ab 1.140€
Cheetah and Wildlife Centre Supporter
- Daily feeding of the cheetahs and other animals
- Enjoy a break away in the south african bush, no city noises or other disturbances while you sit and listen to our lions roaring the night away
- Learn how to work with wildlife in a captive and wild situation
- You can choose to have your down time while sitting with the animals you were feeding and caring for earlier in the day.
- Have the opportunity to observe and study cheetah behaviour
Besonders geeignet für
Über das Programm
We specialize in cheetah and take great pride in our breeding project. We house over 30 cheetah (including king cheetah) and a variety of other wildlife.
About the Program
Your program is situated at the base of the Waterberg Mountain range on a beautiful 1000Ha farm that boasts a variety of fauna and flora.
Our main focus is on conserving the cheetah species and this with our breeding program. Our breeding is a precise science as we pride ourselves on ...
A day in the life of a volunteer starts with you waking up to the amazing sounds of the bush world and enjoying breakfast at the volunteer house which offers you the opportunity to see some of the free roaming animals walking past while waking up and getting ready for the day. After breakfast, we ...
We offer a number of free time activities off the property at the volunteers own expenses and cater towards to volunteers need to experience as much as they can during their stay with us. This can range from physical activities such as hiking, Golfing to adrenaline pumping paintball wars to visiting ...
Was ist NICHT inklusive?
Informationen zur Anreise
We prefer if volunteers can arrive at the airport on a monday morning so all new volunteers joining us can start together but if this is not possible we can start the program on any other day.
Lerne deine Organisation kennen
Feracare Wildlife Centre
Agentur - gegründet 2013
von Volunteer World verifiziert
Veranstaltet von
Über die Organisation
11 Bewertungen · 4.5
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