a partir de 1.806€

Fantástico 4.5rating (18)

Turtle Rehabilitation Program

2 - 12 semanas  ·  Idade 18 - 50+

rating  Fantástico 4.5  · 
  Verificado por Volunteer World
  taxa de resposta excelente


  • Rescue and rehabilitate turtle patients either victims of ghost net entanglement or the illegal pet trade
  • Gain knowledge about sea turtles and marine conservation
  • Actively engage with the community and raise awareness about turtle conservation, waste management and the importance of the ocean
  • Make life long friends, be inspired by fellow ocean lovers and experience incredible marine wildlife encounters
  • Experience many sides of the Maldives from the local islands to the resort island and all the uninhabited islands inbetween

Especialmente adequado para

Idade 18+

Sobre o programa

Rehabilitate turtles that have been rescued from ghost net entanglement and the illegal pet trade, while educating the Maldives' community about environmental awareness.


This program is a great chance to get involved in marine conservation and work closely with sea turtles. Sea turtles are brought to the marine centre after being kept as pets, or rescued from the ocean where they get trapped in ghost nets. Here, they are rehabilitated and kept in the centre ...

Sobre o programa


This program is a great chance to get involved in marine conservation and work closely with sea turtles. Sea turtles are brought to the marine centre after being kept as pets, or rescued from the ocean where they get trapped in ghost nets. Here, they are rehabilitated and kept in the centre until they are ready to be released, with some of our patients being permanent residents as they are sadly nonreleasable. The program is run by our resident Marine Biologists, allowing you to learn from and work with other ocean enthusiasts..

You will be given the chance to immerse yourself in a different culture and experience the 'real' Maldives. The Maldives is far more than just luxury resorts, with this island giving you a good insight of what some of the issues in the Maldives are when it comes to waste management and environmental awareness.

Our marine program is extensive and relies on volunteer support to help us achieve all our project aims. Simply put, without our amazing volunteers we would not be able to ensure the upkeep and continued operation of Atoll Marine Centre. 

Volunteer Tasks

Volunteers will work closely with our resident marine biologists. Daily tasks are varied and may include:

  • Cleaning and feeding the rescued turtles
  • Cleaning the tanks
  • Collect seagrass for our resident green sea turtle
  • Educating and communicating about your role and the importance of marine conservation with visiting resort guests
  • Taking our resident turtle on rehabilitation ocean swims (weather permitting)
  • Organising beach cleans/marine awareness sessions
  • Performing beach surveys
  • Creating decorations and painting our marine centre
  • Performing fish surveys
Our welcoming island of Naifaru is located in Lhaviyani Atoll in the Northern Maldives. The island lies approximately 142 kilometres (88 miles) north of Malé and is approximately 53 hectares (0.53 km²), which includes an area recently reclaimed.

Being the fifth most populated island in the Maldives, Naifaru is a bustling little community, spotted with stores selling everything from hardware to tailoring services. There is a post office and a bank (with an ATM) at your disposal, as well as a number of restaurants and coffee shops. Naifaru has just over 5,000 people currently residing on the island, with the majority being Maldivian, however there are also a small number of expatriate workers from countries such as Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan.

Naifaru has a few main streets which form a grid, where you will find a maze of intricate side streets and alleys. Both the main streets and side streets are always filled with people of all ages, sitting around talking, playing local card games or even playing Maldivian music in the street. Naifaru is a safe island full of friendly people, a great place to make new friends and meet new faces.

Given the relatively small size of the island, everything is within easy reach. From the volunteer house you can walk to any of our projects in less than ten minutes. Or you might walk down to one of the island’s four restaurants and enjoy the warm evening breeze with a cup of coffee and a view of the Indian Ocean.

There are many small shops spread across the island. They sell all the basic goods you will need in your everyday life in Naifaru. These shops act as hot spots for the latest gossip on the island and you will often find people hanging around shops exchanging news. Apart from the small stores on the island, the main street also has a number of clothes shops and tailors where you can buy clothes. Bear in mind that their selection is somewhat limited compared to Western standards. There are few specialist stores on the island and if you require something not considered “general goods”, you might have a hard time finding it here. Shops also close multiple times a day for prayer, so bear this in mind when planning your shopping trips. Typical opening times are (approximately):
08:00 - 12:00; 13:30 - 15:00; 16:30 - 18:00; 20:30 - 23:00

Transportation in Naifaru is usually done by foot or bike. The island is small and everything can be reached within ten minutes by foot. As such, there are less than a handful of cars on the island and no public transportation. Ferries and speedboats are considered to be the “buses” of the Maldives and there are several departures during the day to nearby islands should you wish to explore in your spare time (please discuss with us beforehand).

Maldivians love to spend time at cafés and restaurants and you will find that there are a surprising number of restaurants in Naifaru despite the size of the island! The restaurants mostly serve dishes native to South Asia: rice, curries, noodles etc. Most of the food here is spicy but ask the waiter and they are happy to go easy on the chilli!

Most of the fresh water used for cleaning, showering and cooking is desalinated water. However, the local residents collect rainwater which is used for drinking. You should not be concerned about drinking the local water, but if you are, bottled water is cheap and readily available in most stores.

There is a branch of the Bank of Maldives in Naifaru and they are open on all weekdays (Sunday – Thursday). The bank also has an ATM, so it is possible to take out cash using a bank card (for a fee of approx. $5). American dollars are accepted or easily exchanged, $10 and $20 bills are easiest to exchange. We recommend that you arrive in the Maldives with at least US$60 which can be exchanged anytime, used in an emergency or in case the ATM is not working.

The Lhaviyani Atoll Hospital is based in Naifaru and always has doctors on duty. We are happy to assist you in seeking medical care if needed, but please note that do not cover healthcare as part of our volunteering programs. Having good travel and health insurance is therefore highly recommended and will be your own responsibility!

There is a well-equipped pharmacy on the island right next to the hospital which will cater to your basic needs. However, if you have any special condition for which you may need medication, please let us know in advance and we can contact the pharmacy and make sure they have it in stock.

There is a very low crime rate in Naifaru and our volunteers have rarely experienced theft and never violence. There is a fire station and engine on the island in case of any emergencies.
The police station is only a few minutes from the volunteer house.

Religion is very important to the people of Naifaru, where Islam is followed very strictly. Five times a day you will be able to hear the call to prayer (adhan) from the mosques, which can be a surreal and beautiful thing to hear as you explore the island. Many of the women on the island wear varying levels of hijab and when prayer is called, everything closes, including shops.

Due to the religion, there are also certain restrictions which must be respected by volunteers. This is especially important in Naifaru, where exposure to tourists is much less than other local islands and there is no bikini beach.
  • It is illegal to possess alcohol, pork or any religious material besides Islam on local islands
  • Women must dress conservatively, even while swimming - this means shoulders, thighs and belly must be covered with ideally baggy clothes at all times. Exceptions to this are on excursions, where volunteers can wear a bikini to snorkel or explore uninhabited islands
  • It is seen as disrespectful for women to smoke in public, so please be discrete if doing so
Even though it may have bright turquoise waters and white sand beaches, volunteers must understand that Naifaru is not a resort. Local island life is very different and reflects the huge wealth disparity in the Maldives.

In Naifaru, many issues have arisen as a consequence of this disparity. For example, living conditions can be basic and the island's waste management is very poor. As a result, there is a large amount of litter on the island, as well as incomplete construction projects where money has ran out. There are also a large number of stray cats around the island which many locals view as pests.

This is ultimately why our NGO's work is so important. We also work closely with the community in many areas to educate, support and campaign for a better Naifaru.

Whether it's improving sports facilities, hosting beach clean ups or protecting the marine environment, our work all contributes to a happier and more thriving community!

Code of conduct

As a volunteer I will: 
  • Show respect to the staff team including founders, marine biologists, vets, volunteer coordinator, marine biology interns and listen to their instructions 
  • Show respect to locals and visitors on the island and do not engage in discrimination or racism 
  • Engage in tasks required of me across all programs to the best of my ability, using diligence and initiative 
  • Understand that the team must assess my swimming ability. If this is deemed too low, I understand that I may not be able to participate in some group activities such as boat snorkelling for my own safety 
  • Always take a buddy when I go snorkelling and inform a member of staff if I am doing so 
  • Speak to the volunteer coordinator or member of staff if I have any issues with anything out of my comfort zone 
  • Dress conservatively when in Naifaru and other local islands. If identifying as a woman, this includes avoiding tight fitting or sheer clothes and covering thighs, belly and shoulders when in public 
  • (If a smoker) be discrete when smoking 
  • Not feed stray cats in the centre or bring cats to the centre, and under no circumstances will I bring cats into the volunteer house
  • Understand that locals are prohibited from entering the volunteer house 
  • Try my best to save resources and power when leaving volunteer house, including switching air-conditioning, fans and lights off. 
  • Give permission for Atoll Volunteers, Atoll Marine Centre and Naifaru Juvenile to use images of myself for marketing and social media purposes

Here at Atoll Volunteers, we run a zero discrimination policy and are always happy to welcome everyone who is willing to get stuck in and help. However, we all have different levels of ability, fitness and health; with some of us being better at certain tasks than others. Therefore, it is important to understand the challenges you might face whilst volunteering with us, so that you can make an informed decision on whether the program is right for you.

Our program can be very physically demanding. From scrubbing tanks and lifting 30kg turtles, to simply getting on and off the boat whilst snorkelling. Therefore, it is important that you have a good level of fitness. Husbandry work at the centre is a work-out in it's self, but even the excursions on our day off can be tiring. We will often go snorkelling on excursions where you can see many amazing things. However, a full days swimming, sometimes against the current, can be hard work. You will also need to be able to get yourself back on the boat; sometimes, the vessel does not have a ladder, so a good level of strength is needed to lift yourself aboard.

The weather here can be incredibly hot! Despite being surrounded by ocean, there is very rarely a sea breeze. The heat, the humidity and no breeze can be difficult to manage even if you were just sat on a beach all day. The work at the Atoll Marine Centre can be strenuous. Every day usually consists of scrubbing tanks or walking the beach to do a beach clean. Doing this under the Maldivian sun can be hard work. If you do not look after yourself, you put yourself at risk of sun stroke and dehydration. A hat, sun cream, LOTS of water, taking breaks and not pushing yourself too hard are all essential to keeping healthy. We will always put the health and safety of our volunteers first but please be aware of the difficulties of this work. What you are capable of at home is likely very different to what you can manage in the tropics.

Snorkelling is one of the main activities we will be doing during your stay here. Please make sure you are fully prepared for this, as nonconfident snorkellers may miss out on activities.
  • Prior to arrival, volunteers must have a strong swimming ability and be comfortable in open water - the currents in the Maldives can be strong, so this is essential
  • Please advise us of any preexisting medical conditions such as asthma or heart problems
  • Before snorkelling on the island, always let one of the team know where you are going
  • Always go in pairs - never alone!
These masks are actually dangerous and are more likely to make you panic if you are new to snorkelling. Please bring a traditional type instead!

Packing List
  • Passport 
  • Travel insurance 
  • Health insurance 
  • Emergency Contact Info 
  • Information of medical concerns or ailments 
  • Credit/debit/travel cards for use at island ATM (which has a fee of 100 MVR) 
  • USD cash (for exchanging for Rufiyaa if preferred) 
  • Flight Tickets
  • Reusable water bottle (minimum 600ml) 
  • Towel (shower + beach) 
  • UK type 3 pin adapter, 220V and cords 
  • Mask, snorkel and fins (good quality). These are NOT available for purchase on Naifaru 
  • Tempered glass mask recommended 
  • Dry Bag + Beach bag 
  • Phone, headphones 
  • Ear plugs, eye mask 
  • Personal entertainment: kindle, cards, speaker, etc. 
  • Waterproof camera and/or underwater housing (recommended) 
  • Waterproof watch (recommended) 
  • Any snacks, vitamins, protein powder etc. you may need. Must be unopened. Especially recommended for vegetarians, GF and vegans
  • Laptop, charger, USB, microSD etc. 
  • For coffee lovers: there is only instant coffee on island. BYO travel French press and grinds if you want the good stuff!
  • Mosquito repellent- - bring LOTS! 
  • REEF SAFE sunscreen, zinc, lip screen 
  • Soap, shampoo, conditioner 
  • Toothbrush + toothpaste 
  • Feminine hygiene: menstrual cup/pads/sanitary underwear/ tampons (tampons are NOT available on the island) 
  • Hairbrush, comb, hair ties, tweezers, nail clippers etc. 
  • Aloe vera or other to soothe burns
There is a washer and drying rack available. It is best to bring quickdrying, UV protected and breathable material. Bring clothes you don't mind getting wet or dirty and that respect the modest culture; women must cover their shoulders, knees and everything in between when around locals, even while swimming. However, bikinis can often be worn whilst we are on excursion off island.
  • Shirts, short-sleeve, long-sleeve. No sheer or see through materials. White t-shirts are see through when wet and cannot be worn while swimming. 
  • Loose, comfortable pants for dinners, to wear around town. Leggings or long shorts for swimming and cleaning in the centre (knee length or longer) 
  • Lightweight rain jacket. (Monsoon season runs May-Oct) 
  • Underwear Socks (only needed if you plan on exercising) 
  • Sturdy sandals or flip flops. Shoes you can wear in the water are a good idea like crocs. 
  • Sunglasses (UV filter or polarised are a good option) 
  • Hat (cap or wide brimmed) 
  • Swimwear (bikinis for excursion, leggings and rash guards for swimming on Naifaru) 
  • Nice clothes (always a good idea to bring a nice outfit just in case)
While there is a hospital and pharmacy on the island should you need them, it is a good idea to bring a few items to self-medicate at home.
  • Medication e.g. paracetamol, ibuprofen, supplements, vitamins, personal ailment medication 
  • Imodium or anti-diarrhoea tablets 
  • Rehydration salts 
  • Anti-histamines 
  • Anti-septic cream 
  • Band aids (good quality, waterproof) 
  • Small bandage wrap and tape
As an NGO on a remote island, we often find it challenging to get hold of supplies. If possible, we therefore kindly ask our volunteers to bring donations when you come to stay with us, particularly for our veterinary clinic. We would be grateful for any donations you are able to bring, no matter how small!
Please check out our wish list here: 
  • Methylene blue stain
  • Diff-Quik stain 
  • Small blood collection tubes (Lithiumheparin tubes) 
  • Microhematocrit tubes 
  • F10 disinfectant 
  • Cat ear cleaning solution 
  • Pov-iodine disinfectant 
  • Drontal Worm tablets for cats 
  • Fortiflora for Cats 
  • Multivitamin Tablets 
  • Sterile gauze / swabs 
  • Fecal flotation solution 
  • Sterile 1ml and 2ml syringes 
  • Gardening gloves 
  • Puppy trainers (pee-pads) 
  • Janitor broom brushes (just the head) headtorches 
  • Reusable cups and plates 
  • Scrub sponges 
  • Face masks 
  • Coconut fiber scrub brushes 
  • Toothbrushes 
  • Permanent markers and pens

Dia típico

Usual working days are Sunday - Friday.
  • 8:30 AM - Eat breakfast with everyone at Aqua Cafe
  • 9:30 AM - Move to the centre to start duties (clean tanks, feed turtles, collect sea grass)
  • 10:30 AM - Every day can differ but sometimes we run tours for resort guests, otherwise we will continue other centre ...

Dia típico

Usual working days are Sunday - Friday.
  • 8:30 AM - Eat breakfast with everyone at Aqua Cafe
  • 9:30 AM - Move to the centre to start duties (clean tanks, feed turtles, collect sea grass)
  • 10:30 AM - Every day can differ but sometimes we run tours for resort guests, otherwise we will continue other centre duties
  • 1:00 PM - Lunch with the staff and volunteers 
  • 2:00 PM - Afternoon activities varies depending on the weather but often have some free time. However, they can also include snorkels, beach clean ups, turtle swims, documentary viewing, crafts, games, bonfires, lectures with our Marine Biologists or Vet and we love to watch sunset at Sunset Beach!
  • 7:00 PM - Dinner with the staff and volunteers followed by rest/relax time

  • Saturday is our day off and we reserve this day to go on an off-island excursion. Excursions vary, depending on volunteer preference and weather, but include snorkeling and exploring uninhabited islands and sunbathing in the beautiful Maldivian sun, and if we are lucky we will see some of the amazing marine life like dolphins, manta rays, sharks, and rays!

Actividades em tempo livre

We organise one excursion per week, normally on Saturday however this can change depending on the weather and activities planned during the week. Additional (voluntary) excursions may be organised as well for an additional fee.

We can go on a variety of exciting excursions around the Lhaviyani Atoll ...

Actividades em tempo livre

We organise one excursion per week, normally on Saturday however this can change depending on the weather and activities planned during the week. Additional (voluntary) excursions may be organised as well for an additional fee.

We can go on a variety of exciting excursions around the Lhaviyani Atoll which are absolutely breathtaking!

These can range from exploring uninhabited islands, swimming with sharks, sun bathing on the beach,  BBQs, and definitely snorkelling or swimming in the pristine Maldivian waters. 

During your free time on the island, we encourage volunteers to get in the sea as much as possible and take photos of the marine life and islands. We have a wonderful little community here and there is some fantastic sights and scenery to take in as you walk around our island. We commonly see rays, sharks, turtles and heaps of fish on our on house reef!



Idade mínima: 18 anos

Para aderir ao programa é necessário ter pelo menos 18 anos de idade na data de início do programa. Poderá haver excepções se puder fornecer a permissão do(s) seu(s) tutor(es) legal(ais) ou se estiver acompanhado pelos seus pais.

Habilidades linguísticas

Precisa de falar Inglês (nível intermédio)

Restrições de Nacionalidade

Sem restrições. São bem-vindas as mãos que ajudam de todo o mundo.

Outras Competências

An interest in marine conservation. Competent swimming ability. Owns personal snorkeling gear. A fun attitude and a willingness to learn and give back :)

Compromisso de tempo

A tua mão auxiliadora será necessária na Segunda-feira, Terça-feira, Quarta-feira, Quinta-feira, Sexta-feira e Domingo de 09:30 - 13:00

Serviços incluídos

Serviços incluídos

Serviços por Atoll Volunteers


  • 24/7 support from our Volunteer Coordinator
  • Pre-arrival information about your program, organisation and environment
  • We organise airport pickup (if accommodation in Male prior or post-volunteering is needed it is not included in program fee)


  • Domestic flight from Male to Madivaru and boat transfer from Madivaru to Naifaru included
  • Accommodation on Naifaru (single-sex rooms with a maximum of 3 people per room, access to wifi, fridge and washing machine)
  • 3 meals a day
  • 1 excursion/week
  • 24/7 support from our volunteer coordinator


  • Boat transfer from Naifaru to Madivaru and domestic flight from Madivaru to Male included
  • Lifetime of memories
Diving packages: (optional)
Not included in fees but can be paid on arrival if you decide to take a course!
- Discover Scuba Diving ($75)
- PADI Open Water ($450)
- PADI Advanced Open Water ($395)
- Emergency First Response ($190)
- PADI Rescue Diver ($450)
- PADI Dive Master ($1500)
- Recreational and specialty dive prices available on request

Recepção no aeroporto em Male International Airport

We recommend booking morning (before 9:30 am) flights on arrival and night (after 6:00 pm) flights on departure. All domestic flights leave from the airport you will land at. 


Accommodation is provided in our local guesthouse, Aqua Inn. We have single-sex shared bedrooms with 2/3 people/room. All rooms have their own en-suite bathroom. The house has free WiFi and a communal living area equipped with a sofa, books, fridge, washing machine, drying facilities and a kettle. All rooms have air-conditioning. 

You may upgrade to stay with our partner guesthouse in a private room for an extra $45 USD per night. For a couple travelling together the upgrade fee to the guesthouse is $55 USD per night.

We provide safe, comfortable housing for our volunteers in our well-equipped volunteer house - Aqua Inn. In the house you will find:

  • Communal kitchen (no cooking appliances) with fridge/freezer 
  • En-suite bathrooms 
  • Air conditioning in rooms 
  • Free Wifi Laundry facilities
The house is equipped with modern amenities and air conditioning in each of the rooms. The house provides a common area for our volunteers to socialise and relax after work. The rooms at the volunteer house are same sex shared rooms with en-suite bathrooms, and will be shared with a maximum of 3 volunteers. The kitchen and living room are free for all to use.
The WIFI is good enough for messaging, email and surfing and is often reasonable for streaming/downloads etc. However, we recommend downloading TV/films just in case.
Please note: there is no hot water available in the volunteer house, so hot showers are not possible. However, it is so warm during the day that you probably won't mind!

Volunteers can also opt to stay in a private room at our partner guesthouse - One the Island - for $45/night on top of program costs.
Please mention when booking if you would like to pay for this upgrade and we will do our best to accommodate.

Alimentos e Bebidas

We eat all our meals at a local restaurant right next door to the marine centre. They can accommodate vegan, vegetarian and non-vegetarian diets. 

Currently all our meals are served buffet style, with chicken/fish and vegetarian options. Whilst our chef tries her best to create substantial and tasty meals, you should be understanding of the fact that we are on a remote island where food is not always readily available. Therefore, volunteers should approach the food with an open mind and not expect luxury. Those with dietary requirements are advised to bring vitamins/protein powder to subsidise their diet. Whilst we make every effort to keep the spiciness of our food to a level that suits all palates, please be reminded that you are visiting the Maldives and Maldivian culture should be expected and embraced

Acesso à Internet

Bom acesso no local do projecto

O que NÃO está incluído?

O que NÃO está incluído?

Bilhetes de avião

O aeroporto mais próximo é Male International Airport (MLE) em Male. Ajudamo-lo a encontrar voos baratos para Maldivas. ENCONTRAR VOOS BARATOS

Seguro de viagem

Ir para o estrangeiro é uma aventura e é sempre melhor estar preparado. Doença ou lesão súbita, cancelamento ou roubo - um seguro de viagem para Maldivas proporciona segurança e é uma vantagem a ter. OBTENHA UMA COTAÇÃO


Se pretende ser voluntário em Maldivas deve procurar aconselhamento médico antes de iniciar a sua viagem social. Verifique as vacinas necessárias para Maldivas. VERIFICADOR DE VACINAS

Detalhes à chegada

You can come at any time during the year! We welcome everyone at all times and we'd love for you to visit! This is obviously subject to availability but we have a partnership with a local guesthouse that costs extra if our standard accommodation is at capacity. 

Domestic flights run everyday twice a day from Male airport to Madivaru, a small airport island 10 minutes from Naifaru by boat. So you're welcome to book any day of the week. 

We recommend booking a morning flight on arrival and a night flight on departure. Please try to avoid arriving on a Saturday as we are usually off the island on excursion!

If you want or need to stay in Male for any reason we are more than happy to organise your booking, however, you will pay the hotel on arrival.

Jan Feb Março Abril Maio Jun Jul Ago Set Out Nov Dez

Preços do programa

2 semanas (estadia min.) 1.806€
3 semanas 2.566€
4 semanas 3.367€
5 semanas 4.127€
6 semanas 4.887€
7 semanas 5.646€
8 semanas 6.346€
9 semanas 7.086€
10 semanas 7.926€
11 semanas 8.685€
12 semanas (estadia máx.) 9.445€
Preços médios 844€/semana

Preços do programa

844€ por semana 2 - 12 semanas Idade 18 - 50+

Métodos de Pagamento

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



2 - 12 semanas


O depósito é simplesmente para reservar a sua colocação como voluntário. Os pagamentos são tratados pelo PayPal, o nosso fornecedor de pagamento global de confiança. Se não tiver uma conta PayPal, também pode pagar usando um cartão de crédito.

Pagamento final

O teu pagamento final será acordado com Atoll Volunteers durante o processo de candidatura. As soluções comuns são ou através de transferência bancária ou pagamento em dinheiro no local do projecto.

Conheça seu anfitrião

Atoll Volunteers

Fantástico 4.5 rating (18 revisões)

Non-profit - fundada em 2012

Verificado por Volunteer World

  taxa de resposta excelente

Hospedado por


Sobre o projecto

Set in the Maldives, our projects allow for volunteers to enjoy a little bit of paradise, while working with local people to develop the community.

Conheça seu anfitrião

Atoll Volunteers is a young and vibrant organisation of local and international volunteers, based in the Maldives.

We offer a range of local volunteering programs and we are dedicated to securing the most exciting and beneficial
projects for our volunteers while still making sure that as much attention and funding as possible is funneled directly into our community. Most importantly, we at Atoll Volunteers believe that volunteering does not need to be all work and no play, and that the most rewarding of volunteer programs allow you to enjoy your placement at the same time as giving back to our community.

Our community is desperate for your help in so many ways but in return we promise to welcome you into our lives as a friend, show you the best the “real” Maldives has to offer and be on hand to support you in any way we can. We may not be able to offer you the luxuries of the 5 star hotels but the natural beauty of the Maldives is not limited to 5 star resorts – idyllic beaches, uninhabited islands and some of the world’s most beautiful coral reefs teeming with marine life of every colour are yours to explore. Atoll vVolunteers provides accommodation in our volunteer houses which are modern but simple and clean, and similar to what you would expect to find in a European beach resort.

Our mission at Atoll Volunteers is to ensure that you leave the Maldives having experienced the warmth and friendliness of our people, explored our islands, been amazed at the beauty of our marine life and hopefully come to love the little island that we call home. We have extensive experience in placing volunteers in exciting projects that have seen our volunteers partake in activities as varied as turtle conservation, teaching, community organizing, various sports programs and much, much more.

Atoll Volunteers endeavours to provide the best volunteering experience that the Maldives has to offer and have a range of customized placements which have been planned in cooperation with our schools, hospitals, sporting teams and local community of over 5000 people to offer a wide variety of volunteering options.


We are a young organisation which was officially founded in early 2012 after more than 4 years of experience running volunteer programs on Lhaviyani Atoll (hence the name Atoll Volunteers) on behalf of other international volunteer organisations in the Maldives through our NGO.

We chose to launch our own volunteer program since the various international partnerships that we were previously involved in all had extremely high administration costs, which meant that only a small fraction of the volunteers’ placement fees would actually reach our organisation and the island community – in some cases the community found themselves needing to subsidise the volunteers’ stay as the funding that was received was simply not enough to cover basic accommodation and food costs.

Therefore, we decided to make a change for the better. One of the most frequently asked questions by potential volunteers is “Where does my money go?” and we wanted to ensure that it really was reaching the community it was intended for. At Atoll Volunteers we keep our running costs to a minimum, with no international offices or paid international staff, we keep our advertising and administration costs as low as possible and have a transparency policy which means that as our volunteer you will be able to monitor what your funds cover – any funds remaining from your program fee go directly into local community projects.

Not only are our fees at Atoll Volunteers lower and more transparent than most other Maldivian NGOs, but we were also the first NGO in the Maldives registered to bring in foreign volunteers. This means that you can be sure that we know what we are doing and that our visa application process is smooth and quick.

However, as all our full time employees are local Maldivians, please do excuse us if our English, which is our second language, is not always perfect!

So come and join us for the chance to experience the ultimate in island volunteering but do it knowing that you will help make a real difference in our community!

Naifaru balan aadhey!
See you at Naifaru!

18 revisões · rating4.5

Shauni Loopmans rating5

2023 at Turtle Rehabilitation Program

Volunteering at Atoll Marine Conservation Centre has been a once-in-a-lifetime experience for me. Everybody was super welcoming and the atmosphere was overall amazing!! I learned so much about turtle rehabilitation and marine conservation in general and was able to experience so many different ...
Preeti Tak rating1.4

2023 at Turtle Rehabilitation Program

The short version: - made me and my peers feel unsafe, unheard, uncared for & robbed. - money-grabbing scheme fuelled by male ego - Turtle welfare is shocking - No coral work going on - programme brochure is a lie and I was duped into coming here on the basis that more coral work would be ...
Anja Rosenberger rating5

2023 at Turtle Rehabilitation Program

I had the most incredible time at Atoll Marine Centre in Naifaru and I am very grateful that I was able to help with the great work of the locals and volunteers to protect the sea turtles in the Maldives. I've learned so much from the marine biologist Barbara und the vetenarian Noemie about sea ...
Jana Kleinmeyer rating4.6

2023 at Turtle Rehabilitation Program

It was my first time, I really had a great time. Nice people and learned a lot. It's not that you only come for work there, they really want you to learn something. ..
Laura Stitzel rating1

2023 at Turtle Rehabilitation Program

This program is safe or healthy. Basic necessities not provided. The food was terrible and did not provide us with nutrition needed to get through the day. The island is very small and isolated and its close to impossible to get fruit and vegetables. The only fruit I ate was a quarter of an apple or ...
Volunteering at Atoll Marine Centre was the most memorable and inspiring experience of my life. This allowed me to discover the absolutely beautiful marine environment of the Maldives. I also discovered incredible people with whom I had a great time. All the energy that the staff put in the well ...


Ásia > Southern Asia > Maldivas > Naifaru

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