a partir de 804€

Excelente 4.8rating (20)

Teaching English to the local children of Tianyar

4 - 24 semanas  ·  Idade 18 - 50+

rating  Excelente 4.8  · 
  Verificado por Volunteer World
  taxa de resposta boa


  • Social - The small village of Tianyar gives an opportunity to establish a deeper connection with the community, as it is often possible to spend time with the children after classes.
  • Culture - Northern Bali is almost untouched by tourism compared to the South and volunteers are fully emerged in the local culture, they will often be invited to take part in traditional ceremonies.
  • Rewarding - Volunteers can see the direct impact they have on their students, who are always willing to show their gratefulness.
  • Fun - Activities are organised by the school on Wednesday and Thursday where volunteers will get to play, laugh and dance alongside their students.
  • Location - Volunteers live and work by the sea every day, with the possibility to snorkel, dive and admire the sunrise and sunset on the beach on the North Bali's beautiful coastline.

Especialmente adequado para

Idade 18+

Sobre o programa

A Balinese run, non-profit organization providing free education the in-need children of the Tianyar Village. An afternoon school program for the children of Bali

This educational program is located in Tianyar, a traditional fishing village in North-east Bali.  Your time spent at Yayasan Widya Sari will aid local young students in their understanding and knowledge of the English language and western culture, as well as helping boost their self-confidence. At ...

Sobre o programa

This educational program is located in Tianyar, a traditional fishing village in North-east Bali.  Your time spent at Yayasan Widya Sari will aid local young students in their understanding and knowledge of the English language and western culture, as well as helping boost their self-confidence. At Volunteer in Bali you will always remain a precious member of our extended Balinese family.

Through the support of our wonderful international volunteers we are able to offer in-need Balinese children free education classes to learn English, music/singing, art/craft, sport and basic skills in using a computer. Volunteers are able to be involved in teaching dance and music lessons,  going to Balinese ceremonies and temples with the local community. Visiting the local traditional markets, cooking delicious Balinese food and or just enjoying the warm water at the beach that is only 100 meters away from the volunteer's accommodation. We always encourage our volunteers to incorporate art, music, sport and other fun activities to make their teaching experience with their students more fun and enjoyable.

Bali has become a global tourist destination where the knowledge English and technology has become a crucial skill in acquiring employment. With the knowledge and confidence to partake in conversational English with foreigners, the children will have the tools to better enhance theirs and their families future. By learning to speak English well, it gives local families an opportunity to help their families, in a village where it is often difficult to leave the poverty trap.

This program offers 2 different opportunities for volunteers:
  • Teaching English to local children aged between 6-16.
  • Involves in our morning Childcare program 

RULES FOR VOLUNTEERS (please read carefully)

Living and Volunteering in Bali
Daily life in an Asian country may be vastly different to your own, so it is important to take the time to adjust to the culture and climate – drink water frequently. Culture shock, which is not uncommon, occurs when someone has difficulty coping with the overwhelming unfamiliarity of the new environment. Some symptoms you may experience may include excessive tiredness, anxiety, confusion, loss of appetite and homesickness. There will always be people available to you to discuss how you may be feeling, such as the Volunteer Co-ordinator, Founder and other volunteers.

As a foreign volunteer in Bali you are subject to all local laws and regulations, so please ensure you are aware of the following points:
  • Dress Code: Dress codes is a very important matter in Indonesia – please do not wear flamboyant or provocative attire. Your choice of clothing whilst living in a Balinese traditional village should show respect to the culture and customs. Do not wear short shorts or dresses, mid-length attire is far more acceptable. Your shoulders should be covered and your dress should be smart/casual at all times. As represenatives of you whilst you are a member of the community, the Founder and local staff will be held responible for your behaviour and appearance to the village as a whole, please show respect at all times, you have been welcomed into a traditional village as a volunteer not a tourist.

  • Health and Medical Issues: Please remember that you are responsible at all times for your own health care. There are several good web sites that contain up to date, country specific advice from medical professionals, e.g. W.H.O. www.who.int./ith/ – Please check with your local medical professionals about which vaccinations you might need before traveling to Bali, and please bring a basic medical kit with you. Due to the high volume of tourists in Bali, there are various clinics available that service the needs of westerners. Also, for more serious problems, there are several high quality clinics and hospitals near Denpasar, which offer a wide array of medical services.

  • Volunteer’s Survival Kit
Basic medical kit (plasters, bandages, antiseptic, Aspirin, Buscopan, vitamin C, and medication according to personal requirement if needed)
Appropriate sun protection; sunscreen, hat & sunglasses
Mosquito net / repellent
Ear plugs
Snorkel mask set & fins
Laptop (WiFi is available at volunteers accommodation)
Mobile phone (Unlocked so an Indonesian Sim card can be used)
USB stick
Power adaptor / extension cable
A small torch and spare batteries
Small backpack (for shopping and day trips)
Pen / paper / notebook
One pair of comfortable trekking/walking shoes
Small wallet/purse
Contact details and emergency details
International driving licence (necessary if you want to rent a motorbike in Bali)
Travel guide on Bali
Indonesian phrasebook (helps when there is no English translation available) 

** Pre-Departure Checklist for Volunteers (should be checked at least one month before traveling to avoid visa trouble, not getting a new passport in time etc.!!!) 
Scan/Copy all relevant documents and save them at home on your computer and in your email account (passport, international driving licence, plane ticket)
Passport – must be valid for six months from the last date of travel out of the country
Check expiry dates on your credit card
- Arrange travel health insurance and make sure that all activities you plan to do are covered (scuba diving for example often requires a specific insurance)
Consider travel cancellation insurance especially for overseas plane tickets
Have you provided us with your Emergency contact details
If you are taking medication, keep it in your hand luggage not in your suitcase

Volunteer Code Of Conduct
  • Comply with any reasonable requests by program’s management staff: for example: attend program regularly unless you are ill. 
  • you are required to disclose if you are on any medication and / or have any medical conditions. 
  • being responsible for any damages I may cause to the accommodation and fellow participants goods.
  • being considerate of those living around me, both other volunteers and Balinese staff
  • not invite or have an outside guest visit or reside at the camp without prior permission from Yayasan Widya Sari. 
  • dress appropriately while participating in a program. 
  • behave according to local accepted behavior. 
  • not have any connection with illegal activities or substances. Drugs are totally unacceptable in Indonesia, the Indonesian government strictly punishes those who are found to use or own drugs. The program accept no responsibility for any participant found to be in violation of any local or international laws and a participant who is found to break any local or international laws will be dismissed immediately from the program.
  • not behave in any manner, which is likely to bring the program into disrepute. 
  • only consume alcohol in moderation and not to attempt to drive any vehicle whilst under the influence of alcohol. 
  • not cause distress to anyone at the placement including students or fellow participants. 
  • not enter any physical relationship with any student, It is strictly forbidden. 
  • not engage in physical violence towards any other volunteer or community member. It will not be tolerated and is grounds for immediate dismissal from the program.
  • not behave in any manner, which is likely to bring the program into disrepute. 
  • only consume alcohol in moderation and not to attempt to drive any vehicle whilst under the influence of alcohol. 
  • I understand that the program is against all forms of abuse against children and that any misconduct found will be reported to the authorities in Bali and your home country. 
  • being responsible for my own health and safety by acquiring travel insurance before I arrive in Bali.

Any volunteer found to be to be in violation of this code of conduct, will be given a verbal warning. If inappropriate behavior continues a final written warning will be issued. After this point the program reserves the right to terminate the volunteers placement, at any time.

In case the violation is considered as serious, e.g. a participant is breaking the law or seriously endangering themselves or those around them, the volunteers placement will be terminated immediately.

Note : If any volunteer decides to leave the project before the committed ending date, they have to inform and discuss the matter with the coordinator beforehand . There will be no refund.

Dia típico

  • Volunteers teach from 3-5pm, 4 days a week (Monday – Thursday). 
  • In most classes, volunteers will be co-teaching with another volunteer. Our local teacher aid and volunteer coordinator is available for your support.
  • All the volunteers will have two classes per day with the duration of 1 hour per ...

Dia típico

  • Volunteers teach from 3-5pm, 4 days a week (Monday – Thursday). 
  • In most classes, volunteers will be co-teaching with another volunteer. Our local teacher aid and volunteer coordinator is available for your support.
  • All the volunteers will have two classes per day with the duration of 1 hour per class. 
  • Volunteers have free time from Friday to Sunday to discover the amazing island of Bali.

In the mornings, volunteers spend time create teaching plans or organise activities for their afternoon classes. 

After class on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, fun and educational activities are organised with the local school. Some of these activities can include: dancing, yoga, beach cleaning, swimming/ snorkelling and fun games. If volunteers have any specific skills, we would love them to help with these activities. 

With the heat and humidity that exists in Bali, you will have plenty of time to relax during the hottest part of the day. Many volunteers take advantage of this time to relax on the beach, plan future activities and to explore the local area.

You will find that all of the children have a real thirst for knowledge and are eager to learning – making your teaching experience as rewarding for you as it is for them. Their excitement will shine through everyday as they all attend with smiling faces, a positive attitude and will love to get you know you.

Actividades em tempo livre

Activities before and after classes:

  • Swim in the warm clear waters of the local beach
  • Snorkeling or diving at local beach or at the Liberty Ship wreck in Tulamben
  • Become PADI certified (diving courses) at one of the dive centres in nearby Tulamben
  • Fishing and sunrise boat trips with the local ...

Actividades em tempo livre

Activities before and after classes:

  • Swim in the warm clear waters of the local beach
  • Snorkeling or diving at local beach or at the Liberty Ship wreck in Tulamben
  • Become PADI certified (diving courses) at one of the dive centres in nearby Tulamben
  • Fishing and sunrise boat trips with the local fishermen
  • Dolphin sightseeing (early morning)
  • Mountain hiking to Mt Batur or Mt Agung
  • Visit Mt Batur volcano and experience the amazing sunrises
  • Grilling fresh fish caught on the beach for dinner
  • Learn traditional Balinese cooking lessons with local women.
  • Join in the local village Balinese Hindu ceremonies
  • Visit the beautiful local Balinese Hindu temples
  • Visit the traditional local market
  • Visit your student's family house.
  • Visit and swim at the beautiful local waterfalls
  • Go white water rafting
  • Just relax by the beach and read a good book
  • Have a Balinese massage 
  • Watch the beautiful sunrises or sunsets



Idade mínima: 18 anos

Para aderir ao programa é necessário ter pelo menos 18 anos de idade na data de início do programa. Poderá haver excepções se puder fornecer a permissão do(s) seu(s) tutor(es) legal(ais) ou se estiver acompanhado pelos seus pais.

Habilidades linguísticas

Precisa de falar Inglês (fluentemente)

Requisitos de Educação

English, Computer, Music, Art, Dance, Sport, Reef Conservation a nível High school or equivalent

Verificação dos antecedentes criminais


Restrições de Nacionalidade

Sem restrições. São bem-vindas as mãos que ajudam de todo o mundo.

Outras Competências

Music, Art, Building, Sports, Gardening, Dancing, Swimming

Compromisso de tempo

A tua mão auxiliadora será necessária na Segunda-feira, Terça-feira, Quarta-feira e Quinta-feira de 15:00 - 17:00

Serviços incluídos

Serviços incluídos

Serviços por Volunteer in Bali

Program fees include:

  • Shared volunteer accommodation during your volunteering period. (Maximum of 4 volunteers in each room).
  • Transportation from Denpasar International Airport to Ubud and then to Tianyar in Bali.
  • Program support during your placement.
  • All your volunteer meals (breakfast, lunch & dinner) are provided Monday through Friday.
  • Wi-fi access onsite at the volunteer's accommodation.
  • A Volunteering Certificate is presented to you by Yayasan Widya Sari on your last volunteering teaching day.
  • Employment of local staff
  • Educational resources for the students.

Recepção no aeroporto em Ngurah Rai International Airport

The pick up transport will be on Sunday. We can pick you up directly from the airport, or if you are arriving on Saturday or few days earlier you can book a hotel first and we will pick you up from the hotel you are staying.


Volunteers share a room with up to 3 other same sex volunteer during their volunteering placement.

  • Private or shared western style bathroom
  • Clean western style toilet and shower
  • Ceiling Fans
  • Bed sheets provided
  • Free onsite Wi-Fi access at the guesthouse. (Please bring your laptop if you wish to use one).

Alimentos e Bebidas

Meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) are provided Monday to Friday.
Our cook provides volunteers with both western and local Indonesian meals dishes. We also provide vegetarian/vegan meals and can accommodate to other dietary restrictions. 

Meals may include:

  • Pancake
  • Toast 
  • Fresh fruit
  • Fried Banana
  • Coffee or tea
Lunch/ Dinner
  • Deep Fried Rice
  • Fried Noodles
  • Pasta
  • Rendang
  • Gado-Gado
  • Soto
  • Tuna steak
  • Deep Fried Chicken
  • Chicken satay
  • Noodle Soup

Acesso à Internet

Bom acesso no local do projecto

O que NÃO está incluído?

O que NÃO está incluído?

Bilhetes de avião

O aeroporto mais próximo é Ngurah Rai International Airport (DPS) em Denpasar. Ajudamo-lo a encontrar voos baratos para Indonésia. ENCONTRAR VOOS BARATOS

Seguro de viagem

Ir para o estrangeiro é uma aventura e é sempre melhor estar preparado. Doença ou lesão súbita, cancelamento ou roubo - um seguro de viagem para Indonésia proporciona segurança e é uma vantagem a ter. OBTENHA UMA COTAÇÃO


Se pretende ser voluntário em Indonésia deve procurar aconselhamento médico antes de iniciar a sua viagem social. Verifique as vacinas necessárias para Indonésia. VERIFICADOR DE VACINAS

Detalhes à chegada

The teaching program starts on Mondays all year around. 

Volunteers are advised to land in Denpasar Airport on Sunday before they start their volunteering program on the Monday. The pick up transport will be on Sunday. We can pick you up directly from the airport, or if you are arriving on Saturday or few days earlier you can book a hotel first and we will pick you up from the hotel you are staying.

Jan Feb Março Abril Maio Jun Jul Ago Set Out Nov Dez

Preços do programa

4 semanas (estadia min.) 804€
5 semanas 975€
6 semanas 1.148€
7 semanas 1.319€
24 semanas (estadia máx.) 4.254€
Preços médios 188€/semana

Preços do programa

188€ por semana 4 - 24 semanas Idade 18 - 50+

Métodos de Pagamento

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



4 - 24 semanas


O depósito é simplesmente para reservar a sua colocação como voluntário. Os pagamentos são tratados pelo PayPal, o nosso fornecedor de pagamento global de confiança. Se não tiver uma conta PayPal, também pode pagar usando um cartão de crédito.

Pagamento final

O teu pagamento final será acordado com Volunteer in Bali durante o processo de candidatura. As soluções comuns são ou através de transferência bancária ou pagamento em dinheiro no local do projecto.

Conheça seu anfitrião

Volunteer in Bali

Excelente 4.8 rating (20 revisões)

Non-profit - fundada em 2008

Verificado por Volunteer World

  taxa de resposta boa

Hospedado por


Línguas faladas: Indonésio, Inglês

Sobre o projecto

Volunteer in Bali provides free education to the underprivileged children of north Bali. Volunteers teach classes on English, Computer Skills, Sport

Conheça seu anfitrião

Volunteering in Bali is a not-for-profit foundation (Yayasan Widya Sari) which supports the underprivileged children in a small fishing village in Bali, Indonesia. Yayasan Widya Sari provides a refuge for children to learn not only English, but valuable life and cultural skills. The children are exposed to volunteers that help them to open their minds to the world outside their village life, a world they will be more prepared to succeed in.

 Volunteering at our non-profit foundation is a great way to give back to an underprivileged community. Bali's greatest industry is tourism, however many children in the village never get an opportunity to enter this job market because they are not provided with the skills and education to allow them to do so and consequently are left within the village poverty trap. This program provides local children with an opportunity to escape this poverty trap, by providing them with the necessary skills (such as English and Computers), allowing them to becoming more employable. Not only does this help out the children, but it also gives hope to the underprivileged families within the community. 

Come and enjoy the picturesque Bali where you will help children to learn English and improve their futures. Immerse yourself within the warm and welcoming community and get to know lots about the vibrant and diverse Balinese culture!

20 revisões · rating4.8

The facilities provided was excellent, the students are self motivated which made the teaching easy the assistance from school management readily available. The activities after post school are so much fun that keeps the kids charged up, overall a nice ...
I really enjoyed my time in Tianyar. The location was basic but nice. The staff is very friendly and helpful. I think that the program would benefit from a kind of manager because it is really unstructured. You only volunteer 2 hours a day if you do the teaching. I would have liked more ...
An amazing not for profit organisation. Extremely well ran and managed. The program is extremely productive and useful, having an extremely positive impact on the ...
I cannot speak highly enough of Volunteer in Bali (Yayasan Widya Sari) program. The program itself is well ran and organised with plenty of support for volunteers. The exposure to the village itself (Tianyar) is like nothing I have ever experienced and the opportunity to make meaningful ...
Tianyar is a lovely little fishing village located in the north of Bali. Second time coming to this amazing volunteer program, the staff and local people are amazing and the kids... no words, you will receive love and joy 24/7. Apart from the touristy Bali and in the heart of the traditional and ...
When I came to tianyar it was the first time ever for me to volunteer somewhere, but my experience couldn’t have been any better. First of all, the place where we lived and were teaching, Tianyar, is a small tradition fishermen village in the north of Bali. You can really get a chance to see how ...


Ásia > Sudeste da Ásia > Indonésia > Tianyar, Bali

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