desde 1.238€

Brillante 4.7rating (67)

Vervet Monkey Rescue & Rehabilitation

2 - 12 semanas  ·  Edad 18 - 50+

rating  Brillante 4.7  · 
  Verificado por Volunteer World
  Ratio de respuesta excelente

Puntos Relevantes

  • Be a hands-on surrogate mother to baby Vervet Monkeys who have been orphaned in baby season (mid-October to late February) or spend time assisting at the sanctuary with around 300 monkeys
  • Get stuck in assisting with monkey rescues which can be extremely challenging and often daily. Surrogate baby mothers will spend more time in the nursery
  • Take pride in the fact that your work will help the long term goal of a life of freedom in the wild for the monkeys you help with and your help has contributed to the welfare of so many monkeys
  • Learn from experienced primate conservationists about the various processes and challenges in primate rescue and rehabilitation, monkey behavior, diet and being a nursemaid to the babies
  • Visit some of the best wildlife reserves and national parks South Africa as to offer in your free time to view the Africa's Big 5... or relax on one of Durban's golden beaches

Especialmente adecuado para

Edad 18+
Solteros y solteras

Sobre el programa

Volunteer with rescued Vervet Monkeys at a permitted Monkey Rescue, Rehabilitation and Release Centre in the lush province of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa

It all started in 1995 as an educational awareness organisation and over the years, the project grew around to incorporate the need for rescue and care of Vervet Monkeys who are not protected enough by provincial and national government legislation. In 2015 when the holding facilities at the main ...

Sobre el programa

It all started in 1995 as an educational awareness organisation and over the years, the project grew around to incorporate the need for rescue and care of Vervet Monkeys who are not protected enough by provincial and national government legislation. In 2015 when the holding facilities at the main property proved not to be large enough, a lease was secured for 10 hectares on a tribal nature reserve in the countryside, which is where the larger adult Vervet monkeys were rehabilitated in troops until recently until a better property was secured to accommodate the nursery, juvenile monkeys in phase 1 of the rehabilitation process and the adult troops in the rehabialtion enclosures. Those monkeys in high care are kept here too and for the future, we hope an onsite clinic. 

The project responds to more than 1000 rescue callouts every year – and sometimes up to ten callouts every day. Vervet Monkey injuries range from wounds sustained during fights with other monkeys, dog bites, being run over by motor vehicles, electrocution, being snared, trapped or poisoned, being shot with air (pellet) guns, catapults, paint-ball guns and firearms and being caught-up or injured on security razor-wire and many do not make it. 

Many of the rescues- especially in the peak baby season from October to January - are babies or juveniles who are orphaned or injured when mother monkeys are attacked by dogs or other monkeys or are severely injured or killed in human-related incidents.

Over eighty percent of the monkeys that are rescued, irrespective of the reason why, have got air gun pellets lodged in their bodies. A number of rescues each year concern monkeys who are simply sick, debilitated by illness, and once treated and recovered they are easily, but correctly, released back into their home territory.

Rescue callouts originate from members of the public, other animal care organisations, veterinary practices, the police, various municipal offices, etc.

On any given day, the project has many monkeys in its home-based, “high care” facility.

What we do

All rescued monkeys are cared for in the “high care” facility after first being taken to a veterinary doctor. Once they have recovered from their injuries these monkeys are released back into their home territory or transferred to the wildlife rehabilitation centre or placed in the primate sanctuary

The project carries out rescues 24-hours a day, 365 days a year and…..

  • carry out or coordinate primate rescues.
  • assist with Vervet sanctuary, neonatal care and rehabilitation.
  • distribute information/educational leaflets including doing talks at schools and to other interested groups.
  • lobby on behalf of Vervets and for the protection of indigenous wildlife habitat
  • encourage people to plant the indigenous trees and shrubs that provide food and shelter for Vervets and numerous other indigenous animals.
  • fundraise to cover the cost of rescues, veterinary treatment, high-care and rehabilitation.
  • assist people who are having problems with monkeys.
  • assist residential and golfing estates, hotels, casinos, businesses, restaurants and B&B’s where monkeys are a “problem”
  • advise and assist with the establishment of feeding stations.
  • organise and carry out snare sweeps.

….. so there is a lot of work for you as a volunteer to assist with!

Important: We require either a negative result from a Mantoux test which is for Tuberculosis or a letter from your doctor stating you are vaccinated for Tuberculosis. It’s just to keep the baby monkeys protected as they are so vulnerable to diseases we might carry. 

Día típico

Please be aware if assisting being a nursemaid to the baby monkeys which takes place ONLY in baby season, that new-borns need feeding every two hours right throughout the night. At around four weeks old, the feeding is roughly every four hours, and they start sleeping though the night. Those ...

Día típico

Please be aware if assisting being a nursemaid to the baby monkeys which takes place ONLY in baby season, that new-borns need feeding every two hours right throughout the night. At around four weeks old, the feeding is roughly every four hours, and they start sleeping though the night. Those volunteers assisting with bottle feeding the babies must be flexible as this can change depending on the individual baby monkeys. We take a maximum of 8 volunteers and baby monkey season is very popular so book early. Baby season starts around mid-October with new borns still being rescued through in December. As they will need care until 3 months old, it will tail off around late February into early March and they will slowly be introduced to solid food and weaned off the bottle. Please be aware these are wild animals and rescued so we cannot predict numbers or the stages of the rescued babies ages as sometimes the season can start early and finish late. Or the other way around. Roughly over every baby season, more than 50+ babies survive and end up being cared for. Sadly, many do not make it. 

Typical Day

  • 7 and 8:00am - time for your breakfast and start preparing the food for the monkeys's breakfast.
  • 8 to 12:00 - volunteer duties dependent on the season and if at the baby nursery and high care homebase or the sanctuary and rehabilitation area in the far side of the property
  • 12 to 13:00 - it’s time for lunch, a quick break, and a catch up.
  • 13 to 17:30 - volunteer duties dependent on the season and if at the baby nursery and high care homebase or the sanctuary and rehabilitation area in the far side of the property
  • 17:30 - Finally, it is time for dinner which is a good South African style vegan supper…trust us when we say that vegan never tasted so good!
  • 17:30 to bedtime - time to relax, watch TV, play some pool in the games room and if on nursemaid duties, you may have some feeds throughout the evening and monkey cuddles before babies get put to bed.

Please be aware that with the rescued baby monkeys, there are regular feeds depending on their age which can disrupt this schedule. Also, if assisting with monkey rescue call outs, they are sporadic, unplanned and unpredictable.

Your volunteer duties out of baby season may include:

  • Assist with the maintenance and upkeep of the monkey rehabilitation enclosures.
  • Monitor and observe monkey troops in their rehabilitation enclosures and report any incidents should they occur.
  • Collection and sorting food
  • Preparation of food- chopping fresh produce and preparing dry foods
  • Keeping food storage areas clean and tidy
  • Washing of feeding bowls and food prep areas
  • Delivering food to enclosures (ONLY permanent staff are permitted to carry food INTO the main monkey rehabilitation enclosures with the adult monkeys)
  • Enrichment projects for mental and physical stimulation of captive primates to reduce boredom.
  • Assisting with fundraisers or school educational visits
  • Assist with veterinary visits.
  • Assist on rescues and animal cruelty reports at the local police stations.
  • Distributing educational leaflets in areas where cruelty has been reported.
  • Checking, feeding and caring for any other rescued animals at the project.
  • Assisting with the vegetable garden and indigenous plant nursery
  • Checking boundary fences and repairs
  • Construction of enclosure “furniture” and enrichments
  • Clearing vegetation, litter and snares on area surrounding the property
  • Monitoring and recording of information on free ranging troops of wild monkeys.
  • Reporting any injured monkeys in the enclosures to the management
  • Assisting with preparing and planting vegetables which will help towards fresh food for the monkeys.
  • …and any other chores volunteers are willing to assist with

Volunteers are NOT permitted to enter any of the rehabilitation enclosures on the property with the adult troops of Vervet Monkeys unless requested by management.

The minumum age for volunteers assisting with in early baby seasons with newborns is 21 years old. 

Your volunteer duties with the baby monkeys in baby season may include the above and:

  • Preparing infant formula as frequent as every two hours
  • Washing and sterilising bottles
  • Bottle feeding of babies.
  • Bathing babies
  • Any care similar to human babies- you may be required to take a baby or babies with you to your volunteer accommodation for night feeds.
  • Cleaning babies sleep boxes.
  • Keeping the babies play areas clean and hygienic.
  • Washing baby blankets and soft toys as baby monkeys are very messy.
  • Providing enrichments in the baby play area with splash pools, hammocks, and swings
  • Assisting with introduction to a troop
  •  …and of course, falling absolutely in love with these delicate little imps. 

Actividades de tiempo libre

Durban is in the province of KwaZulu-Natal the home of the Zulu Kingdom of which the warrior Shaka is the most famous. It has a subtropical climate and home to the most amazing wildlife and vegetation with plenty to do in your free time whether wildlife, cultural or marine life are your interests. ..

Actividades de tiempo libre

Durban is in the province of KwaZulu-Natal the home of the Zulu Kingdom of which the warrior Shaka is the most famous. It has a subtropical climate and home to the most amazing wildlife and vegetation with plenty to do in your free time whether wildlife, cultural or marine life are your interests. Here are a few suggestions:

  • uShaka Marine World is definitely one of the star attractions if in Durban where you can snorkel lagoons, feed fish and rays, cage dive with sharks and “walk the ocean” or just catch the penguin or seal feeding times
  • Take a boat tour with the KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board travelling through the Durban harbour and watch staff servicing the shark nets
  • Visit PheZulu Safari Park for a reptile tour or a safari game drive
  • Beaches…beaches and more beaches…Umhlanga is one of our favourites for swimming. And the water is usually so warm
  • Hluhluwe iMfolozi Big 5 Safari Tour - this is a full day trip to one of South Africa’s best wildlife reserves famous for lions, elephants, rhinos and giraffes. It starts very early and can take up to 12 hours but so worth it! You can also include visiting the elephants at Bayete Zulu
  • Take part in a Zulu cultural tour and learn about Nqombothi (traditional Zulu beer) brewing, spear making, beading, weaving, pottery and also traditional dancing and singing. Not to be missed. This can be incorporated too with a wildlife viewing afternoon
  • Visit the Anglo-Zulu war battlefields on tour
  • Do a ½ day Durban city tour visiting landmarks, buildings, the botanical gardens and the Indian Market for famous Durban curry spices and souvenirs
  • Do a ½ day Durban wildlife tour of Natal Sharks Board and Umgeni Bird park


Durban also has the largest Indian community outside of Indian which over the centuries has made its mark on the local cuisine. One of the most famous culinary delights coming out of Durban is the spicy bunny chow. Despite the name it does not involve bunnies or rabbits but is a spicy curry – your preference for meat or vegetarian- dished into a hollowed out ¼ or ½ a loaf of white bread. Absolutely delicious although notoriously spicy! Also fantastic samosas, breyanis and rotis!


Boredom is definitely not an option in Durban with culture, history, wildlife- both land and sea, shopping, beaches and stunning scenery!



Edad mínima: 18 años

Para participar en el programa debes tener al menos 18 años en la fecha de inicio del programa. Puede haber excepciones si muestras el permiso de tu(s) tutor(es) legal(es) o si vas acompañado de tus padres.

Conocimientos lingüísticos

Tienes que hablar (nivel básico) Inglés

Documentos necesarios

We require either a negative result from a Mantoux test which is for Tuberculosis or a letter from your doctor stating you are vaccinated for Tuberculosis. It’s just to keep the baby monkeys protected as they are so vulnerable to diseases we might carry.

Restricciones de nacionalidad

Sin restricciones. Las manos amigas de todo el mundo son bienvenidas.

Otras habilidades

A background with wildlife rehabilitation, primate studies, conservation, veterinary medicine, zoology or a related field, is always a bonus but not a requirement. We do require volunteers to be hard-working, mature-minded, calm and able to be responsible especially those assisiting with the babies.

Tiempo dedicado

Necesitaremos tu ayuda los Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado y Domingo de 08:00 - 17:00

Servicios incluidos

Servicios incluidos

Servicios de Volunteer Int. Adventures

Program fees include: 
  • 3 meals a day (strictly vegan) while onsite
  • onsite shared accommodation
  • meeting you at King Shaka International airport in Durban
  • airport transfers from and to King Shaka International Airport
  • transport while on the project (not free time days)
  • pre-departure support and admin
  • 24- emergency help
  • in-country support and staff on the ground

Discounts available on longer stays or group bookings.

Recogida en el aeropuerto King Shaka International Airport

The closest airport for the Monkey Rescue and Rehabilitation project is in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa and is King Shaka International Airport which is a hour's drive away.

Arrival flights must land no later than 15:30 and departure flights must leave no earlier than 10:00.

Please wait at arrivals to be collected after collecting your luggage and do not leave the area. Please look for your driver with a board with your name on it. If possible log into the Airport’s WIFI and notify us that you have landed.


For the duration of your stay, you will mainly stay onsite in a wonderful double storey house in a beautiful countryside setting with the coordinators. Bedrooms are shared either with one other or at most, three other volunteers of the same gender. Couples, families, and friends can be accommodated. A maximum of eight volunteers can be accommodated at one time.

  • The three shared bedrooms have single beds and bedding, and towels are available.
  • The two bathrooms are shared and have a hand basin, bath, hand shower, and toilet.
  • There is WIFI 
  • There are two lounges - one with a with a TV - and a dining room.
  • There are lockable cupboards in the bedrooms to store valuables.
  • There are two kitchens, one for animal food preparation and the other for human food preparation. The kitchen used by volunteers and the coordinators, is fully equipped. 
  • There is a washing machine so please bring eco-friendly laundry detergent with
  • and for those balmy hot and humid Durban days, a braai area (BBQ) with a stunning pool for volunteers to swim in with a fantastic outside entertainment area. Please bring a beach towel for the pool...or beach trips. 

The baby nursery, specials needs, and main monkey rehabilitation enclosures are all onsite, so volunteers do not need to travel. 

Comida y bebida

Food at the project is strictly vegan whether for meals or food brought into the project. 

If volunteers crave a non-vegan dish, there are plenty of restaurants in the area to eat out at. The project is strictly animal and earth friendly so please no non-vegan take-outs too.

Meals are provided on the project.

  • Breakfast is self-service and consists of cereals, toast, and spreads. 
  • Lunch is either packed sandwiches and fruit or self-service a salad or sandwiches at home. 
  • Dinners are traditional cooked South African dishes like babotie “pap en sous" and anything from pastas, curries, stews, braais (BBQ). Tea, coffee, and juice are provided. 

You will have plenty of time to get extras like sweets and vegan chocolates, at the local shops. 

South African food is well known for being very tasty and you will get a chance to taste some of the delicious local specialities while on the project.

Goods that include specialty foods like gluten-free, alcoholic beverages, sodas, sweets, snacks and luxury items are not included in your package, so please bring your own along provided that they are vegan if for the volunteer accommodation. If you have a specific dietary requirement, please let us know!

Acceso a Internet

Buen acceso al lugar del proyecto

¿Qué NO está incluido?

¿Qué NO está incluido?

Boletos de avión

El aeropuerto más cercano es King Shaka International Airport (DUR) en Durban. Te ayudamos a encontrar vuelos baratos a Sudáfrica. ENCONTRAR VUELOS BARATOS

Seguro de viaje

Ir al extranjero es una aventura y siempre es mejor estar preparado. Enfermedad o lesión repentina, cancelación o robo: un seguro de viaje para Sudáfrica proporciona seguridad y es una ventaja tenerlo. OBTENER UN PRESUPUESTO


Si tiene intención de realizar un voluntariado en Sudáfrica, debe solicitar asesoramiento médico antes de iniciar su viaje social. Comprueba las vacunas que necesitas para Sudáfrica. COMPROBADOR DE VACUNAS

Detalles a la llegada

This project is available all year around with arrivals and departures from Mondays to Fridays (not weekends) and you choose your dates. 

You would fly into Durban's King Shaka International Airport before 15:30 to be collected by your driver with your name on a board. 

Please note: Space is limited -especially in baby season- so please try book early. 

Enero Feb. Marzo Abr. Mayo Jun Jul Agosto Set. Oct. Nov. Dic.

Cuotas del programa

2 semanas (estancia min.) 1.238€
3 semanas 1.680€
4 semanas 2.122€
5 semanas 2.564€
6 semanas 2.942€
7 semanas 3.359€
8 semanas 3.763€
9 semanas 4.180€
10 semanas 4.584€
11 semanas 4.963€
12 semanas (estancia max.) 5.316€
Cuota promedio 530€/semana

Cuotas del programa

530€ cuotas semanales 2 - 12 semanas Edad 18 - 50+

Métodos de pago

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



2 - 12 semanas


El depósito es simplemente para reservar tu vacante de voluntario. Los pagos se gestionan a través de PayPal, nuestro proveedor global de confianza. Si no tienes una cuenta PayPal, también puedes pagar con tarjeta de crédito.

Pago final

El pago final se acordará con Volunteer Int. Adventures durante el proceso de solicitud. Las soluciones habituales son la transferencia bancaria o el pago en efectivo en el lugar del proyecto.

Conoce a tu anfitrión(a)

Volunteer Int. Adventures

Brillante 4.7 rating (67 reseñas)

Agencia - fundada en 2020

Verificado por Volunteer World

  Ratio de respuesta excelente

Coordinado por


Idiomas hablados: Inglés, Afrikaans

sobre la organización

We are a small, personal, hands-on volunteer organisation with 15 years experience of working with volunteers in conservation and humanitarian projects on the ground.

Conoce a tu anfitrión(a)

Volunteer International Adventures is dedicated to youth and animal projects, which are areas of great passion for us. We recognize the need for assistance from international volunteers in developing countries and have witnessed the transformative impact of their hands-on involvement on communities and conservation efforts.

Our core priorities are as follows:

1. Culture and Cultural Sensitivity:

We encourage our volunteers to fully immerse themselves in the culture of the country they are volunteering in, understanding that volunteering differs significantly from being a tourist. By working closely with local communities and project partners, our volunteers gain profound insights into the challenges faced by the country. We actively support and facilitate opportunities for volunteers to engage in various activities, interact with locals, and educate themselves about the nation's history, no matter how difficult it may be. Cultural sensitivity is paramount, and we ensure that our approach is collaborative rather than imposing our own ideas. We welcome suggestions and creative ideas from our volunteers, as they often prove to be feasible and enrich the communities we serve.

2. Fulfilling Volunteer Experiences:

We strive to ensure that all our volunteers leave with a sense of accomplishment. Whether it is helping a child grasp mathematics, teaching cricket to school children, providing sewing classes to uplift youth, participating in wildlife conservation efforts such as satellite collaring African wild dogs or rhino relocation, collecting data on great white shark populations, treating sick indigenous wildlife, assisting with animal sterilization in disadvantaged communities, instilling a love for reading in children, or teaching marimba classes—the list is diverse and extensive. We want our volunteers to develop a deep connection with the country they are assisting and forge lifelong friendships that can serve as future ambassadors for their respective nations.

3. Ethical Projects:

We strictly oppose trophy hunting and the breeding of lions for commercial gain. Our wildlife and animal projects take place in free-roaming reserves, registered rehabilitation centers, or sanctuaries where the animals are non-releasable due to injuries, human habituation, or being non-indigenous to the area. We support local and ethical animal sanctuaries and reserves, which our volunteers can visit during their free time. When working with children in teaching, care, or youth development projects, we require a recent paper copy of a background check (CRB check) from volunteers' countries of origin. This precaution ensures the safety and well-being of the children we serve, who often come from challenging socio-economic backgrounds and have been let down by adults in the past. We prioritize the protection of innocent animals and children who cannot advocate for themselves.

4. Responsible and Sustainable Approach:

We take pride in implementing responsible and sustainable projects that involve local community members, ensuring the continuity of operations even when volunteer numbers are low. While some projects rely heavily on volunteer support due to limited funds, we strive to strike a balance by involving sufficient local participation.

5. Cost Effectiveness:

Having collaborated with volunteers on projects for nearly 15 years, we recognize that volunteering can come at a significant cost. Therefore, we are committed to making volunteering more accessible, reasonable, and inclusive. Our projects encompass various extras, and we maintain affordability by keeping costs low and encouraging increased hands-on assistance. We offer negotiable family, friends, and group discounts, as volunteering together enables us to further reduce expenses. Loyalty is rewarded, and returning volunteers receive special recognition in our projects. Additionally, our costs include donations to our projects, contributing to their sustainability and impact.

6. Safety:

The safety of our volunteers is of paramount importance. We thoroughly vet and assess all our projects, ensuring adequate safety measures are in place. While certain areas may be off-limits due to potential risks, it is important to note that complete safety guarantees are impossible in any location. We have established channels for reporting incidents and maintain close relationships with in-country support on the ground. Furthermore, we possess liability insurance and require all participants to have personal travel insurance. To provide comprehensive support, we arrange airport collections and drop-offs, ensuring our volunteers are assisted throughout their entire journey. We pride ourselves on delivering a personal touch and remain available 24/7 to address any emergencies.

Please remember to arrange your comprehensive travel insurance at the time of booking your trip, as it is an essential aspect of ensuring your well-being and peace of mind.

We sincerely appreciate your interest in Volunteer International Adventures and our commitment to making a positive impact through responsible volunteering. Should you have any further questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

67 reseñas · rating4.7

Anja Jutta Scharer rating4.4

2024 at Vervet Monkey Rescue & Rehabilitation

If you would like to get involved in an animal project and have a love for monkeys, Carol and Steve are the right people for you. They are incredibly experienced, dedicated and care about every single animal life. It is important to know that they can only pursue their passion with many helping ...
Laurence Genhart rating2

2024 at Vervet Monkey Rescue & Rehabilitation

*****Host organization's statement below***** J'ai été excessivement déçue de mon séjour à Durban. Je m'attendais à être avec d'autres volontaires, partager des expériences, faire des activités communes et me suis retrouvée toute seule, loin de toutes autres activités, avec des ...
Natalie Rauss rating5

2023 at Vervet Monkey Rescue & Rehabilitation

To describe the last 2 weeks in words would not cover the half of all the fantastic and amazing experience, neither the warm and friendly hosting of Steve, Carol and Jess, nor my feelings and love for the work with the baby vervet monkeys. The insights and experinces I gained during my stay were ...
Marta García rating5

2023 at Vervet Monkey Rescue & Rehabilitation

It's hard to express with words how grateful I am for this experience. I spent three weeks in the project which absolutely flew by and I cannot wait to come back. The time that I spent with Carol, Steve and the baby monkeys was always bittersweet because as much as I loved spending time with them, I ...
Karine Thiebaud rating5

2023 at Vervet Monkey Rescue & Rehabilitation

If you are ready to live a LIFETIME experience, just go ahead, this project is for you ! Carol and Steve are the sweetest and most friendly people you can meet. Always ready to help you, todly dévote to animal rights and to vervet monkeys more specificaly, they’ll learn you everything they know ...
Carolin Neumahr rating4.8

2023 at Vervet Monkey Rescue & Rehabilitation

The time with the monkeys and the people there was incredible. Really a once in a lifetime adventure. I am grateful for everything I was able to experience and hope that I will come back one ...


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Contacto Sharon
  Ratio de respuesta excelente
Inglés, Afrikaans

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