à partir de 1 247€

Fantastique 4.5rating (42)

Education on Zanzibar

4 - 12 semaines  ·  Âge 18 - 50+

rating  Fantastique 4.5  · 
  Vérifié par Volunteer World
  Taux de réponse très élevé

Particulièrement approprié pour

Âge 18+
Seul voyageur

À propos du programme

The Teaching on Zanzibar Project gives you the incredible experience of living and working as a Volunteer teacher on a jewel-like tropical island.

About the Program

Not far from the beautiful coast of Tanzania, you will find the magical island archipelago of Zanzibar, where time seems to stand still and people still live the traditional way. Zanzibar has been the entrance of eastern Africa for centuries and it was here where most slaves were ...

À propos du programme

About the Program

Not far from the beautiful coast of Tanzania, you will find the magical island archipelago of Zanzibar, where time seems to stand still and people still live the traditional way. Zanzibar has been the entrance of eastern Africa for centuries and it was here where most slaves were sold; and Indian, Chinese and Arabic merchants would arrive to trade their wares and buy spices, ivory and slaves. The history of Zanzibar has created a unique mixture of Indian, African and Arabic influences which can be seen in its people, food, culture and building styles.

Stone Town is a labyrinth of alleys and walkways and takes you back centuries. Stone Town and the surrounding villages offer volunteers the unique opportunity to enjoy the white beaches, clear blue water, coconut palm trees and the lively Zanzibar culture and food. The island is a popular backpacker’s destination.

The Education project on Zanzibar came into place in 2011. After a successful pilot project, this project has been growing strongly and has received volunteers from Sweden, South Africa, Germany, Norway, Canada, and the Netherlands who have had an incredible time supporting the selected schools on Zanzibar. The Primary schools we work with offer English medium education to large classrooms and work with limited resources and facilities. As English is the language used for national exams and especially useful for the main income of the island, which is tourism, many schools offer education in English. Unfortunately, the level of English for most teachers is very limited, creating huge challenges to educate students in an appropriate way. The primary schools educate over 2 000 children, and due to the lack of schools on Zanzibar, the school has 2 sessions a day and offers a morning school and afternoon school because of the lack of buildings. Children from 6-18 years old receive their education in open classrooms, with barely enough benches and chairs for each child. Conditions are very basic and the extra help from volunteers are needed to offer English classes, support the teachers with sharing their views on education and possible support with sports activities and remedial teaching for those who have disadvantages.

The need for good education and care is a worldwide challenge. Children deserve proper education and the best care and to be educated in a way, that they can find work opportunities in Zanzibar but also internationally. English and Maths are two subjects that schools have challenges in, the classrooms are big, the number of pupils is big, English is not always spoken by teachers and facilities are basic. You can make a change here by supporting the schools and its principals, by offering your assistance and making part of the local team to improve education where we can! You can also offer sports and games after school hours, as well as simply explaining your own culture to the children. Help make this most important time of these children’s lives as positive and educational as possible.

Programs offered:

The children in the area are the main target group. As Zanzibar is a remote island and receives most of its income from tourism, they need to learn English to improve their chances for the future. Children in Zanzibar are eager to learn from volunteers and love to test their English on you. As 95% of all island inhabitants are Muslim, you will see that the school’s system is different compared to other countries, and girls wear headscarves to school. NonMuslims are more than welcome, and the local community is happy to have you, if their religion and ways are respected, and volunteers adapt to local customs.

Guidance and Supervision on the Project

  • You will be supervised by our local Khaya coordinators in Stone Town; who will pick you up upon arrival, take you around, introduce you to the school and staff and guide you during your stay.
  • It is important that volunteers at this project understand the following:
  • Tanzania is a peaceful country, but is old-fashioned by Western standards. Be enthusiastic and independent and willing to accept that things can be challenging at times.
  • Show respect towards the people and culture of the local community. The people of Zanzibar are 95% Muslim so prepare yourself accordingly.
  • At all times, follow rules regarding clothing and appearance. Zanzibar is in the tropics and therefore hot. It is not as strict as the Middle East, so you can dress coolly but modestly, with limbs and shoulders covered if possible. Wear what you like on the beach though!
  • Time is a concept that is different in Africa! Volunteers must accept that things don’t move at the rushed pace and in the highly organized way that Westerners are used to. Be patient and learn to appreciate ‘African time’.

Project Needs

In general there are a variety of needs and volunteers should keep in mind that you come to volunteer to help where it is needed most, not just to take part in your favourite activities. So be flexible and open-minded to any changes, or other activities that might need your support a little bit more than the ones you prefer. There is plenty of fun to be had while you work!

There is, besides daily teaching and assistance, also a need for financial support. Any possible gifts and donations provided by volunteers and their network of people are extremely appreciated. If you have any of these small items that can fit into your luggage you are welcome to do so! 

- Educational posters 

- Colour crayons

- Colour cardboard

- Pens 

- Pencil 

- Water paint 

- Small scissors 

- Glue


On Zanzibar, time seems to have stood still and people still live traditional lives. Zanzibar has been the entrance of Eastern Africa for centuries and it was here that most slaves were sold, and Indian, Chinese and Arabic merchants would arrive to trade their fares and buy spices, ivory and slaves.

The history of Zanzibar has created a unique mixture of Indian, African, and Arabic influences which can be seen in its people, food, culture and building styles. 

Stone Town in Zanzibar, Tanzania is magical, a labyrinth of alleys and walkways barely wide enough for bicycles and pedestrians. Beautifully carved doors lead entrances to a hidden world of carpenters, sowing shops, and Zanzibar family life. Street vendors sell pre-cut mango’s, coffee in little porcelain cups, zamzam (sugared nuts and seeds) and souvenir shops try to lure you in their paradise of beadwork, Maasai dukka’s (colourful robes the Maasai wear), ‘pole pole’ (slowly slowly) T-shirts and beautifully made wood carvings.

It’s hot and humid but a feast to the eye, especially in the evenings when Forodhani Gardens at the seafront transforms in an open-air restaurant, where you can buy grilled squid, miskhaki’s (kebabs of fish and meat), fresh tuna, lobster and all the seafood you can imagine. All this is washed down with freshly squeezed sugarcane juice mixed with lemon and ginger.

Stone Town and the surrounding villages offer volunteers the unique opportunity to enjoy the white beaches, clear blue water, coconut palm trees and the unique Zanzibar culture and food. The island is a popular backpacker’s destination and has a variety of small beach villages, within 30 minutes travel, to enjoy long weekends under the palm trees. The influences of India, Africa and Arabia can be seen in its inhabitants, the food and building styles of the houses. Zanzibar is the place of your dreams and will surprise you constantly when you volunteer there.

Safety in Zanzibar

• Ensure that your clothing is modest when you are not on the beach. Women should not show too much of their legs and chest, and topless sunbathing is really discouraged. 

• If you are diving or snorkelling, you may be tempted to collect some pretty shells from Zanzibar's many coral reefs. Please do not, as this kills entire reefs, the devastating effects of which can be seen in the well-trodden areas of the East African coast. Although there are shell sellers, you are asked not to buy shells from them, as it simply encourages this harmful industry. 

• Zanzibar is an amazingly photogenic place but if you want to take photographs of people, please ask for their permission first out of respect for them. 

• If you are not Muslim do not enter any of Zanzibar's mosques. 

• Keep in mind that your safety comes with your own behaviour and looking after your personal items. Lock your room, if possible, give valuables to the coordinators to keep for you and be aware of your surroundings. 

• Zanzibar is alluring to many different tourists and many women from the west will find their African lovers here. Be aware of the smoothtalking beach boys that you will encounter and can organize everything for ‘free’ for you or very cheap, there usually is a price to pay somewhere down the line.


Journée typique

Average working hours are 4-6 hours per day involving the following tasks

  • Teaching assistance
  • Tutoring children
  • Playing sports and games
  • Individual attention to every child
  • Involvement in the community
In the morning you arrive at the school and assist in your allocated classroom. You will work together ...

Journée typique

Average working hours are 4-6 hours per day involving the following tasks

  • Teaching assistance
  • Tutoring children
  • Playing sports and games
  • Individual attention to every child
  • Involvement in the community
In the morning you arrive at the school and assist in your allocated classroom. You will work together with the teachers, to see how and where you can assist. You can for example teach English, Math’s, or other subjects for 3-4 hours a day. 

After school there are sports activities that need enthusiastic people to supervise and coordinate. Football and Netball are the 2 most popular sports and motivating children to participate in sports will increase their health and social skills. (sports equipment is always welcome) Other after school activities are marking tests and checking homework and very importantly to prepare lessons for the next day. Other possible activities could be: - Remedial teaching for individual children - offering life skills classes and education regarding issues such as HIV/AIDS - Creating educational material - Preparing lessons on subjects such as country information, how a magnet works, the solar system, well basically anything that children love to learn about!

Depending on the season and whether you will work generally 5 days a week from 8:00am - 15:00pm with weekends off to explore the island. Please take note that this is Africa, and the concept of time is very different from what you know. Schools can close without notification and hours can differ.

Activités de loisirs

A lot activities can be found in the neighborhood of Zanzibar. Go sailing, scubadiving or choose one of the other activities on the water! Taste the traditional spices and food on a Zanzibar cook and spices tour where you make your own traditional meal and eat it yourself! Furthermore, you can go ...

Activités de loisirs

A lot activities can be found in the neighborhood of Zanzibar. Go sailing, scubadiving or choose one of the other activities on the water! Taste the traditional spices and food on a Zanzibar cook and spices tour where you make your own traditional meal and eat it yourself! Furthermore, you can go hiking, cycling, there is a yoga center where you can practice your flexibility or do a culture tour and find out the real Zanzibar.

After work comes play’ they say, and Zanzibar is the perfect place for that: 

  • Visit the old forts, museums, and beautiful streets of Stone Town 
  • Eat all the seafood you can at Forodhani Gardens in the evening 
  • Go on a spice tour to see how cloves, nutmeg and much more are grown 
  • Go swimming in crystal clear water 
  • Snorkel or dive to some of the most beautiful reefs of the world. 
  • Relax and live the island lifestyle!



Âge minimum: 18 ans

Pour participer à ce programme tu dois avoir au moins 18 ans quand le programme commence. Il peut y avoir des exceptions si tu peux montrer la permission de ton tuteur légal ou si tu es accompagné(e) par l'un de tes parents.

Compétences linguistiques

Tu dois parler Anglais (niveau de base)

Vérification des Antécédents Criminels


Restrictions de Nationalité

Aucune restriction. De l'aide venant de tous les coins du monde est bienvenu.

Autres Compétences

Flexibility and Patience! Respecting of local, non-western customs. It is important that volunteers of this project understand the importance of the following: • Love for people and children. • To be enthusiastic and independent. • To show respect towards the people and culture of the local community. You might not agree with certain ways of conduct during your term here, but don’t forget you are a guest here. • To follow rules regarding clothing and appearance.

Engagement horaire

Nous avons besoin de ton aide pour lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi et vendredi de 09:00 - 14:00

Services inclus

Services inclus

Services de Go With Khaya

- Personal collection upon arrival from the airport or harbour of Stone Town 

- Accommodation in shared rooms with a host family or in our volunteer house 

- All meals included including safe drinking water

- Guidance and supervision during your stay

- First day introduction at your project

- Offer of tours and outings in the weekends 

Excluded from your fees: 

- Air tickets 

- Insurances 

- Own drinks including bottled mineral water and luxury items

- Transport on the island with local taxis, bicycle, or private transport 

- Visa of 50 USD (upon arrival) and volunteering permit of 200 USD (after arrival)

Please keep in mind that modest donation of $50 will be added in your booking. Should you need a receipt from the school, just let us know and we will gladly assist you.

Transfert de l'aéroport Zanzibar International Airport

You will be picked up at the airport. Just email us your arrival time and one of our coordinators will be ready to pick you up and will bring you to your accommodation!

As Zanzibar is semi-autonomous and part of Tanzania you can fly straight to Zanzibar (over Nairobi, Kilimanjaro, or other international airports) or fly to Dar es Salaam. If you fly to Dar es Salaam you need to take a cab to the ferry to Zanzibar, where you can buy a ticket for the relaxing 40-minute boat ride to the island. It is very important that we know of your travel arrangements, so we can be ready for you to arrive. 

 Arriving at the project: Upon arrival at either the airport or ferry terminus, you will be welcomed by the Khaya coordinator who will show you around and take you to your accommodation. After freshening up and getting to know the staff, you will be given an introduction and go through some rules and regulations. 

Your coordinator will give you a short lesson in Swahili to help you get the basics and show you how to use the daladalas (local taxis). Together with one of the coordinators you will be given a free Stone Town tour in the first week to explore the narrow alleys of this beautiful and atmospheric town. 

Daily transport: We offer a variety of transportation options and as Zanzibar is a fairly small and relaxed island it is up to you what you prefer. Transport is excluded, and volunteers can get a free ride if one of the staff is going in the same direction but don’t expect this to be possible all the time, we advise you to expect to use public transport. 

Local transport: Most volunteers use the daladalas, which have specific routes from your accommodation to Stone Town and onto other destinations. It can be time consuming but also a great start of the day to experience transport the local way; life stock and big mamas all squeezed into a small minibus. The first two days, the coordinator will take you to your project and pick you up, but after that you will need to do it by yourself. 

The daladala is very cheap and runs often so fit in and do things like a local!

Renting or buying a bicycle: Zanzibar’s limited traffic and easy lifestyle make using of your own bicycle pretty easy and offers freedom to go as you please. You can buy one for around 80 USD or rent one for 2 USD a day. If you buy one, they will buy it back for 40 USD. Any repairs or breakages during rental need to be paid for by volunteers. Closest nice beach is a 10-minute cycle.


You will be staying in the area of Chukwani just outside Stone Town, in our shared volunteer house. Volunteers are hosted at in a house which can accommodate up to 18 volunteers. The volunteer house has 3 large bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and large kitchen, as well as dining room and lounge area. The house has a garden with a secure wall and gate to make sure you are as safe as possible. Bedding is provided in the form of sheets but bring a towel for personal use. Mosquito nets are not provided so you can bring one if you choose to. If you don’t have enough space in your suitcase; it is cheap to buy things locally. The accommodation can be basic, standards are very different on Zanzibar then back home most probably, and showers do not have hot water, but the weather is hot enough to shower cold! Within easy reach you will find the main road with food stalls to buy fresh juices, Mandazi (local doughnuts) and any other basic needs. Within 20 minutes’ walk you can find 2 popular bars with fast internet and supermarket with some imported (and expensive) goodies to treat yourself every now and then. 

The house is secure and offers a cook that will provide all meals for you, but feel free to join in and make some of your own dishes.

The bedrooms are shared, depending on availability. The house is furnished to Zanzibari standards and has a nice garden to relax, shops within walking distance and is an easy trip to Stone Town with public transport.

Aliments & Boissons

You will be served local food 3 times a day which includes meat, chicken, seafood and vegetarian dishes. Zanzibaris love their homemade chips (fries), rice dishes and chapatis (Indian pancakes). Try out some new things and experience what Zanzibar has been famous for for centuries: spices and good food.

3 Basic Meals per day are provided by either your host family or by the cook at the volunteer house. These will be local food, and should you want to supplement with your own luxury items you are welcome to do so at your own cost. Meals are based on local ingredients and will include meat, chicken, seafood, and vegetarian dishes, as well as the favourite ‘chips’ (fries) and pancakes. Breakfast will generally consist of tea and coffee, toast, jam, and peanut butter with some fruit while lunches and dinners are cooked meals which you can eat after work and at your own preferred time. Safe boiled drinking water is supplied in the house. If you would like bottled mineral water, you can buy this at TsH 800 per 1.5 liter = 0.35 USD. (Please note that exchange rates can change on a daily base.) 

Accès à Internet

Accès limité sur le site du projet

NE SONT inclus dans le prix:

NE SONT inclus dans le prix:

Billets d'avion

L'aéroport le plus proche est Zanzibar International Airport (ZNZ) à Zanzibar. Nous t'aidons à trouver des vols pas chers pour aller en Tanzanie. TROUVER DES VOLS PAS CHERS

Assurance Voyage

Partir à l'étranger est une aventure et c'est toujours mieux d'être bien préparé. Que ce soit une maladie soudaine, une blessure ou du vol - une assurance voyage pour Tanzanie te protège en cas de situation imprévue. OBTENIR UN DEVIS


Si tu envisages de faire du bénévolat en Tanzanie, nous te conseillons de consulter un médecin avant le début de ton voyage. Renseigne-toi sur les vaccins nécessaires pour Tanzanie. INFOS VACCINS

Informations sur l'arrivée

Volunteers have the option to start or finish with their project at any given time. Minimum duration of the project is 4 weeks and longer. 

Arriving at the project Upon arrival at either the airport or ferry terminus, you will be welcomed by the Khaya coordinator who will show you around and take you to your accommodation. After freshening up and getting to know the staff, you will be given an introduction and go through some rules and regulations. Your coordinator will give you a short lesson in Swahili to help you get the basics and show you how to use the daladalas (local taxis). Together with one of the coordinators you will be given a free Stone Town tour in the first week to explore the narrow alleys of this beautiful and atmospheric town.

janv. févr. mars avril mai juin juil. août sept. oct. nov. déc.

Frais de Programme

4 semaines (durée min.) 1 247€
5 semaines 1 538€
8 semaines 2 411€
12 semaines (durée max.) 3 867€
Prix moyen 316€/semaine

Frais de Programme

316€ par semaine 4 - 12 semaines Âge 18 - 50+

Méthodes de payement

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



4 - 12 semaines


L'acompte sert à réserver ta place avec l'organisation. Les paiements sont effectués par Paypal, notre partenaire de confiance pour les solutions de paiements internationales. Si tu n'as pas Paypal, tu peux également utiliser ta carte de crédit.

Paiement final

Le paiement du montant restant doit être organisé avec Go With Khaya durant le processus de candidature. Très souvent ce paiement est effectué par virement bancaire ou en espèces.

Rencontrez votre hôte

Go With Khaya

Fantastique 4.5 rating (42 avis)

Agence - fondée en 2005

Vérifié par Volunteer World

  Taux de réponse très élevé

Hébergé par


Langues parlées: Anglais

Sur le projet

Go With Khaya provides responsible and affordable volunteer projects. Take a gap year, work with communities and children, teach sport or work with wildlife.

Rencontrez votre hôte

“Khaya” means village or dwelling in several African languages – but it also has a deeper meaning, that of ‘belonging’. In Xhosa it also means home or homestead and in Swahili it means boma, which is an enclosed secure area for cattle. At Khaya Volunteer Projects, we make our volunteers feel that they belong. If you choose Khaya to organize your volunteering experience, you will feel secure and well-informed. You will also feel that you belong to the project you decide to work with, as Khaya fits the right people to the right projects.


Go With Khaya Travel Experiences was established in 2005 under the initial name Khaya Volunteer Projects. We offered international students the opportunity to come to South Africa and experience working with local companies and organizations as interns. Our goal was to offer an incomparable experience of the diverse culture and socio-political landscape of this amazing country, and our hope was to inspire people to offer their time and effort in return.

We soon found that many volunteering projects needed more hands and financial support than interns could provide, so in 2009 we started to offer volunteering opportunities to people of all ages and walks of life, such as gap year students, travelers, and conscientious older people with time to spare – whoever you are, you will find the right project for you and fit right in. Things took off from there and we didn’t look back - in 2011, Khaya expanded to Tanzania (Arusha and Zanzibar) and Zimbabwe. Today we have offices in South Africa, Zanzibar, Tanzania and Malawi.

Our Mission

Our mission is simple but resonant: we provide volunteering opportunities for international travelers that are both unique and as affordable as possible with high standards of service and facilities. Needless to say, we also prioritize our selected volunteer projects’ needs in ways that benefit both project and you, the volunteer.

At Go With Khaya, our greatest desire is to show people the true Africa, with its dynamic cultures and its incredible raw beauty. To live and work locally in South Africa, Tanzania or Zanzibar means immersing yourself in these countries and experiencing your travels in an entirely unique way you will never forget.

Our offer

Go With Khaya will introduce you to affordable volunteer projects which have been personally chosen by or established by us. You can choose from a number of viable, sustainable, rewarding ventures: working with children, healthcare, sports development, education, conservation, animals – whatever you can think of, that project wants and needs your time and energy!

We have developed an extremely hands-on and personal approach to your experience. You will have a project facilitator working closely with you throughout your volunteering program to make sure your questions are answered and your concerns addressed. No question, suggestion or complaint is too silly, small or simple! This is just one of the many reasons Khaya has volunteers coming back to us year after year.

Dynamite comes in small packages! One of our points of pride is that our volunteering projects are selected and developed for quality over quantity. This means you won’t have to stand in a queue to touch an elephant or to take part in an activity – this isn’t Disneyworld!  Many other volunteer projects have 30 or 40 volunteers involved, which we feel dilutes your experience and denies the volunteer project your focus and enthusiasm. Some of our volunteer projects are rather new and in the process of improving, so we at Khaya make it our priority to uplift and support where we can and grow these projects to new heights – and for this, we want our volunteers to be as involved as possible and not just people who paid a fee to be ‘faces in the crowd’!

Why Go With Khaya?


We focus on keeping our volunteer projects’ prices transparent and as low as possible while still offering the highest level of service. We encourage…no, we CHALLENGE you, our prospective volunteers, to compare our prices with other organizations. We offer incomparably affordable experiences for the level of service you will be receiving. We make sure to eliminate hidden costs and ‘fine print’ as far as possible in our volunteer project pricing. All your meals, transport and 24/7 supervision and guidance is included in our offering (this MAY differ per project, so please double-check with us).

Where does your money go?

We donate a good portion of your volunteering fee directly to the projects we work with (this can differ per project, you can check with us). This means that not only are you helping and supporting the projects with your time and energy, but you are also financially contributing to them! Khaya ensures that the costs involved in our projects are as transparent and uncomplicated as possible so that you know exactly where your hard-earned money is going to. Please contact us if you have ANY queries whatsoever regarding your fee, and what kind of mileage you are getting for your buck!

Locally based

Go With Khaya has one fantastic advantage over other volunteer groups – we’re based right here in Africa, and are therefore directly involved with the volunteer projects on an ongoing, hands-on basis. We make every effort to visit all our projects regularly to ensure that everything is running smoothly, and to ensure that both projects AND volunteers receive all the necessary support and guidance. Our direct partnership with our projects allows us to see immediately how you, the volunteer, fit into the bigger picture, and at the same time we can help with the day-to-day details of your stay.

Very important to us: Go With Khaya strives to create employment in Africa by employing local people at several of our projects and giving them much-needed income opportunities.

Going the extra mile

Go With Khaya believes in going the extra mile. Whether you have questions specifically about the volunteer project you have embarked on, or just a general travel question (er no, lions and elephants don’t usually run rampant in city streets here! :). Ask away with impunity, nothing is too big or small for us to find the answer.

Go With Khaya also conducts ongoing coaching and training of our local partners and coordinators. We train the staff of several projects on how to deal with volunteers, how to utilize them, and the best possible way to assist them. In doing so, we offer support for volunteers and at the same time foster an environment of empowerment for the full-time project workers.

Keeping it real

The pictures that you see on our website are authentic – they were taken by volunteers and GWK staff. We want you to see exactly what you get if you sign up for a volunteering project with us. We are NOT involved in this industry merely to make a buck – we have a passion to make change happen, and to create a win-win situation for all involved. Also, we really want you to send us YOUR pictures and words, your vision of your experience, for our own knowledge and for potential future volunteers.

Pre-departure and feedback

Before you depart your home country, GWK will supply you with a pre-departure guide with information about the project you choose. We will supply everything you need to know about visa requirements, and a list of what you need to bring with you; the climate; what to expect culturally and environmentally; and much, much more information!

We always aim to improve our services wherever possible, so once you have completed your time as a volunteer; we will ask you for feedback on your experience with us. Your feedback is of utmost importance to us to keep improving and growing our partnerships to new heights.

42 avis · rating4.5

Claudia Fiedler rating3

2024 at Education on Zanzibar

School: Overall the teaching experience is an experience that changed my view on the world. However, if you are visiting from europe you need to be aware, that things in africa work differently than at home. To me, the project seemed quite unorganised. The communication with the school was ...
Zeyneb Kasmi rating3.2

2022 at Education on Zanzibar

I spent in total 5 weeks in Zanzibar. The island became a second home. I taught mostly in a secondary school. It was a wonderful experience! However, I was living 25 min away from Stone Town / and the school. I did not like taking the bus/dali dali every single day. They only drive to up to a ...
Anne PERRIN rating4.6

2018 at Education on Zanzibar

I spent 4 weeks teaching in Zanzibar, mostly in a secondary school. It turned out to be a great experience beacause it gave me the opportunity to meet people, i.e pupils and teachers, with a precise objective and share their everyday life in the school environment. Zanzibari are very outreaching ...
Roos rating4.6

2017 at Education on Zanzibar

I've been in Zanzibar last year and 8 had the best time ever. I made great friends with the locals and other volunteers of this program and it motivated me to keep doing this kind of work. The faces of the children make it possible to do this work for a longer time. You won't even miss your own ...
Elaha rating4.6

2012 at Education on Zanzibar

So i woke up in the morning and prepared myself for school. I often translated some vocabularies in suaheli. Sometimes i just spent time with my host family. We went with the public transport to school called dala dala. It is wondrous how many people can take place in it. At school i was teaching ...
David Mason-Williams rating4.4

2023 at Siyafunda Wild Experience

Volunteering with Siyafunda was one of the best decisions of my life! Everyone involved in the project is passionate and knowledgable about their work, which I find inspirational. I learnt so much during my six weeks with Siyafunda, and I cannot wait to one day return and learn more! Anyone who is ...


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