desde 664€

Excelente 4.8rating (877)

South Africa Wildlife Reserve Volunteers

1 - 4 semanas  ·  Edad 18 - 50+

rating  Excelente 4.8  · 
  Verificado por Volunteer World
  Ratio de respuesta excelente

Completa tu reserva tan pronto como sea posible. Este proyecto se llena rápidamente y ya está reservado en ciertas fechas.

Puntos Relevantes

  • 70% of volunteers are 18-22 years old
  • Get an all-round experience of life on a Big 5 game reserve
  • Play a valuable part in the sustainability of the region
  • Learn about the conservation of local fauna & flora on a structured project
  • Volunteer on a project located in the heart of the African wildlife

Especialmente adecuado para

Edad 18+
Solteros y solteras

Sobre el programa

Be part of a life-changing experience that allows you to work behind the scenes on a world-class wildlife reserve in South Africa! 🦏

As a South Africa Wildlife Reserve Volunteer, you will get the opportunity to work behind the scenes on a world-class wildlife reserve. In addition, you will gain a rich education in conservation management. PMGY’s South Africa volunteer programs provide a fantastic opportunity to engage in ...

Sobre el programa

As a South Africa Wildlife Reserve Volunteer, you will get the opportunity to work behind the scenes on a world-class wildlife reserve. In addition, you will gain a rich education in conservation management. PMGY’s South Africa volunteer programs provide a fantastic opportunity to engage in meaningful wildlife volunteer work in South Africa. If you have a real passion for animals then this South Africa wildlife volunteer program is the opportunity for you.


The South Africa wildlife volunteer program is home to vast populations of the incredible 'Big 5'. In Africa, the Big 5 game animals are the lion, leopard, rhinoceros, elephant and buffalo. The term originates from hunters. More specifically, hunters would refer to the animals as the five most difficult to hunt on foot in Africa.

Poaching of wild animals is on the rise in most parts of Africa. Consequently, more species are becoming endangered. Most noteworthy, the Big 5 species represent the highest-profile examples of being threatened with extinction. Other threats come in the form of diseases from domestic animals. Cattle and dogs can easily spread disease into wild animal populations.

Alien species of animals and plants introduced to Africa represent another threat to the extinction of flora and fauna. Whether introduced deliberately or accidentally, alien species compete with native species for limited food and water. Furthermore, the earth’s changing climate is making much of Africa more prone to drought. This puts even more pressure on all species to compete for scarce water. In the same vein, the human population is diverting rivers for their own needs, leaving many other species high and dry.

All of these are exacting a terrible toll on Africa’s once-thriving wildlife. Game reserves and their conservation efforts in South Africa aim to play a role in counteracting these threats. They provide a large area of land where wild animals can live safely. Not only this, they represent a managed ecosystem that encompasses many miles of beautiful terrain.

The focus of a game reserve is specifically on animals (fauna). However, there can be an equal concern with all aspects of native biota of the area (flora, fungi, etc.). Volunteer support in conservation-based activities at the game reserve provides big support to maintaining the flora, fauna and biodiversity.

This project was established to return the natural land to its former glory. This includes being home to the wildlife species that once roamed freely here. Since its beginning, the project has worked hard to successfully reintroduce native wildlife and flora. To help sustain the environment, volunteers take part in a variety of conservation and maintenance-based activities on the reserve.


South Africa Big 5 Wildlife Reserve - This fabulous South African game reserve is situated on the Eastern Cape and spans over 6,000 hectares. This experience aims to give volunteers a holistic experience of life on a game reserve. Consequently, as you complete wildlife volunteer work in South Africa, opportunities and exposure will come in abundance. Not only will you be exposed to the majestic Big 5 family but also conservation of all types of fauna and flora. They all go hand in hand.

The game reserves education and rehabilitation centre is home to several species of endangered predators. For example, lions, Bengal tigers and cheetahs. The dedicated conservation team is committed to the preservation of these elusive creatures. Subsequently, this is done through rehabilitation and releasing them back into the wild. The team will conduct such a process whilst considering the effects on a managed ecosystem.

The work is exciting and varied with lots to learn! Naturally, due to the wild and predatory nature of the animals, this is not a hands-on experience. Furthermore, interaction and close-up monitoring of these animals is not an option as a South Africa wildlife reserve volunteer.

Big cats like the Bengal tigers are also found at the centre. Their population has deteriorated at an alarming rate. Over the last 100 years, hunting and deforestation have reduced tiger populations from hundreds of thousands to perhaps fewer than 2,500. The centre has been lucky enough to see the birth of a Bengal tiger cub. This was after an arduous 4 years of work and research at the wildlife sanctuary.

This is a program designed for volunteers interested in having a true African wildlife experience. In other words, on the South Africa wildlife volunteer program, you will make a difference to the local wildlife and environment. Activities for this program vary on a daily basis and are dependent on weather and other factors (so please expect the itinerary to change from time to time!).

The itinerary is designed in such a way that volunteers are divided into groups of up to 10 volunteers per group. Naturally, this is dependent on the number of South Africa wildlife reserve volunteers at the time. Each group will have an outdoor volunteer coordinator as a leader and mentor.

The groups will be engaged in different daily activities. However, each group will all do the same type and number of activities by the end of the week. In some cases, all the groups might do the same activity at the same time depending on the type of activity.

So it is a busy yet highly rewarding and exciting program from start to finish. The dedicated volunteer coordinator will ensure that you have a wonderful learning experience. In addition, the local staff will ensure you make a real contribution to the conservation work at the reserve. Ultimately, you will leave with a stronger understanding of the conservation issues in South Africa.

The volunteer tasks are largely a combination of land management and animal management program activities. Here is just a small selection of the volunteer opportunities you can expect to get involved in during the week on the wildlife volunteering abroad program:

• Lion monitoring

• Rhino monitoring

• Educational lectures and classroom activities within local communities

• Removal of alien vegetation

• Planting of indigenous trees

• Landscaping

• Re-establishment of vegetation and vegetation management

• Fence and anti-poach patrols

• Fence repairs and road maintenance

• Monitoring of predators in the rehabilitation centre

• Game counts

Your efforts will help to make sure the reserve is a safe and suitable environment for these animals to not just survive but thrive. The activities for the week are extremely varied so no two days will be the same. It’s not all work and no play as the program is designed to provide a physical and fun experience every day.


Additional Opportunities - On an ad-hoc basis, the local team sometimes arranges evening reptile shows, lectures, and cross-cultural dance shows. Additionally, volunteers may also have the opportunity to experience extra major conservation activities. Examples can include capturing of wildlife animals, game introduction and fire management activities. These activities take place on an ad-hoc basis but certainly provide volunteers with a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Free Time - It is important to note that the reserve is based remotely. Therefore, volunteers are encouraged to embrace all facilities and aspects of life on the reserve. During free time on the reserve, volunteers have great amenities around them. For example, volunteers can relax in the lounge and swimming pool. Alternatively, choose to enjoy the entertainment room and tennis courts. At weekends, transfers to and from Port Elizabeth run complementary at fixed times from the reserve. Volunteers usually agree on weekend trip plans in one big or two smaller groups, and you can choose what you wish to get up to whilst there, it’s all easy to arrange on a whim.

Cape Town Volunteer Extension - A trip to South Africa is not complete without visiting and exploring everything Cape Town has to offer! PMGY participants joining us at the wildlife reserve project have the opportunity to extend their trip by joining one of our Cape Town community projects for a period of 1 week+. Please note you may choose to join in a tourist capacity or join our Childcare project if doing 1 week in Cape Town. If staying 2 weeks or more, then you are able to join the Teaching Program (if running). Participants will need to fly from Port Elizabeth to Cape Town on the Sunday following the completion of their first program and the one-way domestic flight is included in the extension price.

Weekends - Your project work in South Africa runs from Monday-Friday and weekends are free. You are welcome to relax and hang out at the volunteer accommodation but most participants will use this time to travel and explore the country. As a result, you can check out our South Africa Weekend Travel Guide for top tips on how to spend your weekend.

Día típico


Each volunteer in South Africa participant will play a big part and benefit to the conservation efforts of the reserve. All your daily activities are shown on the itinerary which will be displayed on the volunteer notice board. The itinerary will show you what ...

Día típico


Each volunteer in South Africa participant will play a big part and benefit to the conservation efforts of the reserve. All your daily activities are shown on the itinerary which will be displayed on the volunteer notice board. The itinerary will show you what activity your group will be doing and at what time. If you have any suggestions around volunteering with animals in conservation, you can discuss these with the local team.

On the South Africa wildlife volunteer program, you will play a key role in saving the precious wilderness. This is not just for the here and now, but also for protecting it for future generations. So, if you fancy rolling up your sleeves and getting your hands dirty in a once in a lifetime setting then this is the program for you. Whether it be for 1 week or part of a gap year, there is no better place to volunteer with animals in conservation than when you complete volunteer work in South Africa.

Working hours as a conservation volunteer are generally quite fixed across Monday-Friday. They are split into a morning and afternoon session. The morning session is often more physically demanding where temperatures are relatively cooler running from around 9:30am-1:00pm. A lunch break then follows with the afternoon session usually running 2:30pm-4:30pm thereafter. Please note that times are subject to change based on summer/winter times and the activities. Finally, as volunteers are based on the reserve, they are only ever a short jeep drive or walk from where their daily volunteer tasks take place. Any project transport required is included in the Program Fee.

Actividades de tiempo libre

PMGY volunteer in South Africa Wildlife participants are based on the Sidbury plains in the Eastern Cape. The reserve was initially home to Sidbury village, built by British settlers to support sheep farming communities.

On the reserve, you will encounter the impressive Big 5 roaming freely on the ...

Actividades de tiempo libre

PMGY volunteer in South Africa Wildlife participants are based on the Sidbury plains in the Eastern Cape. The reserve was initially home to Sidbury village, built by British settlers to support sheep farming communities.

On the reserve, you will encounter the impressive Big 5 roaming freely on the Sidbury plains. Kwantu Reserve is located off the beaten track around a 90-minute drive from central Port Elizabeth. At weekends transfers to and from the reserve and Port Elizabeth are included in the Program Fee. Due to the more remote location of the project, you usually stay on-site at the reserve for the entire week.

Participants generally volunteer on a Monday-Friday basis and the weekends are free to relax or travel further afield. As our volunteers will testify, the wider travel opportunities are extremely important to the whole experience and it is something we certainly recommend. Our local team are able to arrange activities, transport and accommodation but please note this is usually an independent experience outside of the core program.



Edad mínima: 18 años

Para participar en el programa debes tener al menos 18 años en la fecha de inicio del programa. Puede haber excepciones si muestras el permiso de tu(s) tutor(es) legal(es) o si vas acompañado de tus padres.

Conocimientos lingüísticos

Tienes que hablar (nivel intermedio) Inglés

Verificación de antecedentes penales


Restricciones de nacionalidad

Sin restricciones. Las manos amigas de todo el mundo son bienvenidas.

Otras habilidades

You should also be physically fit, as volunteering overseas can be quite strenuous. If you have any medical/mental health conditions that may affect your participation overseas then these must be declared to us during your online application.

Tiempo dedicado

Necesitaremos tu ayuda los Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves y Viernes de 09:00 - 14:00

Servicios incluidos

Servicios incluidos

Servicios de Plan My Gap Year

  • Accommodation 
  • Meals (Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner)
  • Airport Pick Up & Drop Off
  • In-Country Orientation
  • 24 Hour Support

Recogida en el aeropuerto Port Elizabeth International Airport

You should arrive into Port Elizabeth International Airport (airport code PLZ) on the Monday. Your flight into Port Elizabeth should arrive between 9am – 3:30pm if possible. Our taxi leaves Port Elizabeth at the latest at 4pm on a Monday (or when the last volunteer lands if before), which means a 5:30pm arrival time at the reserve at the latest (it is about a 90 minute road journey from the airport to the reserve). 


During your time on the South Africa volunteer programs you will live in one of our Volunteer Houses. This is located right in the middle of the reserve compound. The accommodation is basic but comfortable. Furthermore, it offers a friendly and lively atmosphere for international volunteers. You’ll be living with other volunteers from around the world, so you’ll make plenty of friends along the way.

We will transport you via jeep to and from the accommodation for your volunteer work in South Africa. Volunteers will be transported to each volunteering activity on the reserve. This service is included in your Program Fee.

You will be housed in either the Kubs Quarters or Mafusa Camp dorms. The dorms are single-sex dorms. Volunteers are provided with bed linen, cupboard space and a mini-locker safe to store any valuables. We strongly recommend that volunteers bring a padlock. Alternatively, they can often be bought from our small shop on-site if forgotten. Bathrooms are shared In a dorm-like form with a western-style toilet. In addition, hot showers are usually available.

There are communal areas across the accommodation. They come with comfortable sofas, fridge space, books and tea/coffee stations to enjoy some relaxation. Wi-Fi is available (although intermittent) in the main lounge area outside of volunteering hours. This is a short walk from the volunteer accommodation. Volunteers have access to the swimming pool, tennis courts and entertainment room during downtime as well.

Furthermore, a chargeable laundry service also operates once per week for all volunteer in South Africa participants. As a result, volunteers can hand over their clothes to be washed, dried and returned to them. Most importantly, the reserve has on-site security throughout. This includes around the accommodation compound and on the main entrance into the reserve.

Comida y bebida

Meals are aimed to be as varied as possible across the week so that each day is different.

  • The breakfast consists of cereals, bread, butter, jam, peanut butter, tea, coffee and cheese, but sometimes we serve eggs, sausages or baked beans, and sometimes a combination of the above.
  • As for lunch and dinner we have a wide variety ranging from burgers, chicken and chips, macaroni cheese, vegetarian dishes, potato casserole and so on (so you definitely won’t go hungry!). All meals come with a salad option as well.

Please note that all meals are served at the Mafusa dining area, and no cooking is allowed in any of the kitchen areas.

Note: Our team will do their best to cater for any dietary requirements but there may be instances where you may need to purchase alternative ingredients at your own expense.

Acceso a Internet

Buen acceso al lugar del proyecto

¿Qué NO está incluido?

¿Qué NO está incluido?

Boletos de avión

El aeropuerto más cercano es Port Elizabeth International Airport (PLZ) en Port Elizabeth. Te ayudamos a encontrar vuelos baratos a Sudáfrica. ENCONTRAR VUELOS BARATOS

Seguro de viaje

Ir al extranjero es una aventura y siempre es mejor estar preparado. Enfermedad o lesión repentina, cancelación o robo: un seguro de viaje para Sudáfrica proporciona seguridad y es una ventaja tenerlo. OBTENER UN PRESUPUESTO


Si tiene intención de realizar un voluntariado en Sudáfrica, debe solicitar asesoramiento médico antes de iniciar su viaje social. Comprueba las vacunas que necesitas para Sudáfrica. COMPROBADOR DE VACUNAS

Detalles a la llegada

This program starts every Monday year-round

Enero Feb. Marzo Abr. Mayo Jun Jul Agosto Set. Oct. Nov. Dic.

Cuotas del programa

1 semana (estancia min.) 664€
2 semanas 1.100€
3 semanas 1.532€
4 semanas (estancia max.) 1.961€
Cuota promedio 576€/semana

Cuotas del programa

576€ cuotas semanales 1 - 4 semanas Edad 18 - 50+

Métodos de pago

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



1 - 4 semanas


El depósito es simplemente para reservar tu vacante de voluntario. Los pagos se gestionan a través de PayPal, nuestro proveedor global de confianza. Si no tienes una cuenta PayPal, también puedes pagar con tarjeta de crédito.

Pago final

El pago final se acordará con Plan My Gap Year durante el proceso de solicitud. Las soluciones habituales son la transferencia bancaria o el pago en efectivo en el lugar del proyecto.

Conoce a tu anfitrión(a)

Plan My Gap Year

Excelente 4.8 rating (877 reseñas)

Agencia - fundada en 2011

Verificado por Volunteer World

  Ratio de respuesta excelente

Coordinado por


Idiomas hablados: Inglés

sobre la organización

Plan My Gap Year is an award-winning international volunteer placement organisation based in the UK.

Conoce a tu anfitrión(a)

Plan My Gap Year is an award-winning international volunteer placement organisation based in the UK. We provide safe, affordable, need-driven volunteer programmes from 1 to 24 weeks in 11 countries worldwide.


Founded by volunteers for volunteers, Plan My Gap Year works with local communities in the developing world towards long-term sustainable goals. We know there is no better way to travel and make a positive impact on the world.

We work extremely hard to ensure that our opportunities are affordable for everyone who wants to make a difference. So fees are 100% transparent, something our volunteers really appreciate.

Plan My Gap Year structured programmes create the perfect platform for you to see the world, meet like-minded people and engage in meaningful volunteer work. We have teams in the UK and in our host destinations who will support you 24/7 throughout your time with us. Furthermore, every project on our network is regularly risk-assessed by our UK team to ensure our set up is safe and that our volunteers are making a positive impact.

There is also a great social element to our programmes. Plan My Gap Year puts you in touch with all your fellow volunteers via Facebook before you set off. Our projects receive volunteers from around the world throughout the year, so even if you’re travelling solo, you’re going to meet heaps of people along the way. Plus you’ll have plenty of opportunity to travel the country with your newfound travel buddies – it’s all part of the PMGY experience!

So if you’re thinking of doing something a bit different on your next trip abroad, then why not drop us a line and find out what extraordinary things you could be doing.


Our aim is to make our programmes accessible to motivated travellers irrespective of their financial capacity. Plan My Gap Year focuses on providing the core requirements of a volunteer programme: safety, structure and sustainability.

We are 100% transparent with our fees. That way you know exactly how much of your money goes towards the local community.

Compared to the large majority of volunteer organisations out there, even most charities and not-for-profits, PMGY’s opportunities are significantly cheaper. Furthermore, as our reviews will testify, our support service and structured programmes are second to none.


Your safety is our top priority. All of Plan My Gap Years' programmes have been personally inspected and vetted by the PMGY team – which is not an industry standard by any means. We carry out independent risk assessments on an annual basis and our local teams constantly review the safety precautions we implement. This includes regular staff and safety appraisals.

 Our local teams are made up of highly experienced volunteer coordinators. They have hosted international volunteers for many years and are prepared to react in the unlikely event of an emergency. Whatever the problem, big or small, our local teams are available around the clock.

As part of our commitment to your safety, we keep in constant communication with local embassies and the Foreign & Commonwealth Office to ensure we can identify potentially dangerous situations and act upon them immediately. Our UK team are available 24/7 to assist volunteers and their families.


We support our volunteers every step of the way. Before you go we will provide you with a detailed Volunteer Handbook, which will guide you through how to prepare for your trip. This Handbook contains literally everything you need to know – from what to pack, to how to obtain a visa, to local language guides.

Our experienced UK team are always available to provide assistance. Plan My Gap Year is always available to answer our questions and support you in anyway we can. 

On arrival, a member of our in-country team will collect you from the airport and help you settle in. Your orientation course will teach you everything you need to know about the country, how to stay safe and what to expect from your upcoming volunteer experience. 

Our local team are on-call 24/7. Whether you’ve lost your passport or just want some help in planning a weekend trip, our friendly in-country coordinators provide that safety net to ensure you are well looked after.


Plan My Gap Years' responsibility is not limited to our travellers but also the projects we support. That is why all our volunteers must provide a Criminal Background Check before they travel.

It is essential that our projects are need-driven and sustainable. We work closely with our local partners to ensure that our volunteers are contributing to bring about long-term development.


We really know our programmes. Our UK team have stayed in the accommodation, volunteered at the projects and met the volunteers. We carefully assess each application we receive so that your personality and skills are suited to the project. Whatever your query, you can feel assured that you will be speaking to someone who can tell you exactly what to expect.


One of the best aspects of volunteering is meeting some amazing like-minded people. We place over 2,000 volunteers every year so wherever and whenever you go, you have the peace of mind in knowing you will be living and working alongside other PMGY volunteers. In many of our destinations, we run our own Volunteer House accommodation, which ensures all volunteers live together, and therefore guaranteeing a strong social element. In addition, our local team are always there to help you plan any independent travel or give you some tips for what to do at the weekend.

877 reseñas · rating4.8

Francesco Sciarra rating5

2024 at South Africa Wildlife Reserve Volunteers

I had the pleasure of spending two weeks in September at the reserve in South Africa. It was an unforgettable experience. The organization that allowed me to undertake a long trip was perfect. I have always found availability and speed in responding to my requests. The center of the Reserve is very ...
Yorick Romijnders rating5

2024 at South Africa Wildlife Reserve Volunteers

I gotta say, my time at the South Africa Wildlife Reserve was truly amazing. It felt like stepping into a whole other world, surrounded by the stunning South African wilderness and all the wildlife that comes with it. From lions roaring at sunrise to elephants strolling in slow motion at sunset, it ...
Absolutely eye opening and heart opening . The staff and crew were just as beautiful as the game reserve and the animals that are there. I was able to connect with the culture in an honest way and also was able to see the Big 5 and contribute to their overall value of life through various amounts of ...
Serena Schulze rating5

2023 at South Africa Wildlife Reserve Volunteers

This volunteer program changed my life, if you are thinking about doing it , don’t hesitate! The employees there are incredible (Felix, Mama Africa, Ally G, Zaza etc). So nice and so smiley all the time. Then the activities are awesome! I don’t have words to describe it. I stayed there 4 weeks ...
Belinda Graf rating4.6

2023 at South Africa Wildlife Reserve Volunteers

I had a good time at the Kwantu game reserve. Staff is very nice and the dorm is cool. You usually work 1-3 hours a day which is not that much. If you‘d rather want to chill at the beach you can. They don‘t care uf you come to „work“ or not. You‘ll see a lot of animals in the car and the ...
Charlotte Thomas rating5

2023 at South Africa Wildlife Reserve Volunteers

I did Wildlife conservation in South Africa and it has been the best experience of my life. I went to Ghana the year previously and so I had expectations for going on this trip. It exceeded all of those expectations. Being able to see all the animals up close and taking part in all aspects of ...


África > África Austral > Sudáfrica > Port Elizabeth

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  Ratio de respuesta excelente

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