ab 375€

Sehr gut 4.3rating (93)

Animal Rescue Center Supporter

1 - 50 Wochen  ·  Alter 16 - 50+

rating  Sehr gut 4.3  · 
  von Volunteer World verifiziert
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  • Volunteer with Costa Rica's wildlife animals surrounded by beautiful and unique nature
  • Experience the rewarding feeling of saving wildlife by helping injured animals to get back on track
  • Meet like-minded volunteers from all over the world and build life-long friendships
  • aim to rehabilitate animals and give them the best possible conditions to recover from their physical and sometimes also mental injuries
  • Care, treatments, and retraining are within the responsibility of permanent staff, and volunteers can help depending experience

Besonders geeignet für

Alter 16+

Über das Programm

Experience the joy of nurturing, the satisfaction of knowing you're making a difference, and the warmth of these wonderful creatures' company. Come and join us!

Following the new standards of animal welfare and for respect to wildlife, we stand against the “petting zoo” idea, where time before, inexperienced volunteers handled animals indistinctly. This concept has changed recently, and is now an aspect under the new regulation of Costa Rican ...

Über das Programm

Following the new standards of animal welfare and for respect to wildlife, we stand against the “petting zoo” idea, where time before, inexperienced volunteers handled animals indistinctly. This concept has changed recently, and is now an aspect under the new regulation of Costa Rican Wildlife’s Law. This issue have made us look on how to improve our practices, and nowadays we do allow that volunteers with animal care or wildlife experience (nurses, veterinarians, biologists), and a time commitment long enough to be trained, help us with some of those tasks.

We stand that wild animals are sentient beings, under our responsibility, and not elements for the entertainment of people, and are the kind of values we want to share with our volunteers. For what we see the volunteer was expecting to have a different experience with the animals.

About sloth walks: In the same way of the other procedures, sloth walks are done for a reason, which is improve animal conditions, not just for mental enrichment, but to give them the opportunity to get back and reinforce climbing/hanging abilities that may help them under the possibility of a reintroduction, as well as help as mental and physical enrichment while their recovery. Similar to the aspect covered before, these procedures should be done by trained personnel, which is the reason why volunteers working at the hospital (vet team), are the ones leading the task. In order to enhance the volunteer experience, we allow regular volunteers to sign onto a list to accompany vet team volunteers while doing the sloth walk, so they can share some information on what’s the sloth walk about, and about the importance of reducing interaction with the animals while “training”. Working day hours at 7am– 3pm, turn on 7am-6pm, but then compelling for lack of activity at the evening

Working day hours at 7am– 3pm, turn on 7am-6pm, but then compelling for lack of activity at the eveningIn a regular day, the activity can run until 3pm, though there are times of the year or environmental conditions that pull us to increase our time commitment to be sure the animals are under good conditions. This is not a mandatory, as volunteers can get out of their working teams, to rest if desire.

In this time of the year, we are facing high temperatures in the region, so we need to keep animals cool, check water more than three times a day, and sometimes even change a little the feeding times, to avoid secondary issues. Most of the volunteers help us with these situations, and as I mentioned before, probably is about personal commitment. As an example, some volunteers help us with nocturnal animal feeding, or nursery activity, which represent an extra effort, as taking care of newborns or small baby animals that need to be under observation or fed very often, following a working schedule that extends to the evening and down . Of course, these tasks are developed by volunteers with other kind of commitment, and we respect entirely the decision of a volunteer if feel tired or don’t feel like want to participate on those.

Animal releasing: Every animal release should be coordinated with Costarrican wildlife agency. The regulation of Costa Rican wildlife Law has come into force since last February. This new regulation stands to divide Rescue Centers from Zoos, and change fundamentally the possibilities that can be done by each of those institutions. We (as other Costa Rican related institutions) have been forced to modify the scheme of the center, which under their suggestion was first to register the Zoo, and then the rescue center back. Contrary to what your client express, we are on the process, we have the Zoo accreditation complete, and the Rescue Center on it’s way.

Going a little deep, is important that the volunteers understand that the liberation of an animal is a process that take time, and not an act that can be done lightly. Under the new Costarrican wildlife regulation, we understand that animals that stay up to 72 hours on a rescue center are allowed to be released, while after this time, should be sent to the government agency to relocate on other institution.  In our case, part of the animals that we have in the center, have a history that doesn’t allow us to set them under a release program. Some of the animals came badly injured, or lost physical or behavioral abilities to live in the wild due to human interactions.

But even when the panorama looks difficult for the future of the reintroductions, we have some animals that with the permission of the wildlife agency are in the process to be released. But as you may imagine, those are animals that should be kept on a separated environment, without interactions with regular volunteers, in order to reduce human contact that may endanger their reintroduction opportunities.

Who we are looking for: Volunteers of all ages and with all levels of experience and education are welcome at the Rescue Center. Whether you're a veterinary student with a broad knowledge of animal medicine, or simply a person with a passion for saving wildlife; your help is what keeps our Rescue Center going. 

The location: The Rescue center's beautiful surroundings, kind staff and magnificent animals make volunteering at the Costa Rica animal rescue center a wonderful life - changing experience and keep our volunteers coming back year after year.


The daily tasks include:

  • Preparing food for the animals
  • Feeding the howler monkeys, capuchin monkeys, sloths, birds (Scarlet Macaws, parrots, owls, and others), olingo, and kinkajous
  • Cleaning animal enclosures
  • Cleaning the common areas
  • Giving extra attention to the orphaned young animals 
  • General tidying ...


The daily tasks include:

  • Preparing food for the animals
  • Feeding the howler monkeys, capuchin monkeys, sloths, birds (Scarlet Macaws, parrots, owls, and others), olingo, and kinkajous
  • Cleaning animal enclosures
  • Cleaning the common areas
  • Giving extra attention to the orphaned young animals 
  • General tidying of the Center (sweeping pathways, etc.)
  • Preparing toys and stimulating exercises for the animals
  • Caring for our resident dogs
  • And other great contributions you might have! We welcome creative initiative!

Typical Daily Schedule



8:45am: Morning meeting

8:45am: Start morning group tasks. This will usually be cleaning, giving water and food to the animals. Each animal enclosure needs raking/sweeping and scrubbing with water and disinfectant. You also need to remove the used food bowls and replace the water. You will not have do every animal enclosure instead you have a list of the animals you need to care for each day. Other morning tasks include food preparation, watering the garden and collecting and moving the compost. Sometimes you will need to do a water check around 11am to make sure none of the animals have spilled their water and need more.

Free time for projects (when finished)
12pm: Lunch  (vegetarian and vegan options available) 
Free time - popular time to be in the pool
1:30pm: Afternoon meeting
1:45pm: Start afternoon tasks. You will sometimes need to check the water in the enclosures and help prepare food for dinner.
4pm: Feeding time for some of the animals.
4:30pm: It will be one teams job to sort tree branches and place them into baskets for each animal that needs them (usually Monkeys and Sloths). Then you go to the enclosures and place the branches around for the animals to eat/play with.
6pm: Dinner
After dinner FREE TIME - Night activities like bonfires and games are planned


We believe that volunteers who work hard need to play hard as well! 
  • We have a swimming pool on our property surrounded by beach chairs for plenty of time to cool off.
  • Relax in one of our hammocks and read a good book or just relax with new friends and have a great conversation.
We also offer weekly ...


We believe that volunteers who work hard need to play hard as well! 
  • We have a swimming pool on our property surrounded by beach chairs for plenty of time to cool off.
  • Relax in one of our hammocks and read a good book or just relax with new friends and have a great conversation.
We also offer weekly adventure tours which are awesome. You can sign-up every week and travel with other volunteers to places around the country like: 
  • Jaco Beach
  • Manuel Antonio National Park
  • the Monteverde Cloud Forest
  • Arenal Volcano.
We provide private transportation for these tours at an additional cost to ensure both your safety and enjoyment. Also, we ensure you receive breakfast before leaving, lunch will be provided in some of the tours, dinner will be saved when you arrive home to Rescue Center. 
Volunteers have the weekend free to do different activities such as:

  • Surf Lessons
  • Spanish lessons
  • Tours by the city of Carribean Side , Puerto Viejo Town and Tortuguero Canales
  • hike to Volcanos like Arenal Volcano
  • visit Beaches
  • visit National Parks like Manuel Antonio and Monterverde
  • Horse Ride,  Canopy

We can help with reservations.



Mindestalter: 16 Jahre

Um an diesem Programm teilzunehmen, musst du mindestens 16 Jahre alt sein.


Du brauchst folgende Sprachkenntnisse: Spanisch (Grundkenntnisse) oder Englisch (Grundkenntnisse)


Es gibt keine Beschränkungen. Helfende Hände aus aller Welt sind willkommen.


Deine Hilfe wird an folgenden Tagen benötigt: Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag und Sonntag von 08:00 - 17:00



Dienstleistungen von Volunteer Now Costa Rica

Program fees includes: 

  • 3 daily meals
  • lodging
  • laundry and wifi
  • pool

Local transportation is not included.


Shared with other volunteers in our dorm style accommodation.

Private room with an extra cost.


Three meals a day: Breakfast, lunch and dinner, fruits, typical food from Costa Rica but we also have special food for vegans and vegetarians, GF, allergies volunteers.


Gute Verbindung vor Ort

Was ist NICHT inklusive?

Was ist NICHT inklusive?

Abholung vom Flughafen Juan Santamaria International Airport

Das Abholen vom Flughafen ist auch nicht in den Programmgebühren enthalten.


Der nächstgelegene Flughafen ist Juan Santamaria International Airport (SJO) in San Jose. Wir helfen dir günstige Flüge nach Costa Rica zu finden. FINDE GÜNSTIGE FLÜGE


Ins Ausland zu gehen ist ein Abenteuer, auf das man sich stets gut vorbereiten sollte. Plötzliche Krankheit oder Verletzung, Stornierung oder Diebstahl - eine Reiseversicherung für Costa Rica bietet die nötige Sicherheit. ANGEBOT EINHOLEN


Bevor du deine Freiwilligenarbeit in Costa Rica antrittst, solltest du dich noch einmal von deinem Arzt beraten lassen und deine erforderlichen Impfungen für Costa Rica überprüfen. IMPFSCHUTZ ÜBERPRÜFEN

Informationen zur Anreise

We work 365 days a year, you can arrive any day of the week but we do have a schedule for arrivals. 

Our Rescue Center will have its gates open from 6am till 10pm if you arrive after or before this schedule you'll need to wait for the next day or the next opening. 

We can provide and arrange your transportation to and from the airport with our trusted drivers if you'll like to but it would have an extra cost

Jan Feb Mär Apr Mai Jun Jul Aug Sep Okt Nov Dez


1 Woche (Mindestaufenthalt) 375€
2 Wochen 751€
3 Wochen 1.126€
4 Wochen 1.502€
5 Wochen 1.877€
6 Wochen 2.119€
7 Wochen 2.628€
8 Wochen 3.004€
9 Wochen 3.379€
50 Wochen (Maximaler Aufenthalt) 18.773€
Durchschnittliche Gebühren 375€/Woche


375€ / Woche 1 - 50 Wochen Alter 16 - 50+


Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



1 - 50 Wochen


Mit der Anzahlung reservierst du deinen Platz beim Freiwilligenprogramm. Zahlungen werden von PayPal abgewickelt, unserem vertrauenswürdigen globalen Zahlungsanbieter. Falls du keinen PayPal Account hast, kannst du die Anzahlung auch mit einer Kreditkarte bezahlen.

Ausstehende Zahlung

Deine Restzahlung vereinbarst du mit Volunteer Now Costa Rica während des Bewerbungsprozesses. Normalerweise handelt es sich um eine Banküberweisung oder eine Barzahlung am Projektstandort.

Lerne deine Organisation kennen

Volunteer Now Costa Rica

Sehr gut 4.3 rating (93 Bewertungen)

Non-profit - gegründet 2004

von Volunteer World verifiziert

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Veranstaltet von


Gesprochene Sprachen: Spanisch, Englisch

Über die Organisation

We are a major organization with more than 10 years of volunteer experience creating lifetime experiences amongst our participants.

Lerne deine Organisation kennen

VOLUNTEER NOW COSTA RICA is located in Escazu and Guanacaste, San Jose, Costa Rica. This is a family company that has been around since 2004 and enlisted the aid of hundreds of volunteers from all over the world, which come to our country to work on the ecological and social projects our company offers.

The further you have to travel to get here and the more eager you are to participate and learn about our great history and culture, the more we at Hospedaje Casa Escazu will appreciate and love you for your commitment to being the change in our great country. When you dedicate your time and effort to us, we promise to dedicate all of our resources to making sure your efforts make the greatest difference possible.

VOLUNTEER NOW COSTA RICA is located in Escazu City at 20 minutes from the airport Juan Santamaria.

We work with volunteers from different countries helping in the public Schools and Day Care Centers that don't have enough money to supply for the needs of the children that aren't supported by the Goverment.


  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Quality in our services
  • Reliability
  • Safety
  • Commitment
  • Trust
We say this because our goal with every day that passes and why we even became a business entity is to provide an enjoyable and eye opening experience for each volunteer the spends time with Hospedaje Casa Escazu in Costa Rica. At the same time we want to dramatically increase the quality of life for the local citizens and protect the natural beauty that in its self makes Costa Rica, the unique and enchanting place that it is.

93 Bewertungen · rating4.3

Maya DeCoux rating5

2024 at Animal Rescue Center Supporter

I’m in university and was only able to go volunteer for a few days, but I had the absolutely best time! I quickly got acclimated to the animal’s routines and fell in love with all or them almost instantly. Such sweet staff, volunteers, and of course the amazing rescued ...
evita barbera rating5

2024 at Animal Rescue Center Supporter

Il posto è molto accogliente, pulito e curato. La famiglia che lo gestisce è molto disponibile ad accogliere ogni richiesta (per tutti i pasti si può scegliere tra un menu regolare, vegetariano o vegano). L’esperienza è un qualcosa di meraviglioso e singolare. Fay la coordinatrice è una ...
Silja Orradottir rating5

2024 at Animal Rescue Center Supporter

I loved the program, best volunteer experience i have had. The work they do is so admirable, the coordinators are amazing and I definitely recommend this ...
Lesley Russel rating5

2024 at Animal Rescue Center Supporter

I have just finished a two week stint at the Costa Rica Animal Project. I have worked at several projects in different countries, and this one was one of the best! The family and staff at the project really care for the animals and look after them well - it was a pleasure to be part of this for a ...
Mairyann mairyann rating4.8

2024 at Animal Rescue Center Supporter

From the first moment we arrived until the last, we felt well taken care of and had a meaningful and enjoyable time. My grandson's goal was to get to take care of exotic birds and monkeys. He did get up close to the parrots and near one friendly monkey. Also met some cute sloths and raccoons ...
Stacie Nguyen rating3.8

2024 at Animal Rescue Center Supporter

I was at the animal rescue center for a week and though I really loved it, being able to help take care and feed the animals while making amazing new friends, I also felt really sad as I got to know more about the center (Like the release percentage is quite low there. I feel that the owner has ...


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