vanaf 356€

Super goed 4.4rating (87)

Rescue Center Assistant

1 - 50 weken  ·  Leeftijd 18 - 50+

rating  Super goed 4.4  · 
  Geverifieerd door Volunteer World
  Zeer hoog Responsgraad

Voltooi je reservering zo snel mogelijk. Dit project vult snel en is al geboekt op bepaalde data.


  • Highly personalized and differentiated service to offer you a unique experience making sure you have the best time of your life.
  • This is what differentiate us from the rest of the programs.You can cross check this with our outstanding reviews.
  • Experience the rewarding feeling of saving wildlife by helping injured animals to get back on track. Meet like-minded volunteers from all over the world and build life-long friendships
  • Volunteer with Costa Rica's wildlife animals surrounded by beautiful and unique nature .
  • Enjoy your weekends by visiting stunning beaches and improving your surfing skills. Learn this beautiful language by attending Spanish lessons

Vooral geschikt voor

Leeftijd 18+

Over het programma

Join the mission! Contribute to the shelter by feeding, maintaining, and caring for animals. Ideal for vets students, families and animal lovers.

Our rescue center is considered one of the best animal Volunteer program in Costa Rica. We are located in Alajuela Town ,on a 10 acre farm which is just short drive from Juan Santamaria International Airport. 

We have an on-site hospital staffed by dedicated vets/interns and comfortable living ...

Over het programma

Our rescue center is considered one of the best animal Volunteer program in Costa Rica. We are located in Alajuela Town ,on a 10 acre farm which is just short drive from Juan Santamaria International Airport. 

We have an on-site hospital staffed by dedicated vets/interns and comfortable living quarters which can house up to 60+ volunteers at any time. The animal enclosures include but are not limited to an aviary, sloth gardens, and monkey cages all surrounded by nature in order to allow the animals a place as close to their natural habitat as they recover from their wounds.

It's amazing how much of a tight-knit community we've become. With one common goal of caring for injured and displaced wildlife, we have built a family of caring, likeminded people who truly want to make a difference.We work incredibly hard, but our reward isn't financial in nature. Instead, it's seeing the animals we care for survive and thrive. Our Costa Rican volunteer program is instrumental in making that happen.

We have welcomed thousands of volunteers over the years from countries around the world. The passion and commitment they bring to our program has made everything possible for us to continue not to mention the countless injured animals who have been saved. The experience and friendships you make at our program will last a lifetime and the difference you make will be noticed and remembered for years to come.

How to get started?

It's actually very simple to be part of our program. Simply register on the right hand side of this page. The money you spend to stay with us with ensure the animals can eat, receive medication and live a happy life. The cost per day you personally will also get all of the following benefits below:

  • Private transportation from the airport.( to go back to the airport is not included because some volunteers decide travel around Costa Rica when finished the program).
  • Very safe and comfortable lodging (4 persons per room) with the option to upgrade to a private glamping tent or tiki-hut.
  • 3 delicious and healthy meals per day prepared by our private chefs (also, we cater to vegetarians, vegans, gluten-free diets.
  • Daily volunteer night activities including zumba lessons.
General Requirements:
  • No use of illegal drugs and no abuse of alcohol.
  • Smoking only in approved areas.
  • Personal insurance policy.

Dagelijkse activiteiten

As a team member of our Costa Rica volunteer program, you can expect the following daily responsibilities:

  • Prepare daily food for over 100+ animals.
  • Cleaning and maintenance of animal enclosures.
  • Construction of new enriched enclosures.
  • Building and implementing new animal toys (animal enrichment).
  • Parti

Dagelijkse activiteiten

As a team member of our Costa Rica volunteer program, you can expect the following daily responsibilities:

  • Prepare daily food for over 100+ animals.
  • Cleaning and maintenance of animal enclosures.
  • Construction of new enriched enclosures.
  • Building and implementing new animal toys (animal enrichment).
  • Participating in educational community projects.

In addition, volunteers are encouraged to develop their own individual projects. If you see potential for such a special project, let us know and we will work with you to translate that idea into practice. We love when a new volunteer leaves their mark on the Rescue Center for all future visitors to enjoy.


Beyond the adventure: While other programs offer stunning sunsets and rainforest hikes, ours goes beyond the typical itinerary. Jenny, your dedicated program leader, weaves in personalized touches and meticulous attention to detail, crafting an experience tailored just for you so you can feel part ...


Beyond the adventure: While other programs offer stunning sunsets and rainforest hikes, ours goes beyond the typical itinerary. Jenny, your dedicated program leader, weaves in personalized touches and meticulous attention to detail, crafting an experience tailored just for you so you can feel part of a true costa rican family. Additional to the volunteer, you can ask Jenny to set you up differentiated adventures from bespoke tours to surprise picnics under hidden waterfalls to hand-picked accommodations reflecting your preferences, everything is curated to exceed your expectations. Prepare to be pampered, surprised, and utterly captivated by Costa Rica's magic, all under Jenny's attentive care.

 Unlike other programs with rigid schedules and impersonal service, Jenny ensures every moment feels bespoke. Listen to what past participants say:

·       "Jenny went the extra mile, organizing a private horseback ride to reach a hidden viewpoint just for me! It was breathtaking." - Sarah M.

·       "I felt like Jenny was my Costa Rican guardian angel. She anticipated my every need and made sure I experienced the authentic side of the country." - David L.

Normally volunteers have the weekend free to do different activities such as:

  • Surf Lessons
  • Spanish lessons
  • Tours by the city of Carribean Side , Puerto Viejo Town and Tortuguero Canales
  • hike to Volcanos like Arenal Volcano
  • visit Beaches
  • visit National Parks like Manuel Antonio and Monterverde
  • Horse Ride, Canopy

We can help with reservations.



Minimum leeftijd: 18 jaar

Om deel te nemen aan het programma dien je tenminste 18 jaar oud te zijn op de startdatum van het programma. Er kunnen uitzonderingen gemaakt worden indien je een bewijs van toestemming kan aantonen van uw wettelijke voogd(en) of samen met je ouders deelneemt.


Je dient over volgende taalkennis te beschikken Spaans (basis niveau) ou Engels (basis niveau)


Geen beperkingen. Helpende handen van over de hele wereld zijn welkom.


Uw helpende hand wordt verwacht op maandag, dinsdag, woensdag, donderdag, vrijdag en zaterdag van 08:00 - 17:00

Diensten ingesloten

Diensten ingesloten

Diensten door Volunteer Now Costa Rica

Program Fee includes: 

  • pick up airport
  • 3 daily meals
  • lodging
  • laundry
  • wifi
  • pool

Local transportation and back to the airport is not included. 

Afhaal aan de luchthaven op Juan Santamaria International Airport

 Volunteers are picked up from the San Jose International Airport by the local coordinator or representative. 

Those volunteers who are arriving overland or are already in Costa Rica will be picked up at a meeting point decided beforehand. 

Transport back to the airport is not include because some volunteers decide to travel by themselves around the country.


Shared with other volunteers in our dorm style accommodation and / or private room with extra charge

Eten & Drank

Three meals a day: Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Includes fruits, typical food from Costa Rica but we also have special food for vegans and vegetarians, GF, allergies volunteers.

Internet toegang

Makkelijke toegang op de project site

Wat is er NIET inbegrepen?

Wat is er NIET inbegrepen?

Vlucht tickets

De dichtste luchthaven is Juan Santamaria International Airport (SJO) in San Jose. We assisteren u met het vinden van goedkope vluchten naar Costa Rica. VIND GOEDKOPE VLUCHTEN


Naar het buitenland reizen is een avontuur en het is best om goed voorbereid te zijn. Plots ziek worden of gewond raken, annulaties of diefstal - een reisverzekering voor Costa Rica biedt zekerheid en is een meerwaarde. KRIJG EEN OFFERTE


Als je de intentie hebt om als vrijwilliger aan de slag te gaan in Costa Rica dien je eerst medisch advies in te winnen alvorens je eropuit trekt. Kijk de benodigde vaccinaties na voor Costa Rica. VACCINATIE CHECKER

Gegevens over jouw aankomst

We have volunteers from every country and background possible. Spanish fluency is not necessary and we are open 24 hours a day and seven days a week all year long so the volunteers are welcome every day and every season.

We pick up the volunteers in the Airport and take them to the project.

jan. feb. mrt. apr. mei. jun. jul. aug. sep. okt. nov. dec.


1 week (min. verblijf) 356€
2 weken 713€
3 weken 1.018€
4 weken 1.324€
7 weken 2.241€
8 weken 2.546€
50 weken (max. verblijf) 18.672€
Gemiddelde kosten 365€/week


365€ per week 1 - 50 weken Leeftijd 18 - 50+


Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



1 - 50 weken


De waarborg dient om je plek als vrijwilliger te verzekeren. Betalingen worden door PayPal behandeld, onze betrouwbare betalingsprovider. Indien je niet over een PayPal account beschikt, kan je ook met een credit kaart betalen.

Finale betaling

Uw finale betaling zal worden goedgekeurd door Volunteer Now Costa Rica gedurende de aanmeld procedure. Veel voorkomende oplossingen zijn een banktransfer of contante betaling op de projectsite.

Ontmoet je organisatie

Volunteer Now Costa Rica

Super goed 4.4 rating (87 beoordelingen)

NGO - opgericht in 2004

Geverifieerd door Volunteer World

  Zeer hoog Responsgraad

Gepresenteerd door


Gesproken talen: Engels, Spaans

Over de organisatie

We are a major organization with more than 10 years of volunteer experience creating lifetime experiences amongst our participants.

Ontmoet je organisatie

VOLUNTEER NOW COSTA RICA is located in Escazu and Guanacaste, San Jose, Costa Rica. This is a family company that has been around since 2004 and enlisted the aid of hundreds of volunteers from all over the world, which come to our country to work on the ecological and social projects our company offers.

The further you have to travel to get here and the more eager you are to participate and learn about our great history and culture, the more we at Hospedaje Casa Escazu will appreciate and love you for your commitment to being the change in our great country. When you dedicate your time and effort to us, we promise to dedicate all of our resources to making sure your efforts make the greatest difference possible.

VOLUNTEER NOW COSTA RICA is located in Escazu City at 20 minutes from the airport Juan Santamaria.

We work with volunteers from different countries helping in the public Schools and Day Care Centers that don't have enough money to supply for the needs of the children that aren't supported by the Goverment.


  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Quality in our services
  • Reliability
  • Safety
  • Commitment
  • Trust
We say this because our goal with every day that passes and why we even became a business entity is to provide an enjoyable and eye opening experience for each volunteer the spends time with Hospedaje Casa Escazu in Costa Rica. At the same time we want to dramatically increase the quality of life for the local citizens and protect the natural beauty that in its self makes Costa Rica, the unique and enchanting place that it is.

87 beoordelingen · rating4.4

Klaudia Maruszczak rating5

2023 at Rescue Center Assistant

What an experience! We worked in the animal rescue center near Escazu where we could learn how to take care of the wild animals as well as to learn about them. The people in the centre were extremely kind and inspiring. Our host, Jenny, made us feel like home immediately. She helped us navigate in ...
Britt-Marie Tikkala rating4.8

2023 at Rescue Center Assistant

Jag var hos Jenny Delgado Coordinator. Vi var 7 volontärer som bodde i hennes hus. Jobbade mellan 9-15. Blev lämnade och hämtade till Animal Center Escazu. Dem på centret var underbara och hjälpsamma. Väl rekommendat. Regards Britt-Marie ...
Isabel Hartwig rating4.6

2023 at Rescue Center Assistant

All in all it was a great first experience in another country for me alone. You making fast friends. The problem was that we getting too much people and don’t work everytime with the animals. There are different types of grouped for the days, like construction or enrichment… you building ...
Montserrat Castellanos rating4

2022 at Rescue Center Assistant

The centre does a great work and the staff and atmosphera are very nice. I have enjoyed a lot. If you like animals and mainly for veterinarians and students it is a good project. The countey is amazing also. ..
julie Morley rating4.6

2022 at Rescue Center Assistant

What a fantastic opportunity to look after lots of different animals and meet people from all over the world. Everyone was very friendly and although it’s hard work it’s definitely something I would recommend to ...
Ines Ropatiz rating2.8

2022 at Rescue Center Assistant

Very friendly staff but I feel like they could do way more for the animals! The "hospital" is more like a house with cages and special food and bandages but that's it, no medical procedures are happening there. The people working there and the other volunteers are very nice and invested in their ...


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Engels, Spaans

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