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Brilliant 4.70rating (114)

Shark Research & Conservation

2 - 4 Wochen  ·  Alter 18 - 50+

rating  Brilliant 4.7  · 
  von Volunteer World verifiziert
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  • Unique volunteer opportunity to have close encounters with Sharks and learn more about marine life.
  • Learn a new culture while volunteering and living in coastal South Africa.
  • Educate the public about the protection and conservation of marine life.


  • Unique volunteer opportunity to have close encounters with Sharks and learn more about marine life.
  • Learn a new culture while volunteering and living in coastal South Africa.
  • Educate the public about the protection and conservation of marine life.
  • Get to work alongside volunteers from all over the world.
  • Chances of seeing Great White Sharks in the natural habitat!

  • Besonders geeignet für

    Alter 18+

    Über das Programm

    Join our group of passionate scientists and field specialists to research many different shark species and help with their conservation in the shark capital of the world!

    Have you ever been fascinated by Sharks? Would like to learn more about them? Then travel to southern coast of South Africa and be part of this amazing volunteer experience! Volunteer and help marine biologists by conducting research and studies on Sharks help by conveying the information collected ...

    Über das Programm

    Have you ever been fascinated by Sharks? Would like to learn more about them? Then travel to southern coast of South Africa and be part of this amazing volunteer experience! Volunteer and help marine biologists by conducting research and studies on Sharks help by conveying the information collected to the public so that they may understand and change the way they think about these spectacular marine creatures! 


    The project’s main goal is to obtain voluntary support from foreign and local students by gathering them to focus and utilize all their energies, skills and passion for the betterment of Sharks and marine environment as well, while also providing the opportunity to discover and explore the marvelous South African rich and diverse coastlines. Volunteer for a minimum of 2 weeks up to a maximum of 4 weeks at this great project in South Africa! 

    Your Tasks

    Learn about scientific research techniques and skills, Shark biology and management, ecotourism, permitting and marine conservation! Apart from this you also gain more experience in data collection and offering assistance with building awareness about sharks and the protection and conservation of marine life! If you are looking to volunteer in an area that has access to all amenities with daily communication to family and friends, then this is the project for you! During your leisure time or days off there are endless activities to keep you occupied which includes; hiking & nature trails, boat trips, Whale watching, breath taking beaches, fishing and lots more!



    The help of volunteers is vital to the research of Sharks and their conservation along the coast of the southern cape near Capetown. Volunteers will be accompanying marine biologists, researchers and The project partners to help conserve the population of these amazing creatures and to education the ...


    The help of volunteers is vital to the research of Sharks and their conservation along the coast of the southern cape near Capetown. Volunteers will be accompanying marine biologists, researchers and The project partners to help conserve the population of these amazing creatures and to education the public especially the local children on the importance of conservation. As a volunteer at the project, you will expand your knowledge on marine life and the ocean itself and share what you learn with the locals. Some of your responsibilities include but is not limited to:
    • WORK ON LAMINADE (weather permitting) - Research boat, such work includes;Deploy and retrieve hydrophone buoy, Underwater load speaker setup, Record ambient noise, Data recording, Shark Spotting and Identification Photosrepping boat for trips/Unpacking after trips.
    • WORK WITH Shark Cage ADVENTURES (Project partner), such work includes; Interact with clients and discuss sharks, projects, shark conservation, Log individual sharks seen around the boat and Identification Photos.
    • WORK ON SHORE, such work includes; Database maintenance (when database is online), Prepping photos for insertion into database, Organizing data, Work on database (for volunteers with a background in computer code), Interact with clients and discuss sharks and projects, shark conservation.
    • Volunteers will receive training and participate in presentations regarding; The biology and behavior of sharks, Skills in shark identification, observation and research methods, Basic seamanship, Shark attacks and statistics, Shark tourism and encounters, Basic environmental legal framework that regulates the industry and Local environment and climate and prevailing winds.
    • Volunteers will provide hands on help and participate in; Frequent trips to sea (weather permitting), Preparing the tour and research boats and equipment, Eco-tourism, Shark spotting (above and below the water), Shark observation, identification and data collection, Data analysis and input into an identification database, Shark cage diving, Community outreach and activities and Innovative ways to promote compliance with the shark tourism code of conduct.


    This project is located in the western cape of South Africa in a small fishing close to Capetown. The town is a famous tourist destination where you will have access to all amenities including wifi and electricity. Surrounded by magnificent beaches, lagoons and mountains, this location offers ...


    This project is located in the western cape of South Africa in a small fishing close to Capetown. The town is a famous tourist destination where you will have access to all amenities including wifi and electricity. Surrounded by magnificent beaches, lagoons and mountains, this location offers volunteers the chance to enjoy the many restaurants, markets and shops. There are many activities that are famous with the many tourists that you can participate in. These include visiting animal parks, game reserves, shark cage diving, bungee jumping and so much more! 



    Mindestalter: 18 Jahre

    Um an diesem Programm teilzunehmen, musst du zu Programmbeginn mindestens 18 Jahre alt sein. Es kann Ausnahmen geben, wenn du die Erlaubnis deines/r Erziehungsberechtigten vorlegen kannst oder wenn du von deinen Eltern begleitet wirst


    Du brauchst folgende Sprachkenntnisse: Englisch (Fortgeschritten)

    Benötigte Unterlagen

    CV, Resume, Letter of Motivation, Two pics and Signed Policies and Liability form (provided during application process)


    Es gibt keine Beschränkungen. Helfende Hände aus aller Welt sind willkommen.


    Deine Hilfe wird an folgenden Tagen benötigt: Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag und Samstag von 08:00 - 15:00



    Dienstleistungen von Fronteering Travel

    The Fee includes:

    • Airport Pickup - Volunteers should arrange flights to Cape Town International Airport, South Africa. The project provides transfers from Cape Town International airport to accommodation in Cape Town where volunteers spend one night, following which they provide a transfer to Gansbaai the next morning. At the end of the stay they will then transport volunteers directly to Cape Town International Airport or to Cape Town if volunteers are continuing their travels elsewhere.
    • Accommodation - You will stay at the Volunteer accommodation provided by the project. The house is in Kleinbaai which is about a two minutes’ drive away from the Harbour. The accommodation consists of shared rooms holding up to 8 volunteers at a time, fully furnished, well equipped kitchen, TV & DSTV provided and Wifi included. Laundry Services is also provided.
    • Meals - Breakfast.
    • Ongoing service and 24/7 Emergency Contact

    Abholung vom Flughafen Cape Town International Airport

    You will arrive in beautiful Cape Town. There someone will be there to pick you up and you’ll then be transferred to your accommodation in Johannesburg where you will spend the night. Someone will then be there to pick you up and transfer your directly to the project.


    You will stay at the Volunteer accommodation provided by the project. The house is in Kleinbaai which is about a two minutes’ drive away from the Harbour. The accommodation consists of shared rooms holding up to 8 volunteers at a time, fully furnished, well equipped kitchen, TV & DSTV provided and Wifi included. Laundry Services is also provided. 


    Breakfast is included while lunches and dinners are not. Grocery prices in South Africa and eating is really affordable. 


    Gute Verbindung vor Ort

    Was ist NICHT inklusive?

    Was ist NICHT inklusive?


    Der nächstgelegene Flughafen ist Cape Town International Airport (CPT) in Cape Town. Wir helfen dir günstige Flüge nach Südafrika zu finden. FINDE GÜNSTIGE FLÜGE


    Ins Ausland zu gehen ist ein Abenteuer, auf das man sich stets gut vorbereiten sollte. Plötzliche Krankheit oder Verletzung, Stornierung oder Diebstahl - eine Reiseversicherung für Südafrika bietet die nötige Sicherheit. ANGEBOT EINHOLEN


    Bevor du deine Freiwilligenarbeit in Südafrika antrittst, solltest du dich noch einmal von deinem Arzt beraten lassen und deine erforderlichen Impfungen für Südafrika überprüfen. IMPFSCHUTZ ÜBERPRÜFEN

    Informationen zur Anreise

    There are no specific start dates for this project. The project is opened and available to all volunteers all year round!

    Jan Feb Mär Apr Mai Jun Jul Aug Sep Okt Nov Dez


    2 Wochen (Mindestaufenthalt) 2.626€
    3 Wochen 3.536€
    4 Wochen (Maximaler Aufenthalt) 4.346€
    Durchschnittliche Gebühren 1.199€/Woche


    1.199€ / Woche 2 - 4 Wochen Alter 18 - 50+


    Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



    2 - 4 Wochen


    Mit der Anzahlung reservierst du deinen Platz beim Freiwilligenprogramm. Zahlungen werden von PayPal abgewickelt, unserem vertrauenswürdigen globalen Zahlungsanbieter. Falls du keinen PayPal Account hast, kannst du die Anzahlung auch mit einer Kreditkarte bezahlen.

    Ausstehende Zahlung

    Deine Restzahlung vereinbarst du mit Fronteering Travel während des Bewerbungsprozesses. Normalerweise handelt es sich um eine Banküberweisung oder eine Barzahlung am Projektstandort.

    Lerne deine Organisation kennen

    Fronteering Travel

    Brilliant 4.7 rating (114 Bewertungen)

    Non-profit - gegründet 2010

    von Volunteer World verifiziert

      Ausgezeichnete Antwortrate

    Veranstaltet von


    Gesprochene Sprachen: Niederländisch, Englisch, Deutsch

    Über die Organisation

    Fronteering arranges volunteering programs related to wildlife and indigenous people in less visited places of this world as well as more unique destinations.

    Lerne deine Organisation kennen

    Fronteering arranges volunteering programs in some of the last frontiers of this world as well as more unique locations that other organizations ignore. From Field research programs in the Far north of Canada and Husky ranches in the Canadian Arctic to Amerindian community programs and wildlife conservation in the Amazon Rainforest and everything in between.

    Most of our programs Focus on either wildlife rehabilitation and release, wildlife conservation & research or involve local indigenous communities.

    Fronteering currently offers programs in Canada, Guyana, USA, Australia, Brazil, Borneo, South Africa, Madagascar and Panama.

    True good causes: FRONTEERINGS volunteer abroad projects are either existing local projects or projects that are build from the group up by FRONTEERING. What these projects have in common is that you will be supporting a true good cause! You will have the opportunity to help where the need is the greatest. Our projects focus on helping the local communities, wildlife, indigenous people and the environment in cooperation with the local/indigenous communities. We focus on true volunteer projects where your effort really makes a difference. That’s why through Fronteering you will rehabilitate injured & orphaned wildlife with the goal to release the animal. That is the reason why will not send you to some far southern country to cuddle with tame lions & tigers with any real purpose. If you want to volunteer abroad with a real purpose, contact us!

    Safety: At FRONTEERING we do our outmost best to provide the safety measures needed for our Volunteer Abroad projects and Adventure Travel Trips. However due to the fact that many of our projects and trips involve wild animals and/or are in remote locations there is a small element of risk involved. Not all of our projects and trips are for the faint at heart however we do cater to those of all walks of life. If you are not too sure about the suitability of a Volunteer Abroad project or an Adventure Travel trip then feel free to ask as we are always ready to answer any questions or discuss any doubts that come to mind. For more information please check our Safety & In-country Support section before you volunteer abroad.

    A real adventure: We do not want our volunteers to end up trying to safe or clean up some small patch of rainforest which in some places they might call a wilderness. Instead you will volunteer in the immense jungle of the Amazon rainforest or venture in to the vast Canadian wilderness! Our volunteer abroad projects are situated in the remote areas of the world and we focus on countries and regions with the lowest population densities. We at FRONTEERING focus on what works; from sleeping in the jungle underneath the stars with nothing more than your own private hammock to back-to-basic cabins in the northern tundra with a cozy smothering fireplace and no electricity! When you volunteer abroad with FRONTEERING you can be sure it will be adventure.

    Off the beaten path: With FRONTEERING volunteer abroad projects you will venture to places less visited. We focus on places that are fairly undiscovered where the nature, wildlife and indigenous cultures are still common. You will have the great opportunity to see these amazing places while they are still unspoiled and pure. It is these places where there is the most to lose but even more to gain through successful conservation work and sustainable tourism. 

    Community involvement: Foremost when volunteering abroad the well being of the community should come first. For all of our trips we use local guides, local transportation and local communities so that through sustainable tourism we can help to protect the environment, wildlife and sustain the way of life of indigenous cultures & communities. More and more and governments choose the long term benefit of sustainable tourism over the short term gain of mining and logging. A good example is Gabon which in 2002 after recommendations from environmental researchers set up 13 new national parks. The government of Guyana is currently considering protecting its entire rainforest region which still covers 80% of the country. Hopefully through our combined effort this dream will one day become true.

    FRONTEERING specializes in organizing volunteer abroad projects to preserve the environment, wildlife and indigenous people throughout the world while giving the volunteers a real and raw experience in some of the most beautiful and often remote places in the world to make a true difference.

    FRONTEERING strives to provide real off the beaten path volunteer abroad experiences worldwide that satisfy the need for volunteer projects that truly makes a difference for the environment, wildlife and indigenous people.

    114 Bewertungen · rating4.7

    Cyril Schattmann rating5

    2023 at Shark Research & Conservation

    You’re out on boats helping with real science—tagging sharks, taking photos, and learning about these incredible creatures. It’s hands-on! The best part was the many different species of sharks we got to work with.. You also get to learn so much, not just about sharks but about the whole ...
    Lindsey Wellington rating5

    2024 at Wolf Caretaker

    Volunteering through Fronteering at the mammal rescue center in Ontario was an unforgettable experience. Every day was hands-on, whether it was feeding orphaned animals, cleaning enclosures, or helping with medical care. The work was tough, especially during busy seasons, but seeing an animal ...
    泽宇 张 rating5

    2024 at Wild Takhi Research & Conservation

    The national park is spectacular! We went for an outing every morning for wild Takhi observation every morning. Having a moment in your lifetime in the wild with all the nature surrounding you is probably the most wonderful experience. The accommodation managers and staffs are super helpful and ...
    Carol Breen rating5

    2024 at Raptors & Owls Caretaker

    I spent 8 weeks, 5 days a week, 7 hours a day volunteering with this organization. It was so worthwhile! They not only rescue injured raptor, but they rehabilitate as many as possible and get them back to where they were rescued in order to release them in the same place. They have a network of ...
    Jana Huttel rating5

    2024 at City Wildlife Rehab Caretaker

    Volunteering at the Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Center in Vancouver was an amazing experience. The staff were so dedicated and made sure I felt supported and trained for everything I did. I got to help with feeding, cleaning enclosures, and even releasing animals back into the wild—it was ...
    Volunteering with the dolphin center in western Australia, was super experience. My days were filled with observing dolphins in their natural habitat, assisting with research, and engaging the local community in conservation efforts. The program was arranged well and quickly by Fronteering. This ...


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