a partire da 1.219€

Perfetto 4.6rating (11)

Coastal Conservation, Research & Education Helper

2 - 12 settimane  ·  Età 18 - 50+

rating  Perfetto 4.6  · 
  Verificato da Volunteer World
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Punti Salienti

  • Experience dolphins and whales in their natural habitat!
  • Meet fellow volunteers from all over the world and become friends!
  • Our motto is: research, conserve and protect!
  • Since our project is both sea and land based, you will have a diversity of tasks!
  • Discover pretty Plettenberg Bay!

Particolarmente adatto per

Età 18+

Sul programma

There are loads of activities we offer during your stay with us! Our motto is: research, conserve and protect!

The Orca Foundation is part of a volunteer community dedicated to marine conservation in South Africa, and like many conservation projects depends on the willingness of others to contribute their time and dedication to furthering the volunteer and conservation ethics that go hand in hand for a ...

Sul programma

The Orca Foundation is part of a volunteer community dedicated to marine conservation in South Africa, and like many conservation projects depends on the willingness of others to contribute their time and dedication to furthering the volunteer and conservation ethics that go hand in hand for a better future.

The local interest and desire to help ORCA’s cause snow-balled into what is now the volunteer program, where people from all over the world come to dedicate their time and help progress ORCA’s education, research, and conservation initiatives.

About the Program

The ORCA Foundation volunteer program officially started in 2001, and is designed to increase awareness about conservation issues and initiatives, and to help create a conservation model for the Plettenberg Bay area. People of all ages and with different backgrounds come from all over the world to learn while helping us further our work in sustaining marine and coastal resources. 

Our programs are both sea and land based, and daily activities include whale and dolphin watching, elasmobranch egg case surveys (in collaboration with ELMO), fin profiling for animal movement studies, hikes and walks, marine debris clean-ups, planting indigenous trees and removing alien species, White Shark monitoring project (in collaboration with the Plett Hope Spot), river health assessments, and education of preschool children. 

Besides our education and research work, we are also involved with various other conservation activities. Such activities include maintenance of the Ocean Blue aquarium, which holds a collection of fish and represents the ecosystem of the surrounding bay. We collect food for the fish, clean the aquarium, facilitate water changes, and collect specimens for the aquarium, while at the same time learning about the rivers, estuaries, the sea, and the delicate balance between all of them. Your time with us can be as short as two weeks or can last as long as you want!

The number of volunteers can range anywhere from 1 to 12, depending on the season and number of bookings made, with no more than 4 people in one room.

If you have a passion for marine and coastal wildlife and ecosystems, a longing to learn, a desire to help the less fortunate, and a general love for work/adventure, ORCA Foundation is the answer for you!


Our program comprises 3 key elements:

  1. Conservation: Rescue of marine birds, assist with beach strandings, stabilization of turtles prior to them being moved onto specialized facilities, alien tree removal, beach clean-ups
  2. Education: Partaking in pre-school and primary school environmental education programs, educational entertainment through the media of dance and theatre, partnering with a local under-privileged preschool to teach English and assist where needed
  3. Research: Taking and processing fin profile photos of a number of whale and dolphin species seen on boat trips, analysing river health, bird ringing, elasmobranch surveys, contributing to a number of online databases mapping species distribution

ORCA Foundation combines conservation, education, research, community development, and tourism into its comprehensive volunteer program. It’s all hands-on! All activities depend on season, weather, and need, and as such may be subject to change throughout the year. As a result all placements are different, and you may or may not be involved with the above activities. Volunteers can also expect to contribute to Ocean Blue Adventures’ commercial operations. Bad weather days can delay conservation/research activities and may involve indoor activities and courses.

GPS monitoring on dolphin and whale watching trips

Besides giving the volunteers the opportunity to see these magnificent marine-creatures in their natural habitat, we use this chance to record details as to what, where and when. What did we see, where were they sighted, when did we see them? Photos are also taken for the purpose of fin-profiling.

Elasmobranch egg-case project

Elasmobranchs are a group comprising sharks, rays, and skates, and some of these lay eggs. Each beach is surveyed bimonthly and egg cases GPSed and collected. These egg cases are identified, analysed and measured after soaking in water for at least 12 hours.

Bird Ringing

Minke Witteveen is a licenced bird ringer which provides the ORCA Foundation with the opportunity to engage in the uncommon activity of capturing local birds in specialised nets. A metal ring with a unique alphanumeric code is placed on each birds leg, and a variety of morphometric measurements are taken. All these data are uploaded to a central data base managed by SAfring. This allows for data on movements, longevity, changes in timing of biological processes, and other data to be collected.

MiniSASS: River Health Assessement

Macroinvertebrates living in the river are collected by drawing a net through the water and surrounding vegetation. Individuals caught are identified, and based on the sensitivity score of the groups they belong to, the relative health of the river can be assessed. These results are uploaded to an online database monitoring river health throughout South Africa.

Siyakula Pre-School

Based in the Qolweni Township, Siyakula Pre-school educates over 100 children. Once a week the volunteers assist at Siyakula by giving a 45 minute lesson, which the volunteers themselves prepare and implement, and has included a variety of topics. Thereafter they read a story and play games with the children. They also help serve and clean-up after lunch. Volunteers are able to help a disadvantaged community, and are exposed to a different culture.

Our Location

The ORCA house will be your temporary home, and is located minutes away from the beach and steps away from the estuary. Transportation for ORCA-related activities will be provided by ORCA staff in our vehicle. Plettenberg Bay (fondly Plett) is located in the Western Cape in the heart of the Garden Route. We are 210km from Port Elizabeth and 600km from Cape Town, and just a short 84 km from George Airport.

Plett is a small town but experiences busy moments during the summer season, when a huge amount of tourists visit. Our days start around 8am and run to 4pm (depending on activities) from Monday to Friday; evenings and weekends are your personal time. 

During your stay in Plettenberg Bay you will be exposed to one of the most breathtaking and serene outdoor classrooms in southern Africa. You will regularly experience the power and grace of whales, the exuberance of dolphins, the playfulness of seals, and the magnificence of mountains and forests. 

Often, volunteers become a little ORCA family and join together for evening get-togethers that range from enjoying dinner prepared by our very own cook, Teliswa, or going out to a restaurant for a casual drink in town. Plettenberg Bay is full of wonderful nature and adventure based attractions, which volunteers often fill their weekend with. If you have a passion for marine and coastal wildlife and ecosystems, a longing to learn, a desire to help the less fortunate, and a general love for work/adventure, ORCA Foundation is the answer for you!

Giornata tipica

Be ready at 08h30, when we collect you for the day’s activities, which range from tank maintenance at Ocean Blue Adventures, to assisting research teams out on the ocean or the beach. Volunteer working week at ORCA Foundation is Monday to Friday, from 08h00 to 16h00. 

Evenings and weekends are ...

Giornata tipica

Be ready at 08h30, when we collect you for the day’s activities, which range from tank maintenance at Ocean Blue Adventures, to assisting research teams out on the ocean or the beach. Volunteer working week at ORCA Foundation is Monday to Friday, from 08h00 to 16h00. 

Evenings and weekends are your leisure times. The relaxed atmosphere of Plettenberg Bay and the ORCA Foundation will help you to settle in quickly. Some days involve more work and assistance, while others move at a leisurely pace. Daily activities can change on a moment’s notice, if something exciting comes along. Be prepared to go with the flow.

Sample Weekly Program at ORCA Foundation:


  • 08h00 Ocean Blue day Bait collection Boat Aquarium maintenance 
  • 13H00 Lunch 
  • 14h00 Beach clean-up
  • 09h00 Tree planting /  Robberg egg case survey
  • 13h00 Lunch 
  • 14h00 Alien tree removal / Data Capturing
  • 05h00 Bird ringing 
  • 10h30 Snack 
  • 11h00 Keurboomstrand egg case survey 
  • 14h00 End early
  • 09h00 Siyakhula Preschool 
  • 14h00 Lunch 
  • 14h30 River assessment
  • 08h00 Assist rehab centre / Robberg Hike
  • 13h00 Lunch 
  • 14h00 Data capturing / Fin profiling

Attività del tempo libero

  • Horse Back Safaris
  • Buffalo Hills game drive
  • Plettenberg Bay Game Reserve
  • Bridge Walking
  • Bungee Jumping
  • Sky Diving
  • Tree Top Canopy Tours
  • Monkey land
  • Birds of Eden
  • Lawnwood snake park
  • Tenikwa Wildlife Centre
  • Adventure land water park
  • 3D Walking Maze
  • Dive Courses
  • Surfing Lessons/per lesson
  • Deep Sea Fishing
  • Seal ...

Attività del tempo libero

  • Horse Back Safaris
  • Buffalo Hills game drive
  • Plettenberg Bay Game Reserve
  • Bridge Walking
  • Bungee Jumping
  • Sky Diving
  • Tree Top Canopy Tours
  • Monkey land
  • Birds of Eden
  • Lawnwood snake park
  • Tenikwa Wildlife Centre
  • Adventure land water park
  • 3D Walking Maze
  • Dive Courses
  • Surfing Lessons/per lesson
  • Deep Sea Fishing
  • Seal swim/dive



Età minima: 18 anni

Per partecipare al programma è necessario avere almeno 18 anni alla data di inizio del programma. Potrebbero esserci delle esenzioni se si è in grado di fornire il permesso del proprio tutore legale o se si è accompagnati dai propri genitori.

Competenze linguistiche

È necessario parlare di Inglese (livello base)

Restrizioni sulla nazionalità

Nessuna restrizione. Gli aiuti da tutto il mondo sono benvenuti.

Altre competenze

Volunteers need to have social skills and to an open mind to join our program.

Impegno di tempo

Il vostro aiuto sarà richiesto lunedì, martedì, mercoledì, giovedì e venerdì da 08:00 - 15:30

Servizi inclusi

Servizi inclusi

Servizi per ORCA Foundation

All fees include:

  • 3 meals a day and 1 cooked meal in the evenings between a Monday and a Friday
  • Transport to all Orca activities
  • Uncapped Internet
  • Accommodation
  • Laundry is done for you.
  • Whale watching trips


The ORCA house will be your temporary home, and is located minutes away from the beach and steps away from the estuary. The relaxed atmosphere of the ORCA house offers an amazing South African experience, while still feeling very much like a home with tons of friendly faces. 

The number of volunteers can range anywhere from 1 to 12, depending on the season and number of bookings made, with no more than 4 people in one room.

Laundry facilities are available and ‘house mom’ Teliswa (Tilly) does communal washing several times a week to conserve energy and water.

The ORCA house is close to a shopping centre, which includes a variety of shops and restaurants.

Rental cars and taxis are available for evening and weekend activities, ranging from economy to premium class.

Cibo e Bevande

Yes, we do provide food and cool drinks but luxuries are to the volunteers cost.

Basic food for meals is provided for you at the house. You may be required to pack a lunch for some activities, but you will be informed of our schedule ahead of time.  Evening meals are prepared for you 5 nights per week. We do cater for a variety of diets including vegetarian. 

You are also welcome to eat out but this is at your own expense. The ORCA house is located near a variety of restaurants and fast food restaurants, both local and international.

Accesso a Internet

Buon accesso al sito del progetto

Cosa NON è incluso?

Cosa NON è incluso?

Prelievo dall'aeroporto a George Airport

Neanche il prelievo dall'aeroporto è incluso nel costo del programma.

Biglietti aerei

L'aeroporto più vicino è George Airport (GRJ) a George. Vi aiutiamo a trovare voli economici per Sudafrica. TROVARE VOLI ECONOMICI

Assicurazione di viaggio

Andare all'estero è un'avventura ed è sempre meglio essere preparati. Malattia o infortunio improvviso, annullamento o furto: un'assicurazione di viaggio per Sudafrica offre sicurezza ed è un vantaggio da avere. OTTENERE UN PREZZO


Se avete intenzione di fare volontariato a Sudafrica dovete chiedere un parere medico prima di iniziare il vostro viaggio sociale. Controllare le vaccinazioni richieste per Sudafrica. CHECKER PER I VACCINI

Dettagli all'arrivo

ORCA research, community upliftment, and education programs continue throughout the year. The choice of when to join us, is mainly dependent on you and what kind of weather you prefer.

Summer: January to March tend to be our warmest months.

  • Sun cream and hats are strongly recommended.
  • Temperatures range from lows of 15oC to highs of 30oC (590 to 890 Fahrenheit).
  • Expect to see a variety of dolphin species and the occasional Bryde’s Whale on our whale watching tours at this time of year.

Autumn: April to June fall days are still warm, but the evenings cool off nicely.

  • Temperatures range from 8oC overnight to 25oC at midday (460 to 770 Fahrenheit).
  • Humpback whales, on migration north at this time of year, join dolphin species.

Winter: July to September are our winter months, but the start of whale-watching season.

  • Days start off cool and warm up to about 20oC (680 F), but the nights are a chillier 5oC (410 F).
  • Warm clothes are recommended for this time of year. We don’t use central heating in South Africa, so pack a jersey, jacket and gloves for the colder nights.
  • Southern Right Whales are a common sight in Plettenberg Bay.

Spring: October to December weather conditions are similar to autumn.

  • Animal sightings are mostly Humpback Whales and dolphins. The water warms up considerably, so diving and snorkelling can be done comfortably.  

gen feb mar apr mag giu lug ago set ott nov dic

Tariffe del programma

2 settimane (soggiorno min.) 1.219€
3 settimane 1.829€
4 settimane 2.438€
5 settimane 3.048€
6 settimane 3.657€
7 settimane 4.267€
12 settimane (soggiorno max.) 4.876€
Tariffe medie 507€/settimana

Tariffe del programma

507€ tariffe settimanali 2 - 12 settimane Età 18 - 50+

Modalità di pagamento

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



2 - 12 settimane


Il deposito serve semplicemente a prenotare il vostro posto di volontario. I pagamenti sono gestiti da PayPal, il nostro fornitore globale di fiducia. Se non avete un conto PayPal, potete pagare anche con carta di credito.

Pagamento Finale

Il pagamento finale sarà concordato con ORCA Foundation durante il processo di candidatura. Le soluzioni più comuni sono il bonifico bancario o il pagamento in contanti presso la sede del progetto.

Incontra il tuo ospite

ORCA Foundation

Perfetto 4.6 rating (11 recensioni)

Agenzia - fondata nel 2000

Verificato da Volunteer World

  Tasso di risposta inferiore alla media

Ospitato da


Sul progetto

The ORCA Foundation is part of a volunteer community dedicated to marine conservation in South Africa.

Incontra il tuo ospite

About the Project

  • ORCA = Ocean Research Conservation Africa 

The Orca Foundation is part of a volunteer community dedicated to marine conservation in South Africa, and like many conservation projects depends on the willingness of others to contribute their time and dedication to furthering the volunteer and conservation ethics that go hand in hand for a better future.

Our History

ORCA Foundation found its humble beginnings during a hike between two friends, Tony Lubner and Mark Valentine, on the Robberg Peninsula. Tony and Mark noticed silverfish, a staple in the dolphin diet, being caught by foreign boats in the distance. In the weeks following, dolphins began to disappear from the bay. Not surprisingly, the cause for their disappearance was the dissipating food source; silverfish were almost removed from the bay entirely by fisherman. 

This event raised many concerns for the citizens of beautiful Plettenberg Bay, which is home to some of the most amazing marine wildlife animals, including bottlenose dolphins, humpback dolphins, common dolphins, orca whales, humpback whales, southern right whales and great white sharks. In response to these concerns, Tony and Mark created an educational wing to add to their pre-existing marine eco-tourism company, Ocean Blue Adventures. This addition focused on marine education, conservation, and research, and was aptly named Ocean Research Conservation Africa, or ORCA for short. 

When the program first started in 2000, its prime target was to create a bay management plan with the help of its first research students: Kyle Smith and Kelley King. A partnership was born between the government organization, Cape Nature, to police the Bay. ORCA provided the needed equipment and Cape Nature enforced the law. Within a couple of months, no illegal boats could be found in the bay. The Plettenberg Bay municipality eventually accepted this plan, and ORCA has since continued to monitor the bay under the supervision and guidance of many universities and governmental institutions.

It wasn’t long before the community started noticing improvements and expressing curiosity about the different “works in progress” at the foundation. The local interest and desire to help ORCA’s cause snow-balled into what is now the volunteer program, where people from all over the world come to dedicate their time and help progress ORCA’s education, research, and conservation initiatives.

Our Crew

Tony Lubner: The owner of Ocean Blue Adventures and the Chairman of the ORCA Foundation. He has a great love for the sea and a passion for conservation. His hobbies include surfing, diving, and surf ski paddling.

Jared Harding: Jared Harding, the ORCA Foundation manager who has loads of experience with wildlife and conservation particularly with marine birds. Jared is an avid diver and qualified marine guide. Jared received his National Colours in scouting and also spent 13 months on Marion island situated 2216 kms South. Jared was a field assistant who collected data for the department of environmental affairs and tourism.

Michael Tolsma: Michael Tolsma is the people- loving, caring and enthusiastic ORCA house manager, he will make everybody feel at home, ensure groceries are bought and he is also a volunteer coordinator and qualified Diving Instructor.

Teliswa Fuyani: ‘ Tilly’ is our full time house keeper who will be involved in all of the cooking and cleaning at the volunteer house. She is everyone’s mom away from mom on the program.

Charlie Lilford: Charlie has been living in Plettenberg Bay for many years and is one of the best fishermen in the area. Charlies has a wide knowledge of the sea and the surrounding areas. He is now in the Guinness World Records for tag and release leervis fishing. He has worked very hard on conserving and researching the species.

Our Game Plan

To raise awareness for and interest in marine conservation issues. We do this by regularly keeping up to date with research projects that support protection and rehabilitation of bio-diversity and responsible socio-economic development in Plettenberg Bay, as well as by educating locals and foreigners alike on the principles of conservation. Our goals are as follows:

To create an efficient marine management plan that can be supported in the future.

1. To teach our children about the value of our oceans.

2. To allow volunteers from around the globe an opportunity to explore the world of conservation from a South African perspective.

3. To install a sense of community and support by collaborating with other conservation organizations, the State, and the private sector.

4. We foresee ourselves developing strategies to ensure the long-term sustainability of our natural resources, and creating a model that can be -replicated along all coastal lines.

11 recensioni · rating4.6

Brilliant experience helping ORCA scientists and staff to study and protect marine wildlife and also to visit land based community projects. Very impressed by the friendliness and knowledge of all ORCA personnel and the local people. Stunning scenery and a great privilege to see whales, sharks, ...
The time in Plettenberg bay was the best experience in my live. I worked there for 3 months and every day was perfect. It's been only 3 weeks now, since I'm back in Germany and I miss it so much. I learned so much about myself and different ways of live. If you go to orca you'll learn so much about ...
During the months of January and February I volunteered at the ORCA foundation in Plett. I signed up for the program because I love cetaceans and being near to the ocean. This program gave me the opportunity to be around and involved in the ocean every day! Together with a group of other volunteers ...
4th November, 2016 Orca Foundation Plettenberg Bay South Africa So back at home now (unfortunately) and have just been reflecting on my time with your foundation after looking at my photos , really just wanted to say thank s to you and your team of people for the amazing time that was had ...
The two weeks I spent with ORCA foundation were probably some of the bests of my life! I really enjoyed myself and I'm very glad I got this opportunity volunteering with the orca foundation. My personal highlights were whale watching and being surrounded by almost 100 common dolphins. I can highly ...
In all I spent about a month here during by travels in South Africa. This was my first project on my trip so was a little apprehensive as was travelling alone however these apprehensions quickly disappeared from the moment I was met at the airport. All the other volunteers and project workers ...


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