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Fantástico 4.50rating (36)

Organic Farming and Building on Eco Lodge

1 - 24 semanas  ·  Idade 18 - 50+

rating  Fantástico 4.5  · 
  Verificado por Volunteer World
  taxa de resposta boa


  • HANDS ON Volunteer experience on an organic farm
  • Learn BUILDING and CRAFTS with all different materiales: recycling, bamboo, wood, cement, metal and more
  • Learn SPANISH: 3x per week Spanish course included in this program!


  • HANDS ON Volunteer experience on an organic farm
  • Learn BUILDING and CRAFTS with all different materiales: recycling, bamboo, wood, cement, metal and more
  • Learn SPANISH: 3x per week Spanish course included in this program!
  • Meet new people, live a COMMUNITY style life and share your experience with our guests, volunteers and staff.
  • Visit waterfalls, local TOURS and wild water rafting on your time off and weekend!

  • Especialmente adequado para

    Idade 18+

    Sobre o programa

    Volunteer on an ecological farm and lodge: learn about building, planting, weeding, permaculture, fruit tree care and animal care. INCLUDES A SPANISH COURSE.

    Our volunteers will be fully intigrated into the daily life on our organic farm. Costa Rica is the land that uses the most agro chemicals per square meter worlwide. Most local farmers dont belive they can produce organic food or mantain their land without chimicals. We incoporate local people into ...

    Sobre o programa

    Our volunteers will be fully intigrated into the daily life on our organic farm. Costa Rica is the land that uses the most agro chemicals per square meter worlwide. Most local farmers dont belive they can produce organic food or mantain their land without chimicals. We incoporate local people into our project to see options on organic farming and understand the importance of it. 

    On our farm we are running different projects right now, and we are eager to recieve help to be able to fullfill all our offers to the planet, animals and people. Just to give you an overview beside the organic farming and building we recieve volunteers to help us with our horse education program around Natural Horsemanship and animal friendly training AND we teach the local kids as due to the actual situation the kids are missing of 1,5 years of school! Also we are cooperating with a local organisation and the town mare to teach English to the local people. We also recieve volunteers for our other project please feel free to ask us about about the positions. 

    Here are some examples of activities you can do during your time with us:

    • Learn about building with all different kind of materials and techniques
    • Learn how to fix instead of through away
    • grow consciousness about an nature close and organic lifestyle
    • Learn about organic farming in our different gardens (seedlings, watering, weeding, building terraces, harvesting ...)
    • Learn about permaculture and our organic fruit tree forest: We have over 20 varieties of fruit trees on the farm like Avocados, Mangos, Litchies, Pejibaye, etc.etc.
    • Medicinal herb and tee garden
    • Interact with farm animals (chickens, cats, dogs and horses)
    • self made: bread baking, kombucha brewing, cooking etc. 
    • help us to protect our 5ha forest and join us on trash clean ups in the jungle next to our farm 

    We like to do shared dinners and dance nights on the weekends. Also we have a campfire place where we come together, play guitar or make stick bread. On the farm there are horse tours offered and the region is great for hiking and bird watching. Around our farm is a lot of jungle with paths in where you can find sloths and beautiful flowers, birds and butterflies. 

    We do not have wifi on the farm but with a local SIM card you can find good signal. 

    Dia típico

    In our weekly reunion you will learn about the current projects and fields of work where you can get involved in. 

    At 7 am you meet your group leader and start to work in the project. At 9 am we take a coffee break and continue working till midday. After a siesta you will receive 3 x per week a 2 ...

    Dia típico

    In our weekly reunion you will learn about the current projects and fields of work where you can get involved in. 

    At 7 am you meet your group leader and start to work in the project. At 9 am we take a coffee break and continue working till midday. After a siesta you will receive 3 x per week a 2 hours Spanish course. The other afternoons are off to relax, explore, do yoga or meditate. 

    During the weekends you can take local tours to explore our area or just hang out on the farm and enjoy the lodge. 

    Actividades em tempo livre

    On your time off you can book a guided tour in the area we help you to arrange this. Our area is famous for wild water rafting, waterfalls, choclade tour, coffee tour, cheese tour, national parks to visit. You can visit the irazu vulcano, Cartago or the weekly market in Turrialba. You can also book ...

    Actividades em tempo livre

    On your time off you can book a guided tour in the area we help you to arrange this. Our area is famous for wild water rafting, waterfalls, choclade tour, coffee tour, cheese tour, national parks to visit. You can visit the irazu vulcano, Cartago or the weekly market in Turrialba. You can also book a two days tour to the beach. There are many options to be busy on the weekend. 

    Or relax on the farm, hike to a waterfall, hang around our small village of Tucurrique. On the farm there are many animals that would love a scretch.



    Idade mínima: 18 anos

    Para aderir ao programa é necessário ter pelo menos 18 anos de idade na data de início do programa. Poderá haver excepções se puder fornecer a permissão do(s) seu(s) tutor(es) legal(ais) ou se estiver acompanhado pelos seus pais.

    Habilidades linguísticas

    Precisa de falar Inglês (nível básico)

    Restrições de Nacionalidade

    Sem restrições. São bem-vindas as mãos que ajudam de todo o mundo.

    Compromisso de tempo

    A tua mão auxiliadora será necessária na Segunda-feira, Terça-feira, Quarta-feira, Quinta-feira e Sexta-feira de 07:00 - 12:00

    Serviços incluídos

    Serviços incluídos

    Serviços por Finca Soley

    The fee covers accommodation, food, organisation, Spanish course during your full stay, support to the Project, supervised work.


    Nice Volunteer house with 3 bedrooms. Each bedroom has its own bathroom. Rooms are shared with a max of 4 people. Big kitchen and living area space. Gardens and hammocks spaces.

    Alimentos e Bebidas

    3 vegeterian meals per day. During the week a costarican chef will prepare breakfast and lunch, and there are ingreedients for the volunteers to prepare dinners and food during the weekends. 

    Acesso à Internet

    Bom acesso no local do projecto

    O que NÃO está incluído?

    O que NÃO está incluído?

    Recepção no aeroporto em Juan Santamaria International Airport

    Uma recolha no aeroporto também não está incluída nas taxas do programa.

    Bilhetes de avião

    O aeroporto mais próximo é Juan Santamaria International Airport (SJO) em San Jose. Ajudamo-lo a encontrar voos baratos para Costa Rica. ENCONTRAR VOOS BARATOS

    Seguro de viagem

    Ir para o estrangeiro é uma aventura e é sempre melhor estar preparado. Doença ou lesão súbita, cancelamento ou roubo - um seguro de viagem para Costa Rica proporciona segurança e é uma vantagem a ter. OBTENHA UMA COTAÇÃO


    Se pretende ser voluntário em Costa Rica deve procurar aconselhamento médico antes de iniciar a sua viagem social. Verifique as vacinas necessárias para Costa Rica. VERIFICADOR DE VACINAS

    Detalhes à chegada

    Arrival is every sunday 

    Jan Feb Março Abril Maio Jun Jul Ago Set Out Nov Dez

    Preços do programa

    1 semana (estadia min.) 476€
    2 semanas 809€
    3 semanas 1.174€
    4 semanas 1.538€
    6 semanas 2.105€
    8 semanas 2.671€
    24 semanas (estadia máx.) 7.204€
    Preços médios 388€/semana

    Preços do programa

    388€ por semana 1 - 24 semanas Idade 18 - 50+

    Métodos de Pagamento

    Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



    1 - 24 semanas


    O depósito é simplesmente para reservar a sua colocação como voluntário. Os pagamentos são tratados pelo PayPal, o nosso fornecedor de pagamento global de confiança. Se não tiver uma conta PayPal, também pode pagar usando um cartão de crédito.

    Pagamento final

    O teu pagamento final será acordado com Finca Soley durante o processo de candidatura. As soluções comuns são ou através de transferência bancária ou pagamento em dinheiro no local do projecto.

    Conheça seu anfitrião

    Finca Soley

    Fantástico 4.5 rating (36 revisões)

    Agência - fundada em 2014

    Verificado por Volunteer World

      taxa de resposta boa

    Hospedado por


    Línguas faladas: Inglês, Georgiano, Esloveno

    Sobre o projecto

    Here at Finca Soley we share our passion and love for horses and natural horsemanship. Come to enjoy, learn and develop.

    Conheça seu anfitrião

    Finca Soley is a horse project and volunteers are completly involved in everything. Our volunteers recieve natural horsemanship lessons and a spanisch course in order to activly help in the training of the horses and the teaching (weather in the school or riding lessons for kids).

    Finca Soley is a very small project that really tries to change something here in the area but also for the horses that get in touch with people that have been with us. We will touch your idea about horses and horse training. Spread the word to create a better world for our beloved horses and the people around them.

    Finca Soley is a beautiful Guestfarm in the mountain area of Cartago, Costa Rica's best kept secret. Enjoy seeing and hearing horses neighing outside my balcony doors, watching the volcano smoke early in the morning, cooking over a beautiful fire pit.


    We use Natural Horsemanship to understand and comunicate with our horses and learn about their body and how to teach them to use it properly using the academic art of riding without the need of a bit. 

    At Finca Soley you will:

    • learn the essential communication with horses on the ground
    • Start to understand what horses are telling you!
    • Learn to play with them in a understable Language
    • Become safe & smart around horses in the field and barn
    • Learn about your Horse’s unique character 
    • Learn to use psychology depending on horse-character 
    • Improve your drive & respect level

    All you need to know about the Courses Finca Soley offers

    • We refine our Communication skills on the rope and in liberty.
    • We built a loving friendship & become creative with our games.
    • We improve our riding communication skills & test our relationship by starting to ride brideless
    • We built up our skills on the rope and start to work on our draw system 
    • We will apply what we have learnt on the ground into the saddle
    • Learn to ride using Breathing & Engery techniques
    • Learn about principles of Natural Horsemanship
    • Discussions about various horsemanships from different Nations

    36 revisões · rating4.5

    Virginia Grulke rating1.8

    2024 at Organic Farming and Building on Eco Lodge

    I was booked for a one week stay at Finca Soley. The final payment was not mailed to me until the day before I left for Costa Rica, busy with training the housesitter, final packing, etc. I tucked it into my carry on bag. Apparently in the small print which I didn't see, they said they would only ...
    Eliane Freiburghaus rating4

    2022 at Organic Farming and Building on Eco Lodge

    Wir verbrachten drei intensive und lehrreiche Wochen auf der Finca Soley. Isa ist eine kompetente natural horsemanship Trainerin. Das Wohl der Pferde steht im Vordergrund. Isa kann sehr anschaulich und verständlich erklären, wie Pferde denken und was das für unseren Umgang mit ihnen bedeutet. ..
    Faye Iris de Wind rating5

    2024 at Classical Horsemanship & Liberty

    Ik heb hier een van de leukste tijden van mijn leven gehad! Ik deed de 'Horsevolunteer Program', en het was zo leuk om met de paarden te werken. Ze zijn allemaal super lief en hebben echt een eigen karakter. Daarnaast zijn Isa, haar familie en de werkers ook allemaal enorm aardig. Isa geeft ook ...
    Natasha Gopaul rating5

    2024 at Classical Horsemanship & Liberty

    Had a wonderful time at Finca Soley and 2 weeks wasn’t enough! Isa, Milton and family were very welcoming and great hosts. Along with the lovely intern working there, they all made it a really enjoyable experience. A beautiful farm in wonderful countryside with lovely horses and other animals. ..
    Hallie Zava rating5

    2024 at Classical Horsemanship & Liberty

    Although I spent only two weeks in this program, there was never a dull moment! The hard work and chores paid off with the wonderful horsemanship lessons by Isa each day, who was an amazing instructor. The staff and other guests/volunteers were kind and easy to make friends with; I never felt lonely ...
    Dana Trautmann rating5

    2024 at Classical Horsemanship & Liberty

    I had a wonderful stay at Finca Soley! I only stayed there for 3 weeks and I still feel like I have learned so much about horses and also myself! I shared a room with three other people and I felt comfortable immediately!! The rooms are really pretty and everybody has their own space where they ...


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      taxa de resposta boa
    Inglês, Georgiano, Esloveno

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    1. - 1. Jan 1

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