Rainbow Garden Village

  Verificado por Volunteer World






anos de atividade

Rainbow Garden Village specialises in worldwide volunteer placements and has been sending volunteers on impactful, life-changing trips since 1999.

From Africa to Asia and Europe to Latin America and Oceania - through volunteering or internships our participants gain unique impressions and experiences abroad. Rainbow Garden Village (RGV) offers sustainable projects in more than 30 countries worldwide in various fields, such as social work, ...

Descrição da revisão

From Africa to Asia and Europe to Latin America and Oceania - through volunteering or internships our participants gain unique impressions and experiences abroad. Rainbow Garden Village (RGV) offers sustainable projects in more than 30 countries worldwide in various fields, such as social work, teaching, animal welfare, environmental protection, medicine, etc..

While our participants are engaged in their project, they broaden their horizons and become more open-minded. They strengthen their personal skills, grow from the challenges in their volunteer projects and also improve their language skills. Countless new impressions, experiences and special moments round off the stay abroad - and lead to a return with many exciting stories in the luggage!

Pessoa de contacto

Steffen Mayer

Línguas faladas: Esloveno, Inglês, Georgiano
  taxa de resposta boa

Rainbow Garden Village revisões

Lara N rating5,0

2024 at Kindergarten in Crete

I am sharing my incredible experience with volunteer world. The program gave me the opportunity to volunteer in greece, meet other volunteers from other countries, to gain work related knowledge, & to experience the lifestyle in the beautiful island of crete. The program was very organized from the ...
Katharina Höfner rating5,0

2024 at Veterinary Clinic Assistant

Ich habe mich während meines Aufenthalts absolut wohl gefühlt! Da ich schon Vorkenntnisse durch meinen Beruf als TFA hatte, konnte ich mich sehr gut einbringen und durfte super viel helfen! Das Team hat mich herzlich aufgenommen und mir Vertrauen geschenkt. Ich bin sehr dankbar, dass ich diese ...
Eliot Jacquemin rating3,8

2024 at Penguin Sanctuary

J'ai beaucoup apprécié ce projet. L'organisation fut globalement assez bonne, je n'ai pas eu de soucis. J'ai appris énormément de choses sur les pingouins et les défis qu'ils doivent combattre au quotidien, c'était très inspirant. ..
lena Illenseher rating2,4

2024 at Support a Horse Riding Academy in Crete

Zuerst das Positive: Der Stall an dem ich gearbeitet habe ist sehr gut gepflegt und man hat sich wohl gefühlt. RGV hat sich bemüht, Probleme der Teilnehmer wahrzunehmen, in dem es wöchentliche Meetings gab. Das Apartment liegt nah am Strand. Es wurden Ausflüge angeboten (kostenpflichtig) Der ...
Swenja G rating5,0

2023 at Street Children

Now I would like to tell you about my time in Ghana: I lived in Accra for 6 weeks and worked in the street children project there. In the time before my departure, I mainly took care of my health care (vaccinations and tablets against tropical diseases) and read the pages about the country, culture, ...
Maria S rating5,0

2023 at Street Children

I was there for 8 weeks as a volunteer in a street children's project in Accra. My goals for this stay abroad in Ghana were to get to know a new culture, improve my English language skills and learn to appreciate my own home country. I can happily say that I achieved all three goals. Working in ...

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Rainbow Garden Village foco do projeto

UN Sustainable Development Goals

  • Good Health And Well-Being
  • Quality Education
  • Climate Action
  • Life Below Water
  • Life On Land