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Geralmente bom 3.80rating (10)

Women and Children Right's Supporter

2 - 24 semanas  ·  Idade 16 - 50+

rating  Geralmente bom 3.8  · 
  Verificado por Volunteer World
  taxa de resposta muito elevada


  • Encounter the exotic African culture
  • Learn to work in a Developing country
  • Get good friends in an African village


  • Encounter the exotic African culture
  • Learn to work in a Developing country
  • Get good friends in an African village
  • Enjoy the Indian Ocean
  • Join the amazing safaris programs

  • Especialmente adequado para

    Idade 16+
    Cadeiras de Roda

    Sobre o programa

    The Human Rights program includes working with Tanzanian human rights professionals, focusing on Children's, Women's, and Disabled rights.

    Art in Tanzania complies with the Children's Agenda Tanzania program, focusing on children's and women's rights. We also have the Art in Tanzania Rights team, including our team members, private Tanzanian people as lawyers and other rights-oriented citizens, and participating interns and ...

    Sobre o programa

    Art in Tanzania complies with the Children's Agenda Tanzania program, focusing on children's and women's rights. We also have the Art in Tanzania Rights team, including our team members, private Tanzanian people as lawyers and other rights-oriented citizens, and participating interns and volunteers.

    The practical work involves advocacy, seminars, teaching, and visibility. Rights issues are always sensitive, and teamwork and networking are essential. Children’s Agenda program coalition includes UNICEF, Save the Children, and others, and the Ministry of Community Work Gender and Children chairs it.

    We are looking to hire multi-professional students and interns to support our work. We tailor posts according to the participant's focus, interests and skills.

    Interns work in teams of international students and volunteer professionals. We encourage innovation in the program approach. Work hours are 6-8 hours per day, Monday through Friday. Children's Agenda is an ongoing program, and we can adjust start dates.

    Fieldwork takes place in the schools and community groups. Academic graduate team leaders guide the program.

    Dia típico

    Typical working hours are from AM 9 to PM 1630, but we may also have seminars and meetings in the evenings and on weekends. The nature of the work is to follow the time the target groups are free.

    The participant will develop human rights materials to study the present legislation and its changes. ..

    Dia típico

    Typical working hours are from AM 9 to PM 1630, but we may also have seminars and meetings in the evenings and on weekends. The nature of the work is to follow the time the target groups are free.

    The participant will develop human rights materials to study the present legislation and its changes. Some rights issues, such as LGTB rights, are sensitive in Africa and must be adjourned accordingly. 

    Much of the work involves advocating for implementing the present human rights laws. The common public does not know its rights, and we support vulnerable groups such as women, children, and disabled people. You will use existing tool kits for seminars, develop them, and create new ones.

    Much time will be spent on visibility. For example, Facebook is an excellent tool for reaching Tanzanians. Art in Tanzania's Facebook page has 38k likes, and we can deliver information to tens of thousands of Tanzanians.

    Actividades em tempo livre

    You can enjoy low-cost safaris to Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater, and other National parks during your free time. You can join our groups climbing Mt Kilimanjaro and move on to relax at Zanzibar beaches. We also have a variety of one-day programs for short breaks, such as diving and snookering at the ...

    Actividades em tempo livre

    You can enjoy low-cost safaris to Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater, and other National parks during your free time. You can join our groups climbing Mt Kilimanjaro and move on to relax at Zanzibar beaches. We also have a variety of one-day programs for short breaks, such as diving and snookering at the reefs, swimming with dolphins, rainforest trekking at Kilimanjaro, live African music, a variety of sports programs, craft making as batik making courses, and so on. You will enjoy your stay in Tanzania.



    Idade mínima: 16 anos

    Para aderir ao programa é necessário ter pelo menos 16 anos de idade na data de início do programa.

    Habilidades linguísticas

    Precisa de falar Inglês (nível básico)

    Documentos Necessários

    Cover letter

    Restrições de Nacionalidade

    Sem restrições. São bem-vindas as mãos que ajudam de todo o mundo.

    Outras Competências

    Patient and open-minded to face the developing country conditions.

    Compromisso de tempo

    A tua mão auxiliadora será necessária na Segunda-feira, Terça-feira, Quarta-feira, Quinta-feira e Sexta-feira de 09:00 - 16:30

    Serviços incluídos

    Serviços incluídos

    Serviços por Art In Tanzania

    The fee includes accommodation, breakfast, dinner, program guidance with orientation, 24 hours of staff presence and academic graduate team leaders for all programs.

    The actual program is free of cost. You may have local small transfer costs. 

    Cost does not include international flights, local transfers, charity VISA, and personal purchases.


    Our eco-compound in Madale Village in the Dar es Salaam area has dorms, single, double and family rooms. As an eco-compound, we use our flush toilets with biograde septic tanks; we collect shower water and use it as "grey water" for our tropical garden irrigation. This compound is in Madale village, so it is a countryside place but a short distance from the city.

    We charge accommodation with breakfast and dinner only. 

    Alimentos e Bebidas

    We serve breakfast and dinner as part of the lodging cost at our compound. Lunches are not included, as most of the participants are out of the compound during the daytime. Local eating places around your placement at a low cost.

    All drinks are personal cost. Drinking water is available everywhere at a low price. We also run a compound bar, so you can easily access drinks and snacks. 

    Acesso à Internet

    Bom acesso no local do projecto

    O que NÃO está incluído?

    O que NÃO está incluído?

    Recepção no aeroporto em Julius Nyerere International Airport

    Uma recolha no aeroporto também não está incluída nas taxas do programa.

    Bilhetes de avião

    O aeroporto mais próximo é Julius Nyerere International Airport (DAR) em Dar Es Salaam. Ajudamo-lo a encontrar voos baratos para Tanzânia. ENCONTRAR VOOS BARATOS

    Seguro de viagem

    Ir para o estrangeiro é uma aventura e é sempre melhor estar preparado. Doença ou lesão súbita, cancelamento ou roubo - um seguro de viagem para Tanzânia proporciona segurança e é uma vantagem a ter. OBTENHA UMA COTAÇÃO


    Se pretende ser voluntário em Tanzânia deve procurar aconselhamento médico antes de iniciar a sua viagem social. Verifique as vacinas necessárias para Tanzânia. VERIFICADOR DE VACINAS

    Detalhes à chegada

    Ongoing program: choose your dates freely.

    Jan Feb Março Abril Maio Jun Jul Ago Set Out Nov Dez

    Preços do programa

    2 semanas (estadia min.) 270€
    3 semanas 405€
    4 semanas 540€
    5 semanas 675€
    6 semanas 810€
    7 semanas 945€
    8 semanas 1.080€
    9 semanas 1.215€
    10 semanas 1.350€
    11 semanas 1.485€
    12 semanas 1.620€
    13 semanas 1.755€
    24 semanas (estadia máx.) 3.000€
    Preços médios 130€/semana

    Preços do programa

    130€ por semana 2 - 24 semanas Idade 16 - 50+

    Métodos de Pagamento

    Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



    2 - 24 semanas


    O depósito é simplesmente para reservar a sua colocação como voluntário. Os pagamentos são tratados pelo PayPal, o nosso fornecedor de pagamento global de confiança. Se não tiver uma conta PayPal, também pode pagar usando um cartão de crédito.

    Pagamento final

    O teu pagamento final será acordado com Art In Tanzania durante o processo de candidatura. As soluções comuns são ou através de transferência bancária ou pagamento em dinheiro no local do projecto.

    Conheça seu anfitrião

    Art In Tanzania

    Geralmente bom 3.8 rating (10 revisões)

    Non-profit - fundada em 2001

    Verificado por Volunteer World

      taxa de resposta muito elevada

    Hospedado por


    Sobre o projecto

    Art in Tanzania is a NGO, registered in Finland and Tanzania, receiving around 500 volunteers and interns annually and typically have 30+ volunteers in the country.

    Conheça seu anfitrião

    Art In Tanzania (AIT) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) registered in Tanzania, Zanzibar, and Finland. The organization launched in 2001, supporting local artists who did not have the resources to develop their talents. Since then, the organization has grown and runs more than 300 volunteer and internship placements in Tanzania, including a record label called Mzuka Records and Fiesta Magazine, a yearly magazine targeting Tanzanian youth.

    Art In Tanzania welcomes volunteers and interns to participate in community projects and organizes adventure programs such as safarishistorical tours and climbs to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro! Alums, volunteers, interns and their families can participate in our safari and tourism programs. When you book your trip through AIT, you will have the experience of a lifetime while supporting the local Tanzania community. Art In Tanzania is part of the Children's Agenda Tanzania Program, and volunteers and interns are needed to assist us in the program management and implementation with partners such as UNICEF, Save the Children, and SOS International, among others.

    AIT alums include volunteers and interns from all over the world. Volunteer and intern projects are in the fields of Education (all levels), Social Work, Medical and health practice, Social Media, Arts and music, Sports, and HIV/AIDS Awareness.

    Art In Tanzania volunteers and interns are in Dar es Salaam, Moshi in Kilimanjaro and Zanzibar. There are around 600 to 1,000 volunteers and interns arriving annually. AIT's support team includes 70 staff members, expatriates, and local officials. 

    10 revisões · rating3.8

    Ana Eufemia Maldonado Navas rating3.6

    2024 at WEB Page Design and Communications

    The experience has been generally good. The best aspect of this experience was the people that I have met, either locals and other volunteers. The worst experience has been the poor and lack of communication for my project. This could have been a good point for my CV but it ...
    Luis Desch rating3.2

    2024 at NGO Management Support

    *****Statement from the organization below***** Bevor ich meine Bewertung schreiben möchte ich daraufhin weisen, dass alle negativen Bewertungen in Sternen einzig und alleine Kari (Gründer/Eigentümer) geschuldet. Der Großteil meiner gesammelten Erfahrungen in Tansania waren mehr als gut, ...
    Audrey Bernier rating5

    2023 at NGO Management Support

    It was truly a life changing experience! Wonderful people met along the way. I especially appreciated the proximity with the community thanks to the wonderful staff who also became friends. ..
    Der NGO - Inhaber war nicht vor Ort. Jedoch wurde er durch die internen Einwohner sehr gut vertreten. Es gibt eine starke Vernetzung vor Ort und unterschiedlichste Projektrichtungen. Wenn ein Volunteer will kann er je nach seinen Bedürfnissen und Kenntnissen das für ihn geeignete Programm ...
    I really enjoyed working in collaboration with others from around the world. It was really inspiring to learn others way of working. Really enjoyed spending time with all the nice teamleaders - ...


    África > Eastern Africa > Tanzânia > Dar es Salaam

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