a partir de 1.086€

Brilhante 4.7rating (44)

Amazon Research Assistant

4 - 50 semanas  ·  Idade 18 - 50+

rating  Brilhante 4.7  · 
  Verificado por Volunteer World
  taxa de resposta muito elevada


  • Learn research technique like camera trap for mammals, search for frogs and glowing mushrooms, bird and forest inventories and much more
  • Help conservation actions in the Amazon
  • Boat tours for wildlife watching to see slothes, monkey and lots of other Amazonian species along with gorgeous beaches and native forest
  • Learn about Amazonia culture like Curimbo (traditional dance), cook and capoeira classes, Brazilian bbq on the beach
  • Free time activities: Visit gigantic sumauma trees of the Amazon, Visit Manatee Rehabilitation center, Kayak and much more

Especialmente adequado para

Idade 18+

Sobre o programa

Conduct inventories on Amazonian wildlife in the field: mushrooms, birds, mammals, fish, bioluminescent and fluorescent organisms as well as flora.

We are a non-governmental, non-profit organization that develops and supports projects in environmental education and scientific research on biodiversity, ecology, as well as on the behaviour of species of fauna and flora of Brazilian ecosystems.

Volunteers can participate as Biodiversity Research ...

Sobre o programa

We are a non-governmental, non-profit organization that develops and supports projects in environmental education and scientific research on biodiversity, ecology, as well as on the behaviour of species of fauna and flora of Brazilian ecosystems.

Volunteers can participate as Biodiversity Research Assistant and help us conduct long term inventories essential for understanding trend in wildlife patterns and monitoring the effects of climate change. These activities are done in a group and are field research activities where repetitive data collection is required to understand trends over long periods. This role is for volunteers who like to be outside and enjoy physical activity.

Projects all volunteers will participate in:

- Forest Inventory and Flora Survey

- Bird Inventory

- Fish Inventory

- Search for Bioluminescent and Fluorescent Organisms

- Mushroom Inventory

- Camera Traps for Mammals

Dia típico

We conducted weekly schedules of research activities (if weather conditions permit). A daily example for bird inventory would be:

- 8am group meeting (every day)
- Transport to research sites (4 sites some are hiking distances, some are done on a  boat, some require car transport)
- Use cameras to ...

Dia típico

We conducted weekly schedules of research activities (if weather conditions permit). A daily example for bird inventory would be:

- 8am group meeting (every day)
- Transport to research sites (4 sites some are hiking distances, some are done on a  boat, some require car transport)
- Use cameras to film birds seen on the site
- Head back to download data and identify species
- Save video content and input in excel so specialist can check ID at a later date
- After work hours, volunteers swim in the pool at the volunteer house, go to the river or beach, go out for dinner, play games, watching movies etc.

Actividades em tempo livre

Ilha do Amor: the postcard of Alter do Chão is the Ilha do Amor, love island, beach. Nestled between the Lago Verde and Tapajos river emerges a small island where locals set up palm huts which make wonderful food and drinks.  Canoe and (in the dry season can walk across).

Morro Piraoca: if you are ...

Actividades em tempo livre

Ilha do Amor: the postcard of Alter do Chão is the Ilha do Amor, love island, beach. Nestled between the Lago Verde and Tapajos river emerges a small island where locals set up palm huts which make wonderful food and drinks.  Canoe and (in the dry season can walk across).

Morro Piraoca: if you are feeling more adventurous hike up the mountain to see a stunning 360 degree view of the region. 

Curimbo: is a movement that began in 2010 to value the richness of Amazonian music, in particular Santarena. On Thursday, near the centre on Alter do Chão after 10 pm you can pay a small fee to enter and listen to this wonderful music and see the Amazonian dances where, generally, the women dress is colour long skirts with lots of bracelets, necklaces and flowers in their hair and move their hips to invite someone to dance. Men are also known to clap to ask for permission to dance.

Canal do Jari: If you want to see wildlife then this is the trip to do. There is a trail or canoe trip (depending on the season you visit) where it is common to see squirrel monkeys and sloths. In addition, you might get lucky and see owls or the very well camouflaged potoo bird and even might catch a glimpse of a boa constrictor if you are lucky! Moreover, throughout the tour, many species of birds and iguanas can be seen. You will also visit the famous Amazonian water lily, known as Victoria Amazonica, which can grow up to 2.5 meters in diameter. There is also a lady who discovered its edible quality and offers a unique culinary experience.

Flona: Although the hike is long, it is not steep and the rewards are enormous. At the top, you get to see the gigantic amazonian Sumaúma tree, also known as the kapok tree, which can grow up to 65 meters tall and its roots mean that it can take 26 people holding hands to get around the base of the tree.

Ponta do Cururu: Usually included in other tours but can be done independently also, ponta do cururu is the perfect place to see sunset. In the dry period, the beach extends far out so you can relax on a thin strip of sand and watch the red and purple sun go down.

Arapiuns: is known for its never-ending stunning beaches in the summer dry period. You can also visit the community of Coroca which preserve a turtles and bees.

Fish Market: Many birds hover around to pick up leftovers and pink river dolphins swim just off the side which you can see during the rainy season when the water is high.

ZOONAMA: is a zoo and rehabilitation center which is in partnership with UNAMA university. You can visit the zoo and also enter their rehabilitation zone for manatees.



Idade mínima: 18 anos

Para aderir ao programa é necessário ter pelo menos 18 anos de idade na data de início do programa. Poderá haver excepções se puder fornecer a permissão do(s) seu(s) tutor(es) legal(ais) ou se estiver acompanhado pelos seus pais.

Habilidades linguísticas

Precisa de falar Inglês (nível intermédio)

Documentos Necessários

CV and Interview

Restrições de Nacionalidade

Sem restrições. São bem-vindas as mãos que ajudam de todo o mundo.

Outras Competências

IPBio does not ask for any formal educational requirements from participants, however, we have limited space in the program so we will not be able to accommodate everyone who applies therefore we require candidates to submit their CV and conduct a short interview for the selection process. IPBio takes conservation and our work seriously and therefore we want serious applicants who want to learn and use their time on this expedition to truly expand their horizons.

Compromisso de tempo

A tua mão auxiliadora será necessária na Segunda-feira, Terça-feira, Quarta-feira, Quinta-feira e Sexta-feira de 08:00 - 16:00

Serviços incluídos

Serviços incluídos

Serviços por IPBio - Reserva Jutuarana

Volunteers at IPBio are required to pay 1200 reais per week (please check up-to-date exchange rate in your currency) for the specific dates agreed upon. This does not include the VolunteerWorld commission which you will pay directly to VolunteerWorld via their site.

The fee covers the volunteer’s coordinators, airport pick-up, accommodation, internet access and project costs. A volunteer only confirms their placement once their full payment is made and it is only valid for the specific dates agreed upon. Once a volunteer makes their payment there is no refund if they decide to cancel for whatever reason. We will provide you with specific payment details via paypal by email.

Volunteers are also responsible for paying for any extra costs such as travel costs, food, visa costs, tourism etc. The currency in Brazil is the Real. There is an ATM machine in Alter do Chão which accepts Visa Credit/Debit cards. 

Recepção no aeroporto em Santarem-Maestro Wilson Fonseca Airport

We will ask for your booking details so we can set up airport pick up. Details of flights should be discussed before purchase to make sure they are compatible the program.


Volunteers will stay at the Casa da Lagartixa, situated 3km from Alter do Chão which accommodates 6 people comfortably and 8 during transition of old and new volunteers. The house has two rooms which are suites. The house has two super king beds and two bunk beds but there is the possibility of placing two more mattresses during those transitions. All rooms are air conditioned. The property has three bathrooms and two with hot showers. Room distribution and bed allocation is decided by IPBio for the most comfort for the whole group. The house is equipped with a washing machine and has a fully equipped kitchen where volunteers can cook. Moreover, there is a swimming pool at the house as well as an amazing poolside BBQ.

Volunteers are fully responsible for maintaining the house clean on a regular basis, however, we do provide a cleaner once a week to clean public areas like bathrooms and will provide fresh bed linen. However, it volunteer’s responsibility to maintain and clean the house; we take this very seriously. Volunteers work from 7.30 to 12 during week days with an hour lunch break (some days you will be required to organize a pack lunch). Shops are located in the town of Alter do Chão 3km away from the house, which you can walk to or get a taxi, where there are various shops with all you will need. 

IPBio offers airport pick-up, transport to research sites but social activities and shopping will be done by the volunteers themselves.

Acesso à Internet

Bom acesso no local do projecto

O que NÃO está incluído?

O que NÃO está incluído?

Alimentos e Bebidas

Alimentos, lanches ou bebidas têm custos adicionais.

Bilhetes de avião

O aeroporto mais próximo é Santarem-Maestro Wilson Fonseca Airport (STM) em Santarem. Ajudamo-lo a encontrar voos baratos para Brasil. ENCONTRAR VOOS BARATOS

Seguro de viagem

Ir para o estrangeiro é uma aventura e é sempre melhor estar preparado. Doença ou lesão súbita, cancelamento ou roubo - um seguro de viagem para Brasil proporciona segurança e é uma vantagem a ter. OBTENHA UMA COTAÇÃO


Se pretende ser voluntário em Brasil deve procurar aconselhamento médico antes de iniciar a sua viagem social. Verifique as vacinas necessárias para Brasil. VERIFICADOR DE VACINAS

Detalhes à chegada

IPBio Amazon Volunteer Program is only open from 1st of June to the 15th of December due to local weather conditions which do not permit projects to be conducted all year long. Remember here in the Amazon the water level can change up to 5 meters so it is completely impossible to do certain projects when the water is high as areas become flooded, fish disperse and various other limiting factors.

You can arrive on any weekday and we will pick you up at the airport. Minimum stay is 4 weeks but applicants who apply for more extended periods are more likely to be selected.

Jan Feb Março Abril Maio Jun Jul Ago Set Out Nov Dez

Preços do programa

4 semanas (estadia min.) 1.086€
50 semanas (estadia máx.) 13.580€
Preços médios 272€/semana

Preços do programa

272€ por semana 4 - 50 semanas Idade 18 - 50+

Métodos de Pagamento

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



4 - 50 semanas


O depósito é simplesmente para reservar a sua colocação como voluntário. Os pagamentos são tratados pelo PayPal, o nosso fornecedor de pagamento global de confiança. Se não tiver uma conta PayPal, também pode pagar usando um cartão de crédito.

Pagamento final

O teu pagamento final será acordado com IPBio - Reserva Jutuarana durante o processo de candidatura. As soluções comuns são ou através de transferência bancária ou pagamento em dinheiro no local do projecto.

Conheça seu anfitrião

IPBio - Reserva Jutuarana

Brilhante 4.7 rating (44 revisões)

Non-profit - fundada em 2007

Verificado por Volunteer World

  taxa de resposta muito elevada

Hospedado por


Línguas faladas: Inglês

Sobre o projecto

IPBio – Biodiversity Research Institute develops and supports projects in environmental education and research on biodiversity and ecology.

Conheça seu anfitrião

IPBio´s long term goal is to create a national network of 5 research centers in every major biome of Brazil. IPBio already has a total of 3 reserves in the Atlantic Forest, Amazon and Cerrado but hopes to purchase and set up research centers in the Pantanal and Caatinga soon. The creation of this national reserve and research center network can provide useful opportunities for research, conservation projects and economic development in the area of sustainable tourism.

The Betary Reserve was the first IPBio research center created in Iporanga (São Paulo) in 2004. This reserve was accredited as an “advanced outpost” of the Atlantic Forest Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO in 2009. The primary focus of research is bioluminescence fungi and insects and amphibians but there are various other projects that occur. We have had scientific publication in the worlds most renowned and prestigious journal such as Science and Nature – Scientific Reports. Moreover, we have a release center called FreeWildlifeBrazil Celine which has worked primarily with birds captured from the illegal trade of wildlife but has also helped release howler monkeys, anteaters and oncillas.

We are now in the process of constructing two new centers. However, our research and education programs in these new biomes have already begun. 

44 revisões · rating4.7

Helena Stevens rating5

2024 at Amazon Research Assistant

My time spent working with IPBio was assuredly one of the best things I have been involved in to-date! Firstly, it is to be noted that the Amazon branch of the organisation is very new comparatively to the Atlantic Forest, meaning that the facilities are different but this is by no means a ...
Molly rating4.8

2024 at Amazon Research Assistant

The IPBio program is an amazing, once in a life time experience! Being able to be apart of important research whilst making life long friends. I would definitely recommend doing this program if you get the chance. Be prepared for physical work, but also a lot of fun along the way! This program is ...
Valentina rating4.8

2023 at Amazon Research Assistant

I'm a 19 years old girl from Sweden. After graduation I wanted to do a meaningful volunteer program and something that could be helpful for my future work area. At IPbio we got pick up from the airport at all time. Staff was helpful and nice. The living accommodation was comfortable and the ...
Julia rating5

2023 at Amazon Research Assistant

I volunteered with the Amazon programme and I couldn't recommend it more. It has been one of the greatest experiences of my life. The coordinators are excited about the work you do and it's very contagious. The work can be tiring due to the heat sometimes so if you are someone who would identify as ...
Roxanne Lazarus rating4.6

2023 at Amazon Research Assistant

I spent seven weeks volunteering with IPBio in the Amazon and was extremely sad to leave. My primary reasons for choosing the program were to experience conservation work in a different country and to get the opportunity to see some of the Amazon's wildlife (insects and arachnids included) - and see ...
Sophie rating5

2023 at Amazon Research Assistant

My one month volunteering in The Amazon Rainforest was absolutely incredible, I really can't recommend it enough. It had always been my dream to go to the Amazon and everyday I was so happy to be there! Imi and Marleen, our coordinators were so welcoming when I first arrived and the other volunteers ...


Americas > América do Sul > Brasil > Alter do Chao

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