2024 at Support Dog Shelter
à partir de 779€
Support Dog Shelter
Termine ta réservation dès que possible. Ce projet se remplit rapidement et est déjà réservé à certaines dates.
- Engage in fulfilling activities by feeding and playing with adorable animals, experiencing the joy of connecting with them on a personal level
- Contribute to a meaningful cause by assisting with the cleaning of cages and equipment, ensuring a clean and comfortable environment for the animals
- Be part of life-changing rescue operations, providing crucial help in bringing in animals from the streets and giving them a chance at a better life
- Immerse yourself in the beauty of a Greek city (or close by the city) and relish the opportunity to relax and enjoy the beach during your free days
- Dive into the rich Greek culture, forming connections with team members from around the world and embracing the rewarding experience of working in an international team
Particulièrement approprié pour
À propos du programme
Help to take care of street dogs and support rescue activities in Greece. Find a new home for helpless animals.
Combine your passion for animals and desire to give back to society by improving the unfortunate situation of abandoned street animals in Greece. During this volunteering program, you can help to look for a new safe and beautiful home for stray dogs.
About the Project
The program is managed by a local ...
Journée typique
You will help from 6 am (during high season and climate) or 8/9 am (low season) till 2 pm or you can do the afternoon shift. Your schedule is flexible, depending on the volunteer. Like this, you will have time to enjoy your
afternoon at the beach.
This program allows you to rescue and work with ...
Activités de loisirs
During your free time/days you can go to the beach. Enjoy activities like:
- swimming
- relaxing on the beach and so on
- Additionally, Greece has a lot of historic sites to see!
by ...
Services inclus
NE SONT inclus dans le prix:
Informations sur l'arrivée
Frais de Programme
Rencontrez votre hôte
Jamso Trainee
Agence - fondée en 2012
Vérifié par Volunteer World
Hébergé par
Sur le projet
74 avis · 4.5
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