Be part of and spearhead a variety of community and reforestation projects in a tropical beach town. Join the fun & make a difference in beautiful Matapalo, Costa Rica! Gegevens >
Vrijwilligerswerk in Milieubescherming

Engage in environmental education, sustainability efforts, and vital tasks like beach cleanups, seed collection, and renovation work in beautiful Iceland! 🌱 Gegevens >
MRCI’s Forest Conservation Program involves long-term monitoring of the forest on Nosy Komba Island as well as the diversity and abundance of its endemic wildlife. Gegevens >
Since many beaches and mountains are not yet adequately protected from an environmental point of view, the support of volunteers is required. Gegevens >
Combat climate change and the affects of deforestation by growing seedlings, planting trees and working alongside the local communities on educational outreaches. Gegevens >
It is an area of spectacular natural beauty, our aim is to protect the Forestry and keep the Arctic Ocean clean. Gegevens >
Safeguard the Amazon's magic! Volunteer to protect its vital ecosystems. Be part of the solution! 🌿. Gegevens >
Help preserve Costa Rica's breathtaking nature, protect local wildlife and educate day visitors. Enjoy dream beaches, deep forest and Costa Rican PURA VIDA! 🇨🇷 Gegevens >
Travel to the Seychelles and engage in crucial conservation initiatives alongside one of the leading marine & terrestrial data collection organisations. 🇸🇨 Gegevens >
Help protect the nature and raise awareness of sustainability among the locals and visitors in beautiful Iceland. Together with other international volunteers! Gegevens >
Support a women's group with beach-clean ups, water filtration and tree planting on the way to financial independence in Zanzibar Gegevens >
Volunteer to help us monitoring nesting beaches, locate/protect sea turtle nests, help the baby sea turtles reach to sea, and raise awareness on our Sea Turtle Projects Gegevens >