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Buitengewoon 4.90rating (1424)

Vietnam Childcare Volunteers

2 - 12 weken  ·  Leeftijd 18 - 50+

rating  Buitengewoon 4.9  · 
  Geverifieerd door Volunteer World
  Uitstekend Responsgraad

Hoogste Kwaliteit Vrijwilligersproject. Dit project biedt de hoogste kwaliteit die normen stelt - ver boven het gemiddelde.


  • 75% of volunteers are 17-22 years old
  • Coordinate & engage in fun activities on a day-to-day basis
  • Make a difference to the lives of children & young adults in Vietnam


  • 75% of volunteers are 17-22 years old
  • Coordinate & engage in fun activities on a day-to-day basis
  • Make a difference to the lives of children & young adults in Vietnam
  • Spend time with one of PMGY’s most organised teams
  • Taste some of Southeast Asia’s most delicious dishes

  • Vooral geschikt voor

    Leeftijd 18+

    Over het programma

    Help children receive the vital care and education they need, bringing your personal passion and enthusiasm to engage with local children.

    As a childcare volunteer in Vietnam with PMGY, you will work to brighten up the lives of young children, making an important contribution to their daily lives. Our local team and volunteers work with a range of organisations in and around Hanoi. Our international volunteers provide vital support and ...

    Over het programma

    As a childcare volunteer in Vietnam with PMGY, you will work to brighten up the lives of young children, making an important contribution to their daily lives. Our local team and volunteers work with a range of organisations in and around Hanoi. Our international volunteers provide vital support and care for children and young adults in care centres and kindergartens.
    As a participant on the childcare volunteer abroad project in Vietnam, you will be involved in one of two project types during your time. Our volunteers support a range of facilities in and around Hanoi. Not only do participants work with childcare centres, but also facilities caring for young adults and children with disabilities.
    As in most developing countries, disabled people in Vietnam do not receive the level of support they need. It is estimated that nearly seven million people in Vietnam are disabled (8% of the population). We support projects in Hanoi that provides vital assistance to these vulnerable groups. Volunteers on one of these programs work with local staff to complement their work and enhance the opportunities of both children and young adults that they help care for.
    Volunteering with disabled people is a challenging but highly rewarding experience. These projects require you to use your creativity, emotional strength and resourcefulness to make a difference. Through your hard work, you will not only change their lives but yours as well. Although challenging, the project offers volunteers the opportunity to showcase their skills in supporting others.
    In the childcare centres we also support, the aim of a volunteer work in Vietnam is to provide daily support in caring for children. In addition, Vietnam childcare volunteers will work to nurture their English, confidence and communication skills. Roles may vary from teaching basic English to leading fun activities, and assisting with tasks such as mealtimes.
    Friendship Village - This is a living, health, and educational centre for children and adults living with the effects of Agent Orange. The centre also provides healthcare to war veterans. Friendship Village was founded in 1992 by George Mizo. The American veteran wanted to help repair the damage caused by Agent Orange in the America-Vietnam War. The Friendship Village complex is primarily composed of: two living quarters, two classroom buildings and a health centre. There is also a vegetable garden, as much of the food is grown on-site.
    The centre provides a home to 120 residents, aged from 4-40 years of age. The residents come from all over Vietnam and suffer from a range of disabilities. This can include Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, physical deformity, and severe mental disability.
    Volunteers help out in a number of different ways. This can include collaborating with the teaching staff as to new ideas and techniques to help the residents. You can share ideas on how to structure lessons, provide an independent evaluation of the students, and work on updating profiles. Sometimes volunteers will also teach English to the staff, teachers and residents.
    Khanh Tam Day Care Centre - This project was established in 2006 for early detection and care of mentally impaired children. The centre cares for approximately 80-90 children, aged 1-12. Here, there are a total of 4 classes:
    • Early Intervention - The target group is aged between 2-5 years. The program provides children with basic skills to develop (communication skills, playing with others and etc). Namely, this aims to help children integrate into society at an early age (kindergarten age).
    • Primary/Elementary Program - The target group is aged between 6-12 years. The children in this class will learn how to read, write and calculate.
    • School Function Program - The target group is aged between 6-12 years, with no ability to study standard primary school program.
    • Living Skills Program - The target group is individuals between 10-16 years. These students have no ability to integrate into society or study a standard primary school program. Children will focus on learning living skills to help them prepare for when they grow up.
    Volunteers will initially begin the project with an observational role. This will become more hands-on after generating a better understanding of the project and the individual abilities of the students. Vietnam childcare volunteers will start to provide a helping hand to run the class activities and lessons. In time, volunteers are encouraged to come up with and run their own ideas, bringing in new perspectives to the centre.

    Please note that the minimum time commitment to join Khanh Tam Day Centre is 4 weeks.

    Morning Star Centre (Sao Mai) - Founded in 1995, Morning Star centre is a subsidiary of the Vietnam Relief Association for Children with Disabilities. The centre has nearly 70 staff members caring for approximately 150 children ranging in age from 1-25 years. Morning Star’s mission is to provide opportunities for children and young adults with special needs. Local staff and volunteers work to ensure that individuals receive education and training. This aims to help them successfully play their part in the local community. The centre strives to provide assistance for those children suffering from developmental disabilities including Down’s Syndrome, Autism and Cerebral Palsy.
    The children are grouped in smaller classes of around 12-13 children. On average, there are 2-3 teachers per class. The classes are tailored to the needs of the children. Volunteers can get involved in a range of activities from basic education, motor skill development, play therapy and physical education sessions.
    Where possible, Morning Star strives to prepare the children to enter mainstream education. However, it is quite common for former pupils who have entered mainstream education to return to Morning Star. This is unfortunate because government schools are by no means equipped to welcome special needs students.
    In addition to their traditional classes, each pupil will also participate in one-on-one occupational and/or speech therapy classes. Volunteers with relevant experience may have the opportunity to sit on in these sessions to provide further guidance to staff members. However, participants with the appropriate experience will not be able to run these sessions independently.
    Morning Star offers some vocational and pre-vocational courses for teenagers before sending them to outside vocational schools. The courses help increase the student’s independence and confidence, and their abilities to get enrolled in professional training centres outside. Having recently set up a coffee shop within the centre, some of the students help out here. Through this scheme, the students receive valuable experience in working and interacting with the public. Many students have also been participating in cooking lessons, with the eventual to sell these masterpieces within the shop.
    Chich Bong Kindergarten - This centre is home to children aged from 12 months to 6 years old. The kindergarten’s mission is to explore and develop children’s abilities. This is done through teaching art subjects, languages and various methods of communication. It also has different clubs in the school where the kids can nurture their talents and cater to their hobbies.
    Generally, one class will hold 15-20 kids. The volunteers are expected to help the children improve their English through songs, dance and informal education. They should be creative in generating fun basic educational materials. Doing this allows the children to become more confident in their communication and mannerisms. This may include arranging drawing, painting and handicraft activities. There will also be a local teacher in the class to help the volunteers if needed.
    Rose Kindergarten - Home to children from 2-6 years old, this project aims to support children with their early years development. The project is located in the Bac Tu Liem district of Hanoi. At the kindergarten, volunteers support local staff with art, dance, sports and music classes. For the children who are a little older, participants can focus on creating educational materials with the children and help with basic reading and writing activities. In turn, helping the children become more confident in communicating in English.
    The project is usually split into two. For example, a big class for children from 2-3 years old and a smaller class for those over 3 years of age. For the younger children, volunteers will help with feeding time, organising games and arts and crafts activities when needed. There are extracurricular activities that volunteers can support local staff with to enhance their relationship with the children and develop a better understanding.
    There are 2 local teachers in each class to help the volunteers manage the classroom environment. However, the local staff do not speak great English. Therefore, the local team will ensure a translator is on-site working closely with the volunteers to help with translation and limit any language barriers.
    Return Airport Transfer - Your return airport transfer is not included in your Program Fee. Our local team can help arrange onward transfers to the airport or an alternative destination from the volunteer accommodation. Making specific arrangements once in Vietnam provides more flexibility as plans can often change and participants may be on similar flight plans. Alternatively, a more common and cheaper method is to use a ridesharing app. Participants can often be travelling across their final few days and therefore are not necessarily heading back to the airport directly from our accommodation. The costs depend on your method of transport and your final destination. This can often be split across multiple participants if you are travelling with someone else on the program.
    Resources - On the childcare project in Vietnam, resources can be very limited. Volunteers are recommended to bring materials to the project each day to maximise their productivity and day to day involvement. It is therefore important for volunteers to prepare well in advance to get the most out of their childcare volunteering experience in Vietnam. Some projects (such as Khanh Tam and Morning Star) can have a good amount of resources, but be lacking in human resources which is where the volunteer support is invaluable.
    Project Availability - A childcare volunteer in Vietnam is advised to note that we support a range of childcare projects in and around Hanoi. This is in addition to the examples provided across this overview. Thus volunteers may be located at such placements not listed in the overview. This can be particularly true for our volunteer projects across the summertime, where we have higher numbers of volunteers. With great volunteer numbers, we are able to further our contribution to the community and also prevent overcrowding at current establishments. This is also in line with school holiday periods in Vietnam. During this period, there is more need and availability for community programs and summer classes through the day.
    Please note that although we do our best to place volunteers at their chosen project, this is not always possible. This can be requested under the ‘Special Requirements’ section of your application. Vietnam childcare volunteers should expect to be placed at either a childcare centre or facility for individuals with special needs. Participants must note that it is possible that participants may work with young adults and/or children.
    Placement Settings - PMGY does not provide volunteer opportunities in orphanages in any of our locations. Research and studies have shown that visiting and volunteering in orphanages has the potential to generate an industry that separates children from their families. In turn, putting children at increased risk of neglect and abuse. Therefore, we do not support these institutions with our volunteer network.
    Instead, we focus on offering alternative childcare volunteer opportunities whereby children come to and from the placement setting each day. In other words, our local teams collaborate with childcare projects which do not offer any form of residential care. These are safe, responsible, and vetted projects, where participants continue to provide valued assistance supporting local staff.
    Weekends - Your project work in Vietnam runs from Monday-Thursday and weekends are free (Friday-Sunday). You are welcome to relax and hang out at the volunteer accommodation, but most participants will use this time to travel and explore the country. As a result, you can check out our Vietnam Weekend Travel Guide for top tips on how to spend your weekend. For those who wish to stay in Hanoi on Friday, you are encouraged to continue your participation in the project as usual.

    Dagelijkse activiteiten

    Each of our Vietnam volunteer programs mentioned will have different expectations and roles for their international volunteers. In general, you can expect to provide daily hands-on care, interaction and attention for those who need it most. We try our best to outline expected roles under the ...

    Dagelijkse activiteiten

    Each of our Vietnam volunteer programs mentioned will have different expectations and roles for their international volunteers. In general, you can expect to provide daily hands-on care, interaction and attention for those who need it most. We try our best to outline expected roles under the specific ‘Project Placement Placements’ above. However, it must be noted that these roles can still vary.
    Whilst each project location is different, as a childcare volunteer in Vietnam you will typically volunteer for around 5 hours per day. Project hours each day will vary depending on the location. Typically, participants will volunteer abroad for 3 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon, although this can vary.
    Volunteers will usually travel by public bus to and from the project each day. This fee is included in the Program Fee. Volunteers will either be provided with a bus pass in-country or reimbursed their travel fares on a weekly basis. The bus station is around a 10 minute walk from the Volunteer House. The local team will travel with you on the first day to introduce you to your placement.


    PMGY volunteers are based in a quiet, friendly neighbourhood approximately 45 minutes from the Old Quarter of Hanoi. There is everything you need within walking distance of the Volunteer House: ATMs, supermarkets, laundrettes, chemists, as well as some great cafes and local bars.
    High-octane Hanoi is ...


    PMGY volunteers are based in a quiet, friendly neighbourhood approximately 45 minutes from the Old Quarter of Hanoi. There is everything you need within walking distance of the Volunteer House: ATMs, supermarkets, laundrettes, chemists, as well as some great cafes and local bars.
    High-octane Hanoi is a feast for the senses. The first thing that hits you is the sound of swarms of buzzing motorbikes followed swiftly by the amazing wafts and tastes of incredible street food found throughout the city. Full of distinctive character as well as a confident buzz, Hanoi is now considered a pretty cool city.
    For many, simply being in Hanoi and soaking up the atmosphere is entertainment in itself but there are many fascinating places for you to visit whilst you’re not volunteering both in the city and further afield.



    Minimum leeftijd: 18 jaar

    Om deel te nemen aan het programma dien je tenminste 18 jaar oud te zijn op de startdatum van het programma. Er kunnen uitzonderingen gemaakt worden indien je een bewijs van toestemming kan aantonen van uw wettelijke voogd(en) of samen met je ouders deelneemt.


    Je dient over volgende taalkennis te beschikken Engels (gemiddeld niveau)

    Bewijs van goed gedrag en zeden



    Geen beperkingen. Helpende handen van over de hele wereld zijn welkom.

    Andere vaardigheden

    You should also be physically fit, as volunteering overseas can be quite strenuous. If you have any medical/mental health conditions that may affect your participation overseas then these must be declared to us during your online application.


    Uw helpende hand wordt verwacht op maandag, dinsdag, woensdag, donderdag en vrijdag van 09:00 - 14:00

    Diensten ingesloten

    Diensten ingesloten

    Diensten door Plan My Gap Year

    • Accommodation 
    • Meals (Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner)
    • Airport Pick Up
    • Public Transport To/From Project
    • In-Country Orientation
    • 24 Hour Support

    Afhaal aan de luchthaven op Noi Bai International Airport

    You should arrive into Noi Bai International Airport in Hanoi (airport code HAN) on the Wednesday. The airport pickup is available 24 hours. On arrival a member of our local team will be at the waiting area for you holding a sign with your name on it. They will drive you straight to the Volunteer House in Hanoi where you can relax and settle in. This journey takes around 45 minutes depending on traffic. 


    On the Vietnam volunteer program, you will live in our Volunteer House. Our accommodation is based within a quiet and friendly neighbourhood of Hanoi, approximately a 45 minute bus journey from the Old Quarter of Hanoi (the main tourist area). There are a number of restaurants, convenience stores and ATMs only a walk from the Volunteer House. Our Vietnam volunteer programs are also located in various locations around the city.
    As a volunteer in Vietnam, you will be living with other international volunteers. The Volunteer House is large, basic but comfortable. Bedrooms conform to a single-sex dorm-style setup, with up to 8 people per room. Air-conditioning is available in each room and individuals will be provided with the bed linen. During the winter months, participants are recommended to bring additional bedding, such as a sleeping bag. Each bedroom in the Volunteer House has its own shared bathroom, with a western-style toilet and shower. Hot water at the accommodation is provided in the winter months only. There is some, but limited hanging space in each room.
    There is free Wi-Fi within certain areas of the house, including the main communal area. This can be intermittent, therefore volunteers in Vietnam are also recommended to purchase a local SIM card in-country to use with an unlocked mobile phone. There is a large designated communal area within the Volunteer House where volunteers can relax and socialise. Within the accommodation, there are two washing machines that can be used free of charge, and participants can purchase detergent cheaply from shops nearby. Alternatively, there are laundry services around the neighbourhood, available for a reasonable price.
    Each volunteer will be provided with a locker to keep valuable items. Volunteers are asked to pay a deposit of 50,000 VND or 5 USD for the locker key which can be reclaimed at the end of your program. However, volunteers are encouraged to only bring essential items during their volunteer work in Vietnam. There is fridge space within the accommodation for volunteers to cool items they need to keep chilled. Please note that power cuts are fairly commonplace in Vietnam although they tend not to last more than a couple of hours.
    Each volunteer is provided with a house key (subject to a deposit of 5 USD) so the house is accessible at all time and to ensure general volunteer safety. We also have a member of staff (usually a nanny or an intern from the local team) present in the house overnight. Please note if you arrive late in the evening on the arrival day at our Volunteer House, it is likely our local team will not be present and you will meet them the following day.
    Most of our volunteer projects in Vietnam are not within walking distance of the Volunteer House. In these cases, you will need to travel to and from the volunteer placement each day. The local team will introduce you to different options during your orientation. Most participants will reach their project via public bus.

    Eten & Drank

    During your volunteer trip to Vietnam, you’ll be provided with three meals a day, except on Saturdays when meals are not served. Meals will be traditional Vietnamese dishes – this means a lot of rice! All food will be nutritious and freshly cooked. Free drinking water is available 24/7.
    For breakfast, you can expect fruit, toast and tea/coffee. Some of the volunteer opportunities will provide you with lunch. This is usually the case for volunteers that have longer travel times to and from the project and it is not possible for them to return to the Volunteer House. In these cases, lunch is either provided at the project or you can take lunch at a nearby cafe. In the latter circumstance, the local team will reimburse you up to 40,000 VND. When lunch is taken at the Volunteer House, the dish is usually always a Vietnamese dish, which will include soup, rice, vegetables and sometimes meat or fish.
    Dinner is served at the Volunteer House. Generally speaking, meals are served in the early evenings and usually divided into equal portions by the nannies to ensure everyone gets an equal amount. You can expect a variety of dishes, so there will be always something to suit even the fussiest eaters! A typical meal will have pork, fish, beef or chicken and tofu or egg and at least two different kinds of vegetable dishes, along with rice and soup. On an ad-hoc basis, our team also serve a western meal – our volunteers always appreciate this. Meals at the Volunteer House are usually served in buffet format so participants are recommended to eat as soon as the food is ready to avoid food going cold quickly.
    If you fancy eating out there are plenty of cafes and local amenities in the surrounding area or you can take a bus or taxi into the main tourist area, the Old Quarter, in the city of Hanoi.

    Internet toegang

    Makkelijke toegang op de project site

    Wat is er NIET inbegrepen?

    Wat is er NIET inbegrepen?

    Vlucht tickets

    De dichtste luchthaven is Noi Bai International Airport (HAN) in Hanoi. We assisteren u met het vinden van goedkope vluchten naar Vietnam. VIND GOEDKOPE VLUCHTEN


    Naar het buitenland reizen is een avontuur en het is best om goed voorbereid te zijn. Plots ziek worden of gewond raken, annulaties of diefstal - een reisverzekering voor Vietnam biedt zekerheid en is een meerwaarde. KRIJG EEN OFFERTE


    Als je de intentie hebt om als vrijwilliger aan de slag te gaan in Vietnam dien je eerst medisch advies in te winnen alvorens je eropuit trekt. Kijk de benodigde vaccinaties na voor Vietnam. VACCINATIE CHECKER

    Gegevens over jouw aankomst

    This program starts on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of every month

    jan. feb. mrt. apr. mei. jun. jul. aug. sep. okt. nov. dec.


    2 weken (min. verblijf) 986€
    6 weken 1.287€
    8 weken 1.662€
    10 weken 1.963€
    12 weken (max. verblijf) 2.264€
    Gemiddelde kosten 341€/week


    341€ per week 2 - 12 weken Leeftijd 18 - 50+


    Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



    2 - 12 weken


    De waarborg dient om je plek als vrijwilliger te verzekeren. Betalingen worden door PayPal behandeld, onze betrouwbare betalingsprovider. Indien je niet over een PayPal account beschikt, kan je ook met een credit kaart betalen.

    Finale betaling

    Uw finale betaling zal worden goedgekeurd door Plan My Gap Year gedurende de aanmeld procedure. Veel voorkomende oplossingen zijn een banktransfer of contante betaling op de projectsite.

    Ontmoet je organisatie

    Plan My Gap Year

    Buitengewoon 4.9 rating (1424 beoordelingen)

    Agentschap - opgericht in 2011

    Geverifieerd door Volunteer World

      Uitstekend Responsgraad

    Gepresenteerd door


    Gesproken talen: Engels

    Over de organisatie

    Plan My Gap Year is an award-winning international volunteer placement organisation based in the UK.

    Ontmoet je organisatie

    Plan My Gap Year is an award-winning international volunteer placement organisation based in the UK. We provide safe, affordable, need-driven volunteer programmes from 1 to 24 weeks in 11 countries worldwide.


    Founded by volunteers for volunteers, Plan My Gap Year works with local communities in the developing world towards long-term sustainable goals. We know there is no better way to travel and make a positive impact on the world.

    We work extremely hard to ensure that our opportunities are affordable for everyone who wants to make a difference. So fees are 100% transparent, something our volunteers really appreciate.

    Plan My Gap Year structured programmes create the perfect platform for you to see the world, meet like-minded people and engage in meaningful volunteer work. We have teams in the UK and in our host destinations who will support you 24/7 throughout your time with us. Furthermore, every project on our network is regularly risk-assessed by our UK team to ensure our set up is safe and that our volunteers are making a positive impact.

    There is also a great social element to our programmes. Plan My Gap Year puts you in touch with all your fellow volunteers via Facebook before you set off. Our projects receive volunteers from around the world throughout the year, so even if you’re travelling solo, you’re going to meet heaps of people along the way. Plus you’ll have plenty of opportunity to travel the country with your newfound travel buddies – it’s all part of the PMGY experience!

    So if you’re thinking of doing something a bit different on your next trip abroad, then why not drop us a line and find out what extraordinary things you could be doing.


    Our aim is to make our programmes accessible to motivated travellers irrespective of their financial capacity. Plan My Gap Year focuses on providing the core requirements of a volunteer programme: safety, structure and sustainability.

    We are 100% transparent with our fees. That way you know exactly how much of your money goes towards the local community.

    Compared to the large majority of volunteer organisations out there, even most charities and not-for-profits, PMGY’s opportunities are significantly cheaper. Furthermore, as our reviews will testify, our support service and structured programmes are second to none.


    Your safety is our top priority. All of Plan My Gap Years' programmes have been personally inspected and vetted by the PMGY team – which is not an industry standard by any means. We carry out independent risk assessments on an annual basis and our local teams constantly review the safety precautions we implement. This includes regular staff and safety appraisals.

     Our local teams are made up of highly experienced volunteer coordinators. They have hosted international volunteers for many years and are prepared to react in the unlikely event of an emergency. Whatever the problem, big or small, our local teams are available around the clock.

    As part of our commitment to your safety, we keep in constant communication with local embassies and the Foreign & Commonwealth Office to ensure we can identify potentially dangerous situations and act upon them immediately. Our UK team are available 24/7 to assist volunteers and their families.


    We support our volunteers every step of the way. Before you go we will provide you with a detailed Volunteer Handbook, which will guide you through how to prepare for your trip. This Handbook contains literally everything you need to know – from what to pack, to how to obtain a visa, to local language guides.

    Our experienced UK team are always available to provide assistance. Plan My Gap Year is always available to answer our questions and support you in anyway we can. 

    On arrival, a member of our in-country team will collect you from the airport and help you settle in. Your orientation course will teach you everything you need to know about the country, how to stay safe and what to expect from your upcoming volunteer experience. 

    Our local team are on-call 24/7. Whether you’ve lost your passport or just want some help in planning a weekend trip, our friendly in-country coordinators provide that safety net to ensure you are well looked after.


    Plan My Gap Years' responsibility is not limited to our travellers but also the projects we support. That is why all our volunteers must provide a Criminal Background Check before they travel.

    It is essential that our projects are need-driven and sustainable. We work closely with our local partners to ensure that our volunteers are contributing to bring about long-term development.


    We really know our programmes. Our UK team have stayed in the accommodation, volunteered at the projects and met the volunteers. We carefully assess each application we receive so that your personality and skills are suited to the project. Whatever your query, you can feel assured that you will be speaking to someone who can tell you exactly what to expect.


    One of the best aspects of volunteering is meeting some amazing like-minded people. We place over 2,000 volunteers every year so wherever and whenever you go, you have the peace of mind in knowing you will be living and working alongside other PMGY volunteers. In many of our destinations, we run our own Volunteer House accommodation, which ensures all volunteers live together, and therefore guaranteeing a strong social element. In addition, our local team are always there to help you plan any independent travel or give you some tips for what to do at the weekend.

    1424 beoordelingen · rating4.9

    Molly Gymer rating5

    2024 at Vietnam Childcare Volunteers

    PMGY is always an amazing experience. I have done two trips and I love the time. I meet amazing people every time and the staff are all so amazingly helpful. PMGY is a great way to travel solo as it’s less scary than going fully ...
    HyeWon Jung rating5

    2024 at Vietnam Childcare Volunteers

    From the airport pick-up to the entire volunteering experience, every moment was a precious memory. I enjoyed the childcare project as I was able to connect with the children and contribute to their happiness and education. The accommodation was clean, and the nannies made very yummy meals for us. I ...
    Emma Pies rating5

    2024 at Vietnam Childcare Volunteers

    The company and all of the stuff member are really taking care of the volunteers and doing the most they can to make the experience unforgettable. It is really well organised and worth the ...
    Lucía San José de Marcos rating5

    2024 at Vietnam Childcare Volunteers

    Everyone is extremely welcoming from the beginning until the end of the programme! I felt always safe and with all the support of the team members. I would definitely reccomend the ...
    Natalie Nabor rating5

    2024 at Vietnam Childcare Volunteers

    the staff was so helpful and inviting. i met so many amazing people and now have friends from all over the world. i was able to travel every weekend with them and make memories that will last a lifetime. i learned so much at the volunteer project and am so grateful for my time that i spent ...
    Olivia Haddow rating4.4

    2024 at Vietnam Childcare Volunteers

    Lovely staff who kept good communication throughout my trip and made it easy for me to know what I was doing and where I was going. AMAZING FOOD, we had Nannie’s who cooked 3 meals a day for us and they were always amazing. It is bunk beds and shared bathrooms, but it’s what I expected and it ...


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    Geniet van een terugbetalingsgarantie, gratis flexoptie en noodhulp. Onze prijsgarantie garandeert een onverslaanbare waarde en ons supportteam staat klaar om je te helpen.