à partir de 291€

Parfait 4.6rating (68)

English Teacher Supporter & Cultural Exchange Trip

4 - 50 semaines  ·  Âge 18 - 50+

rating  Parfait 4.6  · 
  Vérifié par Volunteer World
  Taux de réponse très élevé

Termine ta réservation dès que possible. Ce projet se remplit rapidement et est déjà réservé à certaines dates.


  • Experience the joy of volunteering in a relaxed and unconventional work environment, offering a refreshing change from your usual routine
  • Inspire and educate the youth by teaching them the English language, imparting the significance of this valuable skill
  • Immerse yourself in the vibrant Thai culture, exploring the unique way of life and uncovering hidden gems throughout the bustling city of Bangkok
  • Utilize your English skills and watch them flourish as you engage with students, continuously developing and expanding your language abilities
  • Unleash your creativity and embrace the freedom to innovate, finding exciting new methods to deliver educational materials, making the learning process even more engaging and impactful

Particulièrement approprié pour

Âge 18+
Seul voyageur

À propos du programme

Bangkok WAT ARUN Area COOKING CLASS + FREE TOUR INCLUDED We offer you to work other provinces after you will work in Bangkok 2 weeks : Chiang Mai Phuket, Nan,River Kwai

We was founded in 2010.

We are the one of Social Impact member of Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and work with Thai Health Promotion Foundation.

So you can get good experience and certification of Volunteering as Teaching Assistant and also can have chance to learn how to run Social business from ...

À propos du programme

We was founded in 2010.

We are the one of Social Impact member of Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and work with Thai Health Promotion Foundation.

So you can get good experience and certification of Volunteering as Teaching Assistant and also can have chance to learn how to run Social business from us too.

We also worked with many villages and focus on helping them to make local economic including tourism field so we will provide you the special trips maybe 1-2 times per month during this year. This is also reason why we have to set up English development project. Special and optional for our volunteers!

About the Program

If you can speak and write English (fluently)… then you are the right person to join our volunteer program to teach English in Thailand. The idea of our program is "fun based". The main focus is teaching vocabulary lessons by using drawing or action tools. Secondary priority lesson (ideas) should be simple conversation. 

Such as: How many ........ ? How old are you ? What is your favorite pet ?

These should be simple (questions) or (conversations) that the children will use (in their daily life). We’d like to give space and flexibility to our volunteers to use alternative forms of teaching, which they themselves will find fun and educational, and which will motivate Thai children to learn and speak English. We believe that “learning by playing” will give kids a better experience and eventually a better understanding of English, rather than teaching the “traditional way”. This idea is related to the school objectives set by the Thailand government.

Our programs for volunteers will be designed individually:

If you tell us in which area(s) you would like to teach, the duration of your anticipated stay and how many hours you can dedicate to teach on a weekly basis – we will send you a proposal within 2 weeks.

We now have agreements with several schools in more than 6 different areas:

  • Bangkok
  • Chiang Mai
  • Phuket
  • Ayutthaya / Bang Pa In
  • Bang Ka Chao
  • Chai Nat
  • Nan
  • Samui
  • Surin Elephant city
  • Kanchanaburi
  • etc.

This program is not only about teaching at class, but also about cultural aspects. You will explore our culture with our youth guide. You will discover this amazing country and our youth will practice their English conversation skills from this tour, too. Our tour destinations are for example: Bangkok Canal Tour or Old city Bike trip or Old city Walking Trip or the Zoo. 

Use your creativity when it comes to teaching! We promise you will have a great time!

Journée typique


  • 2-3 Hours per day 
  • 3-5 Days per week (Weekdays)
  • 1-2 Days for weekend will be reserved for your holiday
School schedule : Weekday (  3 days a week or up to you )
  • 08.00 AM : School begins 
  • 09.00 - 12.00 AM : Teaching 1-2 hours
  • 12.00 - 13.00 PM : Lunch time 
  • 13.00 - 15.00 PM : Teaching 1-2 ...

Journée typique


  • 2-3 Hours per day 
  • 3-5 Days per week (Weekdays)
  • 1-2 Days for weekend will be reserved for your holiday
School schedule : Weekday (  3 days a week or up to you )
  • 08.00 AM : School begins 
  • 09.00 - 12.00 AM : Teaching 1-2 hours
  • 12.00 - 13.00 PM : Lunch time 
  • 13.00 - 15.00 PM : Teaching 1-2 hours

Activités de loisirs

One cultural Tour or Rural Area travel trip is included. 

There are various activities available, here some examples:
  • Soccer lovers can play Street soccer 
  • Nature lovers can do some gardening (on) our rooftop
  • Museum or Local Market walking trips are very near
  • Our Location is in (the) Old Town of ...

Activités de loisirs

One cultural Tour or Rural Area travel trip is included. 

There are various activities available, here some examples:
  • Soccer lovers can play Street soccer 
  • Nature lovers can do some gardening (on) our rooftop
  • Museum or Local Market walking trips are very near
  • Our Location is in (the) Old Town of Bangkok close to Grand palace and (Khao San road). You can (take walks or go biking with us)
  • If you want to create or initiate the Weekend English Class for our (villagers), you can do (that) too, just tell us.



Âge minimum: 18 ans

Pour participer à ce programme tu dois avoir au moins 18 ans quand le programme commence. Il peut y avoir des exceptions si tu peux montrer la permission de ton tuteur légal ou si tu es accompagné(e) par l'un de tes parents.

Compétences linguistiques

Tu dois parler Anglais (couramment)

Exigences en matière de formation

à niveau High School

Vérification des Antécédents Criminels


Documents Requis


Restrictions de Nationalité

Aucune restriction. De l'aide venant de tous les coins du monde est bienvenu.

Engagement horaire

Nous avons besoin de ton aide pour lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi et vendredi

Services inclus

Services inclus

Services de Volunteer English Bangkok

Your fee will be used for: 
  • Welcome MEAL
  • Airport pickup
  • Accommodation ( Dormititory )
  • Tour to Rural area for teaching English and travel ( 2 Times per month )
    • Cooking Class
    • Ayutthaya or Paddy field Village and Heritage trip
      We also worked with many villages and focus on helping them to make local economic including tourism field so we will provide you the special trips maybe 1-2 times per month during this year 2022-2023.
      This is also reaason why we have to set up English development project.
  • Electricity, water and housekeeping cost that we use for villager to do this as for helping them get money
  • Equipment for teaching such as paper, pencil, ink for printing , etc.
  • Donation to good students and also used for setting intensive English class for talent teenager
  • Donation for other alternative education such as gardening, farming, football, music etc.
  • Budget for build up our own Social Enterprise for generating our own income as for donation and scholarship for good student in the future and also for creating job for less fortunate villager

Transfert de l'aéroport Suvarnabhumi Airport

We can pick you up at any airport in Bangkok.


You room has air condition & a shared WC.

Accès à Internet

Bon accès sur le site du projet

NE SONT inclus dans le prix:

NE SONT inclus dans le prix:

Aliments & Boissons

Aliments, collations et boissons sont disponibles contre supplément.

Billets d'avion

L'aéroport le plus proche est Suvarnabhumi Airport (BKK) à Bangkok. Nous t'aidons à trouver des vols pas chers pour aller en Thaïlande. TROUVER DES VOLS PAS CHERS

Assurance Voyage

Partir à l'étranger est une aventure et c'est toujours mieux d'être bien préparé. Que ce soit une maladie soudaine, une blessure ou du vol - une assurance voyage pour Thaïlande te protège en cas de situation imprévue. OBTENIR UN DEVIS


Si tu envisages de faire du bénévolat en Thaïlande, nous te conseillons de consulter un médecin avant le début de ton voyage. Renseigne-toi sur les vaccins nécessaires pour Thaïlande. INFOS VACCINS

Informations sur l'arrivée

The program is available throughout the year! 

We will pick you up from the meeting point we set. The English speaking driver will help you!

janv. févr. mars avril mai juin juil. août sept. oct. nov. déc.

Frais de Programme

4 semaines (durée min.) 291€
5 semaines 364€
6 semaines 436€
7 semaines 509€
8 semaines 582€
12 semaines 873€
50 semaines (durée max.) 3 638€
Prix moyen 73€/semaine

Frais de Programme

73€ par semaine 4 - 50 semaines Âge 18 - 50+

Méthodes de payement

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



4 - 50 semaines


L'acompte sert à réserver ta place avec l'organisation. Les paiements sont effectués par Paypal, notre partenaire de confiance pour les solutions de paiements internationales. Si tu n'as pas Paypal, tu peux également utiliser ta carte de crédit.

Paiement final

Le paiement du montant restant doit être organisé avec Volunteer English Bangkok durant le processus de candidature. Très souvent ce paiement est effectué par virement bancaire ou en espèces.

Rencontrez votre hôte

Volunteer English Bangkok

Parfait 4.6 rating (68 avis)

Non lucratif - fondée en 2011

Vérifié par Volunteer World

  Taux de réponse très élevé

Hébergé par


Langues parlées: Anglais

Sur le projet

We bridge the gap of students in government schools who have less opportunities to learn English from native or skillful English teachers due to their low budget.

Rencontrez votre hôte

We are "Volunteer English Bangkok" was founded since 2010.

Our name is "Volunteer English Bangkok" the simplest one as we need you to understand our GOAL :)

We are the one of Social Impact member of Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and work with Thai Health Promotion Foundation.

So you can get good experience and certification of Volunteering as Teaching Assistant and also can have chance to learn how to run Social business from us too.

Our intention at Volunteer English Bangkok was to offer visitors from abroad alternative experiences in addition to traditional holidays in Thailand. We wanted to give our guests a chance to meet local people and to get an impression of our country far away from the traditional holiday areas in Thailand. At same time we wanted our foreign guests to use their language skills as volunteer teachers to help Thai children to get a better knowledge of the English language.

Thai children learn English at school – but often they don`t have a opportunity to practice it. Our volunteer program gave them a chance to use their school-English in real life by communicating with our volunteer teachers.

The idea of Volunteer English Bangkok became a success – several Government schools asked us to send English speaking volunteer-teachers to their schools. In order to be able to comply with these wishes we had to make our small private initiative more sustainable and efficient.

In 2014 Volunteer English Bangkok was registered as an NGO and we offer now volunteering not only in Bangkok but also in other areas of Thailand.

We are a small but efficient and flexible organization and all our team-members work for free. We do not spend money on administration and office-facilities. We do not charge any administration-fees from our volunteers.

Our Goals

Volunteer English Bangkok has no intention of becoming a large organization. We do not want to engage in a competition with other organizations to be “the best, the largest and the most effective”. We’d rather have a charming, easy, flexible, imaginative, sustainable and well-organized cooperation between our foreign volunteers and the children in our Thai partner-schools. Therefore, we’d like to give space and flexibility to our volunteers to use alternative forms of teaching, which they themselves will find fun and educational, and which will motivate Thai children to learn and speak English.

We believe that “learning by playing” will give kids a better experience and eventually a better understanding of English, rather than teaching the “traditional way”.

We would therefore like to define our goals in a simple way:

We believe that Thai students will gain experience speaking English by having close and friendly contact with foreign English speaking volunteers.

We believe that our students will become motivated to speak English in an easy way; not just through books, but by participating in fun based activities created by smiling and friendly volunteer-teachers.

As a volunteer-teacher at Volunteer English Bangkok you will not have a busy teaching schedule, because we want you to have sufficient time to prepare your lessons to ensure that the children can learn and have fun at the same time through quality-teaching.

If you want to join our program we are looking forward to hear from you.

68 avis · rating4.6

I recently had the opportunity to participate in a 6-week volunteering program in Bangkok, where I taught English to children from multiple schools. This experience had a significant impact as it provided these children with English lessons they wouldn't have otherwise received, opening up doors for ...
Had a really nice stay in Bangkok and Chiang Mai! Great trips to the waterfalls, Ayutthaya and more. Winyoo was a great volunteer leader, very nice and helpful! Only minus point is the apartment apart from that I had a great stay. ..
It was my first time in Thailand! This experience was amazing! I had a very great time in Bangkok! The foundation’s location and the service by the organization are very good! Teaching was fun, kids are adorable, and I met nice international people! Thai people are very kind and I’ll never ...
I had a great time. The school I was teaching was very supportive and the kids were very welcoming and fun. Winyoo was very cool and always tried to fulfill our wishes in terms of activities. In my 4 weeks, I had the chance to do many day trips with the organization and have seen so many places ...
Great time with good people and a organisation that cares about the children involved. I would say that when there was teaching opportunities it was great and the trips made a good bond between the groups there. If there was more teaching opportunities per week it would make the whole experience ...
I made my first volunteer experience with this association and I don't regret it. If you want to help children and discover the country, you must go ! There are some cultural tour organised by the coordinator Winyoo (a really kind person who will help you for anything). Every day you can go to ...


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