a partire da 539€

Fantastico 4.5rating (66)

Horse Caretaker and Farm Maintenance

4 - 24 settimane  ·  Età 18 - 50+

rating  Fantastico 4.5  · 
  Verificato da Volunteer World
  Tasso di risposta buono

Punti Salienti

  • Feeding hourses and animals on farm
  • gain Spanish by living with the family
  • living with the family learning new traditions and the peruan culture
  • making memories close to the Lake Titicaca
  • living in a smaller town like a peruan farmer

Particolarmente adatto per

Età 18+

Sul programma

It is a great opportunity to work on a small farm, caring for animals and a perfect option for animal lovers who like to carring care of hourses, dogs, cats and chickens.

Join our team looking after the horses, dogs, cats and chicken and learn about a peruan live in a small town close to the Lake Titicaca. The program is designed for natural people with hourse experiance and academic art of riding interested people, who want to combine an unique, inspiring learning ...

Sul programma

Join our team looking after the horses, dogs, cats and chicken and learn about a peruan live in a small town close to the Lake Titicaca. The program is designed for natural people with hourse experiance and academic art of riding interested people, who want to combine an unique, inspiring learning and working experience with an unforgettable time in Peru. The farm is rural location.
The farm is located at about 4000 meters high which means that everything is much more intense. Physical and mental strength is needed in this place. During the day the sun can be very strong but once it goes down it gets very cold.

Auto-sustainablility & organic agriculture:
Being already indespendent on water and electricity, we aspire to be as much as posible independent on food by the next 5 years. The program have a piece of land where can cultivate potatoes and veggies from the region and oats and alfalfa for the animals.

Animal Shelter:
Their are currently take care of eleven horses, two Alpacas, four sheeps, chicken, rabbits, a cat and 3 dogs. With the shelter we do provide a safe space for the animals, a place where they can live as natural as possible. We are an animal shelter, we do not ride horses. This program mainly do ground work and would like to prepare the horses to be able to work with children and help in therapy and coaching.

Production of native herbal products. The vision of this program is to connect humans with natura and life, to trust again and feel the wholenesss and holyness of every being.

Volunteers can use a kittchen and prepare their food together. Basic food will provided to the volunteers. This program is for volunteers who are looking to get into the peruan culture and life with other volunteers and the family. Important to know is that life in Peru is very simple.

Giornata tipica

Volunteers usually do help 5-6 hours a day, 5 days a week!

The Maintainance Rutine: 

6am to 11am:

  •  bringing horses to the fields
  • Cleaning horsedroppings, preparing food, carrying water
  • Feeding dogs, cats, chicken
  • Cleaning chicken stable, let chicken out in the garden


  • preparing the corrals ...

Giornata tipica

Volunteers usually do help 5-6 hours a day, 5 days a week!

The Maintainance Rutine: 

6am to 11am:

  •  bringing horses to the fields
  • Cleaning horsedroppings, preparing food, carrying water
  • Feeding dogs, cats, chicken
  • Cleaning chicken stable, let chicken out in the garden


  • preparing the corrals for the horses
  • bringing the horses in
  • bringing chicken in 
  • feeding dogs and cats

 Other tasks:

  • we brush the horses
  • take care of their hufs
  • helping in the garden

Attività del tempo libero

During your free time you can visit other sities like Arequipa or natianal parks. If you take a longer weekend it is also possible to cross the border to visit Bolivia.

Attività del tempo libero

During your free time you can visit other sities like Arequipa or natianal parks. If you take a longer weekend it is also possible to cross the border to visit Bolivia.



Età minima: 18 anni

Per partecipare al programma è necessario avere almeno 18 anni alla data di inizio del programma. Potrebbero esserci delle esenzioni se si è in grado di fornire il permesso del proprio tutore legale o se si è accompagnati dai propri genitori.

Competenze linguistiche

È necessario parlare di Inglese (livello intermedio) o Spagnolo (livello base)

Requisiti di formazione

a livello Good English skills

Restrizioni sulla nazionalità

Nessuna restrizione. Gli aiuti da tutto il mondo sono benvenuti.

Altre competenze

Basic Spanish required.

Impegno di tempo

Il vostro aiuto sarà richiesto lunedì, martedì, mercoledì, giovedì e venerdì da 06:30 - 17:00

Servizi inclusi

Servizi inclusi

Servizi per Jamso Trainee

  • Accommodation
  • one meal a day
  • Placement fee


Accommodation is in a tipical room. Dorm room or double room. Warm shower is available.

Cibo e Bevande

In this program is 1 meal included (Lunch): You get a warm lunch and can perpair your breakfast and dinner with the other volunteers.

Cosa NON è incluso?

Cosa NON è incluso?

Prelievo dall'aeroporto a Rodriguez Ballon International Airport

Neanche il prelievo dall'aeroporto è incluso nel costo del programma.

Accesso a Internet

Siamo spiacenti, non è possibile accedere al sito del progetto

Biglietti aerei

L'aeroporto più vicino è Rodriguez Ballon International Airport (AQP) a Arequipa. Vi aiutiamo a trovare voli economici per Perù. TROVARE VOLI ECONOMICI

Assicurazione di viaggio

Andare all'estero è un'avventura ed è sempre meglio essere preparati. Malattia o infortunio improvviso, annullamento o furto: un'assicurazione di viaggio per Perù offre sicurezza ed è un vantaggio da avere. OTTENERE UN PREZZO


Se avete intenzione di fare volontariato a Perù dovete chiedere un parere medico prima di iniziare il vostro viaggio sociale. Controllare le vaccinazioni richieste per Perù. CHECKER PER I VACCINI

Dettagli all'arrivo

Start day is Monday.
Arriving day: Sunday.
gen feb mar apr mag giu lug ago set ott nov dic

Tariffe del programma

4 settimane (soggiorno min.) 539€
5 settimane 645€
6 settimane 750€
7 settimane 856€
9 settimane 1.066€
11 settimane 1.277€
24 settimane (soggiorno max.) 2.646€
Tariffe medie 122€/settimana

Tariffe del programma

122€ tariffe settimanali 4 - 24 settimane Età 18 - 50+

Modalità di pagamento

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



4 - 24 settimane


Il deposito serve semplicemente a prenotare il vostro posto di volontario. I pagamenti sono gestiti da PayPal, il nostro fornitore globale di fiducia. Se non avete un conto PayPal, potete pagare anche con carta di credito.

Pagamento Finale

Il pagamento finale sarà concordato con Jamso Trainee durante il processo di candidatura. Le soluzioni più comuni sono il bonifico bancario o il pagamento in contanti presso la sede del progetto.

Incontra il tuo ospite

Jamso Trainee

Fantastico 4.5 rating (66 recensioni)

Agenzia - fondata nel 2012

Verificato da Volunteer World

  Tasso di risposta buono

Ospitato da


Lingue parlate: Francese, Tedesco, Spagnolo, Inglese

Sul progetto

Jamso Trainee do help students finding volunteering projects and internships around the world.

Incontra il tuo ospite

Jamso Trainee has been placing volunteers around the world for over six years. We're passionate about making a difference in developing communities. Cause we are a smaller agency we stay always in a good communication to our volunteers and to the communites. For us it is important to find the right programm for your stay abroad. Don´t travel just like a tourst!


Jamso Trainee startet in December 2012 helping in communities in Costa Rica. Costa Rica is since now the county with the most interns, volunteers and travelers. 

Since 2013 Jamso Trainee started working with partners in Ecuador, Peru, South Afrika.

2015 we begin working with our partner Bali and Thailand.

Visiting projects and getting more relationshsips with local charities is a goal of each year. Jamso Trainee don´t increase too fast, because for us it is very important to hold long contacts and stay in a good communication with volunteers and projects.

66 recensioni · rating4.5

Leonie Weiß rating2.8

2024 at Support a Cat and Dog Shelter

Die Zeit im Tierheim war toll und man konnte viel Zeit mit den Tieren verbringen. Es gab eine detaillierte Einarbeitung und anschließend konnte man auch viel Verantwortung übernehmen. Alle Freiwilligen waren sehr nett. Unabhängig davon war die Betreuung durch die Organisation Jamso Trainee eher ...
Denise Grosse rating5

2023 at Support a Cat and Dog Shelter

Ich war für 4 Wochen in Uvita als Volunteer. Die Arbeit mit den Hunden und Katzen hat mir sehr viel Spaß gemacht. Die Arbeitszeiten sind entweder vormittags von 8-11 Uhr oder nachmittags von 15-17 Uhr, sodass man noch sehr viel Freizeit hat. Die Schicht beginnt mit Gassirunden, anschließend ...
Francis Clément-Garon rating4.6

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It was one of the most meaningful experience I have ever done and I think that it made me want to do more volunteering work around the world. This experience will be something that I will remember for the rest of my ...
I loved my time in Santa Barbara in this program. The work was delightful and fulfilling, but it was a private (and bilingual) school, and the children I was teaching weren't the ones who would've needed it the most, I would say. That being said, I feel that I made a significant change and that my ...
Marvin Rohr rating5

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I was just 2 weeks at the station and would definitely love to stay longer. It was an amazing experience. During my two weeks we did night petrols and I saw a lot of turtles. I was lucky because at my period was hatching time of the turtles. 100% recommended ...
Je suis restée 10 jours au refuge d'Ostional (au lieu de 15 jours). J'ai vécu une belle expérience, mais honnêtement, je suis déçue car ce qui est présenté sur le site est en partie faux ! Lorsqu'on lit ce qui est décrit, on peut s'attendre à réellement souvent récupérer des nids et les ...


Americas > America del Sud > Perù > Chucuito

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  Tasso di risposta buono
Francese, Tedesco, Spagnolo, Inglese

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