ab 892€

Herausragend 4.9rating (12)
  • Decent Work And Economic Growth
Verfügbar ab Feb 2025

Guesthouse for Charity Management Assistant

4 - 12 Wochen  ·  Alter 18 - 50+

rating  Herausragend 4.9  · 
  von Volunteer World verifiziert
  Unterdurchschnittliche Antwortrate


  • Become a part of the More Africa family by joining our volunteer program
  • Get closer to the local people and culture of Zanzibar by learning the local Swahili language
  • Train our local staff, show or improve your tourism skills and contribute to the development of our NGO
  • Make memories you'll never forget! In your weekend you can explore the island or go on a safari. We can organize everything for you!
  • Did you know that several researches have shown that people who volunteer are happier and healthier than people who don’t?

Besonders geeignet für

Alter 18+

Über das Programm

More Africa has a school for children with disabilities. In addition, More Africa runs a non-profit guesthouse. All income of the guesthouse goes directly to the school.

About Zanzibar
Known as the Spice Island, the beautiful island of Zanzibar on Africa’s east coast is bursting with culture and history, seemingly at odds with its idyllic geography of white-sand beaches with palms swaying lazily in the sea breeze. Together this makes Zanzibar a fabulous place to ...

Über das Programm

About Zanzibar
Known as the Spice Island, the beautiful island of Zanzibar on Africa’s east coast is bursting with culture and history, seemingly at odds with its idyllic geography of white-sand beaches with palms swaying lazily in the sea breeze. Together this makes Zanzibar a fabulous place to explore as well as a dream to relax and unwind.
Zanzibar is the semi-autonomous part of Tanzania in East Africa. It is composed of the Zanzibar Archipelago in the Indian Ocean, 25–50 kilometres off the coast of the mainland, and consists of many small islands and two large ones: Unguja (Zanzibar) and Pemba.
The capital of Zanzibar, Stone Town, is on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Every culture lover will love this diverse island with many Arabic influences. Zanzibar has a rich history, which is largely characterized by slave trade.
Zanzibar has been the entrance of eastern Africa for centuries and it was here where most slaves were sold; and Indian, Chinese and Arabic merchants would arrive to trade their wares and buy spices, ivory and slaves. The history of Zanzibar has created a unique mixture of Indian, African and Arabic influences which can be seen in its people, food, culture and building styles.
In Zanzibar it seems as if time has stood still. People live very traditional lives. The local Zanzibari are 95% Muslim. As a volunteer you have an exemplary role in the community and it is important that you show respect for the local community, its people and culture.
This means that you adapt to the culture and customs. That is why all our volunteers need to dress appropriately (shoulders covered and long pants).
On the beaches you can of course just walk around in swimwear.

For this volunteer program we are looking for serious people who don't come to Zanzibar for the parties. We are looking for people who really want to contribute to the community, our children and the project. People who want a unique experience and who want to work together with others and learn from each other.


About our volunteer program
More Africa is primarily an NGO, offering special education, physiotherapy, day care and medical care to children with disabilities.
Because More Africa depends on donations, we opened our guesthouse in 2019. All profit of the guesthouse goes directly to the NGO and thus to the school and the children.
Within our guesthouse we train 18+ young people with disabilities. One of your tasks will be to train the local staff to work with these young people. In addition, your tasks will be:
- Training new local staff
- Reception back office (reservations, emails etc)
- Stock (keep track of the store and stock, daily)
- Guestrelation
- Organize and book excursions
- Organizing events and activities for our guests or outside people
- Giving guided tours and providing information to interested tourists

Because More Africa depends 100% on help from volunteers and donations, we really appreciate it if you want to do a fundraiser before arrival, during your time here, or after returning home. Your help will be much appreciated!


A typical day at More Africa Guesthouse looks like this:

In principle we keep the same working hours for volunteers in the guesthouse. However, it is of course possible that you organize an event or activity for the evening. We do expect you to participate in these activities, in addition to your ...


A typical day at More Africa Guesthouse looks like this:

In principle we keep the same working hours for volunteers in the guesthouse. However, it is of course possible that you organize an event or activity for the evening. We do expect you to participate in these activities, in addition to your work during the day.

08:00: Breakfast starts at 7:30, but as a volunteer you may start at 08:00. You check if the staff is there, if everything is clean and if everything is ready for breakfast. After the guests have breakfast you answer questions, arrange a taxi or excursion.
10:00: Breakfast is over. You make sure that everything is neat and tidy.  
10:30: You check the store and see what groceries are needed. You let the staff do the shopping, OR give a list to the project leader, OR do the shopping yourself.
11:00: You go to work with mails/reservations for the guesthouse, check if all websites are up to date etc.
11:30: When people come for a tour, you accompany them. You make sure that the staff prepares lunch for these people.
13:30: Lunch together with other volunteers in the dormitory.
14:00: Depending on whether there are guests inside, you will have a chat, proceed with reservations or organize events.
16:00: Depending on what needs to be done you will be ready between 15:00 and 16:00. A few days a week we also have an afternoon program with Swahili or beach/village cleanups. We find it important that our volunteers are immersed in the local culture and customs and participate in local life.
The other days you can enjoy; take a dip in our pool (if there are any guests) or go to the beach.
18:00: During weekdays we expect our volunteers back at 18:00. At 18:00 dinner is ready, which is prepared by our chef. In the evening the volunteers can play a game together or watch a movie.

The working days are from Tuesday to Saturday. Volunteers have weekends from Saturday afternoon until Monday evening.
In the weekend we can arrange excursions and trips for volunteers. We expect volunteers to return on Saturday and Sunday at 23:00 and on Monday at 21:00 at the latest.



In your free time you can discover all the beauty that Zanzibar has to offer. We can help you book and arrange everything for you. As a volunteer you will pay the cost price, we will of course not charge you any more!
We advise you not to book tours locally or on the beach.

On our website you can find ...


In your free time you can discover all the beauty that Zanzibar has to offer. We can help you book and arrange everything for you. As a volunteer you will pay the cost price, we will of course not charge you any more!
We advise you not to book tours locally or on the beach.

On our website you can find all information about excursions. There is something for everyone; diving / snorkeling, kite surfing, relaxing on a sandbank, visiting national parks, or culture sniffing in Stone Town. We can even arrange a safari for you!



Mindestalter: 18 Jahre

Um an diesem Programm teilzunehmen, musst du zu Programmbeginn mindestens 18 Jahre alt sein. Es kann Ausnahmen geben, wenn du die Erlaubnis deines/r Erziehungsberechtigten vorlegen kannst oder wenn du von deinen Eltern begleitet wirst


Du brauchst folgende Sprachkenntnisse: Englisch (Fortgeschritten)


tourism, eventmanagement, marketing auf Niveau

Polizeiliches Führungszeugnis


Benötigte Unterlagen



Es gibt keine Beschränkungen. Helfende Hände aus aller Welt sind willkommen.

Andere Fähigkeiten

More Africa is looking for people who are willing to work hard, don’t have a 9 to 17 mentality and people who want to learn about other cultures and respect the values of Zanzibar. When you only want to come for the parties it is better if you stay home or look for another place to volunteer. We look for people who can work independent!


Deine Hilfe wird an folgenden Tagen benötigt: Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag und Samstag von 08:00 - 16:00



Dienstleistungen von More Africa

What do we offer you for this amount?
- You will stay in our dormitory. Men and women separately. We offer bunk beds. The dormitory has 3 basic bathrooms with western toilet. The dormitory has a fridge, living room and small garden.
- Electricity and water
- We offer 3 meals a day (during working days). Breakfast and lunch with bread (nutella, jam, peanut butter) and dinner made by our chef. It is not possible to cook for yourself. In the weekend (Saturday afternoon until Monday evening) you have to take care and pay for your own food. It is possible to eat in our restaurant (when it is open). Fresh drinking water is always available.
- Pick-up service from the airport or ferry. The costs for the way back are not included.
- Supervision. You will be supervised by the project leader.

Internet is NOT included in these costs. You will get a SIM card on loan from us and you can use it to decide how much you want to use per month.

Abholung vom Flughafen Zanzibar International Airport

Pick-up service from the airport or ferry is included. The costs for the way back are not included. We pick volunteers up every monday between 8.00 and 20.00.
The projectleader, OR the driver of the project will pick you up. It is a 1 hour drive from the airport/ferry to More Africa.


You will stay in our dormitory which is on the same premises as the school and our guesthouse. Men and women separately. We offer bunk beds. The dormitory has 3 basic bathrooms with western toilet and simple shower. The dormitory has a fridge, living room and small garden.

If you want to stay in one of our bungalows this is possible at extra cost. Send us a message for the possibilities and availability.


We offer 3 meals a day (during working days). Breakfast and lunch with bread (nutella, jam, peanut butter) and dinner made by our chef. It is not possible to cook for yourself. In the weekend (Saturday afternoon until Monday evening) you have to take care and pay for your own food. It is possible to eat in our restaurant (when it is open). Fresh drinking water is always available. If you have special requirements we will ask you to inform and discuss with us before arrival.


Gute Verbindung vor Ort

Was ist NICHT inklusive?

Was ist NICHT inklusive?


Der nächstgelegene Flughafen ist Zanzibar International Airport (ZNZ) in Zanzibar. Wir helfen dir günstige Flüge nach Tansania zu finden. FINDE GÜNSTIGE FLÜGE


Ins Ausland zu gehen ist ein Abenteuer, auf das man sich stets gut vorbereiten sollte. Plötzliche Krankheit oder Verletzung, Stornierung oder Diebstahl - eine Reiseversicherung für Tansania bietet die nötige Sicherheit. ANGEBOT EINHOLEN


Bevor du deine Freiwilligenarbeit in Tansania antrittst, solltest du dich noch einmal von deinem Arzt beraten lassen und deine erforderlichen Impfungen für Tansania überprüfen. IMPFSCHUTZ ÜBERPRÜFEN

Informationen zur Anreise

Volunteers can arrive every Monday between 8.00 and 20.00. We will pick you up at the airport or ferry. Because it is an hour's drive, we ask volunteers who arrive the same day to take the same flights where possible. It is not possible to start at the project on another day than Monday. If you like to acclimatize before you start, you can of course arrive earlier and we will arrange a hotel for you in consultation with you.

April and May is rainy season on Zanzibar. Normally we are closed all month in May. However, if you want to come for a long internship, we can sometimes deviate from this.
Furthermore, the school is closed from the week of Christmas for 3 weeks.

Jan Feb Mär Apr Mai Jun Jul Aug Sep Okt Nov Dez


4 Wochen (Mindestaufenthalt) 892€
5 Wochen 1.116€
6 Wochen 1.339€
7 Wochen 1.562€
8 Wochen 1.785€
9 Wochen 2.008€
10 Wochen 2.231€
11 Wochen 2.454€
12 Wochen (Maximaler Aufenthalt) 2.677€
Durchschnittliche Gebühren 223€/Woche


223€ / Woche 4 - 12 Wochen Alter 18 - 50+


Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



4 - 12 Wochen


Mit der Anzahlung reservierst du deinen Platz beim Freiwilligenprogramm. Zahlungen werden von PayPal abgewickelt, unserem vertrauenswürdigen globalen Zahlungsanbieter. Falls du keinen PayPal Account hast, kannst du die Anzahlung auch mit einer Kreditkarte bezahlen.

Ausstehende Zahlung

Deine Restzahlung vereinbarst du mit More Africa während des Bewerbungsprozesses. Normalerweise handelt es sich um eine Banküberweisung oder eine Barzahlung am Projektstandort.

Lerne deine Organisation kennen

More Africa

Herausragend 4.9 rating (12 Bewertungen)

Non-profit - gegründet 2015

von Volunteer World verifiziert

  Unterdurchschnittliche Antwortrate

Veranstaltet von


Gesprochene Sprachen: Niederländisch, Englisch

Über die Organisation

More Africa is a special school for physical and/or mental disabled children in Paje, Zanzibar. We provide special education, physical therapy, daycare and medical care.

Lerne deine Organisation kennen

More Africa
More Africa is a non-governmental organization (NGO) on Zanzibar which focuses on children and young adults with physical and/or mental disabilities. The special school provides special education, physical therapy, medical help, training and daycare to children who aren’t allowed anywhere else because of their disability.

More Africa is a NGO founded in 2015 by the Dutch Ellen van Beers.
The main aim of More Africa is the special school, in order to provide every child the right to education, therapy and/or meaningful daytime activities. On Zanzibar, education, counseling or therapy for children/young adults with disabilities are not obvious. Parents often struggle with the fact that they want the best for their child, but the child cannot go anywhere and will not be accepted at regular schools. For these children, More Africa is there. We provide customized education, counseling and therapy.

Our approach
The More Africa school offers a nursery, primary and physical therapy department. Besides, More Africa offers job opportunities for young adults with disabilities from the age of 18 and older. In this way we strive to increase positive impacts of tourism and decrease the negative sides of tourism, by focussing on community based tourism.
The More Africa school offers these children and young adults the opportunity to develop themselves in a familiar and safe environment, as More Africa works with individual careplans and all children have their own personal goals they would like to achieve. 
More Africa is a progressive organization on Zanzibar when it comes to involving parents in the development, guidance and support of their child. More Africa is convinced that it is essential to involve parents in the development of the child. In this way parents can continue the development at home, in the familiar surroundings.

More Africa supports children and young adults with special needs in their development through physical therapy, training, special education and daycare. More Africa works with five departments:
1. Nursery
This group consists toddlers and children with major development delays. We prepare them for the primary school by teaching them basic scholar and social skills.
2. Primary school
This group consists of children who are not allowed in Zanzibar to go to a government school due to their disabilities
3. Daycare
More Africa offers daycare for children with severe mental disabilities. We offer these children education by experiential learning. This means that it is about education in which you allow children to gain as much experience as possible, so that they learn to experience and discover for themselves.
4. Physical Therapy
This group consists of children with multiple disabilities. We offer these children especially physical therapy and daycare through sensory stimulation. These children often have Cerebral Palsy.
5. 18+ Trainingprogram
More Africa offers a training programme for people with disabilities from the age of 18.
The training program prepares our employees to work within the hospitality sector. We teach our employees to work as security, gardener, bartender, chef or housekeeper. We believe that everyone has the ability to be a meaningful member of the community. In this way we create employment opportunities for people with disabilities.


12 Bewertungen · rating4.9

Worked on school for children with a disability. Liked it very much and went back a few times. First volunteering in 2015 The people are very friendly and always want to help you. There is a dormotory which is basic but good. The food is also ...
Lisette van der Sijde rating5

2019 at Physical Therapy for disabled children

My experiences as a pediatric physicaltherapist at More Africa. It was a great experience. The hospitality and open minded vision gave me the opportunity to use my expertise and experience from the past 30 years. Together with Ellen, we mapped the children well: what is the diagnosis, what are ...
Alinda Hofstra rating5

2019 at Social Work for Disabled Children

Within 1 year I have already been to the project twice. I enjoyed it so much and learned a lot. You get to know yourself well, the african culture, how to deal with the kids of More Africa. I definitely recommend it to everyone, if you are looking for a whole new special adventure, you should ...
Daan Ragbourn rating5

2019 at Social Work for Disabled Children

We have been able to help this great project for 2 months. It has made a huge impression on us. It is one of the few or maybe the only project that really does something for this target group and their parents, who need this help really bad. I really recommend everyone to come and support this pure ...
As the headline says: "experience for life". I had contact with the project as part of my graduation internship. Graduating abroad has always appealed to me. From the first moment of contact it felt quite at easy and welcome. During the preparation I was able to ask enough questions about the ...
Laura van der Ham rating5

2018 at Social Work for Disabled Children

During my time at More Africa I had the most wonderful time! It was a really exciting experience and I learned so much. The hostess was very nice and really took the time to let the kids get used to the ...


Afrika > Ostafrika > Tansania > Paje, Zanzibar

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