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Esceptionnel 5.00rating (2)
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Eco Tourism Coordinator

1 - 50 semaines  ·  Âge 18 - 50+

rating  Esceptionnel 5  · 
  Vérifié par Volunteer World
  Taux de réponse excellent


  • Volunteers at Hutan Subur have the opportunity to contribute to the protection of the Indonesian rainforest and its wildlife, as well as promote sustainable development and eco-tourism in the area.
  • Hutan Subur offers opportunities for volunteers to learn about conservation, sustainable forestry, permaculture, and local culture.
  • Volunteering in a new environment and culture can be an opportunity for personal growth and development.


  • Volunteers at Hutan Subur have the opportunity to contribute to the protection of the Indonesian rainforest and its wildlife, as well as promote sustainable development and eco-tourism in the area.
  • Hutan Subur offers opportunities for volunteers to learn about conservation, sustainable forestry, permaculture, and local culture.
  • Volunteering in a new environment and culture can be an opportunity for personal growth and development.
  • Volunteering at Hutan Subur can be a chance to meet like-minded individuals who share a passion for conservation and sustainability.
  • Hutan Subur is located in an area of natural beauty, with opportunities for adventure and travel in the surrounding rainforest and national park.

  • Particulièrement approprié pour

    Âge 18+
    Seul voyageur

    À propos du programme

    Assist in the management of our guest house and associated programs while living in the border of Gunung Leuser National Forest in North Sumatra!

    Introduction to the Volunteer Program

    Our volunteer program at Hutan Subur plays a crucial role in conservation and local empowerment on the border of the Gunung Leseur National Park. We aim to promote environmental conservation; sustainable farming practises, education, and sustainable waste ...

    À propos du programme

    Introduction to the Volunteer Program

    Our volunteer program at Hutan Subur plays a crucial role in conservation and local empowerment on the border of the Gunung Leseur National Park. We aim to promote environmental conservation; sustainable farming practises, education, and sustainable waste management practices.

    Expectations from Volunteers

    We expect volunteers to actively participate in assigned tasks, follow instructions, and contribute to a positive and inclusive environment. They should demonstrate reliability, flexibility, and a willingness to learn.

    What Volunteers Can Expect

    Volunteers can expect a rewarding experience where they can make a meaningful impact. We provide opportunities for personal and professional growth, cultural exchange, and the chance to immerse themselves in the natural beauty of Hutan Subur. Basic accommodations and meals are provided during the volunteer period.

    Special Equipment for Volunteers

    While basic equipment and supplies will be provided, volunteers are encouraged to bring personal items such as comfortable clothing, sturdy shoes, and toiletries. Any specific requirements will be communicated prior to their arrival.

    Specific tasks

    One of the main tasks at the guest house for our coordinator will be to educate and support our staff to provide high quality service at our guest house for both guests and volunteers.

    Your education and support may include educating our staff on ways to provide a high quality of service to our guest and volunteers. The volunteer coordinator may support our staff in creating engaging timetables, maintaining a cleaning schedule ensuring that tasks around the guest house are completed and a high standard of guest service is maintained including cleanliness of the guest house and food preparation.

    The volunteer coordinator and guest house manager also have the opportunity to create links and form relationships with local farmers in the area, other NGOs, businesses and services as well as other activities.

    Journée typique

    The manager position is very self-managed in terms of a typical day, but the day may look like the below:

    7.00-8.00 am Assist in the preparation of breakfast and assist volunteers and or guests with their daily plans or activities.
    9.00 – 10.00 am Housekeeping tasks
    11.00 – 1.00 pm Assist with ...

    Journée typique

    The manager position is very self-managed in terms of a typical day, but the day may look like the below:

    7.00-8.00 am Assist in the preparation of breakfast and assist volunteers and or guests with their daily plans or activities.
    9.00 – 10.00 am Housekeeping tasks
    11.00 – 1.00 pm Assist with on-site volunteer activities
    1.00 pm Lunch
    2.00 – 4.30 pm Answer guest or volunteer enquiries, create or plan social media posts or research promotional or funding opportunities, and review marketing plan.
    6.30 pm Dinner
    In the evening, volunteers share their volunteer work experiences during the day, play some cards or games or relax and read a book.

    Activités de loisirs

    Free time activities at additional costs: 

    • Ranger for a Day! ($50 US pp min 3) - Join our rangers to monitor the border, includes jungle lunch.
    • Overnight Trek from Batu Kapal to Batu Katak ($195 pp min 3) - Explore Sumatran landscape and culture in the buffer zone, walking along Landak and Berkeil ...

    Activités de loisirs

    Free time activities at additional costs: 

    • Ranger for a Day! ($50 US pp min 3) - Join our rangers to monitor the border, includes jungle lunch.
    • Overnight Trek from Batu Kapal to Batu Katak ($195 pp min 3) - Explore Sumatran landscape and culture in the buffer zone, walking along Landak and Berkeil River.
    • River Walk to Selang Pangeran Waterfall ($95 US pp lunch included, min 3) - Follow Landak River to Selang Pangeran Village, enjoy changing scenery, and take a dip in the river.
    • River Trek to Batu Kapal Waterfall ($95 US pp lunch included, min 3) - Follow the Landak River to Batu Kapal Waterfall, explore plantations and rainforest, and enjoy a dip in the river and a jungle lunch.
    • Overnight Wild Elephant Tracking at Batu Rongring ($195 US pp min 3) - Join the team in search of wild elephants in the buffer zone, includes transportation, guides, and camping.
    • Full day trip by jeep to Batu Rongring to the 47M circumference tree! ($120 US min 3 lunch included) - Trek to the largest tree in the area, explore a vertical cave, and wade through a river canyon.
    • Full day trip by jeep to Porli Village for reforestation and recycling projects ($120 US min 3 lunch included) - Participate in Santa's reforestation and recycling initiatives, and possibly teach English to local children.
    • Glugur Hot springs day trip by 4wd ($120 US pp min 3 includes lunch) - Relax in the river fed by warm volcanic waters, and enjoy natural face painting and masks.
    • Day Trip to Visit Rafflesia Arnoldii or Amorphophallus titanium ($120 US per person min 3, when in season) - Witness the largest flowers in the world in Sumatra's cloud forests.
    • Batcave half-day adventure ($45 US 2-3 hours, min 2) - Explore a bat cave with a local guide, and have lunch on the Landak River.
    • Learn how to up-cycle plastic into bags and purses ($10 US pp for 1-hour teaching plus $6 US motorbike each way) - Learn plastic upcycling techniques and make your own creations.


    1-day, 2-day, and 3-day jungle treks from Batu Kapal to Adi Back camp and Batu Gajah camp in the National Park. (Rates set by the national parks and guide association)

    • Full day trip by jeep to wash the elephants at Tangkahan ($120 US pp min 2) - Engage in a locally run tourist attraction that helps resolve community-elephant conflicts.
    • 3-hour motorbike tour of villages and rice fields ($55 US pp) - Explore cottage industries, rice processing, and local crafts.
    • Rubber tubing on the Bohorok River ($25 US pp plus $6 US per motorbike each way, min 3) - Enjoy a leisurely float downstream, observing wildlife along the scenic National Park border.

    Activities at Hutan Subur:

    • Stone Carving Workshop ($15 US pp min 2) - Learn stone carving and create your own pendant.
    • Traditional Massage ($20 US) - Experience a local massage for relaxation and pain relief.



    Âge minimum: 18 ans

    Pour participer à ce programme tu dois avoir au moins 18 ans quand le programme commence. Il peut y avoir des exceptions si tu peux montrer la permission de ton tuteur légal ou si tu es accompagné(e) par l'un de tes parents.

    Compétences linguistiques

    Tu dois parler Anglais (niveau moyen) et Anglais (couramment)

    Restrictions de Nationalité

    Aucune restriction. De l'aide venant de tous les coins du monde est bienvenu.

    Autres Compétences

    Managing a guest house or other transferrable skills or education. An interest in conservation, education and/or waste management is ideal. Ability to teach others

    Engagement horaire

    Nous avons besoin de ton aide pour lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi et samedi de 06:00 - 17:00

    Services inclus

    Services inclus

    Services de Care Sumatra

    Fees include: 

    • Accommodation
    • Food & Drinks


    Accommodation – Shared dorm accommodation in a beautiful traditional building.

    The accommodation is at our Hutan Subur Conservation  project site near Bukit Lawang in North Sumatra. A bed and blankets are provided, volunteers just need to bring a mosquito net, sleeping bag or sleeping sheet and pillow if needed. The accommodation is shared dormitory style, with a shared western bathroom (flushing toilet and cold water shower). 

    Aliments & Boissons

    Meals included are Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Water, Tea and Coffee and Fruit. Vegetarian, vegan, dairy free and gluten free options are available on request.

    Accès à Internet

    Bon accès sur le site du projet

    NE SONT inclus dans le prix:

    NE SONT inclus dans le prix:

    Transfert de l'aéroport Kuala Namu International Airport

    Le transfert de l'aéroport n'est pas inclus dans les frais non plus.

    Billets d'avion

    L'aéroport le plus proche est Kuala Namu International Airport (KNO) à Kuala Namu. Nous t'aidons à trouver des vols pas chers pour aller en Indonésie. TROUVER DES VOLS PAS CHERS

    Assurance Voyage

    Partir à l'étranger est une aventure et c'est toujours mieux d'être bien préparé. Que ce soit une maladie soudaine, une blessure ou du vol - une assurance voyage pour Indonésie te protège en cas de situation imprévue. OBTENIR UN DEVIS


    Si tu envisages de faire du bénévolat en Indonésie, nous te conseillons de consulter un médecin avant le début de ton voyage. Renseigne-toi sur les vaccins nécessaires pour Indonésie. INFOS VACCINS

    Informations sur l'arrivée

    The program can start at any time.

    janv. févr. mars avril mai juin juil. août sept. oct. nov. déc.

    Frais de Programme

    1 semaine (durée min.) 527€
    2 semaines 963€
    50 semaines (durée max.) 12 416€
    Prix moyen 387€/semaine

    Frais de Programme

    387€ par semaine 1 - 50 semaines Âge 18 - 50+

    Méthodes de payement

    Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



    1 - 50 semaines


    L'acompte sert à réserver ta place avec l'organisation. Les paiements sont effectués par Paypal, notre partenaire de confiance pour les solutions de paiements internationales. Si tu n'as pas Paypal, tu peux également utiliser ta carte de crédit.

    Paiement final

    Le paiement du montant restant doit être organisé avec Care Sumatra durant le processus de candidature. Très souvent ce paiement est effectué par virement bancaire ou en espèces.

    Rencontrez votre hôte

    Care Sumatra

    Esceptionnel 5 rating (2 avis)

    Non lucratif - fondée en 9

    Vérifié par Volunteer World

      Taux de réponse excellent

    Hébergé par


    Langues parlées: Anglais

    Sur le projet

    We aim to provide the local children and families in the remote villages in North Sumatra with a free informal english school to provide a better future for the children

    Rencontrez votre hôte

    Our mission is to support development in North Sumatra by connecting dedicated volunteers with local community projects.

    Our vision is for equal opportunities in North Sumatra for everyone to succeed and thrive.

    Our goal at CareSumatra is to connect suitable community led projects with willing, capable volunteers in a way that benefits both parties. Together, we aim to offer life changing support to the children and adults at the community-led projects we partner, and also a life changing development opportunity for our selected volunteers.

    Our ultimate objective, however, is to support our wide range of projects with suitable volunteers to help them improve the quality of people's lives in their local area.

    2 avis · rating5

    Andy Pieris rating5

    2022 at Eco Tourism Coordinator

    Volunteering here for 2 months, was a once in a lifetime experience. Every staff member makes you feel like family from day one in this unique and beautiful place. Even the wild orangutans make you feel welcome- waking up to them swinging through the trees around ‘home’ most days. The ...
    Claire Yume rating5

    2023 at Educational Coordinator

    I discovered Hutan Subur, next to Bukit Lawang, to help as volunteer during one week. I can really say that this team is working with their heart to make things better for the environment : They help the local farmers, they clean the area all around by taking the trash in the nature and then ...


    Asie > Asie du Sud-Est > Indonésie > Bukit Lawang

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    Contacter Jaka
      Taux de réponse excellent

    La plupart des bénévoles se demandent

    Tu as d'autres questions? Envoie un message à Jaka
    Pour protéger vos données, ne communiquez pas vos coordonnées.

    Dates du séjour

    1. - 1. janv, 1

    Réserve avec l'option Flex !

    Choisis de nouvelles dates de départ ou passe à un autre programme de volontariat sans frais supplémentaires dans les 12 mois.

    Profiter de nos services pour les volontaires dévoués !

    Profite de la garantie de remboursement, de l’option Flex gratuite et notre l’assistance en cas d’urgence. Notre garantie de prix t’assure un rapport qualité-prix imbattable et notre équipe d’assistance est à tes côtés à tout moment.