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Herausragend 4.90rating (15)

NGO Management Intern (in-person)

2 - 26 Wochen  ·  Alter 18 - 50+

rating  Herausragend 4.9  · 
  von Volunteer World verifiziert
  Gute Antwortrate


  • Enhance your CV and gain professional hands-on experience managing sustainable projects in an international development NGO, having a real and positive impact on vulnerable communities.
  • Work alongside experienced & passionate people from a range of disciplines.
  • Live and work in a surfing paradise in northern Peru, the land of endless summer.


  • Enhance your CV and gain professional hands-on experience managing sustainable projects in an international development NGO, having a real and positive impact on vulnerable communities.
  • Work alongside experienced & passionate people from a range of disciplines.
  • Live and work in a surfing paradise in northern Peru, the land of endless summer.
  • Learn about the endangered local wildlife and dry forest of northern Peru and be a vital part of initiatives to protect it.

  • Besonders geeignet für

    Alter 18+

    Über das Programm

    Learn how to run a sustainable development NGO operating in the northern town of Lobitos, whilst improving the local environment and quality of life of residents.

    EcoSwell is a surfing-inspired sustainable development non-profit (NGO) driving the development of poor Peruvian coastal communities through a path of sustainability. We develop environmental, educational, infrastructure and socio-economic projects working hand in hand with local communities and ...

    Über das Programm

    EcoSwell is a surfing-inspired sustainable development non-profit (NGO) driving the development of poor Peruvian coastal communities through a path of sustainability. We develop environmental, educational, infrastructure and socio-economic projects working hand in hand with local communities and international interns. We currently operate in Lobitos, a Peruvian coastal northern town and surfing hotspot, which has seen an increase in uncontrolled tourism over the last 15 years. As a result of the town’s lack of infrastructure, lack of communication between stakeholders and lack of integrated development programs, this tourism is giving rise to various environmental, social and economic risks to the town’s long-term sustainability and wellbeing. Our vision is to make Lobitos a success story of coastal sustainability, where a respectful tourism industry can co-exist with the local community and the industries found within Lobitos. 

    We are looking for people passionate about sustainable development to support us in the day to day management of the organization.

    The financial contribution you make as an volunteer intern helps us plant a tree with community families in Lobitos with the volunteers at EcoSwell and the families engaging as well. 


    Daily activities will vary depending on our current projects but volunteer interns will be able to get involved in a variety of tasks and development initiatives including, but not limited to;

    • Project Wilipipe - Tide and swell charts for the local fishermen

    This project involves creating and ...


    Daily activities will vary depending on our current projects but volunteer interns will be able to get involved in a variety of tasks and development initiatives including, but not limited to;

    • Project Wilipipe - Tide and swell charts for the local fishermen

    This project involves creating and distributing tide and swell charts for the local fishermen each week. These charts provide them with vital, scientific data which improves their productivity and economic wellbeing.

    • Finances

    An important aspect of managing a non-profit organisation is finance. As an NGO management volunteer intern, you will be supporting accounting processes, work with spreadsheets and financial performance metrics and reports.

    • Social Media/Website

    As a rapidly growing organisation, we are always expanding current projects and creating new ones whilst running community events. There’s a lot going on at EcoSwell every week and we need help documenting it all! You will be supporting by taking photos and making videos of all the ongoing activities as content for our social media platforms and website.

    • Project monitoring, data analysis and evaluation

    Many of our ongoing projects require monitoring and evaluation of the project’s progress for current and future sponsors. NGO management interns can get involved in designing and carrying out surveys in the local community, analysing data and report writing.

    • Project maintenance

    NGO management volunteer interns are also needed to support other volunteer interns and staff in the maintenance of our reforestation sites, permaculture garden, dry toilet units and more. This gives you a great opportunity to learn about and apply their knowledge and skills in a variety of aspects of sustainable development.


    Volunteer interns work between 9am to 5pm on weekdays but evenings and weekends are free for you to spend as you wish. For those joining our in-person placement, the northern coast of Peru has amazing waves, beaches and towns to go visit, with lots of different activities on offer such as:

    • Surf ...


    Volunteer interns work between 9am to 5pm on weekdays but evenings and weekends are free for you to spend as you wish. For those joining our in-person placement, the northern coast of Peru has amazing waves, beaches and towns to go visit, with lots of different activities on offer such as:

    • Surf lessons with local instructors in Lobitos. Alternatively, rent one of our EcoSwell surfboards and head out to the waves by yourself.

    • Yoga classes

    • Swimming with turtles 

    • Fishing, sea-lion and whale watching trips with local fishermen

    • Trekking and birdwatching in the native Dry Forest ecosystem

    • Eat traditional Peruvian food at local restaurants 

    • Visits to other nearby beaches and towns within hours of Lobitos to explore more Peruvian landscapes, culture & history.

    Please note that these activities are separate and are not included in the financial contribution you make as part of the volunteer internship.



    Mindestalter: 18 Jahre

    Um an diesem Programm teilzunehmen, musst du zu Programmbeginn mindestens 18 Jahre alt sein. Es kann Ausnahmen geben, wenn du die Erlaubnis deines/r Erziehungsberechtigten vorlegen kannst oder wenn du von deinen Eltern begleitet wirst


    Du brauchst folgende Sprachkenntnisse: Englisch (Fließend) oder Spanisch (Grundkenntnisse)


    Open to all but particularly those interested in: Environmental Science, Engineering, Geography, Business/Marketing, International Development, Medicine and Conservation. auf University Niveau

    Benötigte Unterlagen



    Es gibt keine Beschränkungen. Helfende Hände aus aller Welt sind willkommen.

    Andere Fähigkeiten

    This volunteer internship is open to all disciplines, but is most suited for those interested in or have experience in data analysis, research and sustainable development. Undergraduates, postgraduates, PhDs and/or professionals are all welcome. However, we do ask for: - Knowledge of Spanish if carrying out qualitative data collection (surveys/interviews etc). - Experience/motivation to work as part of a team away from home. - Open mind, positive attitude and will to learn!


    Deine Hilfe wird an folgenden Tagen benötigt: Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag und Freitag von 09:00 - 17:00



    Dienstleistungen von EcoSwell

    You can volunteer at the project site in Lobitos between 2 weeks and 26 weeks. EcoSwell will let you know about the final price during your application process.

    Deposit (18%)
    The deposit is simply to reserve your volunteer placement. Payments are handled by PayPal, our trusted global payment provider. If you don't have a PayPal account, you can also pay using a credit card.

    Final Payment (82%)
    Your final payment will be agreed with EcoSwell during the application process. Common solutions are either via bank transfer or a cash payment at the project site.

    The financial contribution you make as a volunteer intern helps funds our community projects and operations, it funds our impact. For every volunteer intern that joins our program, we also plant a tree with local families to help restore the degraded forest ecosystem found in our region.

    The fees include all food, accommodation, airport pick up and on-site support and guidance during your time with us.

    Abholung vom Flughafen Captain FAP Victor Montes Arias Airport

    It’s easy to get to Lobitos! There are daily flights from Lima to Talara where you will be met at the airport and driven directly to Lobitos.


    In person placement: During your volunteer internship with us, you will be provided with comfortable accommodation in the EcoSwell House, including all meals (healthy and mostly vegetarian) and airport pickup/dropoff. This is included in your financial contribution. Volunteer interns sleep in shared dorm rooms with shared bathrooms and access to a shared living room, office space, kitchen, internet connection, clean water and a garden.


    Peruvian food is categorised as some of the best in world. You’ll get all your meals included within the EcoSwell house as part of your contribution. This includes, meats, fresh seafood, fresh fruit and vegetables, milk, coffee… you name it we have it, and more (as you’ll probably try new fruits you didn’t know existed). All food is bought weekly in the nearest city of Talara fresh from the markets and supermarkets. You will also get a chance to try out local cuisine in some of the restaurants in Lobitos.


    Gute Verbindung vor Ort

    Was ist NICHT inklusive?

    Was ist NICHT inklusive?


    Der nächstgelegene Flughafen ist Captain FAP Victor Montes Arias Airport (TYL) in Talara. Wir helfen dir günstige Flüge nach Peru zu finden. FINDE GÜNSTIGE FLÜGE


    Ins Ausland zu gehen ist ein Abenteuer, auf das man sich stets gut vorbereiten sollte. Plötzliche Krankheit oder Verletzung, Stornierung oder Diebstahl - eine Reiseversicherung für Peru bietet die nötige Sicherheit. ANGEBOT EINHOLEN


    Bevor du deine Freiwilligenarbeit in Peru antrittst, solltest du dich noch einmal von deinem Arzt beraten lassen und deine erforderlichen Impfungen für Peru überprüfen. IMPFSCHUTZ ÜBERPRÜFEN

    Informationen zur Anreise

    This research internship is available all year round and you can join us any time. However, we do ask that you join us for a minimum of 2 weeks in order to have enough time to conduct sufficient research, make an impact and get the most out of the experience. 

    It’s easy to get to Lobitos! There are daily flights from Lima to Talara where you will be met at the airport and driven directly to Lobitos.

    Jan Feb Mär Apr Mai Jun Jul Aug Sep Okt Nov Dez


    2 Wochen (Mindestaufenthalt) 1.219€
    3 Wochen 1.676€
    4 Wochen 2.133€
    5 Wochen 2.590€
    9 Wochen 4.419€
    17 Wochen 7.973€
    26 Wochen (Maximaler Aufenthalt) 12.194€
    Durchschnittliche Gebühren 539€/Woche


    539€ / Woche 2 - 26 Wochen Alter 18 - 50+


    Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



    2 - 26 Wochen


    Mit der Anzahlung reservierst du deinen Platz beim Freiwilligenprogramm. Zahlungen werden von PayPal abgewickelt, unserem vertrauenswürdigen globalen Zahlungsanbieter. Falls du keinen PayPal Account hast, kannst du die Anzahlung auch mit einer Kreditkarte bezahlen.

    Ausstehende Zahlung

    Deine Restzahlung vereinbarst du mit EcoSwell während des Bewerbungsprozesses. Normalerweise handelt es sich um eine Banküberweisung oder eine Barzahlung am Projektstandort.

    Lerne deine Organisation kennen


    Herausragend 4.9 rating (15 Bewertungen)

    Non-profit - gegründet 2013

    von Volunteer World verifiziert

      Gute Antwortrate

    Veranstaltet von


    Über die Organisation

    Sustainable development NGO driving the development of poor Peruvian coastal communities through a path of sustainability, improving the lives of the local population.

    Lerne deine Organisation kennen

    What we do

    EcoSwell is a sustainable development non-profit (NGO) driving the development of poor Peruvian coastal communities through a path of sustainability, improving the quality of life of their inhabitants.

    As an NGO we develop educational, infrastructure, environmental, social and economic productivity programs working hand in hand with local communities and with international volunteers/interns. We take a “shared value” approach, working with the private, public, academic sectors and other NGO’s, to come up with relevant and lasting sustainable solutions. 

    Our approach towards sustainability consists of three pillars:

    • Nature conservation
    • Social justice
    • Economic well-being for all

    Where we operate

    We at EcoSwell currently operate in Lobitos, a Peruvian coastal northern town and surfing hotspot, which has seen an increase in uncontrolled tourism over the last 15 years. As a result of the town’s lack of infrastructure, lack of communication between stakeholders and lack of integrated development programs, this tourism is giving rise to various environmental, social and economic risks to the town’s long-term sustainability and wellbeing. Further to this Lobitos is a small town of approx 1,650 people where approximately 27% of the population live in poverty and 14% live in extreme poverty, that means less than 90 cents a day for all their needs.

    We are working to change this through a variety of programs from distinct disciplines to come up with innovative solutions.

    Our vision and long term objective

    The issues that we at EcoSwell see in Lobitos are not exclusive to the town, or to the north of Peru. They are global issues which are impacting various communities around the world. As such, by 2021, our vision is to make Lobitos a success story of coastal sustainability, where a respectful tourism industry can co-exist with the local community and the industries found within Lobitos. The long term objective of the organisation is to develop a sustainability framework which could be applied in other Peruvian coastal communities, based on our experience gained in Lobitos, and to communities around the world. 

    Who we are

    We believe that diversity breeds change, a positive one at that. As such EcoSwell is made up by a network of young professionals from a wide range of different professional disciplines, from environmentalists, to social scientists, engineers, lawyers, economists, athletes, language specialists and others. We believe that only through the wide perspectives all these different professions bring to the table, is the concept of sustainability attainable in the real world. We share and learn from each other and apply all of our expertise into coming up with relevant, realistic and applicable solutions to help us drive sustainability forwards and improve the lives of our beneficiaries.

    We have a team based in Lobitos permanently and a team based in the UK who provide technical and financial resources to our team on the ground. Our contributors and members are based all over the world.

    EcoSwell's story

    It all started with friendships and a surf trip. Four lifelong friends (our co-founders) travelled along the Peruvian coast in search of waves. One of the locations they went to, was the off the beaten track town of Lobitos. Whilst there they caught some of the best waves of their lives, met some of the kindest people imaginable and were exposed to breath-taking natural beauty and wildlife. Jacques Cousteau once said: "people conserve what they love" and the group of friends had fallen for Lobitos. Seeing the environmental and social constraints the town was enduring though, contrasting with the natural beauty of the locality made them realised that if nothing was done, Lobitos' essence would not endure for long. EcoSwell is the manifestation of this call to action. Since then, the EcoSwell family has grown from 4 members to nearly 20 from various nationalities, with operations expanding beyond Lobitos, to other surrounding towns. And to think that this is the beginning of our story... there is so much more to come.

    15 Bewertungen · rating4.9

    My three months at EcoSwell were some of if not the best I have ever had. One of my favorite parts was the location and atmosphere of the town and that EcoSwell had within their house. My room I found clean when I arrived and it was my responsibility to keep it clean which I did. I think they could ...
    Samantha Murphy rating5

    2019 at NGO Management Intern (in-person)

    My time at EcoSwell gave me a great opportunity to work closely with a group of diverse and passionate people. This range of volunteers and directors brought unique skillsets and perspectives to the projects at hand, and created a fun working environment. I was introduced to exciting things from ...
    Zach Shank rating5

    2016 at NGO Management Intern (in-person)

    EcoSwell provided me with a memorable and life-changing experience. Alejandro, Andres, and Diego gave me the freedom to take charge of the projects that I was most passionate about, while maintaining a highly efficient and organized structure to the organization's work. A clear emphasis was placed ...
    Arthur Gallois rating4.4

    2023 at Renewable Energy Internship (in-person)

    My experience with Ecoswell was exactly what I was hoping it would be, I learned so much in only one month, with amazing people. Plus, the work we were doing had a clear and concrete impact on the community, I definitely recommend ...
    Sten Lengsfeld rating5

    2021 at Renewable Energy Internship (in-person)

    My name is Sten Lengsfeld, I‘m from Zürich Switzerland and I was 19 during my internship at EcoSwell. I applied for a renewable energy internship, so I got to work on the development of a solar distiller together with other interns and the directors. But I got to work on various different ...
    Frances Ramsay rating5

    2019 at Renewable Energy Internship (in-person)

    Upon reflection on my experience volunteering at EcoSwell, I think one of the most important things I learned that the way to create change is through sustainable maintenance of projects. Many NGOs in developing countries is that they tend to start projects, when volunteers come, and discontinue ...


    Amerika > Südamerika > Peru > Lobitos

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