desde 636€

Perfecto 4.6rating (128)

Support a Cat Shelter

2 - 24 semanas  ·  Edad 18 - 50+

rating  Perfecto 4.6  · 
  Verificado por Volunteer World
  Ratio de respuesta muy alto

Puntos Relevantes

  • Get to know Chile, one of the most amazing and diverse countries in the world.
  • Boost your CV with international volunteer experience.
  • Grow as a person by stepping out of your comfort zone.
  • Raise a voice for animals and get more passionate about helping animals that are forced to live on the streets.
  • Develop essential intercultural skills that will not only enrich your own life but also enable you to bridge cultures with grace and understanding.

Especialmente adecuado para

Edad 18+
Solteros y solteras

Sobre el programa

Take care of kitties in a shelter for rescued cats in Santiago. Support this great cause and help rehabilitate our furry friends so that they can find a loving home.

Unfortunately, in Chile and much of Latin America, animal life is not half as valuable as in developed countries. Despite the constant improvement of the situation in recent years, there is a huge lack of professional implementation in dealing with the many hundreds of thousands of animals that are ...

Sobre el programa

Unfortunately, in Chile and much of Latin America, animal life is not half as valuable as in developed countries. Despite the constant improvement of the situation in recent years, there is a huge lack of professional implementation in dealing with the many hundreds of thousands of animals that are abandoned to live on the street. Throughout Chile, the cityscapes are characterized by countless street dogs and cats.

Fortunately, there are a few charities that take care of animals that have suffered extreme abuse, malnutrition, diseases or violence. One of these wonderful charities is our volunteer project. Founded in 2010, this NGO is dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of stray cats in Santiago, giving cat lovers the opportunity to support the shelter with love and attention to pets in need. The shelter provides veterinarian care and a warm home to neglected and abused cats. In addition, the project regularly organizes adoption events for the nearly 200 cats in the shelter.

Most cats that live in the cat house are rescued from the street, only a small number are brought in from households because of not species-appropriate husbandry. Some cats are pregnant and need a safe environment to give birth, care for, feed and educate their offspring. Others are sick, malnourished or seriously injured because of abuse or by years of stray on the street. Once sheltered, the cats get regularly food, water, vaccine, socialization program (with other cats and humans), vaccines and veterinary care. In addition, veterinary treatment including sterilization is provided. The charity depends on donations and is happy about every committed animal lover who wants to become a volunteer to give these cats a better life.

Día típico

You are important! The cat refuge would not exist without the help of volunteers. They are important to keeping the project alive and to care for the current cat population at the shelter (about 200!), feed, clean, play and to prepare adoption processes. Unfortunately, there are only a few ...

Día típico

You are important! The cat refuge would not exist without the help of volunteers. They are important to keeping the project alive and to care for the current cat population at the shelter (about 200!), feed, clean, play and to prepare adoption processes. Unfortunately, there are only a few initiatives in Chile that deal with street cats. If you love cats and want to help them, then this is your chance!

Your help is needed in various areas, such as:

• Feeding the cats
• Cleaning blankets and cat beds
• Cleaning and maintenance of cages and premises
• Cleaning and refill feeding bowls
• Cleaning litter boxes
• Administrative tasks
• Accompanying veterinary treatments (not possible for all volunteers)
• Helping with adoption processing (not always possible)

In this volunteer project, you have the opportunity to work up close with cats and to improve their living conditions. Your support makes all the difference and helps to rehabilitate the street cats, give them a new home and a make life outside the street possible for them. Your activities will change the behavior, the health and the life situation of the cats sustainably and at best enable them to find a loving home.

You do not have to be a cat expert to participate in this volunteer program. Your motivation and a positive attitude are enough! These furry and cute strays depend on the support of us.

Note: The tasks may vary. They depend on factors such as number of volunteers, weather, season, current needs of the project, as well as self-motivation. Not every volunteer may be fully involved in all these tasks.

Actividades de tiempo libre

Chile is a country that unites many different climates and landscapes. Due to its remarkable length of 4,300 kilometers you can discover extremes such as deserts, salt lakes, volcanoes, temperate rainforest, mountains over 6,000 meters high and eternal ice fjords. With its indescribably ...

Actividades de tiempo libre

Chile is a country that unites many different climates and landscapes. Due to its remarkable length of 4,300 kilometers you can discover extremes such as deserts, salt lakes, volcanoes, temperate rainforest, mountains over 6,000 meters high and eternal ice fjords. With its indescribably large variety of landscape, vegetation and climate, Chile is a popular destination all year round.

The capital of Santiago de Chile never sleeps and in recent decades has developed into a very popular and modern metropolis. There are activities that your heart desires! There is something for everyne; for art lovers, nature fans, culture enthusiasts and party people. Santiago’s location is just perfect since within about an hour can either be in the mountains or at the beach. You can find outdoor adventure sports, like hiking, rafting, climbing, horseback riding, and so on, or just relax at the beach during the weekend.

In Santiago you can:
- Hiking/walking in the hills and parks
- Sightseeing
- Visiting museums and art galleries
- Exploring beautiful neigborhoods
- Strolling through local markets
- Shopping
- Enjoying restaurants and bars / nightlife
- Meeting up with other volunteers
- Doing sports
- Going on day excursions to the amazing surroundings



Edad mínima: 18 años

Para participar en el programa debes tener al menos 18 años en la fecha de inicio del programa. Puede haber excepciones si muestras el permiso de tu(s) tutor(es) legal(es) o si vas acompañado de tus padres.

Conocimientos lingüísticos

Tienes que hablar (nivel básico) Español

Requisitos educativos

a nivel de High School

Documentos necesarios

CV and Volunteer Questionnaire

Restricciones de nacionalidad

Sin restricciones. Las manos amigas de todo el mundo son bienvenidas.

Tiempo dedicado

Necesitaremos tu ayuda los Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves y Viernes

Servicios incluidos

Servicios incluidos

Servicios de South America Inside

  • Single room in a local homestay (breakfast & dinner can be added at US$ 75 / week)
  • Internet access at your homestay
  • Airport pick-up
  • Advice from our experienced staff
  • On-going support via WhatsApp, phone or mail
  • Elaboration of your application profile in Spanish
  • Your placement in the volunteer project
  • Pre-departure information
  • Packing list
  • Country handbook
  • Intercultural guide
  • On-site volunteer coordinator
  • 24/7 emergency number
  • Advice on travel insurance
  • Certificate of participation

                            Note: A donation of CLP 25.000 (US$ about) has to be paid on-site to the project.

                          Recogida en el aeropuerto Arturo Merino Benitez Airport

                          You will be picked up at the airport of Santiago de Chile. Our transfer service will bring you to your homestay.


                          An important part of our volunteer programs has always been to provide an intense glimpse into the culture of the host country. Therefore, our volunteers live in homestays. Living with a local hosts will allow you to experience the country in the most authentic way possible. You can immerse into local customs, taste typical meals, and experience the culture and traditions first-hand. You will quickly realize how much your Spanish skills improve each day. Our homestays are carefully screened and selected, and many hosts have years of experience with our international volunteers.

                          You will be provided with a single room, while the bathroom can be private or shared. 

                          Upon request you can add daily breakfast & dinner at an extra cost of US$ 75 / week.

                          Acceso a Internet

                          Buen acceso al lugar del proyecto

                          ¿Qué NO está incluido?

                          ¿Qué NO está incluido?

                          Comida y bebida

                          La comida, meriendas y las bebidas tienen un coste adicional.

                          Boletos de avión

                          El aeropuerto más cercano es Arturo Merino Benitez Airport (SCL) en Santiago. Te ayudamos a encontrar vuelos baratos a Chile. ENCONTRAR VUELOS BARATOS

                          Seguro de viaje

                          Ir al extranjero es una aventura y siempre es mejor estar preparado. Enfermedad o lesión repentina, cancelación o robo: un seguro de viaje para Chile proporciona seguridad y es una ventaja tenerlo. OBTENER UN PRESUPUESTO


                          Si tiene intención de realizar un voluntariado en Chile, debe solicitar asesoramiento médico antes de iniciar su viaje social. Comprueba las vacunas que necesitas para Chile. COMPROBADOR DE VACUNAS

                          Detalles a la llegada

                          The volunteer work can be joined throughout the year. The start and end date can be set flexible, according to your availability and travel plans. Ask our experienced staff to coordinate your participation in this meaningful volunteer project.

                          Enero Feb. Marzo Abr. Mayo Jun Jul Agosto Set. Oct. Nov. Dic.

                          Cuotas del programa

                          2 semanas (estancia min.) 636€
                          3 semanas 801€
                          4 semanas 965€
                          5 semanas 1.130€
                          6 semanas 1.295€
                          7 semanas 1.460€
                          8 semanas 1.625€
                          9 semanas 1.790€
                          10 semanas 1.955€
                          11 semanas 2.120€
                          12 semanas 2.285€
                          24 semanas (estancia max.) 4.265€
                          Cuota promedio 247€/semana

                          Cuotas del programa

                          247€ cuotas semanales 2 - 24 semanas Edad 18 - 50+

                          Métodos de pago

                          Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal

                          SIN GASTOS DE TARJETA DE CRÉDITO


                          2 - 24 semanas


                          El depósito es simplemente para reservar tu vacante de voluntario. Los pagos se gestionan a través de PayPal, nuestro proveedor global de confianza. Si no tienes una cuenta PayPal, también puedes pagar con tarjeta de crédito.

                          Pago final

                          El pago final se acordará con South America Inside durante el proceso de solicitud. Las soluciones habituales son la transferencia bancaria o el pago en efectivo en el lugar del proyecto.

                          Conoce a tu anfitrión(a)

                          South America Inside

                          Perfecto 4.6 rating (128 reseñas)

                          Agencia - fundada en 2003

                          Verificado por Volunteer World

                            Ratio de respuesta muy alto

                          Coordinado por


                          Idiomas hablados: Alemán, Inglés, Español

                          sobre la organización

                          South America Inside promotes intercultural, linguistic and educational exchanges. Its volunteer programs are addressed to students, professionals and retirees.

                          Conoce a tu anfitrión(a)

                          South America Inside is an intercultural management agency, founded back in 2003, which specializes in the promotion of programs abroad, language travel and educational programs throughout Latin America.

                          Since 2007, to enrich the experience of our global-minded clients and to provide them with even more possibilities, South America Inside has been expanding their program offerings throughout South and Central America.

                          Working together with some of the best language schools in Latin America, South America Inside provides high quality language courses in almost every Latin American country.

                          Thanks to a professional team of motivated and friendly staff, South America Inside has been very successful over the past several years and have been able to establish an outstanding network of what we call "Insider Contacts." To enrich the experience of their clients and to provide them with more possibilities, South America Inside has been expanding our program offerings throughout Central and South America, in addition to our well-established Chilean programs.

                          Volunteer Work

                          Do you dream of staying abroad while doing something positive? Are you looking for a unique experience that will leave a mark on your life? Then a Volunteer Work program in South America or Central America is perfect for you!

                          With South America Inside you can combine an adventure abroad with social commitment, and create lasting memories in Latin America. Support the protection of endangered species; help a local community construct new homes; give new hope to impoverished children.

                          The possibilities to lend a hand are diverse, as there are the many places where help is needed. We have classified our volunteer projects in different areas so you can easily find the one (or more!) projects that best match your needs and interests.

                          Why with us

                          There are many persuasive reasons that speak in favor of South America Inside when it comes to selecting your perfect provider of language, study and volunteer travel abroad. Following, we have prepared a short summary so that you can get us to know a little better.

                          Our Insider benefits at a glance:

                            Regional Experience
                          Over one decade (established in 2003) of dedication to language, work and study travel programs in Latin America. Thanks to our long standing work and life experience in the South American continent, we know this region really well. Therefore, we can help and inform you in a professional and competent way.

                            Multifaceted Offers
                          Over time we have developed new programs to offer a wide array of work abroad opportunities to our clients. We have been pioneers in launching new exchange programs, as we have been the first in offering Work & Travel/Working Holiday and Farm Stays in Chile and successfully introduced these programs into the market back in 2005. Since 2012, we are the only agency to offer this type of program in Costa Rica.

                            Insider Advice
                          Despite living in the modern era of the internet, we know that reliable and competent advice is still an important criterion for most of us. At South America Inside, you will find the benefits of an internet provider and an independent travel agency. We will be glad to pass on our extensive knowledge and regional experience.!

                          It is difficult to run programs when there is nobody “on the ground” to evaluate existing options and search for new opportunities. So, we are located in Chile, on location, and we know everything that is going on first hand. We know what it is like to live as a foreigner in South America and will be happy to assist you in making your stay unforgettable!

                          South America Inside is an independent provider of language courses, internships, volunteer work, Farm Stays and Work & Travel programs in Latin America. We neither depend financially nor structurally on any other company, language school, association or organization. Therefore, we are able to give personalized information in accordance to your needs and availability.

                          •  Multilingual Team

                          Our team is multilingual and international! We speak fluent English, Spanish and German, as well as some French and Portuguese. With our customers, we can communicate in their native language and we avoid misunderstandings with local partners by communicating in Spanish with them. You can be sure that there will be an English-speaking contact person for you before, during, and after your stay.

                            Customer Service
                          Excellent customer service is one of the most important goals for South America Inside, and this is evident with the positive feedback we regularly receive from our many happy clients. Emails are answered within 48 business hours and every client is treated with the same friendliness and expertise.

                            Gapless and Accurate Information flow
                          With South America Inside you will have one and the same contact person before, during and after your trip. With that said, we guarantee a gapless and accurate information flow and you will always be very well informed.

                            Approved Program Places
                          Many of our program places, especially in the area of internships and volunteer work, are designed in the way that they will be recognized by most universities, colleges or academies.

                          128 reseñas · rating4.6

                          Christine rating4.6

                          2017 at Support a Cat Shelter

                          Since I wanted to make something sensible in my life, I took a two-month break from my work in March / April 2017 to make volunteer work in South America. As a big catfan, I selected an animal protection project and was informed about a project for the protection of street cats in Santiago de Chile ...
                          Regina N. rating5

                          2024 at Help Stray Dogs

                          Die Arbeit gefällt mir sehr gut! Ich bin super reingekommen und fühle mich sehr wohl 🙂 Die Menschen sind sehr offen und freundlich! Herzlichen Dank! ...
                          Oihane B. rating4.8

                          2024 at Nature Park Protector

                          La estancia está siendo genial, estoy aprendiendo mucho además de pasándolo realmente bien. En cuanto al alojamiento y la comida no tengo quejas, todo está limpio y es cómodo y hay abundante comida. El ambiente de trabajo es muy bueno y siempre hay cosas para hacer y ...
                          Die Zeit vergeht wie im Flug und die Hälfte ist schon rum. Ich hatte eine unvergessliche Zeit bis jetzt, da die Gruppe perfekt war und wir uns alle super verstanden haben. Nun hat es einen grossen Wechsel gegeben mit neuen und vor allem weniger Leuten. Wir haben 2 Wochenendtrips in verschiedene ...
                          Stacey Garratt rating5

                          2024 at Local Women Empowerment Supporter

                          I have been travelling for 7 months in total and just had the most wonderful experience in Ecuador. I can confidently say in the last 6 weeks I have created my favourite memories of this journey in an all-encompassing way. Firstly, the program itself was incredible, I constantly felt supported, ...
                          Nathalie K. rating5

                          2024 at Local Wildlife Helper

                          Everything is alright. The family host in San José is very kind. I visited San José yesterday. This morning I arrived at the rescue center and it's amazing! It beautifull, the animals are so cute. And the volonteers are very friendly. Thanks for everything and have a good ...


                          América > Sudamérica > Chile > Santiago de Chile

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                          Contacto Marion
                            Ratio de respuesta muy alto
                          Alemán, Inglés, Español

                          La mayoría de los voluntarios preguntan por

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