VACK jitolee Africa

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VACK provides services promoting development, youth mobility and information exchange among Kenyans and within the international community.

Volunteer Action for Change Kenya (VACK) was founded in April 2013 to offer equal opportunities to the youth and women to be actively involved in the development process through volunteerism. Since its inception VACK has continuously given opportunities to both skilled and unskilled volunteers to ...


Volunteer Action for Change Kenya (VACK) was founded in April 2013 to offer equal opportunities to the youth and women to be actively involved in the development process through volunteerism. Since its inception VACK has continuously given opportunities to both skilled and unskilled volunteers to contribute to service delivery in community projects within Kenya.
Volunteer Action for Change Kenya is a voluntary service organization. Our aim is to bring people from different cultures to work together towards a common goal. In turn this helps break down cultural stereotypes and lead to greater international understanding and peace. We do this by volunteer programme which works on offering services to community projects across Kenya where both local and international volunteers are actively involved on a global stage.
Volunteer Action for Change Kenya is a non-profit and non-governmental organization that provides services using the voluntarism approach that enhances the development process and service delivery of community development initiatives. Our main purpose is to promote peace, understanding, justice, development, and information exchange among Kenyans and within the international community.

VACK wants to build a society in which the dignity of every person is safeguarded and promoted, in which each individual person may enjoy fundamental liberties, have access to resources and services, have the possibility to live in a healthy environment and improve the quality of life in all aspects; a global society in which every single individual and all communities have the right of self-determination consistent with the cultural rights of other peoples and every man and woman on earth. This is realized by giving a change to the youths, women and community members a chance to be actively involved in the development process in the event realizing self-development through service delivery.


Fanuel Ayumba

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VACK jitolee Africa gjennomganger

Birgit Garcia rating5.0

2023 at Childcare Assistance

From the minute I arrived at the airport, I can only report the best. After having a look at different projects, I decided that I would like to help teaching in PP2 class at Many Fishes Academy in Ukunda. In the class are 17 children, aged 5 to 6 years. It was a great experience I made and I am ...
George Myers rating1.8

2018 at Rehabilitation of Street Children

I was not picked up at the airport upon arrival and it took at least 36 hours and visit to the British High Commission to get many contact with VACK. Once I had met up with them they informed me that the project I was meant to be on had already closed, and they offered no similar alternative. I ...
In the Orphanage, I strongly think that both mine and the other volunteers’ work had a huge impact given that the family has no money to employ external people and therefore it is very helpful for them to have volunteers working for free, since there is a lot of work to do to take care of the ...

VACK jitolee Africa oppføringer

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VACK jitolee Africa prosjektfokus

UN Sustainable Development Goals

  • Good Health And Well-Being