Involvement Volunteers IVI

  Verificado por Volunteer World






años de actividad

IVI are a non profit org with 28 years experience providing responsible volunteer placements in 15 countries worldwide. We help you connect with inspiring opportunities

Involvement Volunteers International delivers positive social change to developing communities and vulnerable populations through local, national & international volunteering.  Our projects empower the skilled & un-skilled to catalyse the efforts of local partners in creating a better world.

WHO WE ...

Descripción de la reseña

Involvement Volunteers International delivers positive social change to developing communities and vulnerable populations through local, national & international volunteering.  Our projects empower the skilled & un-skilled to catalyse the efforts of local partners in creating a better world.


Founded in 1989, IVI is a pioneer of overseas volunteering.  Back when there was no internet and phones were a luxury in many parts of the world, we traveled to developing countries in search of credible NGO's in need of manpower and global volunteer resources.  Some of the many relationships we forged are utilized to this day. 

We are passionate about volunteering and giving back to society and in particular developing communities which are less fortunate than us.  In this way, we combine travelling with volunteering to help people make a positive impact overseas.

All of IVI’s projects have a strong social element at the core.  With more manpower (& womanpower!) we can truly catalyse the efforts of our local partners.  This means you're sure to meet loads of like-minded people from all parts of the world.   This type of experience truly broadens your understanding of the world and yourself, opening your heart to new enlightened ways of thinking .   With your new found travel companions, you'll have plenty of opportunity to explore and have fun!  

Our projects create a unique platform to experience the true heart and soul of a destination rather than simply the tourist areas.   We'll involve you in meaningful & responsible volunteer work that really benefits the local communities.

As a non profit org, we are not motivated by shareholder profits.  Our fee structure is fully transparent to ensure volunteers hard earned money is going directly to the areas where it is most needed.  It is vitally important to us that the presence of volunteers has a positive and sustainable impact on the local communities we work with.   

We charge a one off US$275 application fee per volunteer to cover the running of IVI including administration overheads, project inspection costs, marketing, and salaries.

The program fee starts at $150 p/week and goes straight to the in country management to cover arrival airport transfers, on the ground coordination, orientation, accommodation, meals, in country 24/7 project support, project development, donations and related administration costs.   

In comparison to many of our competitors, our programs are incredible value.

With approx 80-90% of our volunteers being single young female travelers, volunteer safety is of the utmost importance.  All of our projects include a dedicated 24/7 in-country management support contact as well as a dedicated placement manager pre/post journey.  This ensures you will be cared for every step of the way.    The local teams are highly experienced and qualified to manage emergency situations.

All IVI projects have been personally inspected to ensure the standards meet necessary guidelines for quality and safety.  In addition, we monitor and maintain communication with local embassies to oversee potential issues in order to notify volunteers and their families accordingly.   

Our Australian team are available 24/7 and only a phone call away.

Our responsibility also extends to the local people which is why volunteers working in childcare related fields must provide a criminal background check before they travel.   Our ultimate goal is the long term development of the communities we work with, hence we work closely with our local partners to ensure that projects are needs driven and sustainable. 


From your very first inquiry, right through to your welcome home, you'll have the same dedicated volunteer manager at every stage.  We are experts in the field and will provide you in depth insights about what to expect and how to prepare to ensure you have an amazing experience overseas.  Every project includes a detailed welcome pack which provides all aspects needed such as in country contacts, what to pack, cultural values, basic language guides and much much more.   

On arrival at your destination, you'll be greeted by one of our in-country team and in many cases 1 week orientation is provided to help ease you into the way of life and ensure you're equipped with the right customs to ensure a successful volunteer abroad experience.  

Volunteering abroad is quite possibly the most rewarding experience you will have in your life!   We know this not only through our own experiences, but through the testimonies from thousands of volunteers we have successfully placed worldwide over 27+ years in operation.  Volunteering overseas is not only rewarding.   It's fun!   You're meeting new people, you're seeing new sights, and you're expanding your understanding of yourself and the world.  You're experiencing something real and life changing in many ways...  


Persona de contacto

Lauren Lacey

Idiomas hablados: Inglés
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Involvement Volunteers IVI reseñas

What a fantastic trip. Getting the opportunity to live in a village for a week was so incredibly special, and all of our hosts quickly became like family. The work itself was challenging at times but very rewarding, and I felt like we were making a difference within the communities that we worked ...
The team of us who were placed in Moala were instantly taken in by the family we were living and were made to feel part of the family. I am grateful for this experience, for the people I met and for the wonderful people who cared for us throughout the 2 weeks. This trip has inspired me to pursue ...
What an incredible experience to be able to live in amongst the island community, fully immersed in village life. I really really enjoyed my stay and it was so amazing to explore the island in my free time. In the classroom, it was mostly helping kids one on one with the work assigned by the ...
I am so blessed to have been lead by amazing dietician and naturopathic professionals who have inspired what I hope to be in this field one day. Words and pictures could never capture how life changing this experience was, and what beautiful souls these people hold. Pictures also don’t capture how ...
There were so many highlights to this trip! However the one that stood out the most was living in Moala village for one week. The team of us who were placed in Moala were instantly taken in by the family we were living and were made to feel part of the family. The people we visited in Moala, Yako ...
Elke Wiget-Schwartz rating5,0

2024 at Animal Care and Shelter

"A fantastic and varied experience at the animal shelter with a welcoming team of colleagues. The shelter provides a meaningful opportunity to get involved in animal care, while also offering a unique insight into the daily life and culture of Fiji. It’s the perfect experience for anyone who is ...

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Involvement Volunteers IVI enfoque del proyecto

UN Sustainable Development Goals

  • Zero Hunger
  • Good Health And Well-Being
  • Quality Education
  • Gender Equality
  • Decent Work And Economic Growth
  • Reduced Inequalities
  • Sustainable Cities And Communities
  • Climate Action
  • Life Below Water
  • Life On Land
  • Peace, Justice And Strong Institutions
  • Partnerships For The Goals