vanaf 1.033€

Perfect 4.6rating (114)

Climate and Environmentalist Supporter

2 - 4 weken  ·  Leeftijd 18 - 50+

rating  Perfect 4.6  · 
  Geverifieerd door Volunteer World
  Goed Responsgraad


  • Join the front lines of climate protection on the enigmatic Easter Island, preserving its natural splendor.
  • Unravel the island's mesmerizing history, embarking on a quest to uncover the secrets of ancient Moai statues.
  • Fortify your resume with international volunteer experience, showcasing your commitment to global environmental stewardship.
  • Discover pristine beaches and enchanting locales on Easter Island, making each day an adventure.
  • Transform your world view, opening your horizons through a life-changing experience that transcends boundaries.

Vooral geschikt voor

Leeftijd 18+

Over het programma

Be a volunteer on the amazing Easter Island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and get involved in climate and nature protection! 🗿

The Program 
This volunteer project takes place on the amzing Easter Island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. This is a unique location to get involved in climate and environmental protection while learning about the local culture and the mystic history that surrounds this island.
Our volunteer ...

Over het programma

The Program 
This volunteer project takes place on the amzing Easter Island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. This is a unique location to get involved in climate and environmental protection while learning about the local culture and the mystic history that surrounds this island.
Our volunteer project is overseen by the National Forestry Agency, which is part of the Chilean Ministry of the Environment. Their responsibilities include the protection and control of Easter Island's natural resources through a variety of programs. The most important are forest fire prevention and control, erosion control, natural resource monitoring, the conservation of native flora and environmental education - among others. Recently, the project is setting up a climate protection program to prepare the local population for the consequences of climate change.

The aim of the project is, among other things, the reforestation of the island and the reintroduction of endemic plants. These have been greatly reduced by decades of deforestation, destruction and extreme weather conditions. A laboratory and plantations serve to breed the plants and later replant them in affected areas as well as to fathom the difficulties of germination and reproduction of the native plants and to ensure their continued existence.
The Location
Easter Island is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and is the most distant place in the world from another inhabited place. The island is of volcanic origin and therefore not only culturally but also geologically very interesting. For example, there is no river on the island, all fresh water there comes from rainfall! In Spanish, the triangular shaped island with an extinct volcano in each corner is called "Isla de Pascua", but the locals call it "Rapa Nui". The almost 160 km² island can be reached within five flight hours, either from Santiago de Chile or from Tahiti. 
The island has around 6000 inhabitants and is an UNESCO World Heritage Site. Every year, many tourists come to the island belonging to Chile. This is mainly due to the mysterious and exciting cultural history around the Moai - the famous huge stone statues that are scattered all over the island. It still has not been finally clarified, how the Moais were actually built and what their exact meaning is. The locals not only call their island, but also thrmselves Rapa Nui and are very proud of their culture. They cultivate their customs, art, language and the music that irresistibly captivates every visitor! 
Every year in February there is a big festival on the island to celebrate the arrival of the first Polynesian settlers. Your colleagues in the project will be happy to tell you more about their culture and customs and give you tips on how and where on the island you can doscover them best.
What we expect 
  • Be tolerant 
Please do not put prejudices of the foreign culture and other people into your luggage. You do not need that during your stay abroad! On the contrary, tolerance is a very important feature if you want to be successful and have fun while volunteering abroad. Respect the foreign culture, the other habits and the different mentality with great respect. While the other way of working may not always make much sense in your eyes, the goal of volunteering abroad is not to criticize or smile at people for acting and doing, but to work with them for a good cause. 
  • Be adaptable 
On a trip abroad, especially in developing countries, you leave your home comfort zone. It is very important that you are ready to adapt to a different life situation. In Latin America, you certainly will not find the usual standards of home again. Especially volunteer projects in developing countries are often located in very secluded areas in the middle of beautiful nature or you live with a local host family, who belongs to a foreign culture. But that's the exciting thing about volunteering abroad! Immerse yourself in a foreign land, experience culture, traditions and people up close, learn from them, just let go and adapt to the other life circumstances. A unique experience that will mature and grow you as a person! 
  • Team spirit 
In a voluntary work, the team idea is always over self-interest. Working in a team is fun and brings good mood and variety! So, for your volunteer work abroad, you should bring along a great deal of team spirit, because you always work together with other people, be it volunteers from other countries or local project staff. However, when so many foreign and diverse cultures meet, teamwork can become a whole new challenge. Even more important, that you have the ability to communicate in a group, work constructively and fairly and do not want to punch through your will at all costs. 
  • Be helpful and responsible 
For most projects, volunteers who "do a good job" are most appreciated. By participating in a voluntary service abroad, you are consciously choosing to work in another country. You are not on a vacation trip. So, you have choosen to offer your help and valuable time to other people, nature protection or animals welfare. What really matters is your helpfulness! A really very important and unavoidable trait is the sense of responsibility. The volunteer project is counting on your support and your cooperation has been tightly scheduled. A high level of responsibility is the alpha and omega. During your volunteer work in Latin America, you are assigned to certain areas of activity that you must do on your own. Please take your role as a volunteer very seriously and carry out your tasks in the project conscientiously and carefully. 
  • Be flexible 
Be prepared for the fact that volunteering in Latin America is much different from what you know or are used to at home. The Latin Americans have a completely different order, time and work understanding. Even their logic of approaching certain things may not always make much sense in your eyes. The different language and culture can quickly lead to misunderstandings or communication problems. An important principle for you: always be flexible and spontaneous! You will soon realize that there is a solution for all situations and that you can quickly develop a plan B from a problem. 
  • Be proactive and take initiative 
During your voluntary work abroad, do not expect someone to explain to you in a big way what needs to be done, where and when. Often there is only a brief introduction and then your proactivity and initiative are asked. Get actively involved, offer your help and see where you can best apply your skills and strengths. It is always great when volunteers constructively and friendly affix ideas and suggest their own small projects.

Dagelijkse activiteiten

The tasks in our volunteer project on Easter Island are diverse and address both volunteers who like to work with people, as well as those who prefer to research and conserve nature. There are workspaces where you work more in the office and others where you mainly have to do outdoors.

The working ...

Dagelijkse activiteiten

The tasks in our volunteer project on Easter Island are diverse and address both volunteers who like to work with people, as well as those who prefer to research and conserve nature. There are workspaces where you work more in the office and others where you mainly have to do outdoors.

The working hours are set with the Volunteer Coordinator. Usually, the volunteers work about 6-8 hours a day from Monday to Friday. However, volunteers can also work on a half-day schedule if they want to have more time to explore the Island. It is important that the agreed working hours are adhered to.

Responsibilities include:

  • Collaboration in the climate protection program
  • Collaboration in projects with the island community
  • Collaboration in the administrative office or in the field of research and data processing
  • Collection and logging of plant seeds
  • Control of seed settlement on the plantation
  • Conservation of native seeds and plants
  • Reforestation work
  • Monitoring and logging of forest and plant populations
  • Assistance in environmental education
  • Supervision of visitors to the National Park
  • Organisation and implementation of events for students and tourists on the subject of environmental and climate protection
  • Volunteers can also contribute their skills and experience in translation, design, photography, video, communication, planning, etc.

Note: The tasks may vary. They depend on factors such as number of volunteers, weather, season, current needs of the project, as well as self-motivation. Not every volunteer may be fully involved in all these tasks.


During your free time on Easter Island, you can enjoy a variety of activities and experiences: 
  • Exploring Moai: Visit the iconic Moai statues at various sites around the island, including the famous Ahu Tongariki and Rano Raraku.
  • Anakena Beach: Relax on the beautiful Anakena Beach, known for its ...


During your free time on Easter Island, you can enjoy a variety of activities and experiences: 
  • Exploring Moai: Visit the iconic Moai statues at various sites around the island, including the famous Ahu Tongariki and Rano Raraku.
  • Anakena Beach: Relax on the beautiful Anakena Beach, known for its white sand and crystal-clear waters. It's a perfect spot for swimming and sunbathing. 
  • Rano Kau: Hike to the crater of Rano Kau, an extinct volcano with a stunning view of the island and the ocean. 
  • Orongo Village: Explore the ancient village of Orongo, which offers insight into the island's history and culture. 
  • Cave Exploration: Visit Ana Te Pahu Cave and Ana Kakenga Cave for an adventure in subterranean landscapes. 
  • Scuba Diving and Snorkeling: Discover the marine life and underwater landscapes with scuba diving or snorkeling tours. Horseback Riding: Experience the island's natural beauty on horseback tours, guided by locals. 
  • Hanga Roa: Stroll through the charming town of Hanga Roa, where you can shop for local crafts and savor traditional cuisine. 
  • Trekking: Embark on various hiking trails that lead to secluded spots and provide breathtaking views of the island. 
  • Photography: Capture the island's unique beauty through your camera lens, from sunrise and sunset shots to picturesque landscapes. 
 Easter Island offers an array of activities that allow you to connect with its ancient history and stunning natural surroundings!



Minimum leeftijd: 18 jaar

Om deel te nemen aan het programma dien je tenminste 18 jaar oud te zijn op de startdatum van het programma. Er kunnen uitzonderingen gemaakt worden indien je een bewijs van toestemming kan aantonen van uw wettelijke voogd(en) of samen met je ouders deelneemt.


Je dient over volgende taalkennis te beschikken Engels (basis niveau) ou Spaans (basis niveau)

Vereiste documenten

CV, Motivation letter (English or Spanish) and Volunteer Questionnaire


Geen beperkingen. Helpende handen van over de hele wereld zijn welkom.


Uw helpende hand wordt verwacht op maandag, dinsdag, woensdag, donderdag en vrijdag van 09:00 - 16:00

Diensten ingesloten

Diensten ingesloten

Diensten door South America Inside

  • Single room in Guesthouse
  • Airport pick-up and drop-off
  • Advice from our experienced staff
  • On-going support via WhatsApp, phone or mail
  • Elaboration of your application profile in Spanish
  • Your placement in the volunteer project
  • Pre-departure information
  • Packing list
  • Country handbook
  • Intercultural guide
  • On-site volunteer coordinator
  • 24/7 emergency number
  • Advice on travel insurance
  • Certificate of participation

IMPORTANT: maximum permitted stay on Easter Island is 30 days!

                          Afhaal aan de luchthaven op Mataveri International Airport

                          Airport pick-up and drop-off in Hanga Roa are provided.


                          Accommodation is in a single room in a local guest house in Hanga Roa. The rooms are located in a cozy vacation cottage surrounded by a beautiful garden. The cottages have a private or shared bathroom and a fully equipped kitchen where you can store your groceries and prepare your meals. 

                          Access and the use of the washing machine is included. Change of bed sheets and room cleaning is included twice a week.
                          Internet WiFi is available.

                          Internet toegang

                          Makkelijke toegang op de project site

                          Wat is er NIET inbegrepen?

                          Wat is er NIET inbegrepen?

                          Eten & Drank

                          Eten, tussendoortjes en drankjes zijn bijkomende kosten.

                          Vlucht tickets

                          De dichtste luchthaven is Mataveri International Airport (IPC) in Easter Island. We assisteren u met het vinden van goedkope vluchten naar Chili. VIND GOEDKOPE VLUCHTEN


                          Naar het buitenland reizen is een avontuur en het is best om goed voorbereid te zijn. Plots ziek worden of gewond raken, annulaties of diefstal - een reisverzekering voor Chili biedt zekerheid en is een meerwaarde. KRIJG EEN OFFERTE


                          Als je de intentie hebt om als vrijwilliger aan de slag te gaan in Chili dien je eerst medisch advies in te winnen alvorens je eropuit trekt. Kijk de benodigde vaccinaties na voor Chili. VACCINATIE CHECKER

                          Gegevens over jouw aankomst

                          The project is available year round and can be started on any day.

                          Airport pick-up on the Easter Island at the airport of Hanga Roa is included as well as the airport drop-off on the day of your departure.

                          jan. feb. mrt. apr. mei. jun. jul. aug. sep. okt. nov. dec.


                          2 weken (min. verblijf) 1.033€
                          3 weken 1.324€
                          4 weken (max. verblijf) 1.615€
                          Gemiddelde kosten 460€/week


                          460€ per week 2 - 4 weken Leeftijd 18 - 50+


                          Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal

                          GEEN CREDITCARDKOSTEN


                          2 - 4 weken


                          De waarborg dient om je plek als vrijwilliger te verzekeren. Betalingen worden door PayPal behandeld, onze betrouwbare betalingsprovider. Indien je niet over een PayPal account beschikt, kan je ook met een credit kaart betalen.

                          Finale betaling

                          Uw finale betaling zal worden goedgekeurd door South America Inside gedurende de aanmeld procedure. Veel voorkomende oplossingen zijn een banktransfer of contante betaling op de projectsite.

                          Ontmoet je organisatie

                          South America Inside

                          Perfect 4.6 rating (114 beoordelingen)

                          Agentschap - opgericht in 2003

                          Geverifieerd door Volunteer World

                            Goed Responsgraad

                          Gepresenteerd door


                          Gesproken talen: Engels, Duits, Spaans

                          Over de organisatie

                          South America Inside promotes intercultural, linguistic and educational exchanges. Its volunteer programs are addressed to students, professionals and retirees.

                          Ontmoet je organisatie

                          South America Inside is an intercultural management agency, founded back in 2003, which specializes in the promotion of programs abroad, language travel and educational programs throughout Latin America.

                          Since 2007, to enrich the experience of our global-minded clients and to provide them with even more possibilities, South America Inside has been expanding their program offerings throughout South and Central America.

                          Working together with some of the best language schools in Latin America, South America Inside provides high quality language courses in almost every Latin American country.

                          Thanks to a professional team of motivated and friendly staff, South America Inside has been very successful over the past several years and have been able to establish an outstanding network of what we call "Insider Contacts." To enrich the experience of their clients and to provide them with more possibilities, South America Inside has been expanding our program offerings throughout Central and South America, in addition to our well-established Chilean programs.

                          Volunteer Work

                          Do you dream of staying abroad while doing something positive? Are you looking for a unique experience that will leave a mark on your life? Then a Volunteer Work program in South America or Central America is perfect for you!

                          With South America Inside you can combine an adventure abroad with social commitment, and create lasting memories in Latin America. Support the protection of endangered species; help a local community construct new homes; give new hope to impoverished children.

                          The possibilities to lend a hand are diverse, as there are the many places where help is needed. We have classified our volunteer projects in different areas so you can easily find the one (or more!) projects that best match your needs and interests.

                          Why with us

                          There are many persuasive reasons that speak in favor of South America Inside when it comes to selecting your perfect provider of language, study and volunteer travel abroad. Following, we have prepared a short summary so that you can get us to know a little better.

                          Our Insider benefits at a glance:

                            Regional Experience
                          Over one decade (established in 2003) of dedication to language, work and study travel programs in Latin America. Thanks to our long standing work and life experience in the South American continent, we know this region really well. Therefore, we can help and inform you in a professional and competent way.

                            Multifaceted Offers
                          Over time we have developed new programs to offer a wide array of work abroad opportunities to our clients. We have been pioneers in launching new exchange programs, as we have been the first in offering Work & Travel/Working Holiday and Farm Stays in Chile and successfully introduced these programs into the market back in 2005. Since 2012, we are the only agency to offer this type of program in Costa Rica.

                            Insider Advice
                          Despite living in the modern era of the internet, we know that reliable and competent advice is still an important criterion for most of us. At South America Inside, you will find the benefits of an internet provider and an independent travel agency. We will be glad to pass on our extensive knowledge and regional experience.!

                          It is difficult to run programs when there is nobody “on the ground” to evaluate existing options and search for new opportunities. So, we are located in Chile, on location, and we know everything that is going on first hand. We know what it is like to live as a foreigner in South America and will be happy to assist you in making your stay unforgettable!

                          South America Inside is an independent provider of language courses, internships, volunteer work, Farm Stays and Work & Travel programs in Latin America. We neither depend financially nor structurally on any other company, language school, association or organization. Therefore, we are able to give personalized information in accordance to your needs and availability.

                          •  Multilingual Team

                          Our team is multilingual and international! We speak fluent English, Spanish and German, as well as some French and Portuguese. With our customers, we can communicate in their native language and we avoid misunderstandings with local partners by communicating in Spanish with them. You can be sure that there will be an English-speaking contact person for you before, during, and after your stay.

                            Customer Service
                          Excellent customer service is one of the most important goals for South America Inside, and this is evident with the positive feedback we regularly receive from our many happy clients. Emails are answered within 48 business hours and every client is treated with the same friendliness and expertise.

                            Gapless and Accurate Information flow
                          With South America Inside you will have one and the same contact person before, during and after your trip. With that said, we guarantee a gapless and accurate information flow and you will always be very well informed.

                            Approved Program Places
                          Many of our program places, especially in the area of internships and volunteer work, are designed in the way that they will be recognized by most universities, colleges or academies.

                          114 beoordelingen · rating4.6

                          Mir gefällt es total gut auf den Osterinseln. Die Gastfreundschaft ist sehr groß und die Leute sind total nett. Auch in meinen zwei Nächten in Santiago habe ich Ähnliches schon erlebt. Mein Host, Francesco, ist sehr hilfsbereit und zuvorkommend. Mit einem Zimmer und der restlichen Ausstattung ...
                          Ich bin gut angekommen. Alles hat gut geklappt. Die Insel ist einfach phantastisch! Heute haben wir eine gute Einführung in die Arbeit bekommen, die wir über die nächsten Wochen erledigen sollen. Heute habe ich das Glück gehabt, den Wiederverpflanzungsort mit Tu’u Hata zu besuchen. Er hat mir ...
                          Ich bin gut auf der Osterinsel angekommen. Wurde von dem Projektleiter am Flughafen abgeholt. Er hatte sogar eine Kollegin mit, die deutsch spricht, sollte ich mit spanisch nicht so gut umgehen können. Echt toll! Die Unterkunft ist gut und ordentlich und groß, sie liegt am Ende der Ortschaft, ...
                          Mattia Malfanti rating5

                          2024 at Countryside School Assistant

                          Very good location and people. Really good organization and people are really hospitable. Peumal is a really good alternative school. I sincerely advice if you want help in an alternative school to go ...
                          Petra S. rating5

                          2024 at Beach Clean Up Assistant

                          Es ist besser als erwartet 🙂 Paula und Geronimo sind super nett und das Arbeitsprogramm ist sehr vielfältig. Auch die Clubanlage ist perfekt und die Natur hier sowieso. Leider vergeht die Zeit wie im ...
                          Roswitha M. rating5

                          2024 at Assistant in Childcare

                          Es ist alles perfecto und ich bin total zufrieden!! Sympathische Gastgeberin mit vorzüglichen Kochfähigkeiten und 5 lebhaften Hunden im Haus. Bei der Gelegenheit den Tipp, diejenigen Freiwilligen, für die diese Unterkunft vorgesehen ist, evtl. über die Anwesnheit von Hunden zu informieren, im ...


                          Amerika > Zuid-Amerika > Chili > Hanga Roa

                          Misschien ben je ook geïnteresseerd in

                          Contact Marion
                            Goed Responsgraad
                          Engels, Duits, Spaans

                          De meeste vrijwilligers hebben vragen over

                          Heb je nog meer vragen? Stuur een bericht naar Marion
                          Deel alsjeblieft geen persoonlijke contactgegevens voor je privacy