Ambue Ari is a Wildlife Sanctuary that cares for over 70 animals, of more than 20 different species, specialising in the care of large felines. Gegevens >
Vrijwilligerswerk in Bolivia
Stand up for animal welfare. Work as a volunteer in this wonderful animal sanctuary. Take care of local wildlife, learn about their species and make an important impact. Gegevens >
We develop programs aimed at social development, the prevention of violence, the protection and defense of children who are victims of violence. Gegevens >
Assist therapists, work with the nurses, help the doctors, give support and advice, care for children and patients. Support this health care center for the poor! Gegevens >
We are looking for a Plant Medicine Inventory Project. Working with a local informant, we will identify, photograph, and help write a guide to Aquicuana Reserve’s plants Gegevens >
Help to take care of wildlife rescued animals from illegal traffickers in Bolivia as a conservation volunteer! Our animals are happy for every helping hand. Gegevens >
Volunteer with rescued animals at one of our 3 Wildlife Sanctuaries in the Bolivian Amazon. Gegevens >
In this volunteer program you will help disadvantaged children in Bolivia. You will take care of them, play with them, educate them, and organize fun activities for them. Gegevens >
Help the animals and protect endangered wildlife! Support this jungle sanctuary by preparing food for the animals, cleaning cages, and assisting with general maintenance. Gegevens >
Help out with teaching, construction, workshops, education or childcare in a vital social-community. Gegevens >
The residency is for artists who can adapt and work independently on their project and develop their own network of contacts in Riberalta. Gegevens >
All-round volunteers needed in a daycare center for children of sexworkers Gegevens >
Volunteers needed to help out in a NGO supporting victims of abuse in Cochabamba/Bolivia Gegevens >
Working in a daycare-center for children with imprisoned parents in Cochabamba/Bolivia Gegevens >
Take care of rescued animals and creat a semi-libral habitat for them. Monkeys, birds and other endangered species found a new home here. Gegevens >
Several bird species have been kept by humans illegally, and can therefore no longer live in their natural habitat. You can help them. Gegevens >
The foundation works with residential care centers for children in Cochabamba, implementing projects related to health, vocational training or the environment Gegevens >