de l'aéroport Jose Marti International Airport

Le transfert de l'aéroport n'est pas inclus dans les frais non plus.

Billets d'avion

L'aéroport le plus proche est Jose Marti International Airport (HAV) à Havana. Nous t'aidons à trouver des vols pas chers pour aller en Cuba. TROUVER DES VOLS PAS CHERS

Assurance Voyage

Partir à l'étranger est une aventure et c'est toujours mieux d'être bien préparé. Que ce soit une maladie soudaine, une blessure ou du vol - une assurance voyage pour Cuba te protège en cas de situation imprévue. OBTENIR UN DEVIS


Si tu envisages de faire du bénévolat en Cuba, nous te conseillons de consulter un médecin avant le début de ton voyage. Renseigne-toi sur les vaccins nécessaires pour Cuba. INFOS VACCINS

Informations sur l'arrivée

Program start is 1st Sunday of EVERY month and includes 14 nights - but you you are welcome to arrive early/extend and pay for extra nights bed & breakfast as we are open 365 days a year.

Within 24 hours of your arrival enjoy a ‘welcome camino’ with one of our Program Managers to get to know your local neighbourhood including; how not to get lost(!) and local services like banks and wifi hotspots.

Cost of extra night – accommodation, breakfast & lunch USD 35

Airport transfer – USD 40 each way
janv. févr. mars avril mai juin juil. août sept. oct. nov. déc.

Frais de Programme

2 semaines 849€
Prix moyen 425€/semaine

Frais de Programme

425€ par semaine 2 - 2 semaines Âge 18 - 50+

Méthodes de payement

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



2 - 2 semaines


L'acompte sert à réserver ta place avec l'organisation. Les paiements sont effectués par Paypal, notre partenaire de confiance pour les solutions de paiements internationales. Si tu n'as pas Paypal, tu peux également utiliser ta carte de crédit.

Paiement final

Le paiement du montant restant doit être organisé avec Corazon Cuba durant le processus de candidature. Très souvent ce paiement est effectué par virement bancaire ou en espèces.

Rencontrez votre hôte

Corazon Cuba

Génial 4.7 rating (26 avis)

Agence - fondée en 2014

Vérifié par Volunteer World

  Taux de réponse très élevé

Hébergé par


Langues parlées: Anglais

Sur le projet

A unique blend of learning Spanish, culture & dance, and volunteer projects. Amazing things are happening in Cuba right now - it starts in La Habana.

Rencontrez votre hôte

Join one of our amazing life affirming travel experiences in Cuba or Guatemala

Who we are?

We are a small organisation who have worked together for 20 years delivering fun and life affirming travel experiences in a variety of countries. Our experienced leadership team, led by Leonel & Leandro in Cuba and Tim in the office, together with our local team love what we do - and our clients do too!

What we do?

Adventure travel, cultural immersion, gap year/life affirming travel to exciting Spanish speaking destinations. Outdoor adventure and cultural immersion - including volunteering and the legacy our clients leave - are what motivate us.

Where we work?

We currently have operations in Cuba (Habana, Viñales & Trinidad since 2014 ) and Guatemala (Antigua & Monterrico since 2017 - see Monterrico Adventure). Habana is one of the safest cities on the planet and Cubans super friendly and well educated.

Our mission/vision

Our job is to invigorate, excite and connect our clients to the amazing world we live in - and help set your inner compass for life!

Our goals

In Cuba our goal is to to help you connect with Cuban people, understand their culture and history and turbo charge your Spanish language tuition.

Who are we looking for?

Our programs are for over 18's but families or supervised younger persons - including groups - are most welcome (no upper age limit!). There are no fitness or other entry requirements. Our only criteria is an open mind and spirit of adventure! Our clients are a diverse mix of ages and nationalities which is great.

Our programs comply with travel restrictions for US citizens - see SUPPORT THE CUBAN PEOPLE (contact us for more information about the rules).

Why choose us?

We offer amazing value and 24/7 program support to help maximise your time in Cuba. We love what we do - and our clients do too!

26 avis · rating4.7

Lenka Kubesova rating5

2024 at Learn Spanish & Support the Locals

Just came back home from my two weeks Cuban experience / volunteering and learning Spanish and I’m still buzzing while feeling sad that it’s over. I thought two weeks is gonna be enough but unfortunately time went a way too fast so I’d definitely recommend coming for longer period of ...
Bogdan Radu rating4.8

2023 at Learn Spanish & Support the Locals

As the title says, my experience with Corazon Cuba was way above my expectations. Everyone involved in the program made me feel like I am part of a big family and I really wish to thank them for that. Even though we didn’t do much volunteering in my 1 month in the program, there were a lot of ...
Robert Antoine Lafleur rating2

2022 at Learn Spanish & Support the Locals

The teachers are great, the food is okay, the community is okay. The casa is located right by the main party spot of the youth od the city, so if sleep is important to you, maybe that is not the right spot. All in all, it's not bad. I did have one unacceptable experience though. When I was sick, ...
There are some trips that you remember fondly, some you might look back on as exhausting, and then there are those that actually change your life, heart, and perspective forever. Jakera's Learn Spanish & Volunteer is absolutely this last option. With a combination of a thoughtfully built and ...
Patricia rating5

2023 at Learn Spanish, Dance & Culture

It was my first trip outside of Europe and by myself. I'm currently 28 years old and I never took a time off to travel and discover the world. This year I decided to travel to Cuba. My cousin went to Cuba three years ago and told me about the wonderful experience she had. I searched the internet for ...
Nimah Ahmed rating4.6

2023 at Learn Spanish & Local Adventure

I just got back home from Cuba and was really sad to leave. I had such a good time and met some really great people. Tim, the program coordinator and Leo, the owner/manager of the hostel and program in Havana were both extremely helpful and organized. They will help you with anything you need. I ...


Amériques > Caraïbes > Cuba > La Habana

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  Taux de réponse très élevé

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