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Perfect 4.60rating (200)

Orangutan Wildlife Center

1 - 4 weken  ·  Leeftijd 17 - 50+

rating  Perfect 4.6  · 
  Geverifieerd door Volunteer World
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  • Volunteer to be part of a vital mission, offering a safe haven for rehabilitated orangutans and sun bears
  • Contribute to the meaningful rehabilitation process of rescued animals, giving them a second chance at a life free from harm
  • Make a direct impact on conservation efforts by supporting the release of orangutans back into their natural habitat


  • Volunteer to be part of a vital mission, offering a safe haven for rehabilitated orangutans and sun bears
  • Contribute to the meaningful rehabilitation process of rescued animals, giving them a second chance at a life free from harm
  • Make a direct impact on conservation efforts by supporting the release of orangutans back into their natural habitat
  • Experience unforgettable moments with orangutans through close interactions like feeding and observing them
  • Expand your knowledge about these incredible animals and gain insights into their unique natural environment

  • Vooral geschikt voor

    Leeftijd 17+

    Over het programma

    Aid the rehabilitation and eventual release of orangutans by volunteering at this incredible wildlife centre, located in Malaysian Borneo.

    Visit the award-winning Matang Wildlife Centre in Malaysian Borneo to aid conservation and protection of one of the world's most fascinating and enchanting species: the orangutan.

    About the Program

    Due to mass deforestation, mining and forest fires, orangutan habitats in Malaysia are depleting and are ...

    Over het programma

    Visit the award-winning Matang Wildlife Centre in Malaysian Borneo to aid conservation and protection of one of the world's most fascinating and enchanting species: the orangutan.

    About the Program

    Due to mass deforestation, mining and forest fires, orangutan habitats in Malaysia are depleting and are also under constant threat. As a consequence, the species is increasingly endangered. The Matang Wildlife Centre is a refuge for orangutans which have been left injured, orphaned or likewise, usually as a direct result of these threats. The centre works tirelessly to reverse this trend in a number of ways and is thoroughly enriched by the involvement of the volunteers. Taking part in this program allows you to actively participate in the efforts of the impressive Matang Wildlife Centre alongside its fantastic team, helping to improve the lives of the orangutans whilst working towards their future protection.

    As a volunteer on this program, you will enjoy the incredible rainforest surroundings of Kubah National Park as you work alongside sanctuary staff, assisting in a number of tasks along the way. You will help to improve husbandry standards, provide enrichment for the orangutans, and assist with construction tasks among others.

    Everyone involved with the Matang Wildlife Centre is dedicated to managing and promoting responsible tourism, with volunteering experiences like this one aiming to work in the best interests of the animals and environment. Your support will help the Matang Wildlife Centre to work towards its aims, and you'll also earn a lifetime of memories along the way.

    Dagelijkse activiteiten

    First Days 

    You will need to arrive at Kuching Airport on the start date of your program between the hours of 7am and 5pm, where you will be met by a program representative in the arrivals hall and transferred to your first night's accommodation. On the first night there is a welcome dinner, where ...

    Dagelijkse activiteiten

    First Days 

    You will need to arrive at Kuching Airport on the start date of your program between the hours of 7am and 5pm, where you will be met by a program representative in the arrivals hall and transferred to your first night's accommodation. On the first night there is a welcome dinner, where you will meet all of your fellow volunteers and the program facilitators. After breakfast the following morning, you and the rest of your group will take a private transfer to the Matang Wildlife Centre. Here, after settling in, you will meet the project staff and take a full tour of the centre.

    Regular Days

    Work varies on a day to day basis, as well as depending on the season and on how many volunteers are on site. However, typical tasks include the following:


    A major part of this program is creating enrichment. This is the process of providing the animals with stimulating environments, items and surroundings designed to encourage and promote their natural behaviours. This will enhance their potential for release, as well as improve their quality of life while they still reside at the centre.


    Another big part of the work on this program is husbandry for the orangutans, sun bears, macaques, binturongs and other animals. This includes feeding the animals as well as cleaning the wildlife cages and enclosures; an essential part of any wildlife centre.


    Small construction tasks can also be part of this program as without such work, the centre would struggle to grow. Thanks to previous construction efforts, the centre has been able to accept more animals in the hopes of being able to rehabilitate and release as many as possible. In the past, volunteers have been involved with the building of aviaries, gibbon cages, feeding platforms in the forest, boardwalks around the park, and ranger stations in the national park.


    Due to the humid rainforest environment and a range of animal interaction, the maintenance of buildings and structures is an on-going task. You may be needed to help with painting, cleaning, varnishing and gardening, among other elements of maintenance - there is always work to be done!

    Last Days

    On the penultimate day of the program, you will enjoy a farewell BBQ at the sanctuary, before transferring back to the guest house in Kuching for your final night’s stay. Depending on your departure flight time the following day, you may have time for a lie-in or even to see Kuching one last time before you arrange your own transfer back to the airport or continue on with your travels. 


    During your time on this programme, you will receive two consecutive days off (usually Saturday and Sunday, though this cannot be guaranteed). As you will have most likely travelled a long way to Borneo, we always suggest taking advantage of the your spare time to explore the surrounding area, ...


    During your time on this programme, you will receive two consecutive days off (usually Saturday and Sunday, though this cannot be guaranteed). As you will have most likely travelled a long way to Borneo, we always suggest taking advantage of the your spare time to explore the surrounding area, including Kubah National Park and Damai Beach, either by yourself or with your fellow volunteers. 

    You can also look at:

    • visiting a long-house
    • meeting the Iban tribe
    • visiting nearby markets and social and interactive activities with locals and researchers. Interaction with the local communities is always encouraged to strengthen local relationships and continue to aid human animal conflict.



    Minimum leeftijd: 17 jaar

    Om deel te nemen aan het programma dien je ten minste 17 jaar te zijn op de startdatum van het programma.


    Je dient over volgende taalkennis te beschikken Engels (gemiddeld niveau)


    Geen beperkingen. Helpende handen van over de hele wereld zijn welkom.

    Andere vaardigheden

    The construction work undertaken on this orangutan program does involve physical labour, often in humid conditions, and so requires you to have a moderate level of fitness. The other tasks however are not particularly physically strenuous, but a fair level of fitness is advised. You do not need any specific skills or experience, just a commitment to the program and its aims, the ability to work as part of a team and an upbeat, positive attitude towards the program and orangutan conservation.


    Uw helpende hand wordt verwacht op maandag, dinsdag, woensdag, donderdag en vrijdag

    Diensten ingesloten

    Diensten ingesloten

    Diensten door The Great Projects


    • A monetary contribution to the project itself
    • Private transfers from the airport on project start date
    • Full orientation and support from the project managers
    • Accommodation
    • Activities on the project site
    • Food allowance


    • Any flights
    • Return airport transfer
    • Travel insurance
    • Visa
    • Soft drinks and all alcoholic beverages
    • Any additional trips undertaken other than in the planned itinerary

    Afhaal aan de luchthaven op Kuching International Airport

    You will need to arrive at Kuching Airport on the start date of your project between 7am and 5pm, where you will be met by a project representative in the arrivals hall and transferred by road to your first night's accommodation.


    Matang Wildlife Centre provides ten houses for staff and volunteers to live in. Each house has two or three bedrooms, a communal living space, kitchen, toilet, shower and veranda area. There is a maximum of four to a house and rooms are based on twin-sharing. The houses feature mains electricity and a fan in each room. There are also showers, but please be aware there is no hot water. You will be staying in self-catered accommodations with basic kitchen appliances such as a gas hob (two-ring burner), fridge/freezer, kettle and toaster.
    These wooden houses are original structures from the construction of the centre in 1997. They are government owned and have undergone precious little maintenance over their years of wear and tear in the jungle. Please do not expect shiny, new and pristine lodgings – expect well-used, jungle cabins and an authentic Bornean experience!

    Eten & Drank

    On the first night at the Guesthouse in Kuching, dinner will be arranged at a local restaurant. Lunch the following morning, before transferring to the sanctuary is paid for.
    Whilst at Matang Wildlife Centre you will be responsible for preparing your food and drinks in the kitchen of the house in which you are staying. As part of the cost of the project you will receive a weekly allowance for food and water and weekly supermarket trips are also provided!

    Internet toegang

    Beperkte toegang op de project site

    Wat is er NIET inbegrepen?

    Wat is er NIET inbegrepen?

    Vlucht tickets

    De dichtste luchthaven is Kuching International Airport (KCH) in Kuching. We assisteren u met het vinden van goedkope vluchten naar Maleisië. VIND GOEDKOPE VLUCHTEN


    Naar het buitenland reizen is een avontuur en het is best om goed voorbereid te zijn. Plots ziek worden of gewond raken, annulaties of diefstal - een reisverzekering voor Maleisië biedt zekerheid en is een meerwaarde. KRIJG EEN OFFERTE


    Als je de intentie hebt om als vrijwilliger aan de slag te gaan in Maleisië dien je eerst medisch advies in te winnen alvorens je eropuit trekt. Kijk de benodigde vaccinaties na voor Maleisië. VACCINATIE CHECKER

    Gegevens over jouw aankomst

    This project runs throughout the year and has possible durations of 7, 14 or 28 nights. 

    jan. feb. mrt. apr. mei. jun. jul. aug. sep. okt. nov. dec.


    1 week 1 dag (min. verblijf) 1.001€
    2 weken 1 dag 1.612€
    4 weken 1 dag (max. verblijf) 2.513€
    Gemiddelde kosten 741€/week


    741€ per week 1 - 4 weken Leeftijd 17 - 50+


    Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



    1 - 4 weken


    De waarborg dient om je plek als vrijwilliger te verzekeren. Betalingen worden door PayPal behandeld, onze betrouwbare betalingsprovider. Indien je niet over een PayPal account beschikt, kan je ook met een credit kaart betalen.

    Finale betaling

    Uw finale betaling zal worden goedgekeurd door The Great Projects gedurende de aanmeld procedure. Veel voorkomende oplossingen zijn een banktransfer of contante betaling op de projectsite.

    Ontmoet je organisatie

    The Great Projects

    Perfect 4.6 rating (200 beoordelingen)

    Agentschap - opgericht in 2003

    Geverifieerd door Volunteer World

      Zeer hoog Responsgraad

    Gepresenteerd door


    Gesproken talen: Engels

    Over de organisatie

    The Great Projects work with organisations worldwide to establish high standards in animal welfare and conservation within the responsible tourism sector.

    Ontmoet je organisatie

    Looking to volunteer abroad with animals? Here at The Great Projects we believe that there is a better way to holiday. Our award-winning wildlife volunteering abroad with animals projects and signature tours are not only designed to provide truly unique and life-changing experiences for volunteering worldwide, but our donation and conservation pledges ensure that your travel will have a lasting and sustainable impact on some of the planet's most incredible and endangered species and the local communities which live alongside them.

    It all began with The Great Orangutan Project in Malaysian Borneo and after a number of years working with local authorities, passionate project facilitators, and hard-working volunteers to create a sustainable, progressive, and effective project - The Great Projects decided to use the experiences and knowledge we had gained to expand our expertise to other projects in Asia, Africa, South America and Europe!

    Now with over 35 projects, you can be confident in the fact that you’ll be able to volunteer with some of the world's most incredible wildlife species in completely breath-taking environments. From orangutans in the Bornean rainforest to whale sharks in the Indian Ocean; you’re sure to find something suited to your interests. What’s more, The Great Projects make sure that with us, volunteers are completely immersed into the heart of the matter, at site, delivering an experience like no other as you become familiar with the life of an animal keeper, game ranger, or wildlife conservationist.

    Plus, every time someone volunteers with The Great Projects  in addition to their fee which covers accommodation, food, and transfers, we donate up to £350 to the project visited to help the project itself. Therefore, our ecotours and projects are not only designed to be an experience that you will remember for the rest of your life, but you will also join a project knowing that your travel truly does help to save endangered animals and the local communities with which they live alongside.

    Here at The Great Projects, we believe that we should practice what we preach. We send volunteers to worldwide destinations on a range of truly unique and thoroughly worthwhile projects that make a real, sustainable difference to their causes. What’s more, The Great Projects provide them with dedicated UK-based staff that ensure volunteers have informative and friendly help throughout all stages of their experience, from initial enquiry to their return.

    Through this, we can show volunteers that there is a better way to holiday. Our award-winning wildlife volunteering abroad with animals projects and signature tours are not only designed to provide truly unique and life-changing experiences for volunteering worldwide, but our donation and conservation pledges ensure that your travel will have a lasting and sustainable impact on some of the planet's most incredible and endangered species and the local communities which live alongside them.

    Further, The Great Projects does not only aim to provide travel destinations that hold responsibility for animal welfare, but also to the environmental, economic and social impact of our conservation projects as a whole.


    Here at The Great Projects, we are completely dedicated to providing our volunteers with the utmost protection with regards to health and safety.

    Adventurous travel always involves some degree of risk. Our priority is to keep you safe and protect you as much as possible whilst still giving you an authentic experience of life in your chosen destination.

    We conduct extensive risk assessments to make sure we have identified potential hazards and done everything we can to reduce them and we make sure you have the information you need about the destination you are visiting and how to stay safe and healthy while you are out there. We also are partnered with Endsleigh Insurance who are able to offer volunteers comprehensive insurance for all of our projects.

    200 beoordelingen · rating4.6

    Godelieve Meuris rating5

    2024 at Orangutan Wildlife Center

    Een ongelooflijke ervaring om deel te mogen uitmaken van dit centrum waar de nood voor hulp zeer hoog is, de hitte de vochtigheid, de regen het soms harde werk is snel vergeten bij de belevingen die men heeft, een fijne groep vrijwilligers maakt het geheel af ...
    Renato Bruno rating5

    2024 at Orangutan Wildlife Center

    It was a fantastic experience with lots of new impressions. Dom the responsible person for the volunteers is an amazing person with a fantastic humor and is well conected and is always very helpful. The people in the group are all coming from different countries worldwide and it was just wonderful ...
    Clara Lacombe rating3.6

    2024 at Orangutan Wildlife Center

    J'avoue avoir été un peu déçu par les activités liées aux projets. Les tâches sont similaires aux travail dans un zoo pour les volontaires. Bien evidemment que les locaux agissent davantage en local, avec un gros projet de rehabilitation derriere que nous simples volontaires ne pouvons pas ...
    Barbara Tily rating4.4

    2023 at Orangutan Wildlife Center

    Orangutans were what attracted me to visit Borneo, and then I learned I could get even closer to observe them by volunteering and I knew this was something I had to do ! Sadly I was only able to do a one week stint which gave me a taste and left me wanting more ! It is no walk in the park, it's ...
    Sharon Evans rating5

    2017 at Orangutan Wildlife Center

    This was a rewarding and enriching exerience. The staff at Matang Centre were very supportive, informative and very professional in terms of the work with the animals at the centre and all workers including volunteers. I was able to provide input into the day to day needs and care of the animals in ...
    Marsha rating4.8

    2015 at Orangutan Wildlife Center

    Far too many amazing memories, I was surprised how much I fell in love with the Sun Bears especially Karmele, she touched my heart. How intelligent & funny the Orangutans are & my favourite moment was trecking into the jungle to witness 4 juvenile Orangs climbing freely in the trees in the jungles ...


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